Chapter 2 part 2

 Volume 1 - Part 2 -- One week after the life-changing "event." (2)

"Why hasn't anything changed at all!?"

Sakuya expressed her frustration inside the university library's multipurpose discussion room.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one from the outside study area could hear them even if they spoke loudly, Sakuya raised her voice.

"It's a bit puzzling," Eriko Ito, a student belonging to the same research group as Sakuya, responded in a tone that didn't sound the least bit puzzled.

Though she considered herself overly well-endowed, she had a pretty hot body, and anyone who had seen her in a swimsuit would marvel at what miracle had happened.

However, due to her overly prominent figure, casual clothes didn't look good on her, and she wore a pair of black-framed glasses.

Even so, Sakuya saw through Eriko's unique characteristics at a glance and tried to get in touch with her, which resulted in the two becoming friends.

With her gentle voice, which suited her appearance, Eriko asked Sakuya.

"But the other person is a high school student younger than you, right?"


Upon hearing this from her friend, Sakuya once again contemplated the issue.

That's right. Reiji was a high school student, younger in age...

"An older university girl dating a younger high school boy, and he's completely pure. It's really concerning..."


"I have a younger brother at home, and he's just a boiling cauldron of desire."


"Well... the other person is your brother's friend, and he comes over to your house almost every week. You two seem to get along quite well, don't you?"


 "Um~... Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but the person he's really dating..."

Could it be your younger brother? That statement stabbed deep into Sakuya's mind.

"What, could that be true!?"

"It's actually quite common, you know...?"

"Quite common!?"

Here, it's worth mentioning some information that Sakuya still didn't know: Eriko Ito is what you'd call a "fujoshi," a fan of BL (Boys' Love). She delves into the realm of BL, spreading it across the world.

Creating a community of male-male pairings, turning the whole world into a land of BL.

I'm a devoted follower, quietly living a life filled with BL love.

Essentially, that's the kind of person she is, so it's not "quite common," and Reiji and Ayato aren't that kind of relationship.

However, Sakuya had already been suspicious and had sought advice from her few friends to solve the problem. Somewhere in her heart, she still believed it to some extent.

So, her brother was really dating someone, and she was just a cover.

"Having you say it like that..."

"Don't tell me, do you have some idea in your mind?"

Seeing Sakuya furrow her brow, Eriko's eyes suddenly lit up.

Sakuya searched her memories.

Now that she thought about it, Reiji and Ayato had been exchanging messages quite frequently lately.

Unable to hold back any longer, Sakuya took out her phone and messaged Reiji.

Sakuya: Are we considered to be dating?

The word "read" appeared immediately, and a reply was received very quickly.

Reiji: Yes, we are dating.

"Perfect!!" Sakuya couldn't help but stand up and make a victory pose.

"Oh my, oh my..."

After seeing the message Sakuya showed her, Eriko tilted her head slightly.

To thank Eriko for her advice, Sakuya treated her to a meal.

But back at home, as she sat pondering, she thought of many suspicious things.

Yes, she was dating Reiji, and that part had been confirmed.

However, the sudden increase in communication between Reiji and her brother Ayato remained a mystery.

"When we message each other, it's not this enthusiastic...?"

Now that she thought about it, her interaction with Reiji might have been a bit too cold...

Sakuya's thoughts went down a negative path, even imagining the worst outcome.

"Maybe... After dating me, he realized I'm not what he expected."

"So, he's decided to break up or something?"

Sakuya took a deep breath, but the words didn't come out.

No way, right...!?

Upon regaining her composure, Sakuya realized she had been staring at her brother Ayato's phone while he was taking a shower.

His phone was locked, which was perfectly normal.

However, as siblings living together, Sakuya knew the six-digit passcode Ayato set for his phone.

She could unlock it by entering the code.

But she held back.

She didn't know how she managed to resist the temptation to sneak a peek at his messages.


So, Sakuya started doing the exercises her gym coach had instructed her to do in the living room.

Squats with a barbell held high.

All of this was her own imagination.

The fact that she was currently dating Reiji made her view him as someone she didn't know.

That's not how it is.

Reiji is Reiji.

He can't hide his secrets; he always wears his heart on his sleeve.

If he's really considering a breakup, she'd be able to tell with just one look.

And Reiji won't lie; even through messages, he's the same.

He clearly stated, "Yes, we are dating."

The distance between us hasn't changed, yet I still doubted him.

"Or maybe..."

Reiji is still a high school student and feels uncomfortable dating a college student?

This thought echoed in Sakuya's mind.

She could only think that Reiji lacked confidence in himself.

"Why is this happening...?"

Sakuya unintentionally threw this question at Ayato, who had just finished showering.


Ayato, who was drinking cola, widened his eyes, looking at his own sister.

"Sis, don't you remember...?"


"The reason why he became like this, always prone to pessimism and taking a reserved attitude towards things... I think it's because of you."


Forty minutes later...

The reason he's become so prone to pessimism and always adopts a reserved attitude towards things...

Ayato believed it was his own fault, and after revealing the past events to Sakuya, she immediately contacted Reiji, and the two arranged to meet at a convenience store located between their homes.

"Is it convenient now? There's something I want to tell you...!"

Though it was already late, Reiji willingly agreed, thinking, "It seems like something important."

Sakuya was deeply moved by Reiji's thoughtfulness, but she still brought up what happened when they were children.

It was something she had said to Reiji back then.

"I... I'm sorry, Reiji..."

"Ah, um... It's not like that, actually."

"Huh? N-no like that!?"

"In fact, it's quite the opposite. It was only after dating you, that I remembered that incident, but..."

Reiji scratched the back of his head, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"At that time, it made me feel much better when Sakuya-san was willing to say that."

...Reiji's parents were both celebrities.

His father was a well-known jazz musician, and his mother is currently a yoga and health food instructor.

Their marriage caused a sensation at the time, with TV shows discussing this celebrity couple.

Reiji's parents probably saw this as an opportunity for success, thinking that they could build their careers this way.

So, they brought the newborn Reiji into the entertainment industry, using him to create a pinnacle of success.

"But I was born with this personality..."

It seemed that Reiji didn't inherit his parents' outgoing social genes.

He was completely different from his parents and couldn't make his mark in the cutthroat entertainment world, which caused him great emotional trauma.

Reiji wasn't suited for the entertainment industry, but his parents couldn't understand that.

At that time, what he needed was medical care.

However, his parents failed to realize the scars on their child's heart and would sigh and complain about Reiji not being able to appear on shows.

It was Sakuya and Ayato's parents who finally woke them both up.

Sakuya's father and Reiji's parents were good friends, and he temporarily took Reiji into their home to take care of him.

"So that's what happened..."

"I only found out about it from Sakuya-san's father after entering high school."

Reiji's situation seemed quite severe when he was temporarily taken in.

He was thrown into the entertainment industry as a child prodigy born to extraordinary parents, and his values and morals were thoroughly distorted.

People around him would show unnecessary flattery or sweet talk while hiding ulterior motives, causing Reiji to constantly feel manipulated.

Add to that the inner cries of "I'm not that kind of person!" being ignored, and this long-term pressure caused him mental and physical harm.

"But when Sakuya-san said those things to me at that time, it was different from what others said..."

In the empty seating area of the convenience store, Reiji poured out his heart to Sakuya.

"Although Sakuya-san did call me 'idiot' or 'ugly,' it didn't sound the same to me."

That's right, Sakuya had made many negative criticisms to the old Reiji.

After all, she had to live with this angelic-like boy who occasionally appeared in their home.

The young Sakuya wasn't as straightforward as she is now.

 Therefore, when Ayato revealed that Reiji's current personality was a result of his past experiences, Sakuya was shocked.

That's why she wanted to apologize to Reiji urgently...

"Fortunately, Sakuya-san was with me back then... If not for Sakuya-san, I really don't know what would have become of me."

Reiji's tone was incredibly gentle.

"But I also encountered many things, and as a result, I gradually misunderstood Sakuya-san's attitude..."

At this moment, Reiji suddenly realized something and said, "Ah...," seemingly understanding something.

"I get it now. That's why Sakuya-san kept bullying me from the beginning? Like, just as a way to push me?"

"N-No, that's not it...!"

"Then... let's just say it's like that."

...Sakuya blushed and stood at the convenience store's entrance, watching Reiji leave, and secretly made up her mind.


From now on, this novel will only be updated on wednesday. Every Wednesday, 7k words will be released.

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