Ch 8

 Chapter 8: Even Picasso Would Call You a Teacher

The ones speaking naturally were none other than CEO Shen Miaomiao and Game Director Gu Sheng.

From a business perspective, Chu Qingzhou's proposal had no flaws.

In fact, many game developers in this world followed that approach.

Take advantage of the game's popularity and quickly develop a sequel to make more money.

However, Shen Miaomiao and Gu Sheng had different thoughts.

Shen Miaomiao's idea was simple—she couldn't let Gu Sheng benefit from the popularity anymore!

Currently, Cat Mario was on fire and gaining momentum.

The game had low investment and a short production cycle.

If they were to release a sequel at this time, it would be like jumping into a pit of fire. The system would definitely become useless again.

Therefore, she absolutely couldn't let Gu Sheng ride this wave.

Gu Sheng's idea wasn't complicated either—he didn't want to ruin his reputation.

Immediately making a sequel after the first part was a trick that game developers commonly used in this world to milk their players.

They were afraid that their next independent project would fail, so they quickly released a stable and profitable sequel, taking advantage of the residual heat of their hit game.

But Gu Sheng didn't have that consideration!

As a man who possessed a treasure trove of games,

He could easily pull out any game, and in this world, it would be a trump card!

Why should he ruin his reputation and tarnish the company's reputation for just tens of thousands of yuan?

After all, he aimed to become the king of games!

Furthermore, emotions were resilient.

If a person immersed themselves in one emotion for a long time, they would quickly develop resistance to it.

If they were to release another Cat Mario game at this time, it would easily lead to player fatigue and even disgust.

Personally, Gu Sheng was worried that making a sequel would affect his reputation as a designer.

From a public perspective, he also believed that releasing a sequel would be detrimental to the company's reputation and even its revenue.

So, he naturally strongly opposed making a sequel.

After all, he had finally found a boss like Shen Miaomiao, who had money and was a bit foolish.

He had to cherish it and strive to make the company bigger and stronger, achieving even greater success.


Hearing the simultaneous opposition from both sides, the two exchanged a glance.

Shen Miaomiao raised her hand, gesturing for Gu Sheng to state his reasons.

Jokingly, she couldn't say that she was afraid of the company making money and causing her to lose out, right?

Gu Sheng nodded and spoke:

"From a business perspective, Secretary Chu's suggestion is entirely correct, but that's the practice of established game companies,"

"They have big businesses and numerous projects in hand, so they naturally want to seize the maximum benefits in the shortest time,"

"But we're different."

With that, Gu Sheng looked around at the few people present: "We are just a newly established game company."

"At present, we have just taken the first step and made a small mark in the market. It's not appropriate to rehash old content and release a sequel, showing signs of running out of ideas,"

Speaking, Gu Sheng looked at Shen Miaomiao:

"So, General Manager Shen, I request approval for a new project, to develop a game that is completely different from Cat Mario,"

"At the same time, increase the investment and make further attempts."


Very spirited!

Shen Miaomiao, who was lackluster just a moment ago, instantly perked up when she heard the words "increase investment"!

Increasing investment was great!

The more investment, the better!

Ideally, the kind of investment that couldn't be recovered!

Upon hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Shen Miaomiao's eyes:

"It seems that Director Gu already has a plan. That's great!"

In Shen Miaomiao's view, the success of Cat Mario was eighty percent due to their stroke of luck.

But one couldn't rely on luck every day, right?

Moreover, even Gu Sheng himself said that their success this time was just a stroke of luck!

In other words, he wasn't confident about his next game!

Even this new project was just an experiment for Gu Sheng!

It sounded like a project that would incur losses!

This suited Shen Miaomiao's interests perfectly!

The small flame of excitement ignited once again in Shen Miaomiao's heart, and she nodded:

"So, Director Gu, what type of game is this new project?"

"Well... it's a bit hard to say," Gu Sheng pondered slightly in response to Shen Miaomiao's question. "If we must categorize it, it would be a role-playing, online competitive, casual puzzle game."

Oh my god!

Upon hearing this, not only Shen Miaomiao and Chu Qingzhou but even the finance lady's body trembled!

What kind of strange game is this?

Role-playing, online competitive, and casual puzzle?

How did you manage to blend these different game genres together?


From what she knew, the mainstream game genres today were only four: Action (ACT), Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), First-Person Shooter (FPS), and Racing (RCG).

Among them, the first two were the mainstream games targeting the PC market, while the latter two genres dominated the motion cabin market.

But when she looked at Gu Sheng's game!

It had none of those!

For a moment, not to mention others, even Shen Miaomiao hesitated!

"Ah—Ah?" Shen Miaomiao even thought she had misheard. "I'm sorry, Director Gu, but I... didn't quite understand."

You wouldn't understand.

Gu Sheng sighed internally.

This game was just too abstract. Not to mention describing it with the gaming standards of this world, it would still be mind-blowing even in his previous life.

"To be more specific..." Gu Sheng tried to describe the game in the simplest terms possible. "One player plays the role of a father, and the other player plays the role of a baby. They compete against each other."

"The father's objective is to keep the baby alive within the game time."

"And the baby's objective is to... do everything possible to... die."


Complete silence...

Gu Sheng's description of the game instantly caused the brains of the three women to crash.

For a moment, they couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe the abstractness of this game!

The same question lingered in the minds of the three—

What the hell kind of idea was this conceived by a carbon-based life form?

Originally, the concept of one person being the father and the other being the son was already mind-blowing.

But Gu Sheng's game victory condition design had gone beyond the sky!

Especially the sentence, "the baby's objective is to do everything possible to die"!

Was this a game from hell?

How did these words come out of someone's mouth so nonchalantly?

Is your mental state really stable?

Seeing the strange gazes from the three, Gu Sheng awkwardly smiled, resembling a cheerful and sunny young boy.

Finally, he shifted his gaze to Little Nezha, who was conducting complex calculations in her mind:

"So, General Manager Shen, can this game... be approved?"

Shen Miaomiao remained silent for a full five seconds before slowly nodding.

It could.

More than that, it was simply remarkable.

With your creative imagination, you are a genius even in our game company.

Even a hundred years ago, Picasso would have called you a teacher..

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