Ch 2 Final Part

 Volume 1 - Part 2 -- One week after the life-changing "event." (4)

"I really want to meet... I really want to see Reiji..."

Sakuya was about to take out the coffee maker from the kitchen cabinet.


At that moment, she felt as if she had heard her own voice and paused to think about what she had just said.


Immediately, she took three steps back and looked around.

The kitchen was empty.

"Phew... Wow, that was close..."

If her family heard her, they would definitely mock her for an entire year.

Sakuya really liked Reiji, and she had just blurted it out without realizing it! They would surely say something like that...!

"It's all because Reiji only shows up on weekends... Huh?"

The reason Sakuya couldn't help but blurt out her feelings seemed to be related to the snacks in the cabinet.

A few days ago, she had found a new product of potato chips at a convenience store, thinking that Reiji would probably like them, she bought them. It must have been when she saw the bag of potato chips that she unconsciously blurted out her feelings.

"Hehehe... Reiji will definitely be happy..."

The empty kitchen caused Sakuya's guard to relax, and as a result, she spoke her inner thoughts aloud.


Sakuya thought to herself that lately, garlic shawarma seemed to be quite popular. Just as she was about to take out the potato chips from the cabinet...

Ding-dong ♪ Ding-dong ♪

The doorbell rang, indicating that there was a visitor.

"Who is it...?"

The person displayed on the intercom screen was none other than...


"Ah, Sakuya-ne?" 

The time was 6 o'clock in the evening.

"(Is this for real!? Today is supposed to be a weekday!?)"

"Good thing you're home. I have something to tell you," Reiji said through the intercom.

Sakuya asked Reiji to wait for a moment and quickly tidied herself up during the short time it took to get to the entrance. She couldn't wait to open the door.

"What's wrong, Reiji...?"

Sakuya invited Reiji into the house.

"Um, there's something I want to tell you, Sakuya-ne."

"Uh, uh..."

Sakuya felt her diaphragm throb violently, as if her heart was being held high in a hot palm, making it unable to return to its original state.

"It's not this week, but next Saturday... can you free up a day?"

"Well, I think I should be able to...?"

"That's great. Lately, hasn't it always been Sakuya-ne deciding where to go?"

Reiji scratched his chin, looking a little embarrassed.

"So, this time, can I be the one to invite you out?"

"Of course, you can."

Hold back...! As the older sister, she couldn't jump for joy at a time like this!

"Reiji... can I ask where you want to go?"

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be the 'Seabreeze Coastal  Park' in Minamimachi."


The 'Seabreeze Coastal  Park' in Minamimachi was considered a popular date spot.

It was also a well-known confession spot.

(But wait!? Aren't we already dating!?)

As soon as this thought arose, Sakuya quickly dismissed it.

"(It means Reiji is so fond of me that he wants to take me to a place he wanted to go to after getting a girlfriend...!)"

Does that mean Reiji is gradually gaining confidence...?

"Uh, Sakuya-ne? You didn't suddenly remember that you have other plans for those two days, right...?"

"N-no, it's not that... um, okay, let's go there next week!"

"That's great..."

Reiji let out a sigh of relief, looking very happy.

"Ah... one more thing. We'll definitely go to that park, but there are many fun places near Minamimachi, like Chinatown and such, so... I'd like to wander around on that day..."


"What I mean is, can I arrange the schedule for that day?"

"Um, well..."

"I can't...?"

"...Sometimes it's nice to do that. Then, I'll leave it to you?"

"That's great, thanks! Uh... I'm really looking forward to our date that day."

After saying these words, Reiji left the Nanjou residence.

Alone at home, Sakuya squatted down, unable to get up immediately, three seconds after Reiji closed the door.


She couldn't help herself, her diaphragm was pounding intensely.

Nanjou Sakuya, a college student at the peak of happiness.

And the high school boy who captured her heart and was deeply loved by her, Hiramiya Reiji.

The "love god Cupid" of this couple – the blond delinquent, Okada Yukio, has lately stopped sweating in his sleep at night.


He rubbed his eyes, then scratched his belly.

Even when waking up in his own room, he didn't feel like closing his eyes and lazing around.

His thoughts were unusually clear, probably because he had slept well.


After getting out of bed, he changed out of his pajamas and into casual clothes.


A delightful weekend.

He had never felt this way before.

The streets on Saturdays and Sundays were always crowded with happy couples, making him feel uneasy.

But now, Yukio's days were filled with contentment.

Although he didn't pay much attention to it, this was probably the first time since elementary school that he had experienced this feeling.

His clever and capable younger sister, Misuzu, always made him feel inadequate, and his parents treated him like a useless loser, but recently, none of that bothered him anymore.

Because Yukio had a brand new dream.

He wanted to become a man with substance, just like the leader of the "Taiikukiru."

"Alright! Today, please take care of me!"

He took out his phone and placed his hands together toward the image of Ayato on the screen.

To be honest, it felt a little uncomfortable, but in fact, Yukio had set a stolen photo of Ayato as his phone's wallpaper.

After paying his respects to his idol on the phone screen, Yukio left his room.

He didn't know when he could become the second Ayato.

After all, his goal was to become a living legend.

But at least now, he had encountered him.

This must be destiny's arrangement.

At first, he thought it was the biggest crisis of his life.

However, Ayato's attack saved him.

Of course, Ayato didn't actually do anything, but Yukio's armor of inferiority was shattered, leaving him bare and vulnerable.

Yukio felt invincible now.

Different from the illusion of omnipotence he had before trying to approach Ayato's sister, this time it was the absolute strength brought about by absolute weakness.

Maybe he had nothing left to lose.

Or perhaps, the fear he felt when faced with Ayato's threat had numbed his heart.

After a day passed, the first thought that came to his mind was to apologize to Ayato.

"I'm really grateful that he was willing to wake up this fool..."

Yukio came to the first floor's kitchen, rummaged through the fridge, and grabbed some food for breakfast.

After making a resolution for the mistakes he had made, he took another big step forward.

Even though Ayato warned him not to appear again, Yukio still wanted to apologize in person.

He didn't care what might happen to him.

Even if something did happen, he would accept it willingly.

While eating his breakfast absentmindedly, Yukio also took out his phone to search for job opportunities that suited him better.

Since he started looking for a job, he had already had three interview opportunities.

Two times he was rejected, and one time he was accepted, but he declined the offer due to the working environment he saw during the interview, citing other plans as his reason.

The accepted job was at a manga café, but Yukio didn't like the dim space without sunlight.

Were there no job opportunities that were closer to Ayato?

While going to various job interviews, Yukio also frequently wandered around the station, hoping to meet Ayato.

During this period, he met Sakuya once and Reiji three times, but Yukio always hid immediately.

He planned to apologize to Ayato first, get Ayato's permission, and then apologize to both of them.

Otherwise, suddenly appearing would only scare them...

"I've thought it through quite well~..."

After bringing the tableware to the sink, Yukio yawned, dispersing the remaining sleepiness.

"Hey, hey, hey, big bro? After breakfast, clean up by yourself. How many times do I have to tell you..."

"What's wrong...?"

Misuzu came to the living room but was taken aback on the spot.

"You're cleaning up by yourself..."

"Is that not okay?"

"O-of course it's okay... Did something happen?"


Since entering high school, Misuzu had turned into a hottie, shocking everyone in the family. However, deep down, she was still that serious and earnest little girl.

 "I ask you, will working at Eats Meets be boring?"

"No, it won't be. Huh? Do you want to join?"

"...I don't want to."

After casually brushing his teeth, Yukio changed into his clothes and left the house.

Looking back now, he didn't understand why he used to admire "Taiikukiru" so much.

But strangely, just as his enthusiasm was gradually cooling down, he received a call from an acquaintance.

At the time, he hesitated for a long time before finally accepting the invitation, thinking that maybe he could find out where Ayato was.

However, he learned of their plan to pull Ayato down from his position as the leader.

They would first spread rumors that someone was trying to harm Ayato's sister to make him lose his cool, and then they would try to win Ayato over.

Yukio still remembered how much effort he had to put in to keep himself calm during that time.

If he hadn't met Ayato first, he would have definitely joined that plan.

That way, he could have joined "Taiikukiru."

But Yukio didn't do that.

He now admired Ayato, not "Taiikukiru," so he would have felt uncomfortable and unnatural during the gathering.

He never expected that they didn't suspect him at all; it was truly a miracle.

He had to find Ayato as soon as possible and tell him about this, so Yukio searched the streets and finally spotted Ayato at a fast-food restaurant.

As a result, Ayato accepted him, and now he was by Ayato's side.

Though the relationship between them was a bit awkward, Yukio felt comfortable.

They acted like kids, treating the task of protecting Sakuya and Reiji as a fun game.

However, Ayato wasn't the only bodyguard he had.

There was Yuuzen Yugure, one of "Taiikukiru" top members, and a few other selected members.

Seeing Reiji shine in gaming and eating contests and Sakuya's excitement over Reiji's excellent performance, Yukio felt something odd.

Even today, while watching Sakuya and Reiji on a date in front of the station, the indescribable sense of strangeness between Ayato and Yuuzen made Yukio frown.

It seemed that Yuuzen's attention was not on the person he was supposed to protect, but he kept staring at Ayato...

Was it because, as a member of the organization, Yuuzen highly respected Ayato, or was it because they hadn't seen each other for a long time?

If that was the case, it wasn't entirely incomprehensible...

Days passed, and Yukio still didn't know whether he should talk about this feeling...

For Ayato, whether it was old friends or new acquaintances, building and maintaining interpersonal relationships were not that difficult.

"Hello, good morning!"

Whether on the way to school or after entering the campus, he was greeted by students one after another, and Ayato responded cheerfully to the chorus of greetings as he entered the classroom.

Not only was it not difficult, but Ayato also particularly enjoyed this kind of communication between people.

If his friends were in trouble, he would never ignore them, and if something interesting happened, he wanted to share it with his friends and laugh together.

Although he sometimes encountered challenging problems or acted as a counselor for his friends, he never found it troublesome.

"Hey, Reiji, good morning."

"Yeah, good morning, Ayato. Huh? Did you bring your own lunch today?"

"I bought it at a bakery on the way, not sure if it will last until noon."

Ayato had already talked to Goro Okamura about his attempt to harm his sister.

However, he didn't question him directly; he was currently acting as a supporting role.

If he confronted him right away, Goro would probably pretend to be innocent and ask, "What are you talking about?"

Or he might even question if Ayato didn't trust him.

So, Ayato deliberately acted as a bodyguard for his sister and Reiji, creating a reason for him not to act rashly.

After a while, Goro would lose patience and come to him.

At that time, Ayato would ask him what he was unhappy about and talk about the future.

For Ayato, building relationships was about starting small and slowly cultivating them without getting tired of it.

"Oh, by the way, there's something..."

Reiji suddenly turned around and looked at Ayato.

"What's up?"

"This time... the place to go on the weekend... No, the location for the outing."

For some reason, Ayato wanted Reiji to notify him about the weekend's plans in advance, especially the places they planned to visit.

"I want to go to 'Seabreeze Coastal  Park.'"

"Seabreeze Coastal  Park!?"


Reiji looked at him with a look that seemed to say, "Is it that surprising...?"

"Are you sure? Have you already decided? I know it's your idea, but is there really no room for negotiation...?"

Ayato threw out several questions in a row, and Reiji explained that, due to a certain special reason, the location couldn't be changed.

He emphasized that it had to be there, and Ayato couldn't argue against it.

"Yes, I really want to go there..."

Ayato's influence was limited to the city of Moyoha. The "'Seabreeze Coastal  Park" was conveniently located at the border between two administrative districts, serving as a neutral ground between the two factions.

During their visit, they wouldn't be able to openly execute the protection mission, making the difficulty increase significantly.

Previously, Ayato had always given his sister many suggestions in a subtle way and put a lot of effort into choosing the date locations.

However, Reiji also had the right to decide on the location.

Ayato couldn't blame him; after all, he didn't know anything...

"Ayato, you seem a bit nervous?"

"Huh? W-why would I be nervous? It's not like I'm the one going on a date."

"Yes... that's true."

"How should I put it? Maybe I just realized that my sister and you are really dating..."

"...Uh, you don't blame me for taking your sister away, right...?"

"No, you're thinking too much!? If you like her, just take her!?"


"If you has missed that chance, my sister wouldn't have been able to find a boyfriend, so I should thank you...!"


Reiji looked bewildered, clearly unsure whether to agree with Ayato's reasoning.

"I think Sakuya-san will have plenty of opportunities in the future... Ayato, you really care about Sakuya-san."

"Well, she's family, after all."

"Thanks, Ayato."

"I told you, I'm the one who should be thanking you!"

That's right, for the sake of family, none of this was a big deal.

The weekend date planned by Reiji had finally arrived.


It seemed like he had already fallen in love with the Coastal .

Adrenaline was surging early in the morning.

When they visited the aquarium, the sea breeze also created beautiful memories.

Under Reiji's lead, the two arrived at the Chinatown in Gencho.

On both sides of the street were shops selling hot Chinese steamed buns suitable for eating while walking. The aroma mixed with the scent of the sea and filled their noses.

"Mm, it should be in this direction..."

Reiji was checking the navigation map on his phone, looking particularly cute.

Sakuya had been to Chinatown in Gencho several times with her friends, but this time was the most enjoyable.

"Found it! Oolong Pearl Milk Tea!"

Now!? Drink pearl milk tea now!? Even so, Sakuya thought Reiji's choice was adorable.

After careful consideration, the oolong tea in Chinatown should be even better.

But since it was chosen by Reiji, no other drink could compare...!

Probably because the milk tea craze had subsided, they didn't have to queue up to get it.

"Sakuya-san, is it good?"

"Um... it's quite nice...!"

Oh no, it's actually super delicious~!

"That's good. My brown sugar flavor is also pretty good."

He unexpectedly handed it to me!?

If I don't drink it right away, it will seem like I care too much about the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship...!

"Uhm... it's also very good."

Crisis averted...! I almost finished the whole cup in one go! Luckily, I held back. I'm awesome!

Ahhh...! Reiji's thoughtfulness melted from my stomach, turning into a warm flow spreading towards my chest...!

"Sakuya-san, there seems to be a building that looks like a Chinese temple across the street. Do you want to go and see?"

"Really? Sure!"

So Sakuya and Reiji explored Chinatown... No, explored Reiji together.

They had so much fun that they almost forgot the concept of time. When they finally came back to their senses, they found themselves in a large gift shop choosing household goods.

Looking at herself in the mirror while trying on hair accessories, Sakuya suddenly remembered something.

 "I'm going to touch up my makeup."

"Ah, then go ahead."

...He won't think I'm going to the restroom, right...?

"...Never mind."

There's no need to make a big deal out of it. With that in mind, Sakuya turned back to the large mirror in the makeup room.

Though it might sound cliché, she sincerely wished that this joyful date would never end.

Sakuya immediately began to touch up her makeup, eager to return to Reiji.

However, it took her some time.

When everything was ready, as she returned to the gift shop, Sakuya noticed that Reiji was waiting near the entrance.


First, she breathed a sigh of relief, then she observed Reiji from a distance and noticed something.

"What kind of dance move is that...?"

Reiji's movements were rhythmic, as if he was dancing.

"I'm back, Reiji!"


This time, Sakuya was thrilled.

She had thought that only she had enjoyed the date so much and felt a bit sorry for Reiji.

But unexpectedly, Reiji also seemed to be enjoying the date, even secretly dancing when Sakuya wasn't around.

"So, where are you taking me next?"

Sakuya bravely wrapped her arm around Reiji's and clung closely to her boyfriend.

"Look, they're having a soup dumpling-eating competition there!"

"There's no way I'm participating! Aren't you afraid of burning my mouth, Sakuya-san? What crazy idea are you suggesting...? Are you intentionally trying to kill me?"

"Hold on, it's not my idea."

"I bet you've already talked to the restaurant in advance..."

"Reiji, what do you think of me...?"

Their conversation was as trivial as before.

So Reiji had no idea whether Sakuya was having fun or not.

But suddenly, Sakuya linked her arm with his.

This feeling made Reiji's heart tremble.

He felt light and carefree.

So he made a decision.

For lunch, Reiji had prepared two options.

One was a luxury hotel with a whole building of restaurants, highly praised by major websites and gourmets.

As for the other place...

"It's here."


Almost in the alley's secluded corner, there was a small Chinese restaurant.

The restaurant's exterior was designed in a Chinese architectural style to match the atmosphere of Chinatown, making it different from the usual Chinese restaurants.

But it couldn't be considered luxurious...

"I heard this place is delicious..."


Oh no, I got too carried away!? Reiji immediately observed Sakuya's expression.

"Great! Let's go in!"

It seemed like Reiji had guessed correctly.

He had a feeling that Sakuya would prefer this kind of place...!

"Wow, unbelievable, it's so delicious...!"

The menu was all handwritten, in a language neither of them understood.

The server spoke particularly fast.

But with the help of their phones' translation, they managed to order a variety of dishes, each with rich flavors and aromas.

For example, a dish of prawns stir-fried with an unknown green vegetable or a thick and savory dish of shredded beef and bamboo shoots.

They also ordered the signature soup dumplings, oddly shaped pan-fried dumplings and siu mai, and a bowl of rice with a large piece of braised pork.

Each dish was just the right portion size.

However, the blissful time of being filled with delicious food showed no signs of ending.

"I've never had this kind of braised pork before, but it feels like home!"

But the most appealing part was the chaotic interior of the restaurant.

Stacks of magazines and miscellaneous items filled the cabinets, most likely the owner's personal belongings.

"Sakuya-nee, your room is probably like this... Can you really rest in a room like that?"

"Huh? Wait a minute, how do you know what my room looks like??"

"I see it every time I visit..."

"No, you have to let me see your room too...!"



After finishing their meal and drinks, the two were waiting for their dessert, honey-covered fried bread, to arrive. Reiji showed his phone to Sakuya.

"Is this your room?"


"It's like... neat, or more like empty with nothing in it... Oh, wait, what's it called again? Not too fancy... wait! I'm almost there!"

Sakuya covered her mouth.

"It's coming back to me... Minimalist style! Reiji, do you like minimalist style?"

"That's right."

"Wait, why are you so proud of it? You have to come over and help me clean my room next time."

"Are you sure? If I clean it, I won't hold back... I won't spare your closet or bed..."

"Um... that won't do. It's too early for that now!"

"It's not like I'm cleaning up...what's too early?"

"Even if we're dating, we can't move that fast..."

"Uh... this dessert that looks like bread is so delicious!"


Both of them were satisfied with today's lunch.

After giving a positive review and saying they would come again, Reiji pulled out his phone to check the map.

"The next destination... how about seeing the sea?"

"Isn't that..."

"It's about time to head to 'Seabreeze Coastal  Park'."

The date at Genmachi Chinatown and Oceanside Park was the first time Reiji had taken the initiative to plan a date.

If anyone said they had no expectations in their hearts, they would be lying.

"Thank goodness it's a beautiful day today."

"Yeah, perfect weather."

Yet, the anticipation of what might happen was still not comparable to the present moment of nothing happening.

The two were at the recently opened café in "'Seabreeze Coastal  Park."

Led by the staff to the open terrace with the closest view of the sea, it was indeed an unexpected surprise. However, Sakuya still preferred to chat about unimportant topics with Reiji, just like now.

"Have you decided what to order?"

"Just wait a moment! They all look so delicious... especially this dessert with a scoop of ice cream on apple pie, and this one that looks unique is tiramisu..."

"...It's really hard to decide..."

"Reiji, how about you order the tiramisu? Then I'll get the apple pie."

"Huh? Tiramisu...? My mouth and stomach are already prepared for the strawberry mille-feuille..."

"I advise you to give up your original faith and believe in the god of tiramisu, Mascarpone cheese."

As soon as she said that, Sakuya called the server over to take their order. "Excuse me, we're ready to order."

"This... Alright."

Sakuya ordered the afternoon tea set that comes with cakes.

The seagulls' cries echoed from a distance.

The wooden terrace was vast, leading directly to the park by the sea.

Sakuya had been enjoying the scenery around her when Reiji spoke up proactively.

 "Remember this park? We used to come here when we were kids."

"Huh...? When we were kids? You and I...?"

"And your foster parents were still living in Japan back then."

"Ah... Now that you mention it..."

"We ended up getting lost together in the park..."

"At that time, this café didn't exist," Reiji chuckled.

"But we didn't even realize we were lost. We even pooled our money to take a ferry... It must have been that one over there. After getting on the ferry, we ran to the other side of the pier... And then we got scolded, but neither Sakuya-nee nor I cried."

"Did that really happen?"

"Hmm, no recollection? Could it be a false memory implanted in me?"

"Don't worry, let me think."

It should be something I can recall. Sakuya furrowed her brow as she searched her memories.

"Apologies for keeping you both waiting! May I ask who ordered the tiramisu set..."

Just as the server was placing the food on the table...

Dong... Dong... Dong...

A tall clock tower stood on the café's rooftop.

The clock inside the tower chimed three times, indicating that it was three in the afternoon.

As the resonating sound of the bells gradually faded away, serene and peaceful string music started playing near the corner of the open-air terrace.


The sound emanated from a small space on the terrace.

The members of a band had appeared on a small stage in that corner without anyone noticing and began playing a melodious tune.

"It must be because it's a holiday..."

Today's luck was indeed quite good.

The song sounded like a Western tune she had heard somewhere before.

The beginning was slow, and it gradually became livelier.

"Uh, Sakuya...?"

"Hmm? What's the matter, Reiji?"

Sakuya noticed that Reiji's expression seemed different from before.

Reiji's confession was about to begin.

"Phew... Looks like there shouldn't be any issues."

"With us here, we can handle any problem immediately."

The scene was a section of the beach with an open-air terrace attached to the 'Seabreeze Coastal  Park' café.

Ayato was monitoring his sister.

After scanning the surroundings and ensuring it was safe, Yuuzen nodded at Ayato.

"(Everything is under my control...)"

Yuuzen usually had a few followers around him, and now he gestured to them with a signal.

Ayato's sister and her boyfriend were the protection targets for this mission, and they were currently sitting leisurely on the café's terrace.

There had been several opportunities to strike earlier.

However, the targets were not the two people sipping coffee.

It was Ayato.

Yuuzen's real target was Ayato.

He wanted to make Ayato bow down before him.

Ayato's sister was just a decoy.

The true goal was the leader, Ayato.

Under no circumstances could Yuuzen be discovered, and not even a hint of killing intent could be leaked.

Until the decisive moment...

"No, it's better to be cautious..."


"Ah, sorry, Ayato-nii... How should I put it... It just feels unusually quiet..."

Standing next to Ayato, the blond delinquent named Okada Yukio tilted his head slightly.

"(This kid is really annoying...)"

Although it wasn't part of the plan, Yuuzen took action.

"In that case, should we do a little reconnaissance? You and someone else can take a walk around the area."

"Ah... Sounds like a good idea. I'm on it!"


 Yukio's action turned out to be the best play of the year.

"The mission seems to be going smoothly. That's great..."

Yukio patrolled the park with the subordinate (or so-called?) assigned by Yuuzen.

However, he didn't spot any suspicious groups or individuals... Perhaps he looked suspicious himself, and the enemies raised their guard, hiding somewhere out of sight.


The two men strolled through the 'Seabreeze Coastal Park,' where couples were paired up, creating a rather desolate atmosphere.

But as long as it was for Ayato, everything was worthwhile.

Yukio centered his movement around the café where Ayato's sister and Reiji were located, casually wandering nearby.

"(Could you say something...?)"

The subordinate seemed to be about the same age as him, but he appeared difficult to approach.

He kept staring at his phone, not giving Yukio a single glance, seemingly unhappy with his presence.

His name seemed to be Sasaki... or something like that.

"(Better try to build a good relationship with him...)"

Yukio thought of saying, "Hey, shouldn't you pay attention to your surroundings?" but before he could, he spoke:

"What do you want to drink? My treat."

Still crouching near the vending machine, Yukio took out his wallet from his back pocket, intending to buy a drink for Sasaki.


"Ah!? Damn it!"

Ding-ling! Several coins dropped at his feet.

Perhaps he didn't close the zipper of his wallet properly. As Yukio crouched to pick up the coins...

A loud noise came from directly above him.


It appeared that Sasaki's arm got stuck in the vending machine, and he was almost getting pressed down on top of Yukio.

"Ah!? Sasaki... ki!?"

Moreover, Sasaki's whole body was twitching.

"What are you doing!?"

Hastily, Yukio got up and tried to pull Sasaki out, who seemed to be electrocuted by the vending machine.

"Are you okay, Sasaki~!!"

Without much thought, Yukio immediately hugged Sasaki, attempting to remove him from the machine.


It was evident that he was getting shocked, a hundred times more powerful than an electric therapy, as an intense jolt ran through his body. Yukio and Sasaki both fell to the ground.

"What are you doing!? Why did you mess with the vending machine... Ouch!?"

As soon as Sasaki managed to stand up, he grabbed the iron bar in his hand and attacked Yukio.

"No way!?"

Is he attacking me?! Yukio finally realized.

When Yukio was facing the vending machine earlier, Sasaki had launched a surprise attack.

A strange feeling he couldn't put into words had been lingering in Yukio's mind.

Now, that uncomfortable feeling had finally found words.

"You guys are the enemy...!? Hey, hey! This is dangerous! What's going on!?"

Swinging the iron bar... probably an electric shock baton!? Yukio barely avoided Sasaki's attacks. His mind was in chaos.

Perhaps the electric shock from earlier had stimulated his brain, and he quickly realized one thing.

"(These people are targeting Ayato-nii!?)" 

That's why they separated me earlier and then tried to deal with him when the chance arose, isolating Ayato-nii.

"I won't forgive...!"

Yukio intended to escape. He lowered his center of gravity, concentrating his strength in his lower body.

"I won't forgive them, no matter what!!"

He didn't want to deal with someone wielding such a weapon.

Actually, Yukio really wanted to run away, but his will to prove, "I'm the strongest!" overcame the thought of escape. Despite feeling pitifully weak, he bravely charged towards Sasaki.


 Sasaki, the guy Yukio was dealing with, didn't expect Yukio to retaliate actively. As a result, he tripped over a difference in the road surface and fell backward to the ground. The electric shock baton slipped from his hand.


Yukio quickly grabbed the electric shock baton and straddled Sasaki, pointing the gun at his chest.


Both Yukio and Sasaki were screaming from the electric shocks.

However, Sasaki lost consciousness first.

"Damn it...! I can't figure out how to use this thing! Could it be defective!?"

Yukio got back on his feet.


He had to hurry back.

Yukio vigorously slapped his trembling legs and headed back the way he came.

In the end, he witnessed the scene.

"Ayato-nii...!! Be careful...!!"

But he still couldn't catch up.


Ayato did respond to Yukio's warning.

However, when Ayato sensed something was wrong and was about to evade, Yuuzen's electric shock baton was already pressed against his shoulder from behind.


Ayato knelt down, and the moment the electric shock baton was pushed forward, he flipped around and collapsed weakly to the ground.

The distance between Ayato and Yukio was at least over thirty meters.

It was closer from here to the café where Ayato's sister and Reiji were.

"I must...!?"

Notify his sister and Reiji!?

Is that the only option?

Should he ask them to escape quickly?

Reiji might indeed be formidable, that's for sure.

No, he truly was formidable.

But his sister was also on the scene.

Even if it would disrupt their date, he needed to act quickly...

Dong... Dong... Dong...

At this moment──


The clock on the café's rooftop struck three times.

It indicated that it was exactly three in the afternoon.

"What... What's happening...!?"

Seeing the scene on the open-air terrace, Yuuzen stood there in a daze.

Yukio also looked bewildered.

"What's going on...!?"


Reiji looked up at the clock tower on the café's rooftop.

When Sakuya returned her gaze from the clock pointing to three o'clock and back to the terrace, changes occurred inside the café.

"What is this...?"

After handing the menu to a newly seated customer, the female server was preparing to return to the shop from the terrace.

At the same time, an office worker, out on a business visit, was entering the café alone, looking for a seat.

Furthermore, a man, dressed in casual sportswear, apparently for jogging in the park, was about to step onto the terrace from the entrance leading to the beach.

All three suddenly froze in their actions.

The server's smile, the office worker's frown, and the man wiping off his sweat all appeared unnaturally frozen in mid-air.


Sakuya quickly turned her head to Reiji and found him equally puzzled.

The other customers in the café began to discuss the situation, but no one knew what had happened.

Of course, the band on the scene continued playing.

Only the server, the office worker, and the jogger-turned-walker were frozen like statues...

Then, the music from the band suddenly changed.

 A female customer danced gracefully up the terrace with light steps, performing ballet moves and footwork around the frozen office worker.

As a result, the office worker suddenly started moving again.

He began dancing street dance, which was quite surprising given his beer belly.

Next, the female server swirled around with jazz dance steps, and the jogger joined in with a smile, dancing hip-hop.


The dance moves synchronized perfectly with the band's music.

The four professional dancers' well-coordinated performance made Sakuya feel like she was at some themed amusement park festival or parade.

"Could this be...?"

Flash mob performance? The murmurs from others reminded Sakuya of the first time she witnessed such an event.

It was truly her first time experiencing something like this, and it seemed they stumbled upon some special event.


Exclamations came from a corner of the terrace.

Even the seemingly quiet family at the next table, including several kids, stood up and joined the dancers.

Sakuya initially thought it was just children's spontaneous excitement, but to her surprise, they formed a formation and danced in perfect sync with the other performers.

The energetic smiles and dance moves of the kids made Sakuya smile too.

"Truly impressive..."


Reiji's admiration was also met with Sakuya's approval.

At that moment, Reiji suddenly looked to another corner of the terrace.

There was another unexpected event happening.

Flash mob performances were always sudden.

Even though the terrace wasn't a stage, it still might upset some people, no matter how well-intentioned it was.

Now, an elderly man was frowning, preparing to leave his seat.

The server, who noticed something was amiss, was about to guide the elderly man back inside when he unexpectedly removed his hat, threw it aside, and started dancing intensely among the performers. He then went into a handstand, rotating his body rapidly with his head touching the ground.

"Even grandpa too!?"

The band's performance became increasingly passionate, reaching its climax with the flash mob.

Other customers unrelated to the flash mob began to join, and the performance area expanded.

Perhaps due to the location in the harbor city, several muscular sailors with small beards or curly hair appeared one after another. Some of them showcased their muscles, while others joined the group of dancers. As the terrace almost seemed unable to accommodate them all...


At that moment, Sakuya noticed something.

At the neighboring table, a couple was seated, and the man stood up, gently taking the woman's hand.

As the dancers held hands and continued their steps, they watched the couple.

"Reiji, could it be..."


It seemed this flash mob was planned by the man, and the two coincidentally stumbled upon it.

The woman, with her hand held by the man, covered her mouth and showed a surprised and joyful expression. Led by the man, they both moved towards the center of the dancers.

Sakuya's heart swelled with emotions.

Previously, she had a somewhat disdainful attitude toward flash mob performances.

However, she never imagined that she would actually have the opportunity to enjoy such an event. The passion and sincerity hidden behind the performance moved her deeply.

"I am truly fortunate to witness this moment..." Sakuya thought to herself as she looked at the surprised and emotional woman. The woman spun around under the man's guidance, dancing an elegant tango while throwing confetti into the air!


At that moment, the band changed to another song.

With confetti flying all around, the last member of the band slipped into the circle formed by the dancers.


Amidst the dancers, Reiji surprisingly started dancing, and he looked incredibly focused.

A thought flashed through Sakuya's mind, and she couldn't think anymore.

Reiji's dance moves.

He was performing the exact same dance moves she saw him practicing with such vigor when she returned from the restroom.

"You already gave himself away...!!"

"I was really nervous back then!!"

Even so, Reiji's dance moves were smooth and polished.

Regardless of the activity, Reiji seemed to grasp it instantly. It was his talent.

Several muscular dancers with developed physiques approached and formed a formation, seemingly preparing to lift Reiji high into the air.


 Sakuya suddenly noticed something. These muscular men seemed somewhat familiar...

"Over here, please..."

Sakuya turned to the source of the voice and saw the female server, who had been standing still at the beginning, gesturing for Sakuya to follow her.

"Oh, alright..."

Although she was puzzled, Sakuya followed her and then noticed that a red carpet had been laid on the terrace at some point.

Reiji stood at the other end of the carpet, holding a small bouquet of flowers.

"Is this for real...?"

Sakuya didn't know what to say.

She had been defeated...

Feeling an inexplicable emotion welling up inside her, she watched as Reiji slowly walked toward her, surrounded by dancers lined up on both sides.

"...What's going on?"

Yuuzen had a bewildered expression on his face.

The café terrace suddenly became lively.

Could this be what they call a flash mob?

Even from a distance, Yuuzen Yugure, who was observing the scene, was equally taken aback.

--Everything had gone smoothly up until now.

First, they had dealt with the uncertain factor, Yukio, then they ambushed Ayato when he wasn't paying attention from behind.

He felt a little bit sorry for betraying Ayato, but Yuuzen felt that Ayato was too emotional and lacked the qualities of a leader.

He trusted others too much.

After being hit by the taser, Ayato would be unable to move for a short period of time.

Yuuzen's plan had been executed flawlessly.

With this opportunity, Ayato's reputation would undoubtedly be greatly affected. Seizing this chance, Yuuzen was certain he could obtain the position of leader.

Lastly, he would have Ayato's sister help him as insurance.

By then, Yuuzen's reputation would be rock-solid, allowing him to utilize the "Taiikukiru" organization within his plan.


"No... This can still be used to my advantage! I am an adaptable person!"

As long as Ayato was temporarily immobilized, this was the opportunity.

Furthermore, with the uncertain factor of Yukio appearing here, it meant that Sasaki had failed to deal with him.

Adding to that, the unexpected flash mob made Yuuzen's plan precarious.

In this situation, he wouldn't be able to approach Ayato's sister.

"...I've got it, wait a moment. Can I really do this?"

If he disguised himself as one of the members of the flash mob...!

"But can I dance...? ...No, of course I can...!"

Just as Yuuzen made up his mind--

"No, no way! Is this real...!?"

One of his own lackeys, whom he had brought, took a few steps back.

"What's going on...?"

"That... that person... that muscular man over there...!!"

The lackey pointed in the direction of the terrace.

Indeed, there was a group of muscular men participating in the flash mob performance.

"And that guy with curly hair... That's, that's Yuuji Hōkō! He's Yuuji Hōkō!!"


Yuuji Hōkō, a professional martial artist, had previously won the middleweight division in the Real King Free-Fighting Championship.

It was too familiar because he was Yuuji's biggest fan.

But why was Yuuji Hōkō here!?

"And the bearded man next to him is Satoru... my brother… Satoru!!"

"What? How is that possible...!!"

Satoru was a retired professional wrestler who currently worked as a mixed martial artist. He was also the heavyweight inaugural champion of the Champion Of Destroyer, and of course, he was Yuzuzen's idol.

They both belonged to the independent street gang "Wareware Wasurenagusa."

It was natural to admire the strong.

 "Impossible! I couldn't have been mistaken. That person is indeed the "Matriarch of Fighting," Satoru!"

Yuuzen almost forgot what he was supposed to do, helplessly watching the martial artist dancing.

"Wait a minute! The guy beside him is the former Komusubi (Note: A rank in professional sumo wrestling) Wanjū Den, and the one next to him is the three-time reigning champion of Berlin Yoga My Star, Mokusei Rikito!?"

"Why... Could it be...?"

Not only had his plans been completely exposed, but Ayato had even invited the most powerful fighters in Japan to serve as the secret trump card to protect his sister!?

"You... all of you..."

The words echoed through the air, and Yuuzen and his lackeys were left stunned.

He shouldn't be able to stand up, but now he was preparing to get up.

"Ayato, big brother...!"

"All of you... should know what you've done..."

"No... It can't be..."

Strategic planning, tactics, and an unfathomable network of connections...

Could it be that Ayato was superior to him in every aspect!?

"Something like this...!"

"Yuuzen, big brother...!?"

"This, this wasn't part of the plan...!"

"Wait, Yuuzen, big brother...!!"


He had no choice but to flee without a fight.

He was no match for Ayato...!!

Realizing this, Yuuzen ran away with tears in his eyes.

After watching Yuuzen and his lackeys flee and disappear--

"Phew... Phew... I have no idea what just happened... Could it be that Reiji planned it all beforehand...?"

Ayato sat down on the ground.

He didn't know the full extent of what had happened.

However, it must have been Reiji who arranged the people through the gym's connections.

Among the members of the flash mob, there were several professional fighters.

With this, Yuuzen, who wasn't very skilled in combat, couldn't make a move.

"Ayato, big brother...!"

Not long after Yuuzen had escaped, Yukio arrived at the scene.

"Are you alright!?"

"...Yeah, thanks to you."


Fortunately, he had heard Yukio's voice at the crucial moment and had crouched down, avoiding a direct hit from the taser.

Otherwise, his injuries would probably be much more severe now.

If he had still been unable to get up at the critical moment, the situation would have been different now...

"MVP goes to you..."


Although unsure of the situation, Yukio couldn't hide his shyness, and Ayato temporarily put him aside, observing the flash mob performance, which seemed to have reached its climax.

"Reiji... give it your all."

Reiji, holding a bouquet of flowers, stopped in front of Sakuya.

"I'm sorry, Sakuya-nee, you must have been surprised, right?"

"Yes, I was completely taken aback..."

Even until now, Sakuya found it hard to believe.

Reiji was actually willing to go this far.

"But I also wanted to create an opportunity... I finally understand my feelings."


"I'm certain now, so I must let you know."

A small group of dancers suddenly became agitated.

Upon closer inspection, they were the muscular men.


At this moment, Sakuya finally noticed.

They were all gym coaches!? Why were they smiling so happily!?


"Ah, sorry, sorry... Uh... Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah... You've been my first love since we were kids."

Sakuya could hardly breathe.

"Sakuya-nee, you've always taken care of me, and I'm really grateful to you..."

"Since that time, I've liked you, Sakuya-nee."


 "Please allow me to confess first. Sakuya-nee, I've always liked you... Can I be your boyfriend?"

"Uh... Yes! Of course, you can!"

"Then, please take care of me from now on."

As soon as Reiji finished speaking, he handed out a small box containing a ring.

"W-Wait a minute...!"

Sakuya hesitated, and Reiji smiled slightly as he picked up the ring.

But without thinking further, Sakuya immediately extended her hand.

Gently holding Sakuya's hand, Reiji slid the ring onto her ring finger.

"This is...!"

Apart from the dancers, other guests present also applauded and cheered.

"Thank you, Reiji..."

Sakuya wanted to hug Reiji tightly, but she was also afraid that doing so might lead to bolder actions in front of everyone. She was battling her inner self, trying to keep her excitement in check...


End of Part 2.


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