Ch 7

 Chapter 7: Gu Sheng, You Deserve to Die!

Seeing Ah Yin's failure, the audience in the livestream room burst into laughter—

"Hahaha, this trap is so wicked!"

"The in-game barrage is so abstract."

"Click to check the designer's mental state."

"You can't even clear this level, hahaha."

"The monkey broke through the big defense!"

"I can't hold it anymore, dying once every minute. Who can handle that?"

"An hour of anger is more than a year's worth."

"Hilarious, after watching the boss's livestream, I bought the game myself."

"How's the experience? Share it with everyone to make them happy?"

"The only experience is that I suggest not using a new gamepad or keyboard."

"Otherwise, you'll regret throwing them when you get frustrated..."

"Get out of my computer, I'm dying of laughter!"

"An extraordinary performance!!!"

Seeing the barrage filled with laughter,

and then looking at Ah Yin, who was huffing and puffing, clearly infuriated,

Shen Miaomiao silently raised a question mark in her mind.

There's a saying online that goes, "When I start questioning, it's not because there's something wrong with me, but because I think there's something wrong with you."

She couldn't understand why, despite this game looking so unkind and deliberately setting up levels that prevent players from progressing, there were still people willing to use over sixty lives to attempt to clear it. And even if they were driven to extreme frustration, they still wanted to continue playing.

Are all players masochists?

Shen Miaomiao was a bit perplexed.

So, she decided to find out for herself.

She got up, turned on her computer, and with little effort, purchased Gu Sheng's "Cat Mario" and installed it.

Since it has already sold so many copies, a couple of yuan won't make a difference.

After entering the game, Shen Miaomiao first glanced over the controls.

The game controls were straightforward, with only movement, acceleration, and jumping.

"It doesn't seem too difficult, it's even easier than Plants vs. Zombies..."

Muttering to herself, Shen Miaomiao started the game.

However, ten minutes later...

"...Gu Sheng, you deserve to dieeeee!!!"

At this moment, Shen Miaomiao had completely lost her adorable ladylike image. Both of her hands were gripping the split keyboard, she grimaced, veins popping on her forehead, looking exactly like a violent girl!

This person deserves to be sentenced!

Take them out and execute them for ten minutes!

She finally understood why Ah Yin had such a breakdown!

Because this game was not simply "difficult"!

Shen Miaomiao had previously encountered some relatively challenging games.

But unlike those intentionally difficult games with monsters and obstacles to deliberately raise the difficulty level,

"Cat Mario" was a complete intellectual blow from Gu Sheng to all players!

Only those who played it would feel that the seemingly random and funny trap designs all had a hidden logic!

They were all interconnected!

Let's give a simple example—

In the middle of the first level, you will come across a small downward staircase.

Following the staircase down, not far ahead is a pipe, with the overall terrain forming a "concave" shape.

At first glance, this section seems peaceful, without even a small monster.

However, it conceals a deadly trap.

Once you follow the stairs down and reach the edge of the pipe, intending to jump onto it, you will find that Gu Sheng has placed a whole row of invisible blocks above your head.

Once you go down the stairs, you can no longer jump up. You'll be stuck in place, unable to progress and forced to restart!

And that's not the worst part.

Usually, even game idiots like Shen Miaomiao would understand the trick after falling into it twice.

So, when passing through this area for the third time, Shen Miaomiao got smarter:

"I won't go down that path anymore!"

"It's not far anyway, I'll just do a big acceleration jump and directly land on the pipe!"

Shen Miaomiao thought she was clever.

But she underestimated Gu Sheng's devilishness.

She thought that a big acceleration jump would allow her to fly over, unaware that Gu Sheng had already set up a second layer of invisible blocks and calculated the positioning, waiting for the opportunity!

Meanwhile, Shen Miaomiao, with all her might, took a big jump!

The next second, she was met with a powerful slam!

The second layer of hidden blocks would directly push her down, returning her to that despair-inducing concave groove!

Shen Miaomiao truly felt on the verge of a breakdown.

A designer who didn't study programming languages but studied military strategies instead!

Every move she made, every judgment she made about the level, was under Gu Sheng's control!

He was like a mentally deranged mastermind with countless strategies, standing at the pinnacle of intelligence, laughing at the players who broke their defenses, mocking their innocence, and flaunting his own IQ.

Gu Sheng should be grateful that our country has a complete set of criminal laws.

That's how Shen Miaomiao evaluated him.


"Cat Mario" became popular.

As the top streamer in the game section of the Shark Live platform, one couldn't deny the significant influence of Ah Yin.

Coupled with the explosive effect of the livestream.

In just one night, Cat Mario became popular throughout the entire game streaming section.

It brought torment to countless streamers, laughter to countless viewers, and material for countless game media.

"Furthermore, the sales of our game naturally skyrocketed."

In the conference room of the Golden Wind Gaming Company,

Chu Qingzhou, the chief secretary, sat beside Shen Miaomiao and enthusiastically reported the game's sales data:

"As of now, our company's first game, 'Cat Mario,' has sold 7,822 copies, with a total sales amount of 15,644 yuan,"

"Among them, on the first day of release, the sales volume surpassed 5,000 copies, achieving the feat of recouping costs within 24 hours! Let's give a round of applause!"


Applause rang out.

Since the Golden Wind Gaming Company was still in its early stages,

Apart from the cleaning staff, there were only Chu Qingzhou, the chief secretary, Director Gu Sheng, and a finance director.

So, the applause seemed a bit sparse.

Because besides Chu Qingzhou and the finance director clapping enthusiastically, Gu Sheng, as the protagonist, certainly wouldn't applaud himself madly.

As for Shen Miaomiao...

As she listened to the string of data, she felt like she was about to have a heart attack.

Not to mention that Gu Sheng also caused her to lose a keyboard.

She had no mood to applaud this bastard!

That's money!!!

Shen Miaomiao inwardly lamented and looked dejected.

Originally, the profit she could make was much higher than this ten thousand yuan!

But who would have expected that this damn game would recoup the cost overnight, rendering her system useless on the spot!

However, seemingly unaware of the boss's lack of enthusiasm, an excited Chu Qingzhou even added another remark after announcing the first-day sales:

"According to our projections, based on conservative estimates, by this Sunday, the first-week sales of 'Cat Mario' are expected to reach 29,000 copies, with a total sales amount of 58,000 yuan, achieving a profit of approximately six times!"

Puff— Ahem— Please stop, Miss—

Shen Miaomiao clutched her chest, almost spewing out a mouthful of old blood.

I could have made ten times the profit in one day...

Feeling that she might have a heart attack if she continued listening, Shen Miaomiao hurriedly stopped Chu Qingzhou.

"Alright, Chu Chu, let's stop discussing the profits of 'Cat Mario' for now,"

Shen Miaomiao struggled to make her face appear less gloomy:

"Having a successful small game is cause for celebration, but we shouldn't be complacent,"

"The success of one small game is only the first step for us to climb the gaming peak,"

"So, today's meeting is mainly to discuss our next game development direction."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Actually, according to reason, Gu Sheng should be the one to decide since he was the game director.

But Gu Sheng hesitated to express himself because of the abstract nature of the game he wanted to develop.

So Chu Qingzhou raised her hand:

"Well, General Manager Shen, let me give my humble opinion on the next development plan. It's just a suggestion to spark discussion,"

"Given the popularity of 'Cat Mario,' my personal recommendation for the development direction is to create a sequel."


Before Chu Qingzhou could finish speaking!

Simultaneously, voices of dissent came from both ends of the conference room:


"Not appropriate."

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