Ch 2 Part 3

 Volume 1 - Part 2 -- One week after the life-changing "event." (3)

To her surprise, there was an on-site registration category for the esports competition, which was quite rare.

"(Ahhhh! I love Reiji so much! You idiot!)"

The character controlled by Reiji was displayed on the big screen, representing him as the first among the hundred online players.

With her hands covering her mouth, Sakuya cheered loudly in her heart.

The atmosphere on-site was extremely lively, and among the crowds of spectators, Sakuya's pupils reflected the figure of her boyfriend—Reiji—on the stage truck.

In addition to that, the esports competition had even reserved the parking lot of a large event venue near the train station, aiming to attract more people on their day off. This was also a rare approach.

Three stage trucks, modified from ten-ton extended trucks, were arranged side by side.

The sides of the trucks were adorned with the logo of a new gaming peripheral manufacturer.

This recently established company probably had an impression of esports events remaining limited to closed indoor activities.

The event was held near the train station, with a newly opened shopping center nearby, attracting young couples and families.

The event seemed to be quite successful.

The on-site audience, who usually didn't play games much, gathered to watch the esports players compete against each other on the big screen. Their cheers were different from previous ones and seemed to bring a new experience for the players.

The tactical competitive game "End of the Century Strife," which involved one hundred players in an online match, left a deep impression on the on-site audience.

In order to integrate esports into everyday life, the organizing committee's innovative ideas included the selection of the event venue and the recruitment method for participants.

In other words, the rare on-site registration for the esports competition.

While wandering through the vast sea of the internet like a jellyfish, Sakuya discovered this event with Ayato's help.


"Will you accompany me shopping?"

Using this excuse, Sakuya brought Reiji to the shopping center.

"Look, it seems like an event is happening here! Do you want to check it out?"

As a result, she smoothly convinced Reiji to participate in the esports competition through on-site registration.

Her goal was simple—to make Reiji feel confident.

And her prediction was correct; Reiji won the preliminary rounds and advanced to the main competition.

Thinking that she had once defeated Reiji in a fighting video game, Sakuya felt incredible about herself.

Back then, in order to fight against Reiji, Sakuya asked Ayato to train her. However, Reiji's gaming talent was no joke. Without secretly holding back, Sakuya wouldn't have been able to win.

The gym was just an example; Reiji could probably pick up anything immediately.

So, as long as he had confidence in himself, his life would definitely be different.

Reiji had once said, "I was born with this personality..."

Indeed, he wasn't the kind of person who pushed others away to stand up for himself and his victory.

And it was because of this aspect of Reiji that Sakuya liked him so much.

However, Sakuya knew deep inside that Reiji was truly talented.

He was just underestimating himself.

The Reiji that Sakuya loved should have even more potential.

She wanted to help Reiji discover his strengths.

Not to make him arrogant, but to make him aware of his excellence.

Therefore, Sakuya devised a plan.

She named it "Operation Assist Reiji in Uncovering His Strengths."

This way, Reiji should be able to gain a deeper understanding of himself.

Discover other options he hadn't noticed in the past and greatly expand his future possibilities.

For example, like having Reiji standing on stage and letting the audience marvel at his skills, followed by enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Although it was just a small step.

With time, it would definitely accumulate into a big step towards him accepting himself...

This was the current thing she could do for the Reiji she deeply loved.

And when Reiji accepted himself and became more confident than now, their current situation would surely change...!!

 In short, Reiji would become more actively involved in their relationship! As for Sakuya persuading Reiji to participate in the competition with a selfish motive...

While watching the competition, Reiji gradually grasped the key points of the game and decided to join along with other participants. Despite it being his first time playing the game, he successfully advanced to the main competition.

Under the attention of countless spectators and Sakuya, Reiji's performance in the main competition was outstanding. Although he missed the championship, he unexpectedly defeated the player who won the championship with his unexpected "first-rate moves," showcasing MVP-level skills.

Regarding the competitive video game "End of the Century Strife"...

Originally planned to be a tactical competitive shooting game with firearms, it was later changed to incorporate unarmed combat rules, where all players would eventually fight hand-to-hand. However, during development, firearms were introduced as in other tactical competitive games. Nevertheless, the game was officially released while secretly preserving the elements of hand-to-hand combat.

Reiji, not understanding the rules very well, completely ignored the existence of firearms and started by defeating other players with unarmed combat. This resulted in a romantic showdown of firearms vs. unarmed combat, which became the highlight of the live broadcast. In the end, Reiji was defeated by a professional player by a narrow margin.

Despite the hard-fought defeat, the moment Reiji was eliminated, thunderous applause erupted throughout the venue. Players from all around the world who were watching the broadcast of "End of the Century Strife" praised Reiji's performance.

Reiji's impressive display prompted "End of the Century Strife" to reintroduce elements for players who didn't use firearms or used firearms in combination with hand-to-hand combat, along with corresponding rules and game modes. But that's another story.

Sakuya was completely unaware of these details and was simply excited and cheering for Reiji's prowess.

"Wow, you're amazing, Reiji!"

"Really...? I feel like everyone else is amazing too..."

Reiji scratched the back of his head, seemingly unaffected as always.

Regardless, Reiji thanked Sakuya and said that he had a great time, but then he looked determined.

"Sakuya, you haven't had enough fun yet, have you? Next time, it's my turn to support you, so feel free to ask for anything."

"Really? Then I won't hold back."

This sentence almost overwhelmed Sakuya's heart, but she managed to survive.

There's no reason to be unhappy when she's with Reiji.

She was already having so much fun.

Reiji is really cool...!


What am I happy about!

It's not like I can't fall even more in love with Reiji...!

─As a result, in the time that followed, Sakuya fell in love with Reiji again several times.

After that, every week, Sakuya would find activities that would allow Reiji to show off his skills and push him to participate in competitions.

Sometimes they would even travel to other places, and the process would be cleverly arranged to allow him to participate naturally.

Reiji's performance became outstanding each time.

In the "Big Eater's Tournament," he caught up in the latter half, causing the other strong participants under pressure to break their own records. Although he didn't make it to the top three, he won the award for the best performance.

In the "Knowledge King's Tournament," although he was eliminated midway, he raised doubts about the questions that affected advancement, prompting the organizers to make a dramatic decision where both sides' answers were considered correct.

Under Sakuya's arrangements, Reiji became a participant in the "Handsome Guy Model Competition." Although a judge favored a certain beautiful male model to win the championship and couldn't vote for him, making it difficult for Reiji's votes to grow, that judge actively sought him out after the event and exchanged contact information.

 Reiji's participation in various activities allowed him to make many friends and left a profound impression on people in the industry. He truly was a dark horse, but despite going through many challenges, he remained calm and composed. This "humble in victory" attitude was admirable and impressed Sakuya, broadening her perspective.

Even though Reiji encountered several life-changing opportunities, he hesitated to move forward. Besides feeling uncertain and thinking others might be better, now he had a mindset of thinking he might be inadequate himself. He seemed indifferent to his future development.

In a positive light, one could say he was content and had no desires. However, from another perspective, it could be seen as listlessness and dejection. Sakuya couldn't help but feel frustrated, and this feeling intensified day by day.

"He's really had enough! Just one step more...! Just one last push...!" Sakuya lamented.

However, these experiences would eventually take root in Reiji's heart. Sakuya placed her hope on this possibility and continued to gather information.

Not long ago, Reiji officially began dating a friend's older sister. Just as Sakuya was struggling with the progress of their relationship...

Reiji was also troubled by the same issue.


Reiji attended the same public high school as his good friend, Ayato Nanjou.

His sigh echoed in the classroom.

Several male classmates and twice as many female classmates noticed the change in Reiji, and an unusual atmosphere filled the air.

Everyone noticed that Reiji seemed different lately.

In terms of proportions, more female students were the ones who noticed the change.

Indeed, only those who were fortunate enough to receive attention from the opposite sex, enough to endure the unique sentimental and melancholic energy of adolescence, could emit such a sigh as Reiji's.

In other words, some students started to speculate that Reiji might finally have a girlfriend. After all, Reiji had always been alongside Ayato as the two major pillars of the class, embodying the "loner" position.

Even though he excelled in academics and sports, he never boasted about it and always treated others with respect. Under Reiji's harmonizing influence, the class atmosphere was friendly and pleasant.

This atmosphere seemed to have a ripple effect on the entire year group.

There was no one in this year who stood out as an individual, and everyone took Reiji's gentlemanly behavior as an example, creating a trend.

Furthermore, Reiji had a good friend, Ayato Nanjou, who had considerable influence both within and outside the school.

Although the school was a closed environment where most students wouldn't dare to speak up, it was strange that Ayato had a wide network and strong backing outside of school, which also granted him significant influence within the school.

With the trust from within the school and the fame outside, Reiji and Ayato complemented each other's weaknesses. Under their joint influence, even cases of teachers bullying students were significantly reduced.

Reiji, who was one of the main forces in the class, had now gotten himself a girlfriend?

After noticing the change in Reiji, the students in the class, regardless of gender, had mixed feelings.

...Of course, everyone hoped that Reiji would find his happiness...

The strange thing was that it had been quite odd for Reiji not to have a girlfriend before, given his favorable conditions. However, he always adhered to the position of a loner, even though he possessed everything necessary to attract others.

He was like a guardian angel of all the loners, valuing his friendship with the members of the Loner Alliance above all else. But he couldn't completely hide his aura of brilliance in the darkness.

Under the radiance of this aura, most female students could only admire him from afar.

However, now, Reiji seemed particularly lonely, and even this type of atmosphere, which was more advanced and that they hadn't seen before, transformed into a charm.

Seeing him with his chin resting on his hands, gazing outside the window from his usual seat, he wondered why the anxieties of love always repeated themselves.

Despite his "lack of desires," he was still a boy. It was impossible not to be happy about having a beautiful older girlfriend and not to feel anxious.

And like any other boy his age, his knowledge of certain aspects of relationships was not particularly extensive.

As the younger one in the relationship, he somewhat hoped the other person could play the role of a mentor.

The relationship between Reiji and Sakuya unexpectedly didn't change before or after the confession, which completely caught Reiji off guard. The time they spent together each week did increase, and he could feel that Sakuya put in a lot of effort to make him happy. He was genuinely delighted. However, whenever he tried to take a step forward, even just half a step, Sakuya always seemed to want to maintain the status quo or stay in the same place.

He initially thought she was just shy, but she also appeared to enjoy things as they were. Perplexed, Reiji decided to seek help from Ayato.

Ayato: "Um... Strictly speaking, you and my older sister have grown up together like childhood friends... To change past habits, you might need some kind of trigger."

After discussing via their phones, they came to this conclusion—a trigger, a breakthrough point to change the situation. Reiji needed to take action to change the status quo.

"...It seems like I need to formally confess," Reiji concluded. While there had been some sort of mutual agreement before, it wasn't a proper confession. He wanted to express his true feelings to Sakuya. A few nights ago, when he was called to the convenience store, he once again realized how considerate and warm-hearted Sakuya was. Perhaps this could be the turning point that would make them truly become a couple.

But to become a couple, Reiji also needed to create a trigger. He couldn't simply go to Sakuya's home after school and express all his feelings verbally. He couldn't do that. So, he decided to prepare a gift. While giving his feelings as a gift, he would actively express his intentions to Sakuya. This would be the trigger Reiji created for himself.

Although it might be a bit cliché, he would find a way to work part-time and earn money to buy a piece of jewelry as a gift. Once again, Reiji sought Ayato's help. As a result, Ayato introduced him to a reasonably good job opportunity.

"Oh, here you are, Reiji. I brought someone," Ayato said.

"Hmm... Who's this?" Reiji turned around to see.

In front of him stood a cheerful, athletic-looking girl who seemed like the sunny type, and she was the one Ayato had brought along.

"Huh...!? The person you want to introduce to me is Reiji!?" However, the most surprised person was this girl.

Okada Misuzu.

"Ahh~ I see, Reiji also wants to join 'eat Meets,' right?" Misuzu feigned composure, giving a faint smile, and her tone was as frivolous as usual.

Although she directly called Reiji by his name, it felt like their relationship was close. However, this was the first time she addressed him this way.

First impressions were important, but this girl was acting too familiar right from the start!?

As long as she activated her special skill as a cheerful girl, "Eh? Is there something strange about me!?" she should be able to smoothly pass this test despite the prying eyes of their classmates!

Furthermore, she had an affinity that could quickly become friendly with anyone, regardless of the person's type.

This shouldn't be wrong, right? Her research on being a cheerful girl couldn't possibly be mistaken...!

Misuzu's brain quickly spun into action.

"Um... Ah? 'eat Meets'?"

 I had just finished speaking, and Reiji unexpectedly had such a strange reaction!


 Alright! Let's get through this with a cute smile and a tilt of the head!

"Reiji, haven't you seen her before? She's the one who's been riding her bicycle around the streets with a large square-shaped backpack lately."

See, Ayato is explaining it for me!

"Oh, I see... It's like delivering meals directly to customers, kind of like a delivery service."

"Exactly! Misuzu is the best around here."

"Aha-ha, come on, that's not true!"

Wait, how does Ayato know so much!?

I might be pretty good, but I've never mentioned it to anyone...

It's a bit scary. Anyway, let's not worry about that...!

Feeling a bit scary. Anyway, let's not worry about that for now!

"But if Reiji does it, you'll probably earn more than other part-time jobs! I heard there's a special zone in Boye City where high school students can also work for 'Eat Meets.' It would be a shame not to take this opportunity!"


"The hourly wage for high school students working around here is at most 950 yen, right?"

"Ah... Yeah, that's correct..."

"At 'Eat Meets,' the hourly wage can go up to 1,200 yen, and that's what I earn."



"And there's no supervisor, so you don't have to worry about complicated relationships with colleagues, and you can decide your own working hours."

"Yes, yes!"

"Sometimes, you might even receive tips from customers proactively~"

"...C-Can you please explain it to more detail...?"

Things went well, and then came the three-day holiday weekend in a row.

 On the last day, everything was ready to be done.

After completing the necessary procedures on his phone, Reiji hopped on his bicycle and carried the large square-shaped backpack.

"(Phew~ I'm so nervous.)"

Murmuring in her heart, the person was none other than the cheerful beautiful girl, Okada Misuzu, acting as a mentor for Reiji during his part-time work.

For Misuzu, Reiji was undoubtedly an unattainable high peak. Although his class was in a remote corner of the campus, rumors about him were still widespread.

He was the super handsome guy hidden among the "loner people" in his grade.

His athletic ability was unreal, and he was intelligent and well-mannered. Moreover, it was said that Ayato, who was at the top of the street gang, had complete control over the underground and had written many legendary tales, was his good friend.

To protect Reiji's campus life, Ayato personally stopped annoying club recruitment and even wolves who didn't spare male students.

As for Okada Misuzu, she barely managed to enter high school, and she could be considered a hardworking cheerful girl. From the campus's hierarchical perspective, she was quite prominent among cheerful girls, but she was still at the bottom of their social circle.

By rights, she didn't have the qualifications to get close to Reiji.

""Please teach me a lot." Reiji said.

Even though their status was quite equal, Reiji still valued etiquette, just like the rumors said.

"Yes! Just follow me at the beginning, and you'll get the hang of it quickly."

Misuzu rode her road bike and wore something resembling a delivery uniform.

Today's outfit is perfect!! Encouraging herself inwardly, Misuzu guided Reiji through the process of working at "eat Meets."

After a while...

"Ah... It's so smooth, just as the rumors said~" Misuzu temporarily stopped taking orders and sighed while observing Reiji from behind.

In fact, she vaguely sensed it.

"eat Meets" was like a video game.

It was like an RPG quest, the common "delivery mission."

Accept a mission in a certain location, deliver it to the destination as efficiently as possible, and then decide what kind of mission to take next.

Furthermore, "eat Meets" would suggest things like "take another order to increase income!" or "try taking two orders at once here and here!"—it was exactly like a video game.

Therefore, Reiji quickly grasped the knack of it, but Misuzu had anticipated this.

"You're really good, Reiji!"

"Ah... N-No, you taught me well..."

"No, no, no! I feel like your route choices are even better than mine!"

In fact, Misuzu even observed and discovered some small tricks during Reiji's learning process.

 This was her first time delivering orders with someone else, and experiencing it from a different perspective was a precious experience. She believed that she would become more efficient in delivering meals to customers in the future.

As they stopped to consider the delivery location, they settled in a secluded corner of the front park, parked their bicycles, and began to enjoy lunch.

"By the way, Reiji, are you working part-time to buy something specific?" Misuzu asked.

"Um... I want to enroll in a martial arts gym's classes," Reiji replied.

'Hmm...? Seems like he's hiding something...? But it doesn't feel like he's lying,' Misuzu thought to herself.

"What kind of gym is it? Sports or combat type?" she asked.

"Combat type... I want to become stronger," Reiji replied.

"Huh, hold on, that's pretty cool!" Misuzu couldn't help but think. Speaking of which, her useless older brother had also wanted to join a combat gym, but he kept postponing it, and the two of them were worlds apart...!

"Um... Can I ask you something, Misuzu?" Reiji hesitated.

"Sure, what do you want to ask?"

"What are the usual requirements that girls have for boyfriends?"

"R-Requirements, you mean?"

Misuzu's heart began to race. This was an exciting conversation.

"I think... it's related to physical strength," she answered.

"Physical strength...?"

"I believe that in the end, physical strength is quite important. Just think about it..."

Misuzu moved the bottle of barley tea away from her mouth and tried to explain to Reiji.

"When girls think about their requirements for a boyfriend, it mostly revolves around being gentle and considerate, right?"

"Ah... Yeah, that's something I often hear..."

"If you want to be gentle and considerate to others, you need to have good physical strength so that you have the energy to care for them."

"I see... Thanks for the insight."

"So, I think your idea of going to the gym is great!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Misuzu blushed.

What am I saying!? Does this mean I'm interested in Reiji?

However, she observed Reiji sneakily and realized he hadn't noticed at all.

It made her a little frustrated...

"That's right, a gym can also help improve physical strength."

"Yeah, so let's work hard delivering orders!"


Reiji checked the app on his phone.

"Could you let me observe you complete an order?"

"Ah... Sure. If you notice anything, please let me know."

"Sure, I'll be counting on you then."

While feeling uneasy in her heart, Misuzu pedaled her road bike.

Could it be that I want something to happen between us~

Maybe I should take the opportunity to exchange phone contacts...

Misuzu decided to raise her pace, entering a sweet and sour mode...

Sakuya, Ayato's older sister, and her good friend Reiji.

Upon learning that the two had started dating, Nanjou Ayato was very excited.

"Yay!" He wanted to quietly strike a victory pose in his room, but he couldn't help but make a sound.

Ayato had done his best to match the two for a long time.

From now on, his sister's and his friend's relationship would surely get better and better.

But it seemed that his sister was facing some difficulties in switching modes...

Well, he would find a way to solve it later.

While walking in the school corridor, Ayato took advantage of a moment when there was no one around and threw out this topic to Reiji.

"Seriously, I never thought that my sister would start dating you...!"

"Thanks... Ayato. Hearing you say that... makes me feel relieved."

"Why are you being so polite! Your relationship will make my sister more mature... at least I hope so!"

Last weekend, Reiji came over to Sakuya's house to hang out. It seemed like Sakuya had a plan, and from now on, every Saturday or Sunday, she would take Reiji out to various places. He also provided some suggestions.

As for Reiji, since he started dating Sakuya, he seemed to be undergoing some changes.

"But you're more mature than my sister, so you'll surely find a way," Ayato said.

"I don't understand what you mean...?" Reiji replied.

"Hahaha, initiating a second confession with my sister, that's a plan not everyone would think of," Ayato concluded, referring to Reiji's plan to confess again.

To create an opportunity for another confession, he has embarked on a life of running deliveries with 'eat Meets.'

He even introduced Misuzu, who is known as the 'eat Meets Girl' of their grade, to Reiji, trying to lend him a helping hand.

"Will it work...? Um... am I challenging an impossible mission?" Reiji wondered.

"Don't worry, I'll help too!"

This Sunday, it seemed like Sakuya wanted to take Reiji to participate in an esports competition, and their relationship was bound to become even closer.

"Thanks, Ayato."

"I have something else to attend to, so I'll take off. Good luck with work! See you tonight!"

After parting ways with Reiji, Ayato heads towards the station.


It's Friday, after school time.

Ayato arrives at the 24-hour fast-food restaurant on the third floor.

He sits by the window, overlooking the view of the station.

"I need to switch my mood back before anything else...!"

His sister's relationship with his friend is in crisis, so he must focus on that.

However, he also needs to handle the organization's maintenance as soon as possible... 

 Ayato gazes at the street view below. As the leader of the infamous street gang ''Taiikukiru" that dominates the underworld, he looked at the troublesome individuals gathered at the convenience store entrance while contemplating how to proceed.

"At that time, I really am sorry...!"


Ayato turned around and saw a blond delinquent boy bending forward at a forty-five-degree angle from the waist. He was the one who tried to hit on Sakuya when she left the gym.

"I told you not to let me see you again..."

"Yes...! B-But I feel really guilty if I don't apologize properly!!"

"What's your name?"

"Yukio Okada!"


A name he hadn't heard before, which meant he probably didn't have much influence...

"I regret what I did... Since getting reprimanded by Ayato-nii last time, I've turned over a new leaf!"

"Is that so~..."

He did look somewhat different. With Yukio's explanation, it turned out he had some qualities that he lacked when he was just a delinquent loafer.

"You should know who I am, right?"

"Yes! Oh, please don't misunderstand! It's only after meeting Ayato-nii that I felt I should be more like this..."

"So, what do you want from me?"

"I want to formally apologize to those two guys from last time, of course, also to Ayato-nii..."

"I see..."

This idiot doesn't seem that annoying~

That was Ayato's genuine thought.

"Also, there's one more thing that Ayato-nii must know..."

"Must know?"

"I heard that Goro Okamura, one of the 'Taiikukiru' three giants, plans to frame Ayato-nii..."

With this statement, Ayato's nerves, which had been on edge the whole day, were finally tingling. 

"He's targeting Ayato-nii's sister!"


 "Reiji, how long have you known Ayato?" Misuzu asked.

"Um, since kindergarten... No, it seems like even longer... We've been playing together since we were kids," Reiji replied.

The two parked their bicycles in a park near the station.

 Looking at the orders that appeared on the "eat Meets" app and then quickly disappeared, Reiji continued.

"Ayato now has a wide circle of friends and takes care of people well," Misuzu commented.

"Yeah, he's really amazing," Reiji agreed.

It was all thanks to Ayato's arrangements that she could work together with Reiji like this. Misuzu felt grateful towards Ayato.

"But you know, my earliest impression of Ayato was actually the opposite of what he is now," Reiji continued.


"He always had a sour face and never talked to anyone..."

"Huh? That's hard to believe."

"But when he was in third or fourth grade, he was willing to make friends like he does now."

"I see~"

He started doing what I only began doing in high school back when he was in elementary school? That's really early! Misuzu was truly amazed.

The reason she became a "gal" was mainly due to a sense of crisis. If she didn't change, she would be isolated. After she moved up to high school, she realized that she didn't know a single person in her school. If this situation continued, she would be marginalized, and her life would become miserable.

Misuzu's intuition told her that this wouldn't do, so in order to force herself to integrate into her class's social circle, she decided to become a "gal." However, she still hadn't realized one thing as a new "gal" in school.

Her rank among the girls in her grade was rapidly rising. Although it was through Ayato's introduction, the fact that she was able to spend time alone with Reiji, as a  senpai at their part-time job, prompted others to reassess her value and status.

The same goes for the "hot girls' circle"; Misuzu usually hangs out with several girls, and their group's ranking hasn't changed. However, the way others perceive her seems to be different.

Of course, Misuzu remained unaware of this.

"Oh, what about this order? If it's at this time, the fast-food restaurant should prepare it quickly," she suggested, pointing to a new order that appeared on the app.

"I'll let you have this one... I want to challenge the ramen shop I delivered last time."

"Is that so? Then, I won't hold back~"

After adjusting the angle of her road bike, Misuzu pedaled at a lively pace.


In the city, there was a group of delinquent teenagers called "Taiikukiru," who often engaged in borderline illegal activities.

Ayato was the leader of the group "Taiikukiru."

This was the reason why Yukio, who had tried to hit on Sakuya, ran away in fear upon seeing Ayato.

Now, Ayato and Yukio, a member of the organization, walked and talked together.

"How did you find out about this plan to harm my sister?" Ayato asked.

"Um, it's a bit embarrassing... Actually, I wanted to join 'Taiikukiru' for some time," Yukio scratched his dyed blond hair and continued.

"I asked my friends for help to introduce me, but nothing happened, and it made me frustrated. But now, I know where the problem lies... I just can't do it; that's why," Yukio explained.

After meeting Ayato, Yukio finally became aware of his own insignificance. As he pondered how to change himself, something unexpected happened.

"Suddenly, someone called me over and said that if I was willing to help, they would let me join 'Taiikukiru.'"

Yukio learned about this plan together with several other members.

"They said they want to weaken Ayato-nii's influence and then take control themselves."

"So they plan to target my family?" Ayato inquired.

It seems that one of the three major executives, Goro Okamura, is attempting to launch a coup within "Taiikukiru" and rallying comrades and main forces. Sakuya is in danger.

If Ayato senses something amiss and takes the initiative to propose a truce, it will undoubtedly affect his influence within the organization. By seizing this opportunity, Goro Okamura could secure his position as the top of the three executives and expand his control within the organization.

Is this plan really feasible?

"Goro Okamura is worried because Ayato's sister is so beautiful," Yukio's words brought back memories for Ayato.

Ayato's purpose in establishing "Taiikukiru" was to protect important people.

"(I wonder if Reiji still remembers...)" Ayato thought.

Sakuya, Ayato's sister, had been the center of attention since she was a child. But this was also the reason why she started avoiding going to school.

Sakuya was enthusiastic and was often elected as the leader from a young age. But when she reached higher grades, there was another female student in her class who was also an opinion leader. Feeling increasingly inferior to Sakuya, the girl eventually distanced herself, using the excuse that Sakuya was bullying other students.

In reality, Sakuya was close friends with that bullied girl. They were just playing around, but due to misunderstandings and malicious rumors instigated by another girl, the situation became more complicated. Ultimately, it led to Sakuya avoiding school.

The unfair pressure of public opinion was just like that. Ayato was at the center of the maelstrom, unable to do anything.

As a result, Sakuya, who had experienced unfair treatment for the first time in her life, was ultimately saved by Reiji.

"Sakuya is so cute and will be troubled by other girls," Reiji was the only one who gave Ayato an answer when he was questioning the world about why this was happening to his sister.

"You are so cute, Sakuya, and you love helping others. But doing too much will inevitably lead to criticism from others. However, Sakuya, you never stop helping others, and that's truly amazing! You haven't done anything wrong; you're truly great!" Reiji held Sakuya's hands tightly, helping her stand up.

"I will teach you the techniques my father taught me. After becoming stronger, Sakuya, you'll be invincible!" From then on, Reiji spent time talking and training with Sakuya in the backyard until she was ready to return to school.

Reiji also taught her the techniques of direct punches and mid-level roundhouse kicks, and they practiced together with the pads he brought from home.

Meanwhile, the issue of school bullying finally caught the attention of the school's organization, and as the situation escalated, several classmates who couldn't bear the pressure came forward with new testimony, turning the situation around.

Finally, it was proven that Sakuya was the victim of the bullying incident.

After half a year of rehabilitation, Sakuya's physical and mental strength had greatly improved, and she returned to school as a king. The crisis of the Nanjo family was finally over, thanks to Reiji's assistance.

However, Ayato also realized the importance of chance during this period.

The external public opinion—media attention that happened to focus on "school bullying"—was what triggered the change in the situation. It was the involvement of the organization and active reporting by the news media that led the classmates to confess the truth with a guilty conscience. Otherwise, the truth might not have come to light. If the direction of public opinion were slightly different, the topic might have just continued to burn, and the resolution of the real problem would have remained unknown.

At that time, even if Sakuya managed to regain her confidence with Reiji's help, external circumstances might not have allowed her to return to school.

Despite being young, Ayato was very aware of this.

It was really unfair. Ayato handed over the task of supporting Sakuya to Reiji, as he believed that Reiji could handle it. As for Ayato himself, he wanted to protect Sakuya and protect Reiji in other ways.

Chance played a significant role in this incident.

Could it be possible to turn this chance into an inevitability and use it to protect both of them?

This idea is simply too impractical.

Faced with this unanswered question, Ayato had to come up with an answer. 

Circumstances create chances. What is the environment?

It's the 'society.'

To create a controllable 'society' and use their influence to protect the two of them.

In practical terms, the power to prevent bullying comes from 'autonomous groups.'

So, it's necessary to possess the 'power of organization.'

At that time, Ayato was just an elementary school student, but he made many attempts.

From village leaders, police stations, district offices to the education committee, Ayato inquired about the structure and operation of government organizations, and he almost visited all the places he wanted to know as a primary school student.

Sometimes he would write letters or send emails to local representatives or even visit them in person to experience various social rules.

Certainly, Ayato doesn't need to be at the mercy of any organization.

In fact, he has almost been manipulated several times.

Nevertheless, Ayato took inspiration from Reiji's proactive approach and his way of dealing with people. He successfully resolved crises, and even turned the tables on others, using their abilities to his advantage. Then, he followed the principle of reciprocity, allowing others to benefit in return, gradually building a rich network of connections.

All these experiences eventually paid off for Ayato.

He finally built his own organization through his own efforts, creating the 'autonomous group.'

Which is now known as the Taiikukiru  group.

Ayato didn't believe that the 'autonomous group' he created was an evil organization.

He attached great importance to empathizing with people's feelings.

When this skill came into play and relationships between people were rebuilt--

Ayato became interested in the existing organizations, mainly schools and local clubs, of teenagers.

Those who were rejected and feared by the outside world were seen by Ayato as victims of society.

The things those people couldn't say, Ayato could understand and even empathize with better than they could.

Although he could empathize with the unreasonable treatment his sister endured, he was completely powerless to heal her emotional trauma.

This motivated Ayato to transform his grief and indignation into a driving force, unconsciously saving teenagers bullied by society.

Gradually, he formed a vast interpersonal network, and it became a society centered around Ayato.

The teenagers rejected by mainstream society collectively formed the underground 'organizational power' called 'Taiikukiru.'

As for Ayato, who truly understood the problematic individuals who refused to be disciplined and could even persuade them, he gained the title of 'Red Devil' with an absolute reputation for violence.

This 'autonomous group' called itself 'Taiikukiru' and gradually grew into a massive organization known by all.

Now, Ayato's title is no longer the 'leader' of 'Taiikukiru' but the 'president.'

A few months ago, he was still the 'leader,' but in order to carry out the mission of reconciling his sister Sakuya and his friend Reiji, he feared that he might act out of line, so he temporarily handed over the position of 'leader' to the executives.

The executives, who are referred to as the 'Three Giants,' are three people in total.

Goro Okamura, Shinichi Amaki, and Yuuzen Yugure are the current leaders of 'Taiikukiru.'

Among them, Goro Okamura seems to be making some moves.

"So, Ayato will definitely come to find me. I can only say that my plan is just perfect."

This place is a sports and leisure center equipped with facilities such as bowling, table tennis, billiards, and even basketball.

In one corner of the leisure center, there is a set of particularly imposing sofas that are out of place with the atmosphere of the rest area.

This is the exclusive spot for Yuuzen Yugure, one of the 'Three Giants' of 'Taiikukiru,' and his followers.

"Ordinarily, Ayato would not be fooled, and he probably already figured out my intentions."

After clearing his throat, Yugure stretched out his slender fingers and lightly stroked his pointed chin covered with a white antibacterial mask.

With silver-edged glasses and short, refreshing hair, his slim and elegant figure squinted, revealing a shrewd and astute aura.

"But family is his protective shield and his only weakness."

"Oh, wow! Amazing!" Yugure's followers couldn't hide his excitement.

"Goro is always loyal to Ayato. To clarify whether the betrayal is true or false, the first step is definitely to gather information from all over... Don't forget that he's known for being an information source."

Yugure took out his phone from the table.

"We got lucky. We actually found that waste called Yukio Okada. Ayato has no resistance to people who have changed their ways."

"I see..." The followers present praised in admiration.

Among these people, there was someone who provided false information to Yukio on behalf of the organization.

To repay the favor, the once-punished waste, who Ayato dealt with before, will surely convey everything truthfully.

"Look, he's coming just as expected...""

Among these people, there was one who provided false information to the organization members working for Yukio.

In return for a favor, the person who had been once dealt with by Ayato would undoubtedly convey the truth.

"Look, as expected, he's here."

Yugure's phone started vibrating, and the screen displayed the name "Nanjou Ayato."

Seeing the leader's appearance, everyone around him held their breath.

"My plan is foolproof, and now 'Taiikukiru' will be under my control."

In fact, after that, Ayato took charge of protecting his sister and Reiji to ensure their safety.

Under Sakuya's guidance, Reiji almost visited various competition venues and experienced magical dates, all the while being discreetly protected by Ayato.

Based on the information released by Yugure and the results of their inquiries, there were signs that Goro Okamura had indeed ordered his subordinates to take action, but it was unclear what they were looking for.

To maintain order within 'Taiikukiru,' they needed more concrete evidence.

So they had to be prepared to take action at any time.

During this weekend, Ayato was busy protecting his sister in various places.

And the mastermind, Yuuzen Yugure, who was watching for the decisive moment, was right by his side...

"Go Dash Martial Arts Center" is a place where Reiji and Sakuya often go.

As the weekend approached on Friday, there were usually more coaches present. This was not only because many members wanted to enjoy the intense workout on the last day of the workweek, but also because the gym held special training sessions for professional athletes on Friday nights, providing them with an opportunity to exchange experiences. This was one of the reasons why many coaches were present.

Recently, the coaches had one more reason to gather at the gym.

It was because Reiji, who recently got a girlfriend, was in the habit of practicing at this time.

"Wow! Who did Reiji learn those grappling techniques from? They're so clean and precise..."

"...Don't try to convince him to become a professional athlete anymore. The president has already said that unless he has the intention himself, we can only continue to wait."

The coaches folded their arms and watched Reiji, who was undergoing training.

While it wasn't out of the question to ask Reiji if he wanted to enter the fighting world, he flatly refused, using the excuse, "No, I'm not interested."

Currently, he was still in the phase of enjoying physical activity and had not thought about the future yet.

If they rashly made an offer at this time, it would not arouse Reiji's interest. Instead, it would reinforce his belief that he didn't want to be a fighter.

Therefore, the coaches reached a consensus to let Reiji continue to enjoy working out at the gym for the time being.

However, seeing Reiji repeatedly practicing fighting techniques meticulously, asking questions that got straight to the point, and mastering even the most difficult moves quickly, they couldn't help but treasure his talent.

"Hoo... hoo... hoo... Thank you for the guidance!"

As the timer reached Reiji, Reiji's grappling practice came to an end.

"Wipe off the sweat and remember to stay hydrated!"


While catching his breath, Reiji rummaged through his backpack, and a coach approached him.

"Mm... You've worked hard, Little Reiji. By the way, do you have any worries?"

"Huh...? Worries...?"

The person chatting with Reiji was a coach from the gym, known as Satoru.

He had written a brilliant history in the world of mixed martial arts and, although he would sometimes inexplicably adopt a big sister's tone in serious situations, he was highly praised as a coach who could empathize with professional athletes and regular members alike.

"Well, I have a feeling your moves today weren't as decisive."

"...Actually, um... that's correct..."

"I knew it! It must be related to your girlfriend, right?"

He had heard that Reiji and Sakuya were dating from other gym employees.

"What!? Reiji actually has a girlfriend? Is she a sexy and beautiful big sister type, or a sporty and energetic girl!?"

"Uh... well..."

"Ryou, quiet down! No wonder you can never get a girlfriend!"

Satoru's taunting caused laughter to erupt in the gym.

The coach named Ryou was a jiu jitsu practitioner who had just practiced with Reiji. His real name was Oshima Ryou, and in the past, he had aspired to become a comedian.

When he mentioned "sexy and beautiful big sister type," he was referring to Sakuya, who was quite a well-known figure in the gym. As for the "sporty and energetic girl," that was the nickname for Misuzu, known as Eat Meets Girl. She used to deliver Indian curry to the gym and had previously discussed fitness topics with Reiji. Currently, she was considering becoming a member.

Although the coaches were somewhat jealous of the news about Reiji and Sakuya dating, overall, there were more relieved voices. After all, someone as beautiful as Sakuya should ideally have someone special, so she wouldn't be distracted during training.

"If you want someone to talk to, don't hesitate to find me anytime," Satoru said.


Satoru's considerate words made Reiji hesitate.

However, his hesitation quickly disappeared. After spending this period of time training back and forth, Reiji had already developed complete trust in the gym's coaches. Besides, they were all adults and should have rich social experiences.

So Reiji shared his worries with them.

"Ahaha~! My body feels so itchy!"

As Ryou twisted around, he got kicked away by other coaches.

"I see... You want to confess to Sakuya, huh? Well, if there's any way I can help, count me in!" said Satoru firmly, holding Reiji's shoulder.

"When the time comes, I want to give her accessories as a gift, but I don't know where to start..."

At this moment, several coaches were twisting and shouting, but they all ended up being knocked down.

The coaches began to suggest ideas, with some even acting out silly scenarios. Eventually, they all ended up on the ground, mimicking being kicked away.

"Rings might feel a bit heavy..."

Again, strange cries like "Hmm~!" or "Aaaaah~..." echoed from the coaches, as if they were the ones involved.

"No! Decide now, Reiji!"

However, Satoru firmly held onto Reiji's shoulder with a determined tone.

"Only the ring you mentioned with the most sincere and heartfelt words can truly express your feelings."

"I remember the landlady of this building runs a wedding ring store near the station."

"That lady? Let's find her! She's also a member here!"

"Reiji, if you're going to use a ring for the confession... make sure to choose a romantic place! Otherwise, you might be blamed for it for the rest of your life! Make it an unforgettable moment for her!"

"Very practical advice... being married really changes people..."

"Oh, I met someone from a public relations company a while ago, and they seem to be organizing some interesting events... let me show you a video."

"...Wow! That's not bad! What do you think, Reiji?"

"Huh... This public relations company... didn't they organize that e-sports tournament before?"

"Do you know this company, Reiji?"

"Well, in that case, it's easy. I'll give them a call."

...With the assistance of these chatty muscle men, the battle to confess to his girlfriend was finally taking shape. Reiji couldn't help but feel amazed at how reliable adults were...


This novel will only be updated on wednesday. Every Wednesday, 7k words will be released.

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