Final Part


Volume 1 - Epilogue

A voice echoed in the ears of the protagonist of this story, Hiramiya Reiji.

"Even socially awkward people are human! They also have regrets!"

Why did this sentence, spoken by a classmate after school, continue to linger in his mind without dissipating?

(Perhaps because, as an unattractive socially awkward person, I announced to everyone that I am no longer single...)

As the train arrived at the station near his home, Reiji stepped out and stood on the platform, recalling the blessings of his friends.

They called it blessings, but in reality, it was more like a rigorous interrogation.

When the train doors opened, releasing the compressed air from inside the carriage, Reiji also let out a long sigh.

Today's report is not yet over.

It's about what happened after school.

With Reiji's newfound relationship, some of his socially awkward friends also underwent changes.

Today, he wanted to tell everyone about his friend Itou Yuuta (Alias).

Yes, it's the guy who fell in love with a real-world beauty and ended up defeated in the battlefield of love, the figurine collector.

As a proud socially awkward otaku, he bravely made his move, but ended up sacrificing himself in a situation where he couldn't even become friends.

However, this did not diminish his feelings that he had harbored for a long time.

He did make the unwise decision of bringing the role-playing doll of the beloved girl A to school.

That was indeed not very smart and got him shot down with a single sentence.

But it couldn't erase his heart.

When Reiji confessed to his friends that he was dating the older girl, and they all offered their blessings, Itou Yuuta(actually his real name) still uttered the phrase that lingered in his mind.

"Even socially awkward people are human! They also have regrets!"

So today, during the after-school gathering of socially awkward friends, he took out a figurine.

The scene erupted into a commotion because it was a figurine he had made from scratch, starting with a blank canvas.

The completed figurine was of the girl A, not an animated character, but a real person.

The outcome left everyone in awe.

Overall, it was still a bit rough, but that was only natural, as it couldn't be completed in a short time.

Nevertheless, it had a sense of taste and was not as terrible as one might think.

Itou Yuuta's work passed the judgment of numerous male otakus.

And he used to be a figurine collector; now he evolved into a creator.

It's truly nauseating.

However, he chose to break through himself.

This determination was truly admirable.

The after-school gathering of socially awkward friends turned into a celebration in praise of Yuuta.

So, today, Reiji was delayed at the ticket gate of the train station, and the sun was about to set.

Even though he bought a bag of eleven cream puffs to share, Reiji was still mentally repeating the same melody, not even having the thought of making fun of the fact that "why is the sharing pack eleven? It's a prime number!"


For Reiji and other socially awkward friends, love was like a distant light they could only yearn for.

The world has always been unfriendly to socially awkward people.

...That's right, they have no interest.

But they can still persist to the end.

Everyone has the right to hold such a belief.

That's the way this world is.

"Truly heartless..."

Reiji chewed on his friend's famous saying.

He was well aware that he had a friend who had always supported his belief.

To Reiji, his childhood friend Nanjou Ayato was his benefactor.

Until now, Reiji finally realized that Ayato had always been discreetly trying to bring him together with Sakuya.

The closer someone is to you, the less you know about their feelings or thoughts. That was Reiji's new realization in recent times.

He will surely learn a lot from Ayato in the future.

Now Reiji is heading to Ayato's house.

In the past, it was to visit Ayato during the weekends and stay over at his house.

But now, there is an additional reason.

Moving along the familiar path, Reiji finally arrived at a stand-alone blue-roofed house.

The intercom was replaced with a new one during last year's renovation.

Ding dong♪

Reiji rang the doorbell to signal the person inside to open the door.

"Who is it?" came the voice of a woman, Ayato's older sister.

"I'm Reiji, sorry for coming back so late."

"Come on, what time is it now?"

"You're right, forget it then..."

After saying so, Reiji left the intercom.

"Wait, wait! Why did you turn back just like that? I was just joking...!?"

Suddenly, the entrance door opened, revealing a woman who looked like a college student.


She was Ayato's older sister, Nanjou Sakuya.

She usually exuded an aura of "smart and competent beauty," and now that aura seemed to have intensified several times.


Today, Reiji couldn't help but be overwhelmed by her powerful presence.

A dazzling person. The so-called sunshine person appeared before him, and Reiji felt his heart racing.

No, that's not right. This feeling of a racing heart. Yes, he actually felt it from a long time ago...

"Why are you sighing while looking at me?"

"N-Nothing... Uh, Sakuya-nee, you look very beautiful today."

"What... What are you saying!?"

Sakuya turned away.

"Can I come in?"

"O-Of course..."

"Then excuse me."

Reiji also turned away from Sakuya immediately.

Otherwise, she might notice the smile that he couldn't help but show on his lips.

Because until not long ago, Reiji always felt that Sakuya really disliked him.

"Now, hurry up and come in."

See, it's that kind of oppressive feeling.

But now, Reiji could feel the warmth hidden behind that oppression.

"Uh... Huh?"

That's how it should be.

Reiji stood at the doorway without moving because Sakuya was leaning against the wall, looking at him.

She probably wasn't intentionally blocking his way... right?

"S-Sakuya-nee, I can't pass like this."

"Really? Can't you?"

Sakuya was right; there was indeed enough space in the hallway for him to pass through.

But it was just blocking the way, especially with Sakuya's prominent chest armor...

"Is... Is this intentional? Are you testing me?"

"What do you mean...?"


What's going on? He had never been this nervous before.

He was dating Sakuya, so why was he still feeling this way?

"Ah, wow!"

At this moment, Reiji's legs suddenly went numb, causing him to lose his balance. Instinctively, he reached out to support himself.

"Ya... Re-Reiji!? Did you hurt yourself...?"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry...!! Ah, um, have this drink!"

Reiji quickly handed her a sports drink he had bought from the convenience store and had just taken a sip from.

"I-I don't want it..."

"You don't want it!? Didn't you enjoy it earlier...!"

"I said I don't want it!"

"Uh, um...!"

 "Ah! I-I didn't mean it that way..."

Sakuya turned her face away, looking like she was cornered by Reiji.

"I-I get embarrassed..."

"......Huh? Sakuya-nee...?"

"I can't stand you! Fine, I'll drink it!!"

"Uh...! I didn't mean to force you... W-Wait!"

It was too late to stop her.

Sakuya picked up Reiji's sports drink and drank it gulp by gulp, pressing it against her lips.

"Th-This should be okay, right? Here, take it back!"

Blushing, Sakuya turned her face away and returned the sports drink to Reiji.

What's going on? Reiji felt that something was off with Sakuya today.

Ever since he confessed to him proactively at the 'Seaside Breeze Park' last week, he felt that Sakuya had been acting stranger and stranger each day.

Reiji couldn't help but pray in his heart for Ayato's return.

"(Ayato...! Please come back soon...!)"


The sound of keys turning suddenly came from the entrance.


To Reiji's ears, it sounded like a divine message.

Ayato was back.

"(Thank goodness...!!)"

"I'm back~!"

The person who entered the house was indeed Ayato.

"Reiji, you're already here? You're fast... Ah, I think I forgot something..."

"Huh...!? What do you mean, Ayato? Wait!"

Reiji turned around immediately.

He noticed that Ayato wasn't speaking to him just now but changed his words after seeing Sakuya!


"Reiji, what's wrong with you?"

Sakuya's expression seemed too unnatural...!

"Well, then I'll leave now!"

"H-Hold on, Ayato...! If you leave, there will only be me and Sakuya-nee in the house...!"

Reiji wanted to chase after him, but Sakuya held him back.


Sakuya tightly grasped Reiji's arm.

"Reiji, I meant..."

Reiji would never forget the next words Sakuya said.

"Don't you want to be alone with me tonight...?"

...At this moment, Reiji could have followed Ayato and rushed out the door.

However, he didn't do that.

Was his initial decision right or wrong?

Years later, Reiji still occasionally thought about this question.

In terms of the result, it should be the right decision.

If he were to write a memoir, he would probably summarize its content with the following sentence:

"This is the story of me and Sakuya-nee becoming a couple after going through countless trials and tribulations."


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