Ch 6

 Chapter 6: Get out of my computer!

Shen Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat!

What does "some discrepancies" mean?

You see!

She had long positioned this game as "not about winning, but about participation"!

In terms of sales, theoretically, there was no room for decline.

In other words...

Shen Miaomiao's eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, and a sense of extreme unease rose in her heart!


Shen Miaomiao hesitated to speak, her tone filled with uncertain fear:

"How many copies of our game have been sold?"

Could it be that hundreds of fools actually bought "Cat Mario"!

A pained expression appeared on Shen Miaomiao's face.

She cautiously posed the question!

On the other end of the phone, Chu Qingzhou chuckled:

"General Manager Shen, what's wrong? Weren't you confident about this game yesterday?"

"Oh, by the way,"

Chu Qingzhou seemed to remember something:

"I owe you an apology because when you mentioned the game's unique gameplay and its boundless potential yesterday, I didn't believe it,"

"But now, it seems that you were truly insightful, and your market judgment was quite astute!"

In theory, when someone hears such flattery, they would definitely be happy.

After all, who doesn't like compliments!

But Shen Miaomiao was different!

Upon hearing Chu Qingzhou's words, she wasn't happy at all. Instead, she broke out in a cold sweat!

Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen...

If Chu Chu praised her like this, then how many copies of this game were sold!!!

"Um, Chu Chu, let's not beat around the bush,"

Unable to contain her inner unease any longer, Shen Miaomiao coughed lightly to interrupt Chu Qingzhou:

"So, how well did 'Cat Mario' sell?"

"Haha, General Manager Shen, your guess of a few hundred copies is too conservative!"

Chu Qingzhou's voice on the phone sounded light and joyful:

"We had a great start! In just 12 hours, we sold a total of 4,872 copies, generating a total revenue of 9,744 yuan. We're about to recoup our investment!"

" many?!"

Before Chu Qingzhou finished speaking!

Shen Miaomiao let out a high-pitched scream, sounding even more excited than Chu Qingzhou. Her voice was almost breaking.

"Haha, 4,872 copies!"

On the other end of the phone, Chu Qingzhou laughed heartily:

"How about that? General Manager Shen, did you expect this sales figure? Surprised, aren't you? Unexpected, right?"

Damn it!

Shen Miaomiao's vision went dark!

She collapsed on the bed as if she had shut down on the spot!

Surprised...this was way too surprising...

She was so surprised that she wanted to open the window now, go downstairs, and buy some fireworks to celebrate without taking the stairs or the elevator.

Did Cinema teach them to make games like this?!

Are those players crazy? Do they have so much money to spend on this crap?!

Over four thousand eight hundred copies?!

Over nine thousand seven hundred yuan?!

So, I lost three hundred yuan?

Oh no, that's not right!

These sales figures were from less than a day!

At this rate, Cat Mario would easily exceed five thousand copies and effortlessly recoup the investment!

And once the earnings exceeded the investment before the system settlement, the rebate would be invalidated on the spot!

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao despairingly opened the system and glanced at it!

[Investment Rebate System]

[Current Investment Amount: 10,000 yuan]

[Estimated Rebate Amount: 3,000 yuan]

[Remaining Settlement Time: 6 days, 15 hours]




Shen Miaomiao lay on the bed, her eyes filled with unwillingness, as if she were a defeated villain, on the verge of spitting blood.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the phone, Chu Qingzhou seemed too cheerful to notice her young lady's despair:

"Haha! It's because we got lucky! Yesterday, a streamer happened to feature our game on their show! The program had such an effect, hahaha! I'm literally laughing until tears come out!"

"So, I'll send you the video later, you have to watch it, it's really funny..."

As the call ended,

Shen Miaomiao lay motionless on the bed, as if her soul had left her body.

For a full half-hour!

Shen Miaomiao finally let out a sigh and let out a wail:

"Ahhh—I've lost my moneyyyyyy!"

This is too outrageous!

Who could have anticipated this?!

Moreover, she had spent the previous night studying sales data for small games from the past three years!

According to ArtGame Platform, in those three years, there were fewer than 500 small games that sold over 1,000 copies on the first day.

And for small games that sold over 5,000 copies on the first day, there were less than 50!

But this game, "Cat Mario," made by a newly restructured company, employing a fourth-year idiot designer, was a piece of junk with a sloppy art style, abstract characters, and fiendish levels!

Why would it sell so many copies?!

Could it really be as Chu Chu said, that luck played a big role, and they happened to get a popular streamer to do free promotion?

With that in mind, Shen Miaomiao picked up her phone again and opened the video that Chu Qingzhou had sent her—


"...My review is: mediocre!"

In the video, Ah Yin threw his hand toward the camera, appearing confident and free-spirited.

And the abstract little cat in the game had gone through countless hardships.

At this moment, it stood triumphantly on the pinnacle of a grand staircase, gazing at the finish line not far ahead, a smile on its face: (=°ω°=)

Ah Yin was feeling a bit dreamy:

"Do you see what's ahead? Let me know in the barrage—"

The barrage erupted in laughter:

"It's Life -59"

"Hahaha, negative sixty lives"

"I love your confident appearance"

"Forgot how you were smashed to death by the little monster just now?"

"I bet if you manage to touch that flagpole in one life, I'll gift you a rocket!"

"Why are we still talking about rockets?"

"Hahaha, let's suggest to the platform to change the big boss's rocket into a water pipe shape"

"Shrimp and pork, shrimp and pork... "

Mocking and teasing comments filled the barrage, making Ah Yin feel like he had walked into a tavern as Kong Yiji.

Indeed, after playing games for so many years, he, as an experienced player, had numerous amazing feats. Although he made mistakes sometimes, he had never encountered anything as absurd as today!

It's just one level!

He had actually lost 59 lives!

If we include the initial 3 lives, this Cat Mario first level tormented him more than sixty times!

This is unbearable!

"Are you kidding me, little brother? Will I die again right before reaching the finish line!"

Ah Yin raised his fist, expressing dissatisfaction to the barrage while also encouraging himself:

"I'll make a big jump and clear the level; there's no way I'm wasting half a life!"

As he spoke!

Ah Yin took a deep breath!

"I—go for it!!!"

A big jump!

Cat Mario traced an elegant arc in the air, about to touch the top of the flagpole!


Suddenly, a red barrage directly flew out from the right side of the game screen—

[Clear the level? You can't even clear a single point!]


The red barrage hit Cat Mario like a speeding truck, sending it flying away!

Lives: -60

A brief silence followed.

Ah Yin's face went from green to red, then from red to purple. He seemed like a volcano on the verge of erupting!

Next, Ah Yin's face turned completely red, and he raised his fist, slamming it hard on the table!


The keyboard and mouse on the table jumped along with the vibration, and the controller was thrown out by Ah Yin!

That day, everyone in the residential area where Ah Yin lived heard a roar full of resentment and helplessness, with a touch of a crying tone:

"If I ever play this damn game again, I'll be a grandson!!!"

"Get lost! Get oooout—!!!"

"Get out of my computer!!!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Miaomiao couldn't help but grin.

Oh no, it seems like our game is driving people crazy….

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