Agreeing to create bad games, what the hell is 'Titanfall'?


Title: Agreeing to create bad games, what the hell is 'Titanfall'?

Synopsis: The goal is to grow and excel! Create brilliance once again! ... When the laid-back CEO encounters the eccentric designer, the company's style gradually becomes abstract. "What happened to the promised mech game? What is this 'Titanfall nonsense?" "What about the supposed lack of market for horror games? What's the deal with this 'Escape'?" "You said the sequel to the shooter would be an easy profit, and now you want to remake 'Call of Duty'?" As she looked at the profitable financial report, Shen Miaomiao's mind buzzed. Unable to make a single cent of profit, she could only make a firm decision. "Starting now, let's torment the players!" She refused to believe that she couldn't spend that money. Hearing this, Gu Sheng unfolded a detailed plan in his hands. "Boss, take a look—Dark, Blood, Benevolence, Wolf... which one should we start with?"...



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