Ch 19-20

 [Sorry due to being too busy, I can only translate 2 chapters.]

(Please most of the names appearing here are playful and joking names. Some names are fron famous people while some just are nonsense. So I wont explain these names. You can search them yourself.)

Chapter 19 - Hidden Achievement: The First Pot of Gold!

"What the heck is this Lu Bu?!" 

"Lord Fengxian's bloodline awakens!"

"Lu Bu among men, stabbing his adoptive father."

"Youth version of the Sky Piercing Halberd (referring to a fruit knife)."

"Hahaha, this is absurd..."

"Our boss is really considerate, even included a Cao Cao commemorative knife set."

"Being the boss's dad is really a tough job..."

"I'm not dealing with Dong An's parents! Not. Dealing. With. Them."

"Ah Cui had quite the experience today, fully immersed in Dong Zhuo's joy."

"And you call that joy?"

"Hahaha, this is absurd..."

Bullet comments burst into laughter!

Ah Yin and Tree Brother were laughing so hard tears were streaming down their faces.

Like an electronic plague.

This carnival of absurdity, starting with Liu Peiqie's short video, quickly spread throughout the entire gaming community!

Numerous streamers joined in this abstract and silly father-son role-playing game!

Chaos ensued!

Streamers from the single-player area, Shiliu Liu and Zhuangzhuang, shouted—

"Sis Jie! Sis Jie! Can we drink this thing? Glug glug glug—"

"Put it down! Put it down, Zhuangzhuang! That's toilet cleaner! You can't drink that, you foolish child!"

Streamers from the singing section, Boluo and Sister Zhou, exclaimed—

"Baby! Bobo! That's an oven! You can't go in there!"

"I won't! Stop—no one can control me today! Get lost!"

"How can you use such foul language, child!"

"Because I lack manners, Mom!"

Even the small station's Lao Ju and Sanren chimed in—

"Shocked the hell out of me! Quick, help me, Sanren! I'm pinned under the barbell!"

"Where are you, where are you? Oh, oh, I found you! I'm coming! I'll save you!"

"Then do something already! My face is turning purple! I'm about to pass out!"

"It's not that, it's not that! I can't find the interaction key! How am I supposed to lift the barbell?"

"I don't know either!"

"Damn, didn't you already fully understand this game?!"

"What the heck, why are you lying on the ground, hahaha..."

"I pressed the wrong button, haha. Well, let me knock one out for you too, safe journey, hahaha..."

Taking off.

Just as Gu Sheng had said.

A game aiming to go viral not only requires standout gameplay, but also a moment for the bullets to fly.

And once this bullet hits the market, its influence will gallop like a runaway horse!

In just a day!

The initial setback of "Who's the Daddy" was turned around!

In the blink of an eye, a week passed!

In just 6 days and 23 hours, with 58,700 copies sold, it broke the record of 29,000 copies in a single week set by "Cat Mario"!

Although the first week's sales have not yet been finalized.

But the total sales of 293,500 yuan are enough to make "Who's the Daddy" stand out on the platform.

Winning the championship on the weekly best-selling list of small and medium-sized games on the Art Game platform is already a certainty!

As the news spread, the excitement of the Gu Sheng brothers was evident!

President Shen Miaomiao pounded her chest and stomped her feet in frustration!

Where's the justice in this!

They're just picking on honest people!

That lousy game, it's already bugged in front of you players!

And yet you still bought it!

Shen Miaomiao found herself increasingly unable to understand the players' mindset.


"I'm so foolish... really..."

On the day of the first week's conclusion, Shen Miaomiao didn't go to the company. Instead, she focused on murmuring to herself at home:

"I only knew that the darn game had poor quality, but I didn't expect that abstract gameplay would be so appealing to players,"

"If only... sigh..."

"I'm so foolish... really..."

That night, Shen Miaomiao, who had just finished washing up, combed her hair while cosplaying as Xianglin Sao.

And just at this moment, her phone rang.

Lazily opening her eyes, she saw that it was a call from Chu Qingzhou.

"Hello, Chu Chu...?"

Shen Miaomiao answered the call, sounding listless.

On the other end of the line, Chu Qingzhou's heart skipped a beat!


Why does Miss sound like she's about to die!

"Um... Miss Shen, are you okay?"

Chu Qingzhou asked with some concern:

"Weren't you just having a cold? Why do you sound so down?"


Upon hearing this, Shen Miaomiao chuckled bitterly in her heart.

After losing one hundred and ten thousand consecutively, can you still be lively and energetic?

After a moment of silence, Shen Miaomiao mustered up a bit of spirit:

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit drained... Is there something you need?"

"If it's about sales, you don't need to report to me anymore, I have an idea."

Lately, Shen Miaomiao really didn't want to hear anything about the company's profits.

Her heart couldn't take it.

"It's not that,"

On the other end of the call, Chu Qingzhou smiled:

"We've secured the top spot in sales for this week, no doubt about it,"

"I called you for a different reason," she continued.

"Oh..." Shen Miaomiao's enthusiasm was lacking: "What's the matter?"

Chu Qingzhou's voice on the phone carried a hint of excitement:

"The situation you predicted earlier has happened!"


Shen Miaomiao was taken aback.

The situation I predicted?

Apart from losses, what else did I predict?

"What situation?" Shen Miaomiao was puzzled.

"Just like you said before, we stayed put, and Art Game Platform naturally approached us!"

Chu Qingzhou exclaimed excitedly:

"Exactly as you anticipated!"

"We consecutively secured the first-day and weekly sales crowns for small and medium-sized games, catching the attention of the Art Game Platform,"

"Just now, the head of the market department at Art Game Platform called me,"

"They want to invite us to participate in this season's 'Small Game Development Festival'!"


Shen Miaomiao was astonished!

Is everyone crazy!

I was just speaking casually!

Mainly, I was just looking for a reason to decline Gu Sheng's promotion request!

How can this be...

Looking at her wide-eyed reflection in the mirror, she couldn't believe it.

Shen Miaomiao fell into contemplation.

Could it be that my system is about speaking and having it become reality, rather than investment returns?

After three seconds of silence, Shen Miaomiao asked with a mix of laughter and tears:

"What's this Small Game Development Festival?"

"It's an event organized by the Art Game Platform specifically for small games,"

Chu Qingzhou, who had researched it, answered:

"Many companies and individual designers will participate. Hundreds of small games will compete on the same stage,"

"Games will be free during the event period,"

"Finally, outstanding works will be promoted based on public voting."

Originally, Shen Miaomiao wanted to refuse on the spot!

She absolutely cannot participate in such an event!

This is a promotional event!

She would rather have her game rot in the factory, avoiding promotion altogether. How could she possibly take the initiative to join such an event!


One sentence from Chu Qingzhou sparked her curiosity—

[During the event, games are free for a limited time]


Suddenly, Shen Miaomiao felt that this event might offer an opportunity.

"How long does this event last?"

Shen Miaomiao asked.

"Two weeks, fourteen days."

Chu Qingzhou replied.


Shen Miaomiao nodded:

"Give me some time to think."

After saying that, she hung up the phone and immediately summoned the system in her mind!

"Hey, hey, hey! Stat Brother! Wake up! How do we calculate the expected settlement date for this event? Is it still 7 days?"

After a moment!

The system responded—

[Reply to the host: Detecting a fixed non-profit period in this event, the rebate settlement time will be extended accordingly, estimated to be 30 days]


Shen Miaomiao's face turned dark.

Forget it.

Free promotion for fourteen days, settlement in thirty days, a gap of half a month in between.

Who knows what kind of crazy things Gu Sheng's game might do in that half month!

Better not take the risk.


As Shen Miaomiao was about to reject the idea, fearing the event, a crisp sound from her mind alerted her:

[Ding! Time's up! Investment settlement for this round is complete!]

[Project: Who's the Daddy]

[Investment amount: 100,000 yuan]

[Rebate amount: 0 yuan]

[Remaining settlement time: 0 (settled)]

[Detected total investment amount exceeding 100,000 yuan, with a rebate of 0! Hidden achievement unlocked - First Pot of Gold!]

[Achievement reward: Settlement Time Reduction Card]

[Reward has been issued, the host can use it anytime]

Chapter 20 - Rapid Loss in 1 Hour!

What the heck?!

My system actually has a hidden achievement system?

Shen Miaomiao was surprised!

Is this compensation for my two failed rebates?

Oh no, that's not right.

After re-reading the system's prompt, Shen Miaomiao understood.

In fact, this investment rebate system encourages her to make successful investments.

The main function of the system is to safeguard her investments, ensuring that even if she fails, she won't be completely bankrupt and can recover.

In plain terms, the system is like a safety net.

It's just that she, a lazy fish, is using it for something sinister.

But so what!

Shen Miaomiao shrugged and pouted, with a "I couldn't care less" expression.

She has already had two successful investments, and the total rebates received from those didn't even cover one loss!

In life, there are only a few opportunities to take a risk!

Take a risk once and a bicycle becomes a motorcycle! Take a gamble and a motorcycle becomes a Land Rover!

Intentionally making losses is the way to wealth!

With that in mind, Shen Miaomiao brought up the [Settlement Time Reduction Card] in her mind.

The card read—

[Explanation: After use, this card will randomly shorten the settlement time.]

The card's instructions were simple.

However, the line of small text below caught Shen Miaomiao's attention—

[(Note: If settlement is successful, it may affect the determination of subsequent achievements. Use cautiously)]

After pondering it twice, Shen Miaomiao nodded, understanding.

If her guess was correct, the system's achievement rewards should all be based on her successful investments.

One successful investment unlocks the "First Pot of Gold."

Two successful investments unlock a certain achievement, followed by ten, twenty, a hundred, and so on.

And once she experiences a failed investment in the middle and receives a rebate, the achievement system counter would reset.

So, her previous judgment should be correct—

The original intention of the system is to encourage her to make successful investments—don't fail! Don't intentionally make losses!


Shen Miaomiao disdainfully chuckled.

You're underestimating the determination of a lazy fish.

Am I going to let go of the chance to make big money while making losses, just to make a small profit from successful investments?

Success? What a load of crap!

I'm a pure gambling addict!!!

With this in mind!

Shen Miaomiao took out the Reduction Card without any psychological burden, and then with a thought!

The next second!

The Reduction Card disintegrated in her consciousness, turning into a burst of golden light.

Immediately after, a crisp sound rang in her mind!

[Ding! You have successfully used the Settlement Time Reduction Card!]

[Random time reduction extraction completed. Your next investment settlement time is shortened by—]

[15 days, 22 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds!]

What the hell!!!

Shen Miaomiao exclaimed!

Directly reducing it by 15 days?!

Oh no!

To be precise, it's 15 days and 23 hours!

So, does this mean I can initiate a project on the spot, lose money on the spot, and get a rebate on the spot?!

Thinking this, Shen Miaomiao grabbed her phone and was about to call Gu Sheng to approve an immediate project, just create something randomly, and throw a few hundred thousand into it.

This way, she'd instantly have a few million more in her account!


The system seemed to sense her thoughts and immediately issued a prompt—

[(Note: The reduced time must be shorter than the estimated rebate settlement duration of the project, otherwise it may cause errors and render the system ineffective)]

Shen Miaomiao:...

I knew money couldn't be lost that easily.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Shen Miaomiao began to reconsider how to use the 15 days and 23 hours of time reduction.

It seemed that the best option now was to participate in the "Art Game Small Game Development Festival" that Chu Qingzhou had just mentioned.

According to the system's estimate, if their company's project participated in this development festival, the settlement time would be 30 days.

With the time reduction card in her hand, she could directly subtract 15 days and 23 hours.

Add to that the 14-day free trial period as stipulated by the platform...

It would be 29 days and 23 hours!

Oh wow!

Shen Miaomiao's eyebrows raised!

In other words, the actual settlement time for this project would be just 1 hour!

Holy cow!!!

After some calculations, Shen Miaomiao became ecstatic and jumped out of bed in excitement!

Lose money rapidly in just one hour!

Even if Gu Sheng's game is fun and well-promoted by streamers, there's no way it could turn a profit in just one hour!

This is it!

I've hit the jackpot with this one!!!

Thinking this, Shen Miaomiao immediately called Chu Qingzhou back and gave her approval on the spot!

"Chu Chu, you need to call Art Game Platform right now!"

Shen Miaomiao didn't bother pretending to be Xianglin Sao, her voice full of excitement as if she were Earth God raising a pitchfork under the moonlight, her gaze burning:

"Tell them we're honored to receive their invitation, and we'll participate in the game festival on time!"


Shen Miaomiao regained her confidence and excitedly made the decision, her voice full of enthusiasm.

On the other end, in the office of the deputy general manager of Starlight Games, another voice was equally high-pitched—


"You're reporting this kind of result to me?!"


With a roar, the sales summary report slammed onto the desk with a loud noise, causing the man across the desk to involuntarily shrink his neck.

Inside the office, sat a portly middle-aged man with a slight bald spot, his anger evident:

"Fantasy Domination! Such a powerful IP! It dominated the Art Game Bestseller List for a solid three months before!"

"How could the sequel turn out like this?"

"Let a garbage game that's gone through its honeymoon phase surpass you with 150,000 in sales?!"

"Jiang Yun, many people told me before that you're running out of ideas, and I didn't believe them."

"I handed this IP back to you, gave you a chance to continue it, and this is the result you give me?!"

A barrage of criticism!

The man named Jiang Yun opened his mouth as if to speak, but stopped himself.

Jiang Yun was at a loss for words.

Admittedly, he was the creator behind the once popular "Fantasy Domination."

With this work, he gained fame and became one of the well-known game designers in the Chinese industry.


Jiang Yun was not one to rest on his laurels.

After the success of "Fantasy Domination," Jiang Yun actively prepared for a transition, wanting to launch another action-adventure game. However, his efforts were ruthlessly rejected by the company.

The reason? The company questioned why he was focusing on new risky projects instead of sticking with the successful sequel.

But that wasn't the end of it.

Chen Hang, the plump vice president, was a money-minded individual. After witnessing the success of "Fantasy Conquest," he not only demanded a rushed sequel but also introduced aggressive monetization changes. He replaced character rewards with a lottery system and turned map exploration rewards into first-time purchase bonuses. Even the flashy awakening effects of certain characters were cut and offered as paid extras, encouraging players to spend money.

As a result, the failure of "Fantasy Domination 2" was no surprise to Jiang Yun. He had seen it coming.

Realizing this, Jiang Yun had nothing more to explain. He could only sigh silently and nod:

"I didn't do well enough, I'm sorry, General Chen."

As usual.

Once again, Jiang Yun chose to swallow his pride.


He didn't want to leave, and he couldn't leave Starlight Games.


This novel will only be updated on Monday. Every Monday, 5 chapters will be released at once.

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