Ch 4

  Chapter 4: Cinema teaches you how to make games like this!

"Mario... oh no, Catrio."

Ah Yin clicked on the game's details.

Beside the pathetic and crude cover, the game details were written:

Game Name: Catrio

Developed by: Golden Wind

Genre: Side-scrolling platformer

Price: 2 yuan

"This art style..."

Ah Yin stared at the upright walking cat with a mischievous smile for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"What the hell is this piece of junk? No wonder it's only 2 yuan."

With that, Ah Yin clicked on the purchase button and added this "Catrio" game to his library.

Meanwhile, the barrage of comments was also amused by the bizarre game cover:

"What is this ghost game?"

"The art style looks so shoddy."

"This art style, hahaha, it's a bit more advanced than stick figures."

"But this cat looks so mischievous..."

"Isn't this just a reskin of Mario? Scamming for money."

"Daily gameplay: feeding sh*t."

"I think the author intentionally set the price low. After all, it's just 2 yuan, and players probably can't be bothered to refund it."

"A niche game, I'm ready to report it."

"Can this even be called a game?"


The game was tiny, and almost in the blink of an eye, Ah Yin completed the download and installation.

After glancing at the barrage, Ah Yin shook his head silently. His thoughts and comments were similar:

"Let's just experience it briefly. If this is a completely niche game, I won't play it for the full twenty minutes. If you have any reports, let's just move on."

With that, Ah Yin clicked on the game.

The game screen appeared.

An even rougher and more shoddy pixelated art style than Mario appeared on the screen.

Oval-shaped clouds, square blocks, rectangular pipes, standard circles with no color for the enemies...

Ah Yin was speechless.

"Isn't this going a bit too far?"

"I'm not asking for a high-quality game for two yuan, but at least don't use the default drawing software!"

This rubbish!

He could have made this too!

"And this is just Mario! Even the levels are exactly the same! I could complete this game blindfolded!"

With that, Ah Yin started the game.

Controlling the expression of the mischievous and enchanting little cat, he took a few steps forward while commentating:

"Walk forward, oh, jump once, stomp on this little enemy, hit the question block ahead to get coins—"

As Ah Yin controlled the mischievous cat to jump and hit the question block...


With a mischievous sound effect.

The block that was supposed to release coins when hit actually moved up by one grid right in front of everyone's eyes!


Ah Yin was stunned and instinctively held down the jump button.


Another sound effect, and the question block flew even higher.

"Huh, what the f*ck?"

Ah Yin finally realized that something was wrong.

"Why won't it let me hit it?"

The viewers in the live chat seemed to also realize that there was something peculiar about this game:

"Hahaha, it's the first time I've seen blocks that can run on their own."

"Blocks: Get away, stay away from me!"

"Hahaha, so disdainful."

"I can complete this game blindfolded."

"Seems interesting."

"So mischievous..."

After attempting to jump a few more times and watching the blocks hide higher and higher, eventually making it impossible to collect coins, Ah Yin gave up:

"Alright, forget it, it's just some coins. If I don't get them, I don't get them. There's still a mushroom up ahead."

With that, Ah Yin continued moving forward, successfully hitting the second question block.

Ding dong!

As the sound effect played, the mushroom that Ah Yin remembered also appeared and slid down along a row of blocks. Meanwhile, Ah Yin had already run under the blocks, ready to eat the mushroom and grow bigger. At the same time, he couldn't help but boast, "I can complete this game blindfolded, you see, I can already memorize the level..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the purple mushroom slid down along the blocks. Unbiased, it landed directly on top of Catrio's head.

Immediately after, Ah Yin, controlling Catrio, performed a small jump in place and died on the spot!

At the same time, a dying message appeared above his head: "This mushroom... is poisonous..."

After a brief moment of confusion, Ah Yin was shocked, to say the least!

"What? Huh? After playing Super Mario for over twenty years, nobody told me that the mushroom is poisonous!!!"

Clearly, this absurd death not only shocked Ah Yin but also amused the viewers, causing them to burst into laughter!

"Eating a mushroom and dying, hahaha!"

"Mario must be laughing his head off."

"This is so ridiculously funny, hahaha!"

"Youth has a good body; lying down is the way to go."

"This scared the hell out of me, hahaha!"

"Cause of death: Can memorize the level."

"The dying message is killing me."

"This game is poisonous, hahaha..."

At this moment, both the livestream host, Ah Yin, and the viewers in the chatroom realized that this game was not ordinary!

Superficially, the level design of this game seemed identical to Mario's. However, it was filled with hidden dangers, and every step could lead to unexpected traps!

Ah Yin took a deep breath, glanced at the joyful glowstick gifts filling the screen, and steadied his mind.

"Ah—damn it! I get it now! This game is challenging me!"

"Damn it, trying to be sneaky with me! Fine!"

With that, Ah Yin straightened his body, flexed his fingers, and held the controller firmly.

"I'm a PC and motion-sensing game streamer. You think you can beat me?!"

With renewed determination, Ah Yin's Catrio started again!

No more hitting the coin blocks at the beginning!

No more eating the poisonous mushrooms!

Even by pure coincidence, Ah Yin managed to dodge the flying fish enemy that unexpectedly appeared from the first pipe!

"...Damn it! Did you see that? That's what we call the top gamer in Jinmen!"

Ah Yin patted his chest.

"Hey, with that reaction just now, who wouldn't say 'you've got great skills, young hero'?"

As he spoke, Ah Yin felt quite proud. With a small jump, he stomped on the enemy and reached the second pipe.

After trying to entice it a couple of times, Ah Yin confirmed that no more flying fish enemies would emerge from this pipe.

He couldn't help but chuckle:

"You can tell whether the designer understands Super Mario just from this pipe."

"Because all veteran players know that this pipe should lead to a hidden room."

"Let's give it a try."

With that, Ah Yin stood on top of the pipe and pressed the down arrow.

Sure enough!

After a brief pause, Catrio gradually entered the pipe.

Ah Yin nodded in appreciation. "Not bad, remembering this hidden passage shows that the designer..."

Before he could finish his sentence...


The pipe began to shake in place!

With the shaking becoming more and more violent, to everyone's astonishment, flames burst out from the bottom of the pipe!

Then came a rumbling sound.

The pipe transformed into a rocket and shot straight into the sky, taking Catrio with it and turning him into a small star!

Lives: -1

Ah Yin:...

"This designer must be insane!!!"


Because the scene before him was too absurd, Ah Yin slammed the table right then and there!

"Cinema teaches you how to make games like this?!"

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