Part 2

Volume 1 - Part 2 -- One week after the life-changing "event." (1)

All this time, Sakuya Nanjou, the 19-year-old who had secretly admired a younger boy, finally started officially dating him. However, she had a concern.

"(Are Reiji and I really boyfriend and girlfriend...?)"

Inside the newly opened café on the university campus, Sakuya sat in a corner, pursing her lips tightly. The café was filled with many students, including several male students, most of whom had their eyes fixed on Sakuya, who stood out just by sitting there.

Although most people might not notice, ever since social media became popular, the scale of campus beauty contests has gradually decreased. Sakuya's university had also considered canceling this activity several years ago, but the desire, curiosity, and passionate support of male students for their favorites remained unyielding.

So, thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of many proactive students, the "Underground Campus Beauty Contest" continued to be held secretly.

Sakuya was well aware of the existence of this contest. After all, she was a little peculiar and had a preference for dating younger boys who could be like her little brothers.

However, Sakuya became concerned about the gazes from male students of her age, and upon learning about the existence of the "Underground Campus Beauty Contest," some female students, who saw her as a rival, tried to exclude her from the contest. Nevertheless, she managed to secure a place among the top three contestants.

As a result, Sakuya became the center of attention on campus, even she underestimated the seriousness of the situation.

Of course, she did notice people talking about her. Sakuya wasn't that oblivious. However, her perspective was limited, and she didn't realize that the issue had escalated into a "campus consensus."

She thought the gossip revolved around her being "experienced in love."

In reality, during a group discussion for a class project, a reasonably attractive female student said something like, "Sakuya must have had many boyfriends before~ Why is she single now~?" Hearing such ambiguous questions, Sakuya casually brushed them off, not giving them much thought.

The truth was, Sakuya had absolutely no experience in this regard. She had never had a boyfriend before. Her relationship with Reiji Hiramiya—the so-called lover's relationship—was her first ever.

Each subsequent stage would be a new experience for her, and, of course, she did have some knowledge about relationships. Sakuya had tried several times to imagine the happiness and beauty of this new bond with Reiji.

However, she didn't know how refreshing the world could be when all the layers of filters were removed, making her wonder if she had to relearn everything she had experienced in the past.

Strangely, since they started dating, her heart would always race when facing Reiji. Next year, she will turn twenty. She was almost an adult. Sakuya, who had just turned nineteen and finally started dating Reiji, was now troubled.

She was like a deer in headlights, experiencing happiness every day, not knowing what to do with it.

Yet, she couldn't pinpoint any significant differences before and after they started dating...

Was this really what it felt like to be in a relationship?

"(What's wrong with me? I feel like a grade-schooler...!)"

After coming home early from school, Sakuya waited for Reiji in the hallway, hiding inside a large cardboard box.

Feeling overwhelmed by her behavior that resembled that of a grade-schooler, Sakuya thought things over and finally decided to do this.

(Reiji will definitely be surprised and react to my actions!)

The cardboard box emitted the familiar smell of the studio, triggering memories of the past. Reiji had protected her when someone was trying to hit on her and led her away from the scene. Later, unable to hold back her feelings, she confessed her love to him and received a positive response.

Reiji looked so cool at that time...

Last week, she experienced happiness she had never known before.

Now, it was mutual love.

A special bond confirmed by both sides.

Sakuya was well aware of this.

 However, sitting cross-legged and huddled inside the cardboard box, Sakuya once again contemplated what being in a relationship actually meant. She genuinely didn't know what to do.

But she didn't want Reiji to see her in this childlike state of confusion. After all, she was the older sister here. It was her responsibility to hold Reiji's hand and lead him on the right path of love. Hence, she sought to take their emotional exchange one step further...!

Ding-dong—the doorbell rang.

Sakuya immediately checked her phone, thinking that Reiji would send a message before coming home (※not his own home). However, there were no notifications on her phone.

Was the person outside not Reiji?

The sound of keys turning entered her ears.

Was it her brother, Ayato, opening the door?

Could it be that Reiji had come back with Ayato??

According to Sakuya's plan, she was supposed to send a message to Reiji when he was coming back alone, telling him that the spare key was in the mailbox so he could enter the house.

Now, the person stepping into the hallway after taking off their shoes at the entrance seemed to be alone.

Her plan had gone awry, so Sakuya dared not move inside the cardboard box.

In her immobile state, the lid of the box was lifted.

"What are you doing...? Sakuya-san..."

"Huh?! Reiji!? This...! What are you doing!?"

Sakuya couldn't help but call out.

"Reiji, why are you climbing into the box too!? It's... it's too cramped!"

"I was going to ask why Sakuya-san was hiding in here."

"Wait, why are you closing the lid!? Don't, don't do that! ...Reiji!? It's so dark inside!"

"I just wanted to experience how Sakuya-san feels..."

Of course, the inside of the box was incredibly cramped.

Sakuya had nowhere to escape.

 She never imagined that things would turn out like this.

 Reiji even climbed into the box...!

 Sakuya originally planned to jump out suddenly when Reiji was suspicious of the cardboard box, and take the lead in the conversation when he was frightened.

 "It's quite warm inside..."

Reiji threw out these words without thinking, and his body gradually adapted to the environment inside the cardboard box.

However, Reiji naturally leaned in closer, pressing his entire body against Sakuya.

He was right beside her...!! So close!!

Feeling Reiji's breath suddenly, Sakuya's breathing became rapid!

"This, this won't do!"

If she didn't think of something quickly, the initiative would surely fall into Reiji's hands, damaging her status as the big sister.


Sakuya gathered all her strength and extended her legs, pushing forward with all her might.


The cardboard box instantly fell apart.

Split into two, the box exposed Sakuya and Reiji to the light.


Startled by the sudden turn of events, Reiji was startled.

Sakuya took the opportunity to stand up.

"Didn't I tell you already? Even if we're dating, it's not the time for that kind of thing!?"

Reiji rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh... can't we hide together in the box?"

"I-I didn't mean that... Oh well, you dummy!"

Sakuya turned her back, not wanting Reiji to see her blushing cheeks.

"I'll leave the cardboard box to you."

Leaving Reiji behind wailing loudly, Sakuya walked into the living room.

Her actions just now were really hard to control. She couldn't help but want to show all her love to Reiji.

It was just too sudden, too close.

Even though she had confessed last week in such a romantic situation.

Even though she managed to say, "Reiji, date me!"

"I like you! I like you the most! I love you, Reiji!" Those words were still hard to say.

Not only couldn't she express it in words, but she also felt embarrassed to show her feelings on her face.

"That... Sakuya-san..."

"What, what is it...?"

Sakuya looked at Reiji standing at the entrance of the living room, trying to remain calm and pretend like nothing had happened.

"I bought your favorite apple pie. I'll make some tea later. Do you want to have it together?"


I love you so much...! Sakuya suppressed the urge to shout.

"Really? Okay. Then I'll go, set up the table."

Even saying "thank you" was spoken quietly, almost inaudible.

But at least she said something. At least she thanked Reiji (※though she actually didn't).

This way, Reiji should be able to feel her love for him a little bit.

That's good.

Next, Sakuya planned to keep the challenge of deepening their emotional connection a secret from her brother, Ayato, who was coming back from outside.

In fact, she also bought something that Reiji loved today.

"(We have such good chemistry in this aspect...!)"

Feeling emotional, Sakuya started preparing the supermarket sushi that Reiji loved so much.

He particularly liked the ones with lots of wasabi.

"Munch, munch, munch~!!"

However, he couldn't spit out the salmon, his favorite, no matter how hard he tried, so he had to swallow it with tears in his eyes.

"What's with the amount of wasabi! You've dug a hole in the rice and stuffed it full of wasabi, as if it's cream on a cream bun!"

"Reiji, how can a guy cry so easily? You need to toughen up."

"What do you want me to do to toughen up against wasabi!?"

With tears streaming down his face, Reiji saw Sakuya's excitement and couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with affection.

He was completely addicted.

Moreover, considering the progress of their relationship, his face turned even redder, and his heart thumped harder.

--In the night.

Reiji was taking a bath, and Sakuya took out a special bath additive she had prepared.

"Wait, wait! No, Sakuya! The swimsuit will dissolve!?"

As expected, Reiji was taken aback.

Sakuya had sneaked into the bathroom while Reiji was bathing and poured a gel-type bath additive into the tub.

Reiji thought the bath additive Sakuya prepared was safe.

"A gel-type bath additive... I never knew such a thing existed..."

At first, Reiji appeared calm, but Sakuya's next words made him flustered.

"This gel will dissolve swimsuits, but you're naked, so it's fine."

"Then don't come in! Sakuya-san, aren't you wearing a swimsuit!?"

"Well, you won't peek at me, will you?"

"That's right!! Ah, don't... don't kneel down!"

Reiji then added a miserable scream, "The swimsuit will dissolve, right!?"

As a result, the swimsuit obviously didn't dissolve, but Reiji, who stubbornly believed it, closed his eyes and refused to look at Sakuya, who was wearing a swimsuit.

Sakuya found Reiji's heartwarming reactions really adorable.

The results of their emotional exchange were even better than she had expected.

Sakuya also noticed that as long as she took the lead, she wouldn't be as nervous as when they were hiding in the cardboard box.

Of course, her heart still raced, but that was expected, especially since Reiji was not wearing any clothes, and she was only in a swimsuit. It was only natural for her heart to race under such circumstances.

Sakuya's brazen and unreasonable behavior didn't stop there.

At bedtime, Sakuya sneaked into her younger brother Ayato's room and hid under the bed, waiting for both of them to fall asleep.

The following events unfolded like a version of "The Man Under the Bed," except this time the resident's escape failed, and Sakuya's nighttime ambush on Reiji was wildly successful.

After that, Sakuya left Reiji, with tears in his eyes, and returned to her room, lying down on her bed.

Feeling satisfied with her desires, she drifted off to sleep.

"Wait a minute, is this how it ends!?" Sakuya suddenly sat up.

"Is it really the same as before? What did I do wrong!?"

Sakuya started to think about where she had made a mistake.

She had been working harder than ever before!

Besides that...

"This can't be...?"

Sakuya realized that things had not changed much from before, and the amount of physical contact between them seemed to have decreased.

"Isn't this how boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to be...?"

Well... maybe I'm just too impatient.

It had only been a week since they started dating.

Yes, just a week.

They had been friends for over ten years, but they had only started dating a week ago.

It would be strange if everything changed suddenly.

Perhaps after a month, they would become what people consider a lovey-dovey couple.

Moreover, Reiji still came to the house as Ayato's friend, not as someone coming to see her as his girlfriend.

He didn't come to see me as his girlfriend yet.

She believed that he would come to visit her as his girlfriend in the future.

"Maybe I'm just too impatient."

--And then another month passed.


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