Ch 2

Kotone/Kotosaka changed to Shizune.

Volume 1: Chapter 2: After the gloomy girl came to my room every day

"You again, running over here today..."

Seeing the face on the intercom display, I—Aigaki Shinsuke, gave a wry smile and scratched my head.

The gloomy girl dressed in a fashion style with a landmine theme—Kotosaka Shizune.

Including the first time I let her into my room, today marks her tenth consecutive day of coming over.

Since that day, she has been visiting the apartment where I live every day.

"Good morning, Shinsuke."

"...Good morning. So, what have you brought this time?"


"Sigh... I understand. Come on in then."

While surprised by Shizune's actions, I reluctantly opened the automatic door at the entrance of the apartment.

Less than a minute later, she knocked on the door to my room on the second floor.

"Excuse me."

"If I recall correctly, I only said 'occasionally you can come into my room,' right? I don't remember signing a 'temporary wife contract' with you."

"It just happened to be another one of those 'occasional' times. I didn't mean to come here."

"Is this how you gauge things on your own?"

"Are you angry?"

"No, I'm not... angry."

"Well, that's good... Let's hurry and eat together then."

Saying so, Shizune moved into the living room. She took out a lunchbox from her bag and laid out its contents on a low table.

Because she had rice yesterday, today it's sandwiches.

Every morning, Shizune prepares lunch for two and brings it to my house.

Today's main dishes are three types of sandwiches: egg sandwich, ham cucumber cheese sandwich, and bacon lettuce tomato sandwich. In addition to these, there are octopus ham sausage, scrambled eggs, and chopped kiwi to fill the gaps in the lunchbox, filling every corner.

"Still the same, they look really delicious..."

Faced with a lunchbox decorated only with ingredients I like, I salivated.

"This side is mine, and that side is yours, Shinsuke. Also, here's this for you, alcohol wet wipes."

"Ah, um... Well, then... I'll start eating."

Wiping my hands, I pondered where to begin. After some hesitation, I carefully picked up the egg sandwich to prevent any fillings from falling, and stuffed it into my mouth.

The soft texture of the bread, the coarse-cut egg white's texture, and the rich flavor of the egg yolk. The perfectly sprinkled black pepper added a subtle touch to the taste.

"...It's really delicious."

"Is it?... I'm glad."

Perhaps she felt relieved after hearing my thoughts, as Shizune's cheeks also relaxed.

She followed my lead and picked up the egg sandwich, biting into it.

"Well, how should I put it... I feel a bit sorry for you... Making lunch for me every morning must be tiring."

"I only made them because I wanted Shinsuke to eat them."

I've never once asked Shizune to make lunch for me. Yet, she continues to prepare meals for me every day. It always makes me feel somewhat guilty.

"I'm used to it... even before occasionally visiting this room."

 "Wait, did you just use the term 'relationship'?"

"It's your illusions. Making lunch in the morning before occasionally visiting this room has always been my routine. Even if I increase the portion by one or two servings, the effort is almost the same."

"How many servings did you use to make for breakfast?"

"I used to make lunch for me and my father, so it was for two people. And then, though it doesn't count as lunch, I also used to prepare breakfast."

When I first started living alone, I tried my best to cook all three meals myself. However, I hardly had time in the mornings, so I relied on the school cafeteria or stocked frozen food to get by. Shizune, on the other hand, wakes up early every day to cook, and she definitely deserves some praise for that.

But I have a question about her actions.

"While it's definitely a great help that you prepare breakfast for me as well, where does the money for groceries come from? It can't be coming from Kotosaka family's living expenses, right...?"

Not only in the morning, but Shizune also shows up in my room at night. This is also for the purpose of preparing dinner.

It feels a bit like stalker behavior, but we are "friends," for lack of a better term, and it wouldn't be appropriate to drive away someone who cares so much about me. So, I reluctantly accept her visits.

"Don't worry about it. I'm using the money I saved when i was doind 'Dad's chore'."

"But weren't you supposed to use that money for your own living expenses?"

"It's okay... Besides, I want to forget about saving money for a while and take a break."

Since the day she met me, Shizune hasn't done "dad's chores" a single time.

She comes to my room before school, stays at the university after the sun rises, and then comes back to my room at night. She only goes between fixed locations and shows no signs of going anywhere else.

Even during Tuesday's ethics class, I haven't seen her dye her hair back to black; she continues to attend lectures with her white hair. As for the weekends, she spends the entire time in this room. Sometimes, when I'm at work, she even takes it upon herself to clean my room.

Though it's temporary, Shizune now visits my room instead of doing "dad's chores."

Undoubtedly, this is a positive trend for her.

However, on the flip side, she spends every day in my place and even helps with household chores...

"Do you want me to make your breakfast too?"

"No need for that. That's the money you earn, don't spend it on me. Spend it on yourself, like clothes or makeup, girls have a lot of things to spend money on, right?"

"I have everything I need, including clothes and makeup."

 "...Wow, you're really earning quite a bit."

"From my perspective, getting a meal or going out once can earn me at least 10,000 yen, which translates to around 5,000 yen an hour."

Working seriously at the convenience store, I can only scrape together about 1,000 yen per hour. I can't help but feel a bit empty.

"Don't worry, Shinsuke. You don't need to be concerned about the grocery money."

"Are you trying to lure me in with meals? I won't adopt a system where I let you come to my room just because you bring lunch and ingredients..."

"Even though every time I bring lunch and ingredients, you still let me into your room."

"Well, that is true..."

Even if you didn't bring them, I wouldn't kick you out. I do have my limits.

"...Oh, right."

It seems Shizune thought of something and muttered.

"...What's up?"

"I want to ask you about your favorite dishes for future reference. I also want to add some things to the menu for cooking."

Shizune took out a notebook and a ballpoint pen from her handbag, staring straight into my eyes.

"Favorite dishes...?"

Suddenly asked this, I couldn't immediately come up with an answer.

"I think I prefer dishes with a bit of sweetness rather than ones that are very spicy or bitter... Yeah, that's probably it. By the way, the tamagoyaki rice you made the other night was really delicious."

"Even though I wanted to add something to the menu, it's not very helpful if you only mention that. It won't serve as a reference."

"Well, I can't help it. The first thing that came to mind was that, so I said it."

It was tamagoyaki rice with tomato sauce. The soft and fluffy eggs left a deep impression on me. The gentle sweetness of the eggs combined with the rich buttery flavor of the chicken rice made for a perfect combination. I remember finishing it in less than five minutes.

Every dish Shizune makes is delicious, but only that particular one stands out, making my mouth water just thinking about it. To be honest, I want to have it again.

"Is it to the extent that you immediately thought of that tamagoyaki rice?"

"...Well, I guess so. The quality of that dish is so good that you could sell it in a store."

"I see... I see."

Shizune chewed on her lips, looking a bit shy. But at the same time, she also seemed somewhat proud, puffing out her chest slightly.

"I'll make tamagoyaki rice again in the future. Apart from that, is there nothing else you like?"

I secretly struck a victory pose in my mind and continued to think about my favorite dishes.

"Well, let me think... pasta, curry... and I quite like stewed potatoes with meat."

"Stewed potatoes with meat?"

Shizune's body trembled slightly, and she repeated the name of the dish I mentioned.

"Yes. Don't you like it?"

"No, quite the opposite. I didn't expect that even our favorite foods would overlap, Shinsuke."

"Aren't there many people who like stewed potatoes with meat?"

"I rarely have interactions with others, so I'm not very clear on these things."


Feeling a bit awkward, I shifted my gaze away from Shizune.

However, she didn't seem to mind and continued speaking.

"Leave the stewed potatoes with meat to me. I'll make sure you like it."

"You're really confident. Is that your specialty?"

"It's the first dish I learned to cook, so I'm more comfortable with it than other dishes."

"I see. But if that's the case, why haven't you made stewed potatoes with meat for me until now? Considering it's been a while since you started cooking for me."

"Because if I presented a dish I like and you said 'disgusting,' I would feel very disheartened."

"I would never badmouth the dish you serve. By the way, didn't I mention this a few days ago? I'm not a picky eater or allergic to anything. I can eat most foods."

Even if I were to eat something I don't particularly like, I would never say "disgusting" about a meal that was specially prepared for me.

"But coming back to the point, stewed potatoes with meat. Although I used to eat it quite often when I lived at my hometown, I haven't had it once since I started living alone."

"Then let's have stewed potatoes with meat for dinner tonight. I'll buy the ingredients after school. The body wash is almost empty too, so I'll buy that as well."

"When did you check the contents of that bottle...?"

"When I cleaned the bathroom last night. By the way, Shinsuke, do you wash your face properly? Since the day before yesterday, the face wash hasn't decreased at all."

"You even checked the face wash!?"

"You can't be lazy when it comes to skincare. Your skin type is prone to acne, Shinsuke."

Why does she even know my skin type?

"But on the other hand, the amount of tissues has decreased significantly compared to last night. There should still be a box of spare boxed tissues. Should I refill it for you?"

"I'll buy them myself, so don't worry about how many tissues I use!"

How detailed have you been checking things, seriously?

"...Could it be that I've been causing you trouble...?"

Shizune shrank back a bit, observing my expression, and furrowed her brow with anxiety.

"N-No... you haven't... you haven't caused me trouble, so please don't look like that... You've been a great help. I had actually forgotten about the body wash running out until just now."


"Yes... You've been attentive in various ways, so thank you."

"In that case... I feel relieved."

Shizune let out a sigh of relief, squinted her eyes, and relaxed a bit.

"Then I'll just buy the body wash and the ingredients... Look forward to the stewed potatoes with meat."

"Ah, sure... Um, yeah, alright..."

I can't help but feel that if things continue like this and I leave all the household chores to Shizune, I'll unknowingly turn into a useless person who can't do anything on my own.

Speaking of which, she prepares lunch for me every morning, comes over to cook at night, and even though she's well-intentioned, she's going a bit overboard. I have no idea why she's doing all of this to such an extent.

Could it be that all her actions up until now have been a way for her to promote herself in her own unique way?

"Just by helping with household chores every day, you think I'll eventually sign that 'temporary marriage contract' so you can officially come to my room... You're not thinking about something like that, are you?"

"Not thinking about it."

Shizune interrupted my question with a denial. Quite suspicious.

"Just to clarify, I will never sign that contract."


"Because the terms aren't fair."

I never wanted to get involved with the Mokuroku girl in the first place - that's something I haven't told Shizune. It would sound kind of weird saying these things directly to her.

And I'm not lying.

Cooking, laundry, cleaning, and everything else, plus assisting me in practicing my illustrations – Shizune took on all these tasks, but in exchange, she wanted the right to come and go freely in my room.

In her eyes, there might be the advantage of "not having to go home," but for me, it's just too much of a one-sided deal. As fellow college students, I don't want to accept such an imbalanced trade-off.

"No matter what you say, the 'temporary marriage contract' is a no-go."

"...Then I'll never cook for you again."

"So, were you deliberately trying to flatter me to trick me into signing the contract?"

And again, I never actually asked you to do all of this.

"Maybe I'll get lucky... Although I did think about it, I was just joking earlier. Dinner will be prepared for you as usual."

"I don't know what your intention is..."

"I told you just now, didn't I? I only make it when I want you to eat it."

"Why are you so insistent on having me eat the food you make?"

"Because you always enjoy it so much. Being able to help others... though I might be a bit presumptuous, I'm happy if I can be needed by someone."

Shizune's face turned happily red.

It seems like this is her sincere sentiment.

"Shizune would make a good wife."

"Um... what does that mean?"

"Just what it says. You cook well, take care of other household chores, too, and you're very attentive. You have a promising future ahead of you."

After finishing the egg sandwich, I raised my hand slightly in the air, thinking about which sandwich to eat next, while saying this.



Shizune suddenly fell silent and lowered her head as if she was trying to hide her face.

"It's... it's nothing."

A few seconds later, she made a small, seemingly joyful sound.


 On Thursday, our classes started from the second period.

Although our subjects were different, Shizune's schedule, just like mine, had classes starting from the second period as well. So, before heading to the classroom, the two of us walked together on campus.

"Even though it's becoming quite ordinary lately, I always feel like whenever I pass by others in the university, I get glared at..."

"Really? Isn't that just normal?"

Shizune didn't seem bothered by it, but it was definitely abnormal.

Dressed entirely in black, with stark white hair tied into a half-up ponytail that contrasted sharply, and her distinctive red-tinted makeup at the corners of her eyes – all of these features made her stand out. These alone would have been enough to draw attention, but on top of that, her naturally pretty face added to the attraction.

Even I, walking beside her, attracted quite a number of curious glances. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I walked with my head down to avoid making eye contact with others.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Oh, hey!"

Suddenly, I heard a shout from behind that sounded like an angry roar. The owner of the voice quickly closed the distance and came around to the front of us, pasted on an exaggerated smile, and brought their face close.

"Shin-suke-kun? Good morning!"

"G-Good morning. What's gotten into you? Why the sudden performance?"

"Shin-suke-kun and a girl walking together just brushed past me, so I thought I'd say hi!"

"You're way too close for just brushing past!"

Seriously, your eyes must be really bloodshot. It's kinda scary.

"Oh, Kotosaka, good morning! You look adorable today."

"Um... yeah."

Shizune hid behind me, putting some distance between herself and the suspicious character.

"Hey, Hirofumi, don't scare Shizune like that."

"I didn't scare her. I was just giving a gentlemanly greeting."

"That's not gentlemanly at all!"

The person who started a conversation with us was my closest male friend at the university – Hirofumi Yagiyu.

I hadn't told Hirofumi about Shizune being "Kotone." I had only vaguely explained our encounter and told him that we became friends.

So, Hirofumi already knew that Shizune would often come to my room. But since I reported this to him, every time the two of us walked together, he would come over in this state and pester us.

After Hirofumi joined us, Shizune and I continued walking.

"Ugh... you're really lucky, you know that? Bringing such a cute girl home every day."

"I didn't bring her home."

"Didn't you recently try to act all cool, saying 'I haven't brought any girls into my room other than my mom and sister,' and now you easily betrayed me... damn it, you better go get your head chopped off!"

Seriously, asking for a beheading over something like this, you're really something else.

"Ah, ahh, ahh... I'm so envious of you, you rascal! Anyway, it's like this – every morning, you get to have those interactions like 'Big brother, if you don't get up soon, you'll be late!' 'Ugh, let me sleep for five more minutes...' Enjoy the refreshing start of your day, okay!?"

"Why the sibling scenario?"

"Even though I think it's highly unlikely, you're not waking up to find Kotosaka, dressed in a naked apron, making breakfast for you in some sort of newlywed life play... you're not into that kind of thing, are you?"

"That scenario doesn't exist anywhere. And why a naked apron?"

"After waking up and finding a naked woman in your room, isn't that a scene every man in the world desires?"

"Even though Shizune is right here, it's impressive how you manage to showcase your desires to that extent..."

I felt speechless at Hirofumi's nonsensical thoughts. However, one of his offhand comments bizarrely lingered in my mind for a while.

...Newlywed life, huh.

Shizune and I weren't even dating, let alone married. But even so, with her frequent visits to my room, it did feel strangely reminiscent of a newlywed life.

My gaze shifted from Hirofumi to Shizune, as I absentmindedly imagined her wearing her quirky fashion style and adding an apron while engaging in household chores.

Although the combination of quirky fashion and an apron seemed quite unusual, with her dignified appearance, it felt like she would look good no matter what she wore.

Even someone like me, who wasn't good with understanding quirky fashion, thought that way. So, this feeling must definitely be correct.


Shizune noticed my gaze, tilted her head, and looked up at me.

"Ah, no...! It's nothing..."

I quickly shook my hands and hurriedly brushed it off.

I definitely couldn't tell her that I was imagining her in an apron.

"You're flustered now. You must be having impure fantasies about little Shizune, right? Stop hiding it and confess honestly, you perverted wolf!"

"I haven't had any impure fantasies. And also, I really don't want to be called a perverted wolf by you, Hirofumi."

"I'm not a perverted wolf, I'm a proud perverted wolf."

I can't stand watching you like this, so please wipe that smug look off your face.

"Is Shinsuke a flirty perverted wolf?"

Shizune maintained a serious expression, gazing at my face.

"For my sake, please don't take Hirofumi's nonsense seriously..."

"It's not nonsense. Hidden within his desk full of illustration materials, there's a ton of doujinshi (eroge/hentai) titles that start with the letter 'R' – ouch!"

I gave Hirofumi's shoulder a hard tap, warning him, "Don't go any further."

 "Are the doujinshi BL?"

Surprisingly, Shizune became interested in the topic.

"Yeah, and it's the explicit kind with all those knife-play scenes. Right, Shinsuke-kun?"

"It's just typical male-oriented stuff!"


Shizune's shoulders drooped, and she muttered with a hint of disappointment.

"Do you want me to be a fudanshi (male fan of yaoi/gay stuff)?"

"If you're only interested in guys, then I can be a bit more at ease."

What are you feeling at ease about?

"What kind of doujinshi does Shinsuke-kun usually read?"

"Well, uh, what kind..."

Why am I being questioned about my fetishes so early in the morning at the university?

"No need to hide, it's okay. Even if Shinsuke-kun is a pervert who gets off on dragons having sex with cars, I've already prepared myself to accept that to some extent without losing my cool."

"My fetishes aren't that extreme!"

"True, Shizune. Don't worry, this guy's sexual preferences aren't extraterrestrial; they're quite ordinary – just human. Right, Degenerate Chef Shinsuke-kun?"

"Don't keep spouting nonsense since earlier!"

"But I have indeed seen it – that doujinshi about catching a girl stealing in a convenience store."

"You, intentionally trying to worsen my situation...?"

"It's because you were captivated by that doujinshi that you started working at a convenience store!"

"...Shinsuke-kun, you're gross."

Shizune fell for Hirofumi's words a bit too easily too. Although I did have a few doujinshi centered around convenience store scenarios.

"Well, let's put aside the fact that Shinsuke-kun saw Kujou-senpai in a convenience store uniform. No one ever mentioned that, right?"

"Nobody ever said anything like that!"


Suddenly, a slightly sinister expression appeared on Shizune's face.

"...? Hey, Shinsuke-kun, you haven't told Shizune about Kujou-senpai, have you?"

"Um, no, I haven't."

"If you don't explain something like this sooner, it might cause a dispute later, you know?"

"Because nobody asked me about it, and besides, I've only had a normal childhood friend relationship with that person."

"...Childhood friend."

 Shizune's gaze dropped diagonally forward as she spoke the heavy word.

"Hey, that childhood friend, is she a girl...?"

"Huh...? Oh, yeah, she's a girl."

"...And her name?"

"Kujou Chitose..."

"...Kujou, Chitose... You and that person are childhood friends, and you also work at the same place?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

Shizune directed a series of questions about Chitose at me.

It suddenly reminded me of the barrage of questioning I faced in the convenience store parking lot.

"Is she... cute?"

"For me, she's more beautiful than cute. From another perspective, you could even say she's super cute!"

"Don't answer that!... Since we've been together since we were kids, I don't see her as cute or beautiful. She's more on the good-looking side... probably."


Shizune stared at me for a moment, then looked away as if sulking.

"Shinsuke, you really don't understand a woman's heart."

"Is it your turn now?"

"Shinsuke-kun, observe and learn, just like me."

You, the guy who can throw down obscene topics even when Shizune is around, don't seem to understand a woman's heart either.

During our conversation, we arrived at the classroom. Hirofumi and I have the same class afterward, but we have to part ways with Shizune now.

"Well then, see you later, Shizune."

"Yeah, I'll come over later tonight."

"No, I mean, I'm working today..."

"I'll wait until you come back then."

"...Maybe you could reduce the frequency a bit?"

I expressed my concerns to Shizune indirectly.

She looked uneasy and asked me, "Why?"

"I appreciate your help with the household chores; you've been a great help. But considering the current situation, isn't it not much different from the 'walking marriage contract' we haven't really signed?"

I did mention that occasionally she could come into my room, but at this rate, it might continue until we graduate... or even beyond, even after graduation, she might keep coming into my room.

"Today, you don't need to worry about me. Spend some time for yourself, whether you go home or not. It's important to spend time on yourself."

Considering Shizune's future, I shouldn't let this kind of lifestyle become a habit.

It's about time I made things clear to her in person.

 "Even if you bring lunch and ingredients today, I won't let you into my room. Next time, wait at least a few days before coming over."

"I understand."

Shizune replied with an almost fading voice, sounding somewhat sad. However, even though she verbally agreed to it, her expression seemed to show her difficulty in accepting this decision.

After the classes from the second period to the fourth period on Thursday, I began my scheduled shift at the convenience store from 17:00 to 22:00.

"It's rare to see you not so tired at this time; in the past, you'd be exhausted."

By this time, the rush of customers had subsided, leaving us with what felt like an endless stretch of boredom.

Finished with our duties, Chitose and I stood side by side at the checkout counter, chatting to pass the time, waiting for customers to come in.

"Well, various things have happened, and I've been sleeping well lately."

"Don't tell me you've stopped watching those naughty videos so late at night?"

"I never watched that stuff to begin with."

"You're lying. Your expression a few days ago clearly showed that you had a satisfying time."

"Only a demon could deduce that from someone's expression!"

The reason I've been sleeping well these days, of course, is thanks to Shizune helping me with the household chores.

With her support, I've been able to start my drawing practice earlier, which in turn has allowed me to ensure a good amount of sleep recently.

Although I said some words before class today that seemed like I was pushing Shizune away, the fact remains that she has been supporting my life.

Thinking back to the expressions we exchanged when parting ways, my regret and reflection deepened. Perhaps I should have used different words to express my thoughts?

"Oh... by the way, Shinsuke, speaking of 'kaichou'..." 

"Speaking of 'kaichou'...?"

Chitose's abrupt choice of words caught me off guard. I repeated the term she used, inserting my confusion.

"Do you know about the club that takes 'kaichou' as their motto?"

"Are you sure you're not talking about 'early bloomer'...?"

"Oh, right, right, that's the one."

What on earth is 'kaichou'? It sounds like something even more direct than 'early bloomer'... probably some group of perverted misfits.

[Translator's Note: The term "マスカキ" ("masukaki") which is kaichou used here refers to male masturbation and is phonetically similar to "マセガキ" ("masegaki"), which means 'early bloomer.']

"Have you heard of a club called 'Yuton'?"

 "No, I've never heard of it. Is it well-known?"

"It's quite famous among the third years. The club itself is a common 'drinking club,' so there's nothing unusual about that. Lately, they've invited me a few times, but they're annoying, so I'm not a fan."

Chitose complained to me with a look of annoyance.

"It's quite unusual. I never thought Chitose would dislike invitations to drinking clubs."

She appears in various clubs, receiving invitations to drinking parties from different places throughout the year.

If it's a day she's working, she'll decline, but if it's a day she's free, she's generally enthusiastic about attending.

"I've only heard negative rumors about that club. The representative of the club is a third-year student who came fourth in last year's beauty pageant. But apparently, they invite girls one by one, get them drunk, and then... Well, it gives off that kind of vibe. It's what they call a 'cannon club.'" (Cannon club means suspicious, sometimes illegal type of club.)

Chitose crossed her arms and continued with a skeptical expression, saying, "I've heard the way they get girls drunk is quite extreme. How exactly does it work?"

Since this is a topic that's far removed from my reality, I couldn't muster much sense from it. I never imagined such a group actually existed...

"So, when this club targets you, how do you reject them each time?"

"Of course, I just give them a good ol' knee to the groin! ... That's how. If it's a guy who doesn't listen to reason, I might give them a kick from directly below."

Chitose swung her leg toward my chest, catching me off guard.

"If you're so violently rejecting them, they probably won't invite you to drink again."

"Nah, actually, the number of times they've invited me has been increasing."

"Sounds like you've got a group of masochists after you."

"Well, I was joking about my rejection method. Were you looking forward to it?"

"Based on the conversation we just had, there's nothing for me to look forward to."

"Because you had an expression like you wanted to be pulverized."

"What kind of impression do you have of me!?"

Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of pervert who gets excited about that sort of thing.

"Shinsuke, you should be careful too. Don't let the 'cannon club' target you."

"Ordinary guys like me won't be targeted."

"But cute guys might get targeted, generally speaking."

Chitose said seriously.

"And you know, people often say, 'Cute guys might make a killing.'"

"A killing? I have no idea what you're talking about. And I'm not cute."

"Really? Lately, I've been thinking you're quite girly and cute."

"Girly? What are you basing that on?"

"Well, like your scent or something?"

"I haven't changed my detergent, and I don't remember putting on any perfume."

"Uh, that's not what I meant. I just feel like something's a bit off."

Chitose pressed her face against me and sniffed like a dog.

Taking advantage of a moment when there were no customers in the store, she circled around me. She repeatedly crouched and stood up, inspecting my entire body as she pleased.

Despite shooting a disdainful look at Chitose for her eccentric behavior, she didn't seem to care.

After she stopped crouching to smell me, Chitose looked up, stared into my eyes, and tilted her head as if in suspicion.

"Shin, do you have a girlfriend?"


Chitose's words left me utterly shaken.

I didn't have a girlfriend, but I did spend time with a specific woman.

I never imagined she could detect it just by my scent...

Up until now, I had kept my relationship with Shizune hidden from Chitose. While there was no real need to hide it, it was still somewhat difficult for me to talk about how I had brought Shizune, with whom I had spent only a few days since we met, into my room on several occasions – something that even Chitose, my childhood friend, had never done.

"Judging by your reaction, it seems I hit the mark."

"That's not... this is..."

"Lately, something's been off about you, Shin."

Truly, the fateful bond that started in kindergarten couldn't be concealed. I couldn't hide anything from her.

Chitose raised her waist with a cheeky grin, holding her arms triumphantly.

"Let me thoroughly examine you as if I were licking you all over, and ask you clearly."

"Please, just limit it to a thorough questioning..."

Afterward, I explained everything that had happened between Shizune and me since we met to Chitose. I didn't mention the part about her dad's chores, but aside from that, I laid out the whole story.

"I see."

"You understood everything from just one explanation?"

 "Although I don't quite understand the part about how you two met, in short, it's that mysterious girl, Shizune Kotosaka, comes to your room every day, helps with your housework and your illustration practice, right?"

"To be precise, the permission I gave was more like 'occasionally she can come into my room'..."

"Then, after you finish work, will that girl come over today?"

"No, I don't think she'll come today. I reminded her about it as well."

"I see... but then again, I never expected Shin to get involved with a girl again."

Chitose knew about my past emotional trauma – she was one of the few people who knew about my limited experience with romantic relationships.

She had been there to listen to my consultations since before, so the fact that I was getting involved with a girl, especially a mysterious one like Shizune, was quite surprising to her.

"Do you have any particular thoughts about that mysterious girl, Shizune?"

"Particular thoughts... well, if you put it that way..."

In reality, I did have some. I felt a similarity between her and my ex-girlfriend from my first year of high school, which made me feel like I couldn't just ignore her. It's not a straightforward reason, I admit.

"Could it be that you're sensing a shadow of your ex-girlfriend from your first year of high school... or something like that?"

"...You've managed to see through me, and I'm a bit scared. You hit the nail on the head. But that girl and my ex are completely different people, right?"

"Yeah, they're completely different individuals."

"In that case, it might be a bit difficult for you right now, but try not to view them as overlapping each other. It wouldn't be polite to treat either your ex or Shizune that way."

Shizune is Shizune, not a replacement for my ex-girlfriend.

Being gentle with her just because there's "some resemblance" would be like treating her as if she were a substitute for my ex-girlfriend.

After talking with Chitose, I realized that some of the parts I disliked about myself had become more evident.

"Oh dear... I can't believe that Shin has started protecting Moe again."

"I'm not protecting her. Shizune is neither a dog nor a cat."

"Even if she's human, she seems kind of like a sneaky cat to me."

"A sneaky cat, huh..."

The feeling I get from this is just awful. Not only did Shizune not steal anything, but she's the one who actually feeds me.

"Oh no. Listening to you talk about all this makes me feel quite jealous."


"Even as your childhood friend, I've never been inside Shin's room, and yet she had the audacity to come disturb you on the very day you met? It's impossible for me not to envy that."

"About that, I'm really sorry to Chitose..."

"So, have you two done it?"

"We haven't!"

"Doesn't housework include sex…!?"

"Don't give me that look of surprise!"

If you're seriously asking that question, I should start doubting your understanding of decency.

"If you were to sign a 'temporary marriage contract' with me, that would definitely be included, you know?"

"Don't even bring that up. Besides, forget about signing contracts; you can't even handle basic housework properly."

Although from appearances, she might seem like a flawless, capable woman, I've known all my life just how bad Chitose is at organizing and cleaning, let alone cooking.

"Hehehe... You'd be troubled if you underestimated me too much."

"Where have you improved then? Whenever I visit your old room back home, all I see is clothes and textbooks strewn everywhere."

"Although it may look that way, my room has been kept quite neat ever since I started living on my own."

"Impressive. Can living alone really change a person this much?"

"Of course, things tend to disappear into who-knows-where."

Give me back the admiration I had a few seconds ago.

"Although I'm not keen on imagining it, what if your clothes were stolen or something...?"

"No way, that's not going to happen. My room is on the fourth floor of the apartment complex."

Indeed, in that case, hanging clothes on the balcony would make it less likely for them to be stolen.

"Well, I was just making a little joke. The fact is, I really do keep it neat."

"I guess you've grown a bit after all."

"When things get messy, I immediately stuff them into plastic bags, so it looks clean most of the time."

"Why don't you just throw away your clothes and textbooks?"

"Huh, is that why I can't find anything?"

"Why didn't you notice..."

"Because cleaning and tidying up are such a hassle, you know? But if I do it reluctantly, I won't do a good job, so I've always done it while I'm in a good mood after drinking."

"Your tolerance for alcohol is so low!"

If you just mindlessly throw things away, your room will definitely be neat and tidy.

With that topic coming to an end, Chitose glanced around the store while making a thoughtful sound, then changed the subject.

"Even though I don't care that much, not a single customer has come."

"Yeah, now that you mention it."

Usually, during this time, there are intermittent customers coming into the store.

Chitose stood in the center of the checkout counter, tiptoeing to observe the situation outside.

"Uh, Shin, Shin!"

She waved me over and then pointed outside.

"Hasn't it been pouring outside?"

"Huh...? Oh, it really is."

At some point, a heavy rain had started outside.

With no customers entering the store and the rain sound drowned out by the in-store background music, we hadn't noticed until now.

"Shin, do you have an umbrella?"

"No, I don't..."

"Yeah, same here... The weather forecast said it would just be overcast."

"Well, weather forecasts aren't particularly reliable either."

"Will shouting at the sky make it clear up?"

"What kind of youth anime plot is that?"

Since we didn't bring umbrellas, there's not much we can do. We'll just have to hope the rain stops before we finish work. If the heavy rain continues, though it's a bit wasteful, we might have to buy plastic umbrellas to go back home.

*Ding ding ding.*

The bell signaling a customer suddenly rang. Simultaneously, the sound of rain from outside entered the store.

I quickly adjusted my posture, pretending to be a diligent employee, standing straight behind the counter.

"Welcome. Uh, welcome... huh—huh!?"

I had originally planned to greet the customer after Chitose, but the moment the incoming customer entered my field of vision, I involuntarily made a surprised sound.

She shook off the raindrops from her umbrella and wiped her wet shoes on the doormat before walking straight towards the checkout counter.

Kotosaka Shizune—her drenched figure stood right in front of me.

"Why did you come here...?"

"Even so, I'm a customer, and you should still pay more attention to your words."

"Ah... uh, welcome."

"Very well."

Where did this high and mighty customer come from?

"I'm pretty sure I said, 'Even if you come today, I won't let you in.' Don't you remember?"

"The 'not letting in' place was Shinsuke's room. You've never said 'don't come to the convenience store.'"

Technically, she's not wrong, but there should be some limits to twisting the truth like this.

"So, why did you specifically come to the convenience store?"

"Umbrella... I thought you didn't have one, so I came."

Shizune took out a folded umbrella from her bag and showed it to me.

"...Uh... Did you come here just to bring me an umbrella?"

"Yeah... and also, lunch."

After that, she took out a lunchbox and placed it on the counter.

"Today, Shinsuke told me to 'spend more time on myself,' but making lunch for Shinsuke is also for myself."

"...Is that so."

Feeling a bit bashful, I turned my head and scratched my cheek.

Since things have gone this far, I can't ruin Shizune's mood any further.

I whispered a "thank you" to her and accepted the umbrella and lunchbox she gave me.

"Hey, hey."


Chitose tapped my shoulder with her finger and whispered in my ear.

"Is this the girl you mentioned, the little Miburi?"


Chitose stepped away from me and stared intently at Shizune's whole body.

"...Who is this rude person?"

Shizune showed obvious disgust, giving Chitose a look as if she were staring at garbage.

"It's nothing, I apologize. But indeed, there's a resemblance in your clothing style."


"It's something personal on my end, don't worry about it."

"...Is that so? Shinsuke, is this the childhood friend you mentioned, Hirofumi, when you were talking this morning?"

"What the heck, so you already know who I am?"

Shizune squinted her eyes and confirmed Chitose's name tag. Chitose, on the other hand, faced Shizune with a smile and extended her hand across the counter.

"I'm Kujou Chitose, a third-year college student and Shinsuke's childhood friend."

"Second year, Kotosaka Shizune."

Though stiffly, Shizune also introduced herself.

"Shinsuke, how far did you go in talking about me with this woman?"

"Um... that she helps me with housework and practices drawing illustrations... that kind of stuff."

"Is that so? So you didn't mention the 'daddy' stuff."

"I didn't... Hey, why are you bringing that up now!"

"I wasn't hiding it."

Shizune finished speaking with a dignified tone and added, "Besides, I'm not doing that anymore."

"Daddy activities, huh... I see."

Chitose appeared somewhat surprised and nodded exaggeratedly. Then, in a volume that Shizune couldn't hear, she murmured, "So the rumors were true."

...Rumors? What are you talking about...?

"Anyway, let's have Shizune wait in the office for now."

"Why? What's the reason?"

"She went out of her way to bring you an umbrella and lunch. After you take your stuff, you can't just say something like, 'Alright, go back.' Are you a lazy bum who throws things away after using them? Anything that's thrown away should be handled by big sister."

"Don't use a tone that could be misinterpreted like that!"

"Threw things away after using them...? Shinsuke, have you slept with this woman?"

"How could that possibly be true!"

"How could that possibly be a thing, ohoho."

"Don't make a fuss with your drunk enthusiasm!"

"Alright, alright. Anyway, let her wait here for now. Shizune even came out in the rain to bring us an umbrella."

"I only brought the umbrella for Shinsuke. I didn't bring one for you, don't get the wrong idea."

"Oh, so tsundere."

"There's not a trace of 'dere' in that way of speaking."

There's an uneasy atmosphere hanging in the air during the conversation between these two girls. Can I really just leave it like this...?

"By the way, Shizune, how did you get here today? You didn't come on a women's bicycle like usual, did you?"

"I took the train today. Then I walked from the station to here."

"Even though it's pouring rain, you still walked here. You really have some determination."

Although she had an umbrella, Shizune still got soaked in the heavy rain.

Why did she go to such lengths for me?

"Anyway, let's have you come into the room today. If you keep going like this, you'll catch a cold."

"Really...? Can I? Are you sure?"

"After all, you brought me an umbrella and made lunch for me on such a bad day."

From what I can see, the current downpour is probably just a passing shower. If I wait in my apartment after work for a while, the rain should stop before the last train.

"Let's go to the office first and warm up. I'll lend you a staff towel to wipe yourself dry."

I guided Shizune behind the counter and led her into the office.

"I'll go get you a coffee. Just sit in that chair over there and wait for me."

"Thank you. But... is it okay to let an outsider like me come in?"

"Don't worry, it won't be a problem. Even if something is said, our store manager is very reasonable. We can explain the situation."

"Is that so..."

I handed the towel to Shizune. She lightly patted her face, wiping away the water droplets, and then covered her mouth and nose, locking her gaze onto my eyes.

"Did I... help you, Shinsuke?"

"Well... yeah, I guess."

It feels a bit strange to say "you helped me" to a classmate, but if I had to say it, she certainly did help quite a bit... no, she went above and beyond in helping.

"I'll strive to make you need me even more."

"Is that so..."

"Yeah. It's really nice. I'm jealous, after all."

Chitose, who had been silently listening to our conversation at the counter, suddenly appeared behind me and grabbed my shoulder.

"What's there to be jealous of in this situation?"

"Of course, it's being able to see Shinsuke being gentle with a girl other than me up close. I'll start feeling an age-inappropriate jealousy. Oh, I really hate you young folks. I don't want to get old."

Even though we're only separated by a single grade, she's talking nonsense. Just a girl in her early twenties.

"Also, there's another girl who has an agreement to enter Shinsuke's room, you know? As the president of the Shinsuke Fan Club, I'm so jealous it's making me sick."

"You're the only member, aren't you?"

"Even though I've been rejected multiple times, Shizune can casually disturb his room without a care in the world. It's so unfair, don't you think?"

Chitose's eyes lit up like a child asking for something from their parents as she self-promoted.

"In other words, I should invite you into my room as well, right?"

"Oh, so you've learned how to read minds now?"

"With your obvious requests, who wouldn't see through them?!"

I let out a deep sigh.

"Well, if you want to, you can come."

"Really? Can I just like that?"

"It's not a big deal. After all, Chitose and I have known each other for a long time. Even though I've been refusing your advances all this time, if you genuinely wanted to come into my room, I'd let you in normally."

"Huh? Did you just say inside earlier?"

"Don't quote my words in weird ways. I said we have an old acquaintance 'relationship.'"

"Just kidding. Don't be so uptight."

Don't joke around at a time like this. You'll drive me crazy.

"...So, when do you plan on coming to my apartment?"

"In that case, I'll respect your wishes... I'll come over today."


My - no, both Shizune's and my voices echoed in the office simultaneously.

"Wait a minute, isn't that way too sudden!?"

"Well, we both live alone, so it's no big deal. Besides, the first time you brought Shizune into your room was pretty sudden, right? So, having one or two more guests shouldn't make much of a difference."

"Whether there's a difference or not is for me to judge..."

But in reality, going from one person to two people in my room didn't really change much...

I just shifted my gaze slightly to glance at Shizune's expression.


Shizune frowned deeply and shot a sharp gaze at Chitose as if threatening her.

"...If Shinsuke thinks it's okay, then I don't mind."

Afterward, she reluctantly accepted with a visibly discontented attitude.

Is it really okay to have both of them in my room at the same time? I'm begging you, please don't cause any problems in my room...

"Excuse me."

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment, Chitose burst in, declaring "I'm the first."

"...You're really causing a disturbance."

Shizune followed with a cold remark, then entered after Chitose.

"...I feel so uneasy."

I quietly closed the door and stared blankly at the two figures.

After finishing work, I had brought Shizune and Chitose back to my apartment safely in pouring rain.

"I'll prepare hot bathwater for you. You two can wait for me in the living room."

I took out three towels from the cabinet in the bathroom and handed two of them to the two girls.

"Oh, Shinsuke is such a good guy."

"Make sure you don't catch a cold before it gets cold outside."

As soon as Chitose received the towel, she confidently walked into the living room like she was in a familiar place, swinging the door open.

"You're living in a spacious and beautiful room. It's so close to the university station and your workplace. There should be a limit to how amazing your room is."

"I feel like I've heard that statement so many times already."

I prepared the bathwater and entered the living room.

"In about twenty minutes, the water will be heated up, and then the two of you can decide who goes in first."

"Is it okay if Shinsuke doesn't go first?"

"I'll go after. Thanks to you, I didn't get as wet in the rain."

"So, you want us to go in first and then enjoy the leftover hot water from us?"

"Am I supposed to look like that kind of hardcore pervert!?"

"Don't worry about it, Shinsuke. You still look harmless for now. Even if you decide to use the water left from our bath, it can be explained as you being environmentally friendly. You won't look like a pervert."

"That's actually quite rude in another sense, and it's clearly going beyond the realm of environmentalism...?"

Shizune's agreement made my shoulders sag. I shifted my gaze to the clothes the two of them were wearing.

While I had used the folding umbrella borrowed from Shizune, they hadn't. Since they had squeezed under the same umbrella, both Shizune and Chitose were completely drenched.

"Anyway, let's think about what to do with your clothes..."

Judging by how soaked their clothes were, it would take quite some time to dry them.

"I can lend you towels and a hair dryer directly, but we'll have to figure out replacement clothes..."

"A towel...? To think you're planning to lend me a towel that has already absorbed Shinsuke's scent into every fiber..."

"I did consider it, but I don't really want to lend to a pervert..."

"Well, that's pretty cunning. It's like those AVs with really high-quality sample images but then a significantly lower quality actual content, just over the top."

"If you're going to make an analogy, please use a more easily understandable example."

"Having a head without a tail is quite fitting."

Don't have overly high expectations for a mere towel.

"Let me confirm, neither of you brought spare clothes?"

"I didn't. The uniform for work, top and bottom, is all there."

"I didn't bring any either."

Both of them shook their heads in response to my question.

"If you're both okay with it, should you wear my clothes in the meantime?"

"Shinsuke's clothes...? To think you're suggesting we wear clothes that have already absorbed Shinsuke's scent into every fiber..."

"Is Chitose planning to go over there fully naked?"

 "You suddenly became very strict. Well, I guess going topless for Shinsuke is fine."

"In that case, I'll lend you my clothes, let me change... So, Shizune, what about you?"

"...I also want to wear Shinsuke's clothes."

"I see... so now the remaining issue is underwear, isn't it?"

Bras or women's underwear were items I definitely didn't have as replacements in my room.

Shizune's skirt and Chitose's shorts caught my eye.

"By the way... though it's hard to ask, did both of you get your underwear wet too?"

"The top part is fine, but the bottom is wet to the extent that even if it gets exposed, it won't be too revealing."

"That's really quite a disaster."

"Same here, it's especially wet down there."

Is that so... I massaged my temples with my right hand.

"No matter what, I can't lend you my underwear..."

"Wearing Shinsuke's underwear is fine by me."

The image of Shizune wearing my underwear unintentionally flashed in my mind.

"No... no, no, no, no, that's not okay."

I shook my head vigorously, trying to dispel those thoughts.

"I want to wear underwear too."

"Underwear is meant to be worn!"

It's fine for Shizune, but I really don't want to lend it to Chitose.

"Also, I don't mind not wearing a bra."

"That's also rejected!"

I'm also a man, you know. Please be a little cautious.

"But sometimes I don't wear a bra at home."

"Even if we overlook the bra, for hygiene reasons, you should still wear underwear."

"In that case, I'll just keep wearing the underwear I have on now."

"Ah... sorry, but could you please manage with that?"

"Next time, I'll leave a few spare pairs of underwear here."

"Yes, well... um... that's a bit..."

If Hirofumi were to find out, things might take a turn for the worse.

"For now, I plan to eat the lunch that Shizune made for me... What about both of you? Do you want to eat something after you shower? "

"I'm fine. I bought some alcohol from the convenience store just now."

"You can't have alcohol for dinner."

"Of course, I bought some other things too. Fried chicken skewers, potato chips, and instant noodles."

"All high-calorie foods... Is this what you usually eat?"

"Of course. I'm still growing, after all."

Chitose raised her arms and lifted her lower breasts, emphasizing her chest.

Even though she could maintain her figure due to her youth for now, if she continues eating like this every day, there will come a day when she won't be able to distinguish between her chest and stomach beneath her clothes.

"It seems like Chitose has a strategy for dealing with weight gain. How about you, Shizune?"

"I already ate at home, so it's okay for me."

 "I see. If you want something to eat, just let me know. If you're okay with snacks, bread, or frozen food, I can prepare it for you right away."

I took out the lunchbox from my bag and opened it on the low table.

"Wow. Shizune's homemade meal looks really delicious."

Chitose looked at the contents of the lunchbox and let out a mixed sound of excitement.

"It's nothing special, just ordinary."

Shizune turned away in embarrassment, her face slightly red. However, she didn't seem displeased by Chitose's praise.

The top layer of the two-tier lunchbox contained sesame-covered white rice, while the bottom layer held a potato salad seasoned with black pepper on one side and savory stewed potatoes on the other.

"I made it as we agreed this morning... What do you think?"

Shizune glanced at me, observing my reaction.

"Yeah, it looks quite delicious. Thank you."

After expressing my gratitude, a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Shinsuke is truly remarkable too. Being able to have such a cute girl cook for you every day."

"I didn't ask her to cook for me... Can I start eating now?"

After confirming Shizune's nod, I put my hands together and said, "I'll begin."

I picked up the chopsticks I had specially brought and took a bite of the stewed potatoes.

"Mmm... this is really tasty."

"That's a relief."

Shizune breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing my thoughts about the taste.

"Can I have a bite too?"


"Pfft, Shizune's being mean."

"It's up to Shinsuke to decide."

"Yeah, yeah... well, if it's just one bite, I guess..."

"Oh, well then, help yourself!"

Chitose didn't hesitate and even grabbed a large piece of pork from the stewed potatoes directly with her hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Mmm... this taste can't be described without sake."

Chitose slowly took a can of sake from a convenience store plastic bag, pulled the tab, and poured the bite of stewed potatoes and the sake into her mouth together.

"Mmm... after work, having a drink is really soothing... Shinsuke, Shinsuke, can I have another bite? Can you reward me with another piece of pork?"

Chitose pressed her ample chest against me, pleading.

She only had one sip, and her face turned red...?

"Didn't I say just one bite? By the way, did you get drunk from just that sip...?"

"I just took a sip, it's fine."

"There's no reason to just sip the stewed potatoes! Honestly, eat the food you bought yourself!"

Now that I think about it carefully, even if she's not drunk, she still talks like this. It's subtle and hard to judge whether she's drunk or not.

"...That being said, this really is delicious."

Not just the stewed potatoes, even the potato salad was so good I couldn't complain. It seems she even considered the nutritional aspect. It definitely feels much better to have Shizune cook for me than to cook for myself.

"Shizune can handle most household chores, so even if you live alone, it won't be too hard."

"Is that so? But once I start living alone, I might not cook for myself anymore. Right now, I can keep up because I'm cooking for someone else."

"Well, it's true that if you were only cooking for yourself, you might do it half-heartedly."

"I feel like sharing an apartment or living together with someone might suit me better."

"Given how you are now, I think so too."

The ability to take action for someone else's sake is one of Shizune's strengths.

Even though her purpose was to "come to my room," Shizune still braved the rain to bring me an umbrella today.

If I leave Shizune alone, she might end up heading in the same direction as her father. At least, if she forms a close relationship with someone, I won't have to worry about that anymore.

"When you lived alone, did you never think about going back to your hometown?"

"As soon as I arrived here, I completely thought of home. At the beginning, I couldn't even do household chores properly and had no motivation... But after I started living on my own, I realized how much I appreciated my parents. 'Ah, doing housework is so tiring.'"

"If thinking like that made you appreciate your parents, then they must be exceptional."

"If you were to live alone, you might think the same way... Ah, sorry."

Shizune's profile suddenly entered my field of vision, causing me to close my mouth before I finished speaking.

I don't want to go home. I want to live alone. I want to be independent. Many people think like this, but those who actually take action are a minority even within the university student population.

Shizune's determination to leave her hometown is undoubtedly genuine. That's why she's here now. Even though I don't know anything about her hidden circumstances, it's not my place to say anything irresponsible.

However, after a period of silence, Shizune responded to my words.

"I probably... wouldn't ask that question. Even if I owe a huge debt to leaving that home, even if I were thrown into prison, I would still feel that it's better than staying in that home."

Although it was just a moment, in my eyes, Shizune's eyes seemed to be completely filled with darkness.

"Well... that's quite extreme."

"I just want a life of freedom, so I need a certain amount of money. If I end up in prison, I'll only be farther from freedom. In the end, the best way is to earn money and then leave home."

—"The bathwater is ready."

At that moment, the sound of the water heater echoed in the living room.

"It seems the bathwater is ready."

"...You're right. So, who's going in first?"

"Ah, Shizune, why don't you go in with me?"

"Why do I have to go in with you..."

"You see, it's important to follow Japanese bathhouse culture."

"This isn't a bathhouse... Ah, wait..."

Chitose forcefully grabbed Shizune's arm and headed towards the bathroom.

While she completely ignored Shizune's intentions, perhaps this was Chitose's way of expressing her desire to get closer to her.

I silently watched their figures and continued to eat.

"...I'm full."

After finishing the lunchbox, I clapped my hands together and lowered my head.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It seemed that about 20 minutes had passed since Shizune and Chitose went to the bathroom.

"I should wash the lunchbox."

I stood up from the cushion and took the lunchbox to the kitchen.

Since I've been leaving all the household chores to Shizune lately, this was my first time washing dishes in a while.

I stood in front of the sink, first using a paper towel to wipe away the stains on the lunchbox, and then using a sponge to create foam and gently clean it.

"It's no wonder you're living alone. You've become quite adept at housework."

The door creaked open, and at the same time, voices reached me from behind.

"...Who did I think it was? Turns out, it's you."

"If it were someone other than Shizune and me, that would be a big problem."

I turned around and saw Chitose, her hair soaked, peeking out from the doorway.

"What about Shizune? Weren't you two supposed to go in together?"

"I just took a quick shower, so I came out first. Shizune is still in the bathtub... Oh, can I borrow the hairdryer?"

"Sure, go ahead... Wait, don't open the door again!"

"Huh? You're imprisoning me?"

"It's not imprisonment! At the very least, put on some clothes before you come out!"

"Well, I don't even know where the clothes that Shin prepared for me are."

What a blunder. I promised to lend them clothes, but I forgot to prepare them in the bathroom.

"Just wait for me obediently, I'll go prepare them now!"

"It's fine, it's fine. I don't mind. Let's talk after you finish washing the dishes."

Chitose, wrapped in a bath towel, entered the living room with a hairdryer in hand.

"Don't go out of your way to come here... There should be an outlet in the bathroom, right?"

"You're so easy to understand, moving your gaze away from me like that. Are you finally becoming aware of me?"

"It's not about being aware or not aware. Anyone would avert their gaze when they see a woman wrapped in a towel."

"I feel like if it were an ordinary guy, he'd definitely be staring with interest now. Am I really lacking that much womanly charm?"

You have plenty of womanly charm as it is.

Due to Chitose's ample bust, her bath towel had formed a three-dimensional shape, and the area above her cleavage that the towel couldn't fully conceal was exposed. Honestly, I didn't know where to look.

"But with your face so red like that, it seems I do have some charm."

"You, can you pull off this kind of appearance so naturally in front of other guys too?"

"No way, no way. I might be fine with girls, but with the opposite sex, I'd only do it in front of people I trust. For now, that's just my dad and you, right?"

"Uncle can be excluded, but I'm just a childhood friend with no blood relation to you, right?"

"Acting like I'm some outsider. We're childhood friends who are more like siblings than regular brother and sister, right? So, there's not much difference between us and actual siblings."

Chitose stood by the corner of the kitchen near the fridge and pulled out a can of Japanese sake.

"When did you start using my fridge?"

"Before I took a shower. Oh, can I borrow the fridge for a bit?"

"Act now, ask for permission later, huh?"

Well, it's not a big deal at this level.

"You had some earlier, didn't you? Is that okay? Japanese sake tends to have a high alcohol content, right?"

"It's fine, it's fine. Even though it may seem like that, I can handle my alcohol quite well. I don't have any memories of getting drunk."

With a confident demeanor, she pulled the tab of the Japanese sake can and took a sip."It's a rare chance, want to have a drink together? I chilled a bit extra."

"I'll pass. I'm only nineteen, you know."

"Then after you turn twenty, let's drink together."

"Sure, but Chitose's treating."

"Well, although it's not a problem, there might be some other costs in a certain sense."

"What do you mean?"

"I was thinking you could foot the bill with your body."

"I don't want to be kidnapped by you!"

"I'll just get you drunk and take you to a hotel by force."

In these situations, the roles are usually reversed, right?

"By the way, Shin, you're quite popular, huh?"

"Why are you suddenly saying that?"

"Well, I just kind of feel that way."


Chitose looked at my face and smiled. But I had a feeling that it wasn't a genuine expression, but rather a forced one that seemed a bit out of place.

"Based on my guess, that girl… Shizune probably has a soft spot for you."

"...No, that's not her liking me."

"Why are you so sure about that?"

"...Well, she's probably just looking for someone to depend on. I happened to be there, and all the conditions were right, so she developed some goodwill towards me."

Kotosaka Shizune, the quiet and reserved girl, harbored more than a little goodwill towards me.

But this wasn't the same as the conventional "liking" that people have in romantic relationships. Fundamentally, it's quite different.

She was merely searching for someone to rely on—just to distract herself, she became dependent on me.

All the reserved girls I've been involved with in the past have been like this.

I don't know if it's my personality that makes people feel comfortable seeking my advice, but I've surprisingly had many occasions where reserved girls confided in me. Apart from the three I've been in relationships with so far, there have been a few instances where I've received confessions during the process of offering advice about their troubles, even though it didn't develop into a romantic relationship.

But they didn't genuinely care about me in the truest sense.

They simply found someone who would listen to their troubles—due to this simple reason, they mistook it for liking me.

 "You're still as stubborn as ever. Nothing has changed, and that puts my mind at ease."

"Even though I really didn't want to get involved with reserved girls anymore..."

"Well, dealing with these kids has caused you quite a bit of trouble."

Chitose nodded as if reminiscing and let out a bitter smile.

"But you extended a helping hand to Shizune out of your own will... Why are you such a good person, Shin?"

Chitose took a sip of sake and looked up at the ceiling.

"It's not because I'm kind-hearted. Just like I said when I was working, it's just that Shizune reminds me a bit of my ex-girlfriend. I couldn't just ignore her... If it were any other reserved girl, I definitely wouldn't be doing all this... At least, that's how I feel..."

"Specifically, what's similar? It's true that her clothing style is a bit reminiscent of your ex-girlfriend, but her appearance and personality aren't that similar."

"It's not just about the clothing style. There are other issues that Shizune is dealing with... I haven't delved deep into it yet, but she seems to be troubled by something related to her family."

"Family issues... I see. Indeed, your ex-girlfriend during that period had similar circumstances... That's why you sympathize with Shizune and treat her gently, right?"

"Although I didn't mean to treat her gently... I do feel sympathy for her."

"It's just that you don't realize it, but you are quite gentle. However, if you're too gentle with girls, they might perceive it as you being overly concerned about them, so be careful, okay?"

"You've given me that advice several times already..."

"Your indecisive attitude is practically a crime. Shizune is one of the top-tier handsome guys. If you treat her with kindness during times of darkness, she'll definitely fall for you."

"Alright, alright."

You're probably the only person treating me like a pond.

Chitose finished the remaining sake in one gulp and let out a sigh, "Ahh..."

"So, does that mean there's a possibility that you might develop feelings for Shizune in the future?"

"...It's hard to say."

To this day, I'm still not comfortable with women who have a "landmine" appearance, and my aversion to dealing with reserved girls hasn't disappeared.

However, surprisingly, my aversion to Shizune's traumatized emotions is gradually fading away. My daily life is slowly being permeated by our "semi-cohabitation."

I don't know how my feelings will change in the future. But even so—

 "Leaving aside matters of romantic feelings, I wonder how long this kind of life will continue... In the current situation, that's the question on my mind."

"Yeah, it does seem like your mindset is quite complicated."

Chitose reached into the fridge again and pulled out another can of Japanese sake. After taking a sip, she wiped away the drops of alcohol from the corner of her mouth with her thumb.

"...Shin is just too gentle. In order to prevent you from getting hurt again... I need to put in some effort behind the scenes as well."

"...? What kind of effort are you talking about?"

"I mean, whenever you need someone to talk to, I'm here to help."

"Yeah, I'll count on you when that time comes."

Chitose's cheerful demeanor has saved me many times.

Even though she usually acts in a ridiculous manner, whenever I'm troubled, she rushes to my side immediately to listen to me. That's why I admire her like a real older sister.

"Sigh... With that, the dishes are done. Chitose, don't just drink, make sure to dry your hair before Shizune comes out."

"Wait... I'm not feeling too well suddenly... Ugh."

"You drank alcohol so aggressively, no wonder you're not feeling well... Shizune probably needs the hairdryer too. If you don't hurry up—"

"Oh, wait a second, Shin—"

Chitose's voice trying to stop me suddenly reached my ears.

However, due to my frantic movements, I couldn't stop my feet in time.

And at that moment, I realized I had forgotten one of the things I needed to do.

"Oh no, I completely forgot...!"

"Forget? What?"

"You forgot too!? It's the clothes, Chitose's and Shizune's!"

I suddenly felt anxious, and my voice unintentionally became rough.

I got so engrossed in our conversation that I forgot Chitose was sitting there without clothes.

I hurriedly ran to the cabinet, grabbed two sets of sportswear and two T-shirts, and headed toward the bathroom.

"Ah, wait, Shin—"

Chitose's voice, trying to call me back, suddenly echoed in my ears.

However, because I was so flustered, I couldn't stop my momentum.

And at that moment, I made another mistake.

Without confirming whether Shizune was still in the bath or not, I forcefully opened the bathroom door without knocking.


The sound that came out wasn't from Chitose, nor was it from me—it was from Shizune.

My thoughts froze completely, and I was too shaken to say a word.

Upon opening the door, the first thing I saw was Shizune's naked body.

A wealth of information, even details about her body, were rapidly etched into my mind.

In the few seconds of calm that followed, my mind was flooded with the image of her naked body.


Shizune remained silent, gazing at me directly with her clear eyes.

Regret surged over me like a tide, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

It was only natural for her to shout at me. Depending on the circumstances, she might even punch and kick me for barging in. She could report me to the authorities, and I wouldn't be able to complain.

"I'm sorry, really... I'm so sorry!"

Feeling on the verge of tears, I repeated my apologies desperately.

"...You don't need to apologize, it's okay."

Contrary to my expectations, Shizune forgave me with her usual calm voice.

"You probably didn't do it on purpose... Besides, if it's you, Shin, even if you saw me..."

Shizune awkwardly echoed my sentiment.

I let out a sigh of relief and placed the sportswear and T-shirts I was holding on the floor.

"Then I'll... you can take these to wear..."

I turned my face away, feigning a calm appearance, and bumped into the door like I was trying to escape—right at that moment.

A groan that came from behind made my entire body tremble.

 "Hey, hey... Chitose, are you feeling unwell?"

"I was trying... to stop you... but I... rushed... ended up with the alcohol..."

Chitose, feeling nauseous from the sudden movement, clung tightly to my shoulders as if she was about to hold onto me.

Her breathing grew more labored. Then, her cheeks puffed up with a "bleurgh" sound.


Chitose vomited in the hallway of someone else's room.

At this point, I began to regret bringing her into the room.

She said she didn't have any memories of failing to hold her liquor, but that was probably because she drank away those memories too...

"I did wash the taste away... right?"

"Yeah, not at all."

Shizune, wearing the sportswear I lent her, sniffed around my stomach area and then gave me a thumbs-up with her fingers.

After getting sprayed by Chitose's vomit, I immediately rushed into the bathroom and began washing my body as if I were trying to shed a layer of skin.

Although I didn't get wet from the rain, I never expected to get soaked with vomit.

"Also, thank you for helping me clean up. You've been a big help."

"No problem. It just feels like my nose is about to grow wings and fly away."

"...Seems like you're feeling quite uncomfortable."

During my shower, Shizune apparently took care of cleaning up the vomit. When I changed into my pajamas and opened the bathroom door, the hallway had been restored to its previous neat state.

It seemed I would need to have Chitose apologize sincerely to Shizune and thank her properly later.

"...By the way, I'm having a hard time getting used to this."

"Getting used to what?"

"Ah... I mean the clothes."

I had only seen Shizune dressed in a sailor uniform and her eccentric fashion style before. Therefore, even though she was simply wearing my sportswear, I felt a strong sense of dissonance.

It's not that it doesn't suit her. On the contrary, her naturally beautiful face made even the ordinary, slightly oversized sportswear look cute on her.

But despite that, I still felt a sense of dissonance, probably because the impression of her eccentric style was so strong in my mind.

No matter how much I look at Shizune in sportswear, I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

"...Shin, you've been staring."

"Ah... sorry..."

I quickly averted my gaze from Shizune.

"I'm not wearing any makeup right now... being stared at so intently makes me shy..."

Glancing to the side, I saw Shizune's fingertips intertwined, her face blushing, and she was speaking a bit unclearly.

The strong dissonance from the sportswear made me fail to notice this. Today was the first time I had seen Shizune without makeup.

Her white hair, usually tied into a half-up ponytail, was down now, having just been blow-dried after her shower. Based on her current appearance, I could imagine what she looked like when she lived at her hometown.

However, even though she's already cute without makeup, does she still not want people to see her without it? I really don't understand the heart of a woman.

"Hey, Shin, never mind my clothes and all that, is it okay to leave that person lying there in the hallway?"

Shizune pointed to our now passed out senpai lying in the hallway and asked me.

"While it's okay to leave her, it would be quite annoying if she falls asleep here."

I squatted down next to Chitose and gently patted her cheek.

"Hmm... Is it already morning?"

"It's still nighttime. Don't lie here; at least let's get you to bed."

Chitose opened her eyes and looked around as if she were a lost child.

"Huh...? When did I change into sportswear?"

"Shizune helped you change while you were lying down."

"Huh? Why did Shin change clothes...?"

"Because you threw up on me..."

"I have no memory of that at all."

"Don't drink any more..."

"Ugh... Oh no, I have a headache..."

Chitose used her right hand to touch her head and seemed genuinely unwell as she closed her eyes.

"Lean on my shoulder and let's get you to bed."

"I want a princess carry, big brother."

"No, that feels really heavy."

"You're being rude to a young lady. My weight is only as heavy as three red berries?"

"Where are you getting these fairy tale characters from..."

"No, no, I want a princess carry!"

Chitose flailed her elbows and knees randomly, demanding like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Oh, for goodness' sake! I get it, stop shouting!"

I lifted Chitose's body and slowly walked towards the bed.

"Oh, even though my body feels bad, my mood feels great. There aren't many opportunities like this, so go ahead and call me 'Princess' like a white horse prince."

"As long as you're in good spirits, Vomiting Princess."

It seemed like she still had enough energy to make a fuss.

After I basically rolled Chitose onto the bed, she appeared with a big grin on her face.

"Don't suddenly start laughing, it's really disgusting."

"You're no fun. Once I lie down on the bed, I'm reminded of things from the past."

I tilted my head. "What do you mean by 'things from the past'?" I asked Chitose.

"Back in elementary school, didn't you always hide naughty books under the bed?"

"I never hid any naughty books. Those were just slightly risqué comics for boys."

Chitose grabbed the corner of the bed and craned her neck to look under it.

"That's so strange. Have you stopped hiding them under the bed?"

"Well, I live alone now, so there's no need to put them there."

 "Oh. So, you're saying this room is elegantly decorated with naughty books?"

"As you can see, there's absolutely no decoration. Besides, in this day and age, you can buy electronic versions of books. Even if I did have any naughty books, they'd only be on my phone."

As I informed Chitose that I didn't have them in my room, I discreetly glanced at Shizune.

Shizune had just heard from Hirofumi this morning about where I stored my naughty doujinshi.

Because of the explicit content, it must never be discovered by Chitose. If she were to find out, when we were on duty together, she would undoubtedly use it as material to tease me.

"...Miss Shizune?"

After noticing my gaze, Shizune suddenly averted her eyes. She walked directly to the office desk and reached out to touch the drawer where I kept my illustration materials - the hiding place for the doujinshi.

"Miss Shizune!?"

"Oh my, oh my, does this mean it's hidden in here now?"

Chitose got off the bed unsteadily and approached Shizune. Almost simultaneously, in the corner of my vision, I saw Shizune take out a doujinshi from the drawer.

I reflexively rushed over and snatched the book from Shizune's hand, raising my arm high due to the inertia. Then, I aimed at Chitose's face and swung it down forcefully.


The cover of the illustrated magazine depicting a girl in a convenience store uniform flew through the air with great force.

Chitose, who had been hit directly in the face by the doujinshi, made a foolish sound and lost her balance. As she took a few steps back, she stumbled over a low table and fell backward onto the bed.

"Is she dead?"

"No, she's still alive, for now."

I picked up the doujinshi and, after making sure Chitose was okay, I said to Shizune.

"Why on earth would you bring out a doujinshi at a time like this?"

"I really just had a mischievous thought..."

"Just saying 'a mischievous thought' doesn't make it okay..."

"...Because I was really angry."

Shizune expressed her discontent, her back turned to me.

Even though I was puzzled about what I had done to upset her, I had no idea. But even if I were to ask Shizune, she wouldn't answer. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it." I gave up thinking about it.

I put the doujinshi back in the drawer and then sat down in the chair in front of the office desk. I picked up the illustration materials on the desk and began flipping through them casually.

"It's already late, but are you going to start practicing illustration now?"

Shizune turned around and struck up a conversation with me.

"Yeah. Practicing after dinner has become a part of my daily routine."

"You're really something, Shinsuke. You're so busy, yet you work so hard."

"Because I enjoy doing these things, I don't consider it hard work."

I powered up the computer, opened the drawing software, and tapped the screen of the LCD with the pen in my hand.

A blank canvas appeared in the center of the screen, while on the left side, there were menus for various brushes like pencils, G-pens, airbrushes, etc. On the right side, there were layers to use when overlaying images.

"What are you going to draw today?"

"I was thinking of practicing adding motion to the characters' descriptions. Didn't you draw character illustrations yesterday? I'm planning to depict that character running in a composition."

"In that case, it's better to first focus on determining the center of gravity for the composition. The placement of the feet on the ground, the way the joints bend, and even the upper body will follow the movement of the legs, creating a sense of dynamism—"

Shizune roughly demonstrated a simplified drawing sequence for me, and I used it as a reference while I began to draw. During this process, she would provide suggestions at various points, and I would incorporate these suggestions into my practice—this had become a daily routine in recent days.

Areas that I used to struggle with, I would investigate and experiment with on my own. However, practicing with Shizune had significantly improved my efficiency in drawing.

"Shizune, you really are a good teacher."

"Is that so?"

"To me, you're practically a teacher, Miss Shizune."

"Don't say that, it doesn't sound right."

Shizune had mentioned to me before that she originally went to university with the goal of becoming an elementary school teacher.

Despite having decent grades and earning solid credits, she had abandoned her dream early on, and I felt it was quite a waste.

"Could I ask why you gave up on becoming an elementary school teacher?"

"It's not a big deal, really. Just like I said earlier, it simply wasn't a good fit for me."

"Not a good fit..."

"At this point, I no longer have the mindset to earnestly consider the future. Besides, whether it's a good fit or not is something I can't avoid."

Shizune paused her hand, as if trying to summarize her scattered thoughts, and spoke softly to me.

"The role of an elementary school teacher isn't just about teaching academics. I would need to face the problems that every child encounters. But if I can't even solve my own issues... I wouldn't be capable of forming close relationships with children."

Indeed. Being a teacher isn't just about delivering lessons from a podium; it's also their responsibility to care for the mental well-being of the children.

For every child, there are numerous troubles and problems. Sometimes there are situations that require delving deep, such as bullying, truancy, family issues, and they cannot avoid confronting them.

With emotionally sensitive adolescents as the target, ordinary methods often fall short.

Perhaps it truly isn't a job that can be handled simply by excelling at teaching or by liking children. If Shizune herself believes she's not suited for it, then perhaps she truly isn't.

"But, Shizune, you did want to become a teacher, didn't you?"

Even so, after finally making it to university and arriving at a place where her dream could come true, giving up because of suitability still felt like a tremendous waste.

 "I don't know Shizune's reasons for wanting to become a teacher, and I don't quite understand the issue of suitability. I feel that these things aren't relevant; if you want to do something, you should challenge it first."

I pulled over a chair and looked at the illustration of Shizune displayed on the computer screen.

"Just like how I simply enjoy drawing illustrations, I might not actually be suited to be an illustrator. But, because I want to make it my goal, that's why I'm practicing like this... because I haven't been making much progress at all, I might as well just give up. I've thought that way countless times."

"Even Shinsuke has thoughts like that."

"You're overpraising me. There are so many people out there who are better than me, even if you look at the whole world. Shizune is also one of those people."

"That sort of thing... Shinsuke has far more talent than someone like me, you're much better..."

Shizune didn't have any self-deprecating intentions; she genuinely seemed to believe that.

"Just as Shizune thinks that way, in my opinion, you would be well-suited to be a teacher."

"That's called overpraising."

"It's not just about being good at teaching; more importantly, Shizune is the type who works hard for others, isn't that right? So, being a teacher is a suitable profession for you, isn't it?"

Shizune always takes actions according to her own will.

If we were to shift the focus to children, she would definitely make a good teacher.

"Even though Shizune, you say you have problems, but isn't that still a valuable experience? It's precisely because of the experiences you've gone through that you can better empathize with children, be closer to their worries, right?"

"Does Shinsuke really think I'm suitable to be a teacher?"

"I've been saying that since a while ago."

"...Is that so."

Shizune swallowed my heartfelt words and lowered her head.

"In that case, I'll take a bit more time to... think about it."

Shizune lifted her head again. Her eyes were different from the emptiness they held just a few seconds ago. To me, she seemed to have gained a slight bit of self-confidence.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh..."

A deep, crawling sound came from behind us.

"What's going on... I felt like my memory flew away as soon as I saw the enigmatic convenience store clerk in my field of vision..."

"You must have been dreaming. Anyway, how's your condition, Chitose?"

"Ugh... Well, it's not completely better, but it's improved quite a bit... maybe?"

Chitose crawled off the bed and scratched her head.

It seemed her memory was also a bit hazy; I felt somewhat relieved.

"Hey, Shinsuke, what time is it now? It's pretty late, right?"

I looked up at the clock on the wall. In a little over ten minutes, the hour and minute hands would overlap at the 12 position.

"We're about to switch days."

Starting from the end of the workday, today had felt more fulfilling than usual, and time seemed to have flown by in the blink of an eye. Especially now that I had started practicing illustrations, this feeling was even more pronounced.

I stood up from the chair, pulled open the curtains, and observed the situation outside the window.

"The rain... seems to have stopped for now."

Though the night sky still held many clouds, moonlight was filtering through the gaps.

"So, what should we do next? It's almost time for the last train, so if we're going back, we should probably start packing."

"Huh? Are you saying I could spend the night here...!?"

 "While it might be a bit concerning for an unmarried man and woman to spend the night together, it's fine if both Shizune and Chitose are here."

"In that case, I want to stay overnight. Shinsuke's bed already has his sweat soaked into it, it's quite comforting."

"Get out of there right now. If you really want to stay overnight, you can sleep in the bathroom."

"Even so, I've known you since we were kids. You're being way too mean to me. Besides, I'm still recovering from being sick, you know?"

"Being uncomfortable due to drinking doesn't really count as being sick."

"Are you even human? Sister, I don't remember ever raising a child like this."

Chitose pouted and sighed in dissatisfaction.

"Chitose might say that, but what about you, Shizune? You can sleep on the bed, and if you don't like that, I can lend you a guest sleeping bag."

Shizune took out her phone from her pocket and glared at the screen with a malicious expression.

"...I'll pass."

"Huh? Why?"

"If I miss the last train and have to stay later, it'll be a hassle."

Shizune said with a truly annoyed tone.

"Did your parents contact you?"

As I asked, I walked over to Shizune. She put her phone back in her pocket as a result.

"Yes, they called and messaged me."

"I see, then there's no choice. I guess I'll continue to be a bother all by myself."

"But of course that won't do. Go back."

"You're still as sharp-tongued as ever... Why are you so strict with me, your dear sister? We can drinking together until morning, after all."

"I told you I'm only nineteen, right? And seriously, you should start remembering things!"

If I let you continue drinking, this room might end up filled with your vomit.

"I'll take you both to the station. Hurry up and get ready to go home."


Chitose sat cross-legged on the bed, hugging her arms, lost in thought.

"Shinsuke, you don't have to send us. "

"Is that okay?"

"I'll be together with Shizune until we get to the station anyway."

Chitose directed her gaze at Shizune, asking, "Is that okay?" Shizune noticed this and reluctantly nodded in response, saying, "Fine," with a helpless expression.

Shizune didn't seem to have a favorable impression of Chitose, so I was a bit worried about letting just the two of them go out. However, since they both agreed, it should be alright.

"In that case, I won't send you off... Both of you, be careful on your way home."

"I know. Shinsuke, you really love worrying about things."

Later, Chitose and Shizune packed their removed clothes into plastic bags. Chitose wore a T-shirt and sweatpants, while Shizune was dressed in a full tracksuit. The two of them then left the apartment.

After they left the room, I sat down on the bed, gazing around the room in a daze. Even though the decorations and furniture in the living room were exactly the same as before, I felt that this space somehow seemed more spacious than before. Perhaps it was the silence that made it feel monotonous.

In the past, I would never have even considered letting a reserved girl like Shizune spend the night in my room.

Originally, I should have held psychological trauma towards the reserved girl—Shizune, who I initially wanted to avoid and keep my distance from. But incredibly, I found myself wanting to accept her.

The reason behind this, I still didn't quite understand.

However, the time I spent with Shizune was surprisingly not as bad as I had imagined.

They stepped out of the apartment. The heavy rain that had fallen a few hours ago had stopped as if it were all a lie, leaving only wet roads and puddles.

From Shinsuke's apartment to the nearest station, it would only take a few minutes to walk. Although there wasn't much time left until the last train, the distance to the station wasn't far. Chitose and Shizune weren't particularly anxious, calmly passing through the ticket gate.

"I didn't expect that we'd be going in the same direction."


Chitose cheerfully struck up a conversation with Shizune, but Shizune's response lacked warmth, as if her mind was elsewhere.

Shizune's home was four stations away from the nearest station to the university, while Chitose's apartment was two stations away.

Unlike rural areas, the distance between stations in Tokyo is quite short, and it doesn't take long to reach the next station. The waiting time on the platform is also not very long. They didn't engage in any meaningful conversation while waiting for the train to arrive.

Once on the train, they instinctively sat next to each other.

Even though this was Tokyo, at this time, and in an area outside the 23 wards, the train carriages were mostly empty.

"Why do you want to be needed by Shinsuke, Shizune?"

After some time had passed and the train started swaying, Chitose spoke up as if trying to break the silence. When asked such a direct question about her relationship with Shinsuke, Shizune seemed somewhat shaken.

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"Come on, don't be like that. I want to understand more about you too. After all, I'm Shinsuke's childhood friend... or should I say, his big sister."

Chitose gazed at Shizune's face, smiling gently.

"...Since this spring, I've been earning money through Dad chores. When Shinsuke found out, because he cares about me, he told me that... I can go to his room occasionally."

"I already know about that. I also know about you proposing the 'temporary marriage contract' to Shinsuke. But then, Shinsuke also said that you can come into his room even without helping with housework, right? So why do you still make lunch every day and bring it to Shinsuke's room?"

"Because... I want to help the kind Shinsuke who accepted me... to feel needed by him..."

"Because he accepted me for who I am, I want him to need me more... In short, Shizune, you're 'dependent on Shinsuke,' right?"

Shinsuke's words, "That girl is just looking for someone she can depend on," were firmly etched in Chitose's mind.

Shizune wanted to repay Shinsuke and hoped to be needed by him.

This action in itself wasn't a bad thing.

But only for the present.

"Shinsuke is really kind to everyone, you know?"

"Anyone can see that."

"Did you know that Shinsuke had a period when he was dating a girlfriend?"

"He mentioned it... just once."

 "Did you know that Shinsuke has had three girlfriends so far? But do you know what the common point among those three girls is?"

Chitose's question made Shizune feel a headache.

Without any hints, it would be impossible to arrive at an answer for this.

Why is this person specifically asking me this question...? she wondered.

Chitose's expression, reflected in the window directly in front of her, seemed like she was smiling, yet also like she wasn't.

It seemed that every time the two of them began talking, the air around them became heavy.

"True, you probably wouldn't know no matter what."

After waiting a few seconds for a response, Chitose gently brought her mouth close to Shizune's ear.

"The common point, Shizune... is you."

Chitose's words caused Shizune's eyes to widen.

Chitose leaned back, observing Shizune's reaction, and then calmly continued.

"...Shinsuke has been a very gentle person since a long time ago. If he sees someone in trouble, even though he knows he might be meddling, he would still inquire about their situation and take action to help them solve their problems together."

Each word Chitose spoke carried weight, pressing down on Shizune's mind.

"But you see, due to the influence of dating this type of girl, Shinsuke has become quite negative about romance now. It's been like this since his first year of high school until now."

What she was saying was no joke. Shizune was well aware of that.

"All three of his ex-girlfriends had a common characteristic. Unfortunately, Shizune, you perfectly fit these characteristics."

Chitose and Shinsuke had a deep relationship, and her words carried a sense of credibility that, in some ways, surpassed even the kind words Shinsuke himself would say. It was as if she was directly touching Shinsuke's true feelings.

"Shinsuke has been avoiding girls with this characteristic his whole life. That's why it's quite unbelievable to me that he's now connected to you like this."

"Um... What is this... characteristic...?"

Shizune nervously asked Chitose.

Though it should be Chitose she's asking, the reflection of her on the window seemed to overlap with Shinsuke.

"You really like to dress in the 'landmine' style, don't you, Shizune? I think it suits you well, being both cute and pretty. But how does Shinsuke feel about it?"

Chitose informed Shizune in a roundabout way.

If dressing in the "landmine" style is the issue, then as long as she stops wearing clothes of that style, everything should be fine.

Shizune breathed a sigh of relief and continued questioning Chitose.

"Are there... are there any other common points...?"

The train's announcement coincidentally started playing at this moment.

Chitose answered, "There's one more thing," then stood up from her seat.


Chitose gently took hold of Shizune's hand and pulled up the sleeve of her tracksuit, revealing her wrist.

"It's this thing."

Shizune's gaze fell upon her wrist, her eyes widening. Her eyes quickly dried up and then just as swiftly became moist again.

"Do you have an idea why Shinsuke avoids people with this characteristic?" Chitose's words pierced through reality, as if peering into Shizune's eyes.

"It's because he doesn't want to get involved with gloomy girls like you."

As Chitose spoke those words, the train doors opened.

Shinsuke's romantic partners must have had some underlying issues.

The "landmine" style of dressing, the scars from self-harm on her wrist.

These factors led him to an initial inability to handle such situations.

Ultimately, it was his psychological trauma related to gloomy girls.

Chitose said a few more things before getting off the train, but Shizune couldn't hear those words anymore.

In the empty train car, Shizune shed tears, using her fingertip covered in adhesive bandages to repeatedly scratch at the scars on her wrist.


"I'm such a terrible person... really."

Having alighted at the nearest station from home and watched the train Shizune was on start moving again, I walked towards the ticket gate.

I truly detest this vile aspect of my character.

Shinsuke, whom I cherish like a younger brother, has made friends—and female friends at that. As his childhood friend and sister, I genuinely feel happy for him.

The words I said to Shizune might ruin the precious opportunity for Shinsuke, who isn't very good at making friends, to have harmonious interactions.

I find it hard to believe even now that Shinsuke would establish a relationship with a gloomy girl like Shizune. If this is the path Shinsuke has chosen, then I shouldn't interfere, and I don't have the right to do so.

The most I can do is be a good childhood friend and sister to Shinsuke, listen to his worries, and offer advice to the best of my ability.

But this time, and this time only, I cannot simply stand by no matter what happens.

I can't let her get close to Shinsuke. Even if she insists on getting close, it must be within my line of sight—when that child appears before me, my intuition tells me this.

I've been by Shinsuke's side, watching him, seeking his advice, which is why I understand.

Shizune carries a huge problem with her that she still hasn't brought up with Shinsuke.

If their relationship becomes even more intimate than it is now, Shinsuke would never see this significant issue as unrelated to him; he would shoulder it alongside her. That's the kind of gentle person he is.

"I'm sorry, both of you..."

I no longer want to see Shinsuke in pain.

I no longer want to witness Shinsuke agonize over romantic relationships.

 If Shizune's dependency continues to grow, Shinsuke will end up troubled just like before.

If that's the case, I must protect Shinsuke.

However, if by any chance they continue their current relationship, in order to overcome the problems they both carry, even if it means setting aside my own words, they will have to continue walking side by side—


This novel will only be updated on Tuesday. Every Tuesday, 1 whole chapter, no part will be released at once.

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