Ch 3

 Chapter 3: Ready for Takeoff

Add money?

Gu Sheng was taken aback.

In the past, when he worked on games, the most common thing he heard was that the budget was too high and the investment needed to be controlled. But he had never seen a boss voluntarily suggest increasing the budget!

In theory, this was a good thing. If they were willing to increase the budget, it meant that the boss believed in his abilities.


Looking at his game proposal, Gu Sheng was a bit worried. Where should he start to increase the budget?

After all, the only expense for this game, "Catrio," was the legitimate usage fee for the game development platform!

"As for character modeling and UI design, I did them all... myself," Gu Sheng said, feeling a bit guilty.

As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Miaomiao.

After all, the entire game design process seemed too hasty.


After hearing Gu Sheng's words, Shen Miaomiao furrowed her brows. "You did them all by yourself?"

"Uh, yes," Gu Sheng nodded with a wry smile.

"And you didn't spend a penny?" Shen Miaomiao questioned further.

"Uh, yeah," Gu Sheng continued nodding.

Upon hearing this, Shen Miaomiao slapped the sofa with a loud bang, startling Gu Sheng.

"That won't do!"

Saying that, Shen Miaomiao stood up, speaking with conviction.

"We are the Golden Wind Game Company! A legitimate and professional game company!"

"And you! Director Gu! You are the soul of our company! The commander! The top structure!"

"How can you personally handle everything? Will you be able to handle the mental and physical strain?!"


Shen Miaomiao's impassioned speech left Gu Sheng bewildered.

"...But I finish it in ten minutes."

"That's still not acceptable!"

Damn it, if you take care of everything, how can I increase the budget?

How can I make a profit without increasing the budget?

How can I make easy money?

"Outsourcing! We must outsource!"

Shen Miaomiao waved her hand.

"Yesterday, I did some research. Game production requires a large number of personnel and financial support. Things like art, level design, and programming can cost several million or even tens of millions!"

"You just need to handle the arrangements! Don't worry about the money!"

"Our goal in making games is not to strive for the best, but to strive for the most expensive!"

Gu Sheng:...

But I just want to make a game called "Catrio"!

Just one game!

My artistic skills are already more than enough!

Why do we need to find an outsourced team?

Is money really burning a hole in your pocket?

"Boss, the thing is..."

Gu Sheng couldn't bear to deceive someone and make them spend money.

"The essence of this game lies in its abstract and rough art style. If we outsource the art design, it may not achieve the same effect."

Stop it! Xiao Nezha! You can't just waste money like this!

But little did he know, Xiao Nezha was determined to be extravagant. She waved her hand dismissively.

"Hey, Director Gu, you've got it all wrong!"

"Just change your mindset. Can't we outsource the art and have them replicate it exactly according to your template?"

One sentence! It left Gu Sheng speechless!

Do you even know what you're saying?

Gu Sheng felt like his CPU was overheating.

"In that case, may I ask... what's the point?" Gu Sheng slightly bowed and looked at Shen Miaomiao.

Xiao Nezha, who was a little shorter than him but needed to maintain a certain image for the boss, patted his shoulder.

"You don't understand this, do you? Do you know the concept of brand effect?"

"I'd like to hear more," Gu Sheng slightly bent down and looked at Shen Miaomiao.

To match Xiao Nezha's image, Gu Sheng needed to lower his posture a bit.

"We are a newly established company with a small reputation," Shen Miaomiao said, raising an eyebrow, leading the conversation skillfully.

"Therefore, in order to make a name for ourselves, we need to ride on the coattails of well-known figures in the industry. Only then can we make a big splash!"


Gu Sheng pretended to be amazed, his attitude ambiguous.

Clearly, he still thought Xiao Nezha's approach was unreasonable.

But since the boss said so, he couldn't argue anymore.

After all, it's not his money, so he might as well go along with it.

"Okay then," Gu Sheng said.

Gu Sheng sighed inwardly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I guess I'll be wasting money... I mean, increasing the cost investment, right?"

"Invest! Invest heavily!" Shen Miaomiao beamed with joy, looking as if she believed in him.

"Just focus on making a 'good' game! Don't worry about saving money for me!"


That afternoon, Gu Sheng followed Xiao Nezha's extravagant philosophy as his guiding principle. While ensuring that the original visuals and gameplay remained unchanged, he tried to make a show of it.

In this parallel world, there was a website called "Game Factory."

It was a gathering place for game industry professionals, covering fields such as creative planning, art design, UI production, modeling rendering, engine support, and more.

Gu Sheng entered the website and immediately sorted the options from high to low prices. He began contacting top professionals in each field, including art, UI, and programming, to subcontract the production of this shoddy and abstract-looking game.

However, those talented professionals didn't accept every project that came their way, especially not for a simple and shoddy game like "Catrio."

Many well-known professionals rejected it at a glance because they felt it was beneath them, no matter how much money was offered.

As a result, Gu Sheng had to keep lowering his standards.


After a whole afternoon of searching and communicating!

Gu Sheng managed to barely produce this "gilded" version of "Catrio" with a total cost of ten thousand yuan. It was set to be released tonight.

Being extravagant also requires skill, and he had done his best.

Upon hearing Gu Sheng's report, Shen Miaomiao, though still unsatisfied, reluctantly nodded and accepted it.

Ten thousand it is.

Even if it's multiplied by ten, it's still a hundred thousand, which is better than two hundred yuan.

Ready for takeoff!

Shen Miaomiao felt secretly delighted.

She truly had a discerning eye (not mistaken) to have bound such a clever person like Gu Sheng.

Now, she needed to think about how to comfort Director Gu.

After all, if he woke up tomorrow morning and saw a big fat zero as the sales figure, he would definitely feel terrible.

"Hmm... How should I comfort my sleeping dragon? It's really a headache, hoho..."


8 p.m.!

Shark's Live Streaming Room, gaming section!

"Thank you, Introduce Monkey for the big plane you didn't sell, thank you..."

"Thank you, biabiabia, for the 99 gift cards, thank you, boss..."

Having just finished the game promotion segment for the day, Ah Yin twisted his neck and thanked the bosses who had sent gifts:

"If you're interested, you can click on the icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to enter the game. The Dragon-Slaying Treasure Sword, click to receive it, and I'll be waiting for you in the Sand City."

In the live chat, a barrage of cheering comments flew by:

"It's fun! I've already spent a hundred thousand on it!"

"Amazing! I've sold my house for topping up!"

"Tested and even suitable for sensitive skin!"

"Went to the wrong grave, buddy (dog head emoji)"

"Outrageous hahaha..."

"Just finished bathing, the mealtime segment is over?"

"Wu Hu! The idiotic game review is coming!"

"Boss, change the disc!"

"Main feature starting..."

As a top anchor in the gaming section, Ah Yin had many fans.

And viewers who frequently watched Ah Yin's livestreams knew that 8 p.m. was the most exciting time in the streaming room.

Because during this time, Ah Yin would randomly select the most idiotic-looking games on the gaming platform for gameplay reviews.

Each game would be tested for twenty minutes, and viewers would decide whether to "keep" or "discard" the game.

Seeing the barrage of comments and small gifts flooding the screen, Ah Yin nodded.

"Alright! Let's see how many lucky ones will be kept tonight!"

With that said!

Ah Yin opened the Artyou platform, a domestic independent game publishing platform that claimed to be a small valve in China's gaming industry.

After some selection!

Ah Yin locked his target within the parameters of "small size," "single-player," and "price range of 1-10 yuan."

First and foremost!

A recently released game caught his eye—


Meowrio = Catrio = Cat Mario 

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