Ch 13

 Chapter 13: "Who's Your Daddy"

As noon approached, Chu Qingzhou finally returned to the Golden Wind Game. She had rushed back with the intention of conducting interviews with Shen Miaomiao and to see who the talented individuals recommended by Gu Sheng were.

However, to her surprise, by the time she arrived at the company, the contracts had already been signed!

Chu Qingzhou sighed inwardly at Shen Miaomiao's impulsive decision, but since it had already happened, she could only accept it with resignation.

She decided to meet the two new hires and offer her greetings. After all, they would be working together in the future, and it would be good to have a proper introduction.

Thinking so, Chu Qingzhou greeted Shen Miaomiao and then proceeded to Gu Sheng's office.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard voices inside the room:

"I'm your father."

"How about you be my father? It's more appropriate."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Who's your daddy?"

"Are you my daddy?"

"I'm your daddy, right?"

"How about we settle it with 'Who's Your Daddy'? I think it sounds good..."

Listening to the discussion inside the room, Chu Qingzhou was dumbfounded!

What on earth were they talking about?!

Is it about ethical issues?

Why would they be discussing who is whose father?

It sounded like they were debating their family hierarchy!

What was this?

A live session of identifying their fathers?

Do they have some kind of mental problem?

I remember that we were hiring based on resumes, right?

Why do these three individuals sound like they came in with medical cases?

For a moment!

Chu Qingzhou couldn't help but question life.

She even took a few steps back and glanced at the office nameplate next to Gu Sheng's door.

Game Director's Office - Golden Wind Game.

That's correct, right?

This is our company, not a hospital ward, right?

After a while, Chu Qingzhou's hand, which was about to knock on the door, slowly fell down. Listening to the ridiculous discussion about "Who's Your Daddy," her eyes were filled with helplessness, and even a touch of despair.

Forget it.

Let's not disturb these three individuals' lunatic conversation.

What if they bite people?

Company is important, but life is even more precious.

Chu Qingzhou nodded to herself.

I'll just keep my distance from these people.

I don't want to catch whatever they have.


"...Then let's call it 'Who's Your Daddy.'"

Inside the office.

After an enthusiastic discussion among the three, the name of the new game project was decided: "Who's Your Daddy."

The name cleverly matched the gameplay and also brought a smile to the faces of players who had experienced the game.

"As for the main programming, I'll leave it to you, Bian'er," Gu Sheng said, addressing Lu Bian.

Gu Sheng continued:

"For the engine, you can choose one yourself. It doesn't have to be too expensive; in fact, the more basic, the better."

"Okay," Lu Bian nodded and then made a puzzled expression, "But why choose a basic one? Didn't Little Nezha say we're not afraid of spending money, and the more expensive, the better?"

"If we use an engine with high automation and rendering capabilities, it will result in a high-quality game, which might not be suitable for the abstract style we are going for," Gu Sheng explained. "As you both saw in the project proposal, our game focuses on abstraction. Using an engine with high-quality graphics might hinder the expression of our abstract style."

"Ah... I see," Lu Bian understood what Gu Sheng meant. Although he didn't know why Gu Sheng deliberately wanted to lower the game's graphical quality, since the boss said so, he would follow the instructions.

"As for you, Dajiang," Gu Sheng continued, addressing Xu Dajiang, "I need you to deliberately simplify the modeling. The more naive and silly, the better. Have you seen those online examples like 'Titanic made by someone who studied animation for three years' or 'Frozen made by someone who studied animation for three years'? I want you to model in that style."

"Ah?" This request was a bit challenging for Xu Dajiang. It was well known that asking a skilled singer to deliberately sing out of tune was much harder than teaching someone who already sings out of tune to improve their singing.

"Sheng Ge, if you want me to make the models more refined, I can do that, but that kind of..." Xu Dajiang was hesitant. "I'll try my best to make them look like garbage, I guess..."

"If you can't do it, ask your fellow useless classmates," Gu Sheng waved his hand. "Ask them how they managed to get only 10 points out of 100 in their final projects. Learn from their experience of failure."

Thinking of something, Gu Sheng added, "Oh, Dajiang, remember not to do collision detection."

"No collision detection?" Xu Dajiang was puzzled. "But if we don't create collision shapes for the models and do collision detection, the game will have a lot of clipping issues."

"I want clipping," Gu Sheng said, looking at both of them. "Clipping bugs, collision conflicts, proportion imbalances—anything you can think of that won't cause severe crashes. Understand?"

"Ummmm..." Lu Bian and Xu Dajiang pondered for a moment and shrugged. "It's not particularly ethical, but we understand what you mean."

"Alright, that's settled then. Just get it done," Gu Sheng waved his hand. "I'll take the blame for everything with the boss."

"That's exactly what we were hoping to hear!"

Hearing this, Lu Bian and Xu Dajiang were elated.

With someone willingly taking responsibility, what was there to be afraid of!

Just mess it up!

Get it done!


Two weeks flew by.

It was 7 p.m. on Friday evening.

Under normal circumstances, Golden Wind Game didn't allow overtime work.

However, today was the day when the game was officially completed.

As the game director, Gu Sheng needed to lead his team to present the project summary and demonstration for President Little Nezha.

If everything is in order, then it's time to schedule the release.

As the presentation team, Gu Sheng, Lu Bian, and Xu Dajiang arrived at the meeting room first.

"Sheng Ge, can this shabby game really make it?" Xu Dajiang expressed his concern, looking at the thin and fragile "art proposal" in front of him.

"I'm not sure," Lu Bian chimed in as he set up the projection. "Other games try to avoid bugs as much as possible, but with our game, we're deliberately creating bugs and then releasing them."

"You two don't understand a thing," Gu Sheng scoffed. "This is called game uniqueness, you know? It's really... A small fry can never understand the aspirations of a great person!"

"Damn, dude, don't tarnish idioms like that, okay?" Lu Bian, who had just connected the projection, was astonished. "Our game is at best like a chicken egg. Where do you see anything resembling a great bird in it?"

As they were talking, the meeting room door opened, and Little Nezha walked in with Secretary Chu Qingzhou behind her. Little Nezha seemed to be in good spirits. After all, he had seen Gu Sheng's brilliant abstract project proposal before and was curious about what kind of mess Gu Sheng's new project would turn out to be.

After exchanging greetings, Gu Sheng walked over to the projection and asked Little Nezha, "Shall we start, President Shen?"

"Yes, go ahead, Director Gu," Shen Miaomiao nodded, indicating that Gu Sheng could begin.

"Then let's get straight to the point," Gu Sheng said, "The final title of this project is 'Whos Your Daddy,' with a development period of 18 days and an investment cost of approximately 100,000 yuan."

"Personnel salaries amount to around 28,000 yuan, engine expenses about 25,000 yuan, and audio, UI, and art assets add up to around 50,000 yuan."

"The game will be priced at 5 yuan, and it falls under the category of role-playing puzzle games. The tentative release time is tomorrow night at 8 PM..."


From now on, this novel will only be updated on Monday. Every Monday, 5 chapters will be released at once.

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