

Volume 1 Afterword: Speaking is truly an art.

When you want to express your thoughts.

When you don't want to express them.

When you want to express yourself, but your heart is unwilling.

All kinds of joys and sorrows play out like this.

This is a story about young men and women diligently answering the question of "expression."

Hello, everyone. I am the author of this book, Okayu Masaki.

To those readers who have purchased this book, many of you are probably picking up a novel for the first time, right?

"What Happens If A Friend’s Older Sister Falls In Love With A Gloomy Person?" is a novel adapted from the popular YouTube animation "Manga Angel Neko Oka."

Initially, I had the honor of writing the script for the animated adaptation of the original work by Neko Oka-sensei, and later, it was adapted into a novel.

I wonder if you like the difference between the Reiji and Sakuya in the novel compared to the manga?

If I could be liked by everyone and even continue to be followed, that would be my greatest honor.

In the process of creating this novel from scratch, I received help from many people.

This includes the responsible editor Hibi, the illustrator Tomo Nagabe-sensei, the manga artist Mamee-sensei, and all the staff at "Manga Angel Neko Oka."

With the enthusiastic assistance of these talented individuals, I was able to present this work to the readers.

Of course, the most important thing is to express my deepest gratitude to all the readers who have supported "What Happens If A Friend’s Older Sister Falls In Love With A Gloomy Person?"

Thank you very much. This work was created together by all of us.

In the future, please continue to support Reiji and Sakuya.

For all the readers who love this work, I personally will continue to work hard and live up to everyone's expectations.

Okayu Masaki


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