Ch 5

  Chapter 5: Our Game is Selling!

It was truly a sensational show!

The rocketing pipe, like a vessel carrying the audience's sense of humor, soared higher and higher!

"Hahaha, blast off!"

"The pipe: I'll shoot you into the sky!"

"The infamous 'Black Hand Pipe' taking passengers, huh?"

"It's the ridiculously infamous 'Black Hand Pipe,' hahaha!"

"One can't help but admire: Great skills, young hero!"

"I could think of ten thousand traps, but I never imagined it could launch you away!"

"Our boss is completely speechless, hahaha!"

"This is insane, hahaha!"

"If this pipe had devoured the boss, it could be called a 'good trick,' but if it launches the boss away, I'd call it a 'masterpiece.'"

"This game is beyond absurd..."

As the screen filled with laughter and mockery, and as Ah Yin looked at the innocent yet mischievous cat on the screen, he felt his dignity had been insulted.

"Fine! I'll give you credit for being a challenge!"

Ah Yin raised his thumb, expressing the silent acceptance of an opponent:

"That was just a little warm-up. From now on, I'll take it seriously!"

And serious he was!

For a full thirty minutes!

During this time, Comrade Ah Yin experienced a baptism that included but was not limited to: clouds devouring him, bricks smacking his face, ground collapsing beneath him, and invisible bricks leading to head-on collisions with traps.

His state of mind transitioned from early-stage boasting to a silent middle stage, and eventually to incoherent rambling.


The atmosphere in the livestream chatroom remained full of joy throughout!

Though it might be considered unethical to derive happiness from others' pain, it couldn't be denied that watching the streamer lose his composure was entertaining.

Gifts kept pouring in!


Apart from one or two "抬走" (carry away) comments at the start of the game, there was not a single person who typed "抬走" in the chat for the entire duration of the livestream!

Even when Ah Yin contemplated giving up, the viewers cheered him on!

"Don't be discouraged, Jinmen's top player! You can do it!"

"Come on, boss! You'll definitely succeed, hahaha!"

"Hey, brother upstairs, your noise is distracting me."

"I feel like the boss is about to explode in silence."

"You're a bit late, brother. The explosive energy has already passed, and now he's on the verge of annihilation in silence."

"I'm laughing so hard, tears are streaming down my face."

"Don't switch games, boss! We crowdfunded for you to play this."

"[Just for this game: Send a 'Super Rocket']"

"[Jie Houbu Mai: Send 'Membership Cards' x99]"

"I can tell the bosses want to make the boss suffer today (joking)."



At the same time, as Ah Yin struggled with traps, scratching his head, and turning red with exertion, Gu Sheng grinned.

It was too cruel.

In this world of extreme game scarcity and unimaginative gameplay design, to create such a game right off the bat was truly merciless.

After all, before Catrio, there was no game specifically designed to challenge players' defenses in the entire gaming industry.

It was just too sinister.

But the effect was outstanding.

In just thirty minutes, Gu Sheng's emotional value visibly increased at an impressive rate.

[Emotional Value: 1975]

Opening his own Game Treasury System, Gu Sheng briefly browsed the emotional values required to unlock games.

The 3A masterpieces were temporarily beyond his consideration because they typically required hundreds of thousands or even millions of emotional value.

For now, he focused on the games in the 5000 emotional value range.

After all, he already had nearly two thousand emotional value, and with a little more fermentation, he could easily reach five thousand.

"What should I do?" Gu Sheng murmured as he browsed the games.

There were many games in the five thousand range.

Gu Sheng immediately noticed the famous game from his previous life, "Digging for Survival," also known as "Swinging the Big Hammer."

However, he didn't plan on releasing a similar defense-challenging game in a short period of time.

After all, emotional value accumulation, which included "happiness, anger, grief, and fear," didn't require fixating on a single game genre.

Otherwise, players would easily experience aesthetic fatigue.

"Let's find a fun game."

Thinking about it, Gu Sheng's gaze fell on the cover of a bizarre game—

The screen displayed two characters, an adult wearing a shirt and suit, and a child in a diaper, clearly a father and son. However, the 3D models of these two characters were truly abstract, possessing a certain "three years of animation design" aesthetic.

Looking at this game, Gu Sheng nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad. Once my emotional value is enough, I'll unlock you!"


The next day, at dawn.

The sun rose, casting a warm and cozy glow as the morning light streamed through the window and onto the dreamlike gauze curtains. The mottled light spilled into the bedroom, illuminating the snow-white, radiant skin.

The graceful and smooth lines of the legs extended to the wrists, and a pair of dainty feet with a rosy hue playfully rested on the mottled silk sheet, quivering slightly.

The owner of the feet was sleeping soundly with her mouth slightly open, murmuring in her sleep:

"Hehe... a hundred thousand in the account... rebate... hehe..."

Buzz. Buzz.

Suddenly, the vibration of the phone shattered the young girl's peaceful dream.


Letting out a soft moan, the girl rubbed her eyes and fumbled towards the edge of the pillow, lazily picking up the phone that she grabbed.

With a sleepy and sweet voice, she answered the call.

The voice on the other end, belonging to the head secretary, Chu Chu, seemed excited:

"President Shen! Wake up! Our game has been sold!"

The game... has been sold...


The game has been sold?!

Shen Miaomiao instantly woke up, bouncing up from the bed!

"How is that possible?!"


On the other end of the phone, Chu Qingzhou seemed to sense Shen Miaomiao's panic and was a bit puzzled.

"Do you have any concerns?"

"Huh... No... None..."

Realizing that she was sounding too agitated, Shen Miaomiao hurriedly calmed herself down and comforted herself.

It's alright, it's alright, Shen Miaomiao, stay calm!

It's not a big deal for a game to be sold. After all, it's priced at only two yuan, not even enough to buy a bag of candy. There will always be a few unfortunate souls who buy the game. And because the price is so low, even if they find the game unenjoyable, they won't bother requesting a refund for eighty cents.

It's normal. Don't panic.

After consoling herself, Shen Miaomiao nodded.

Selling one or two copies is no big deal.

Or even bolder!

Let's say Gu Sheng sold ten copies, that would only be twenty yuan!

Minus twenty from ten thousand is still nine thousand nine hundred and eighty—quite a substantial profit!

With this in mind, Shen Miaomiao took a deep breath, and a confident smile returned to her face.

"I'm just pleasantly surprised, haha."

"But there's no need to make a big fuss. After all, selling games is what we're here for."

"If a game sells, it's a good thing, regardless of the quantity."

"By the way, if you see Director Gu, please tell him that we've taken the first step towards success with the game's sales. Even if the sales data isn't ideal, don't be discouraged!"

Shen Miaomiao put on a caring subordinate appearance and happily spoke.

In reality, her little scheming mind was running wild!


At the other end of the phone, after a moment of silence, Chu Qingzhou sounded somewhat puzzled:

"Um... President Shen, I'm not quite sure I understand. What do you mean by 'don't be discouraged even if the sales data isn't ideal'? Did someone report the sales data to you?"

Faced with Chu Qingzhou's question, Shen Miaomiao was taken aback. "No, I was just guessing."

Are you kidding me?

Do I need someone to report it to me?

With that trashy game, having ten suckers fall for it is already the limit, okay!

Am I expecting it to sell hundreds of copies?

However, on the other end of the phone, after a momentary silence, Chu Qingzhou slowly spoke:

"In fact, President Shen, the sales data for this game..."

"It may not match your guess..."

"There are some discrepancies."

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