Ch 1 part 2

 Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - After Meeting the Gloomy Black-Haired Girl (2)

"Landmine-style" fashion is sometimes referred to as "menhera fashion," and it's a concept based on "dark (pathological) cuteness."

It generally revolves around black as the main color, but it can also be combined with white, pink, red, purple, and other colors.

One of the main features in the makeup is the redness around the eyes, as if from crying. As for accessories, they often wear thick-soled shoes, unique earrings, and pendants.

There's also a similar style called "mass-produced," but the two are not clearly distinguished. The difference is that mass-produced styles are characterized by white and pink as the main colors.

"I never thought you would be so averse to the landmine-style."

In the cafeteria during lunch break, Hirofumi sat across from me, eating a large portion of curry. He recalled our conversation from two classes ago and suddenly said to me,

"Well, that type is not bad either, but yandere girls are great too. Just think about it, if you were in a relationship with a yandere girl, she might wholeheartedly love only me. Isn't that super blissful?"

"I feel like things aren't that simple."

Listening to Hirofumi shallow thoughts, my face twitched.

Hirofumi should also understand that they are called 'landmines' precisely because it's not easy to connect with them."

"So, Hirofumi, you seem to be overly interested in all kinds of women. Are you saying you don't have a specific type, and any girl will do?"

"It's not like anyone will do, but compared to people my age, I might consider a broader range of potential romantic partners. After all, if I look younger, I could date high school girls, and if I look older, I could get close to seniors."

"That's more than just a 'broader range'!"

"As long as they have an attractive body, I'm fine with anyone, regardless of age."

"I guess you won't have any trouble finding a marriage partner..."

I twirl my fork around the pasta. In a way, I do admire Hirofumi's straightforwardness.

"Even though you say that, Shinsuke, you must have a type you like, right? Every time I ask, you manage to dodge the question."

"Well, there's really no specific type I like, to be honest."

"Come on, try to say something. If you had to pick, what kind of person would you prefer? I'm sure you have some thoughts on that."

"Even if you say that…"

"Ok then! Close your eyes and think… For example…"

"Alright, I'll play along with you." I closed my eyes as Haowen suggested.

"Shorts on the bottom, a slightly oversized hoodie on top, dressed casually. Always wearing a cap when going out..."

I assembled the described features in my mind.

"Shoulder-length hair, black and teal lingerie color combination. And then, a slightly mature vibe, like a big sister... How about that?"

"Well, if I had to say whether I like or dislike that kind of style, I'd lean more towards liking it... Uh, wait?"

Hirofumi's voice made me feel uneasy, and I suspiciously opened my eyes.

"Oh dear... I let it slip."

"Chitose, what are you doing here?"

Hirofumi appeared in front of me, his mouth full of curry. Not only him, but there was also a female student who mimicked his voice while covering his mouth with her palm.

"K-Kujou senpai!?"

Hirofumi, with his mouth finally free, turned towards her with surprise.

"Ack... my hand got curry on it. Can you help me lick it off, Shinsuke?"

"As if I would help you lick it off..."

I scratched my bewildered head and handed her a tissue from the tray with the udon.

"Sorry for barging in all of a sudden. I noticed you were having an interesting conversation, and I couldn't resist joining in."

"I mentioned it before, right? Don't talk to me at university."

"Why? You used to call me 'Chii-san' in the past, but now you're using my full name... Is this some kind of late rebellion?"

"I only called you 'Chii-san' up until elementary school. Besides, it's not because of any rebellion that I don't want to talk to you, it's just that I find being under people's attention annoying..."

In my daily life, I rarely do anything conspicuous or try to draw attention. However, Kujou Chitose's presence attracts attention, and it affects my life as well.

 She is a third-year student in the Faculty of Law and has been a year ahead of me since kindergarten. We've always chosen the same path, with the only difference being our university faculties.

 Our homes were just within a five-minute walk from each other. It's not uncommon for childhood friends to continue attending the same schools from kindergarten to high school, but never did I imagine that we would end up in the same university as well.

Our parents were also classmates and had a very close relationship, so we grew up together like real siblings despite not being blood-related.

Chitose started living on her own during the spring break before entering university. I owe much of my ability to live independently to her help and support.

However, despite growing up in similar environments, our positions were entirely different. Chitose seemed to have joined various sports clubs during her first and second year, and her social circle and reputation in the university were quite extensive. Last year, she even placed third in the university's beauty pageant.

Talking to Chitose in public would inevitably attract a lot of attention from whoever was nearby, regardless of their feelings towards her. Despite this, whenever she saw me on campus, she would tease me relentlessly.

Because of the beauty pageant, Chitose gained a considerable number of fans, and while most were supportive, there were some extreme individuals as well. Some people even cried tears of jealousy when they found out that we were childhood friends.

"Damn... you bastard, you actually chatted so intimately with Kujo-senpai in front of me..."

And those tears of jealousy often came from Hirofumi.

Today was no different. From where Chitose couldn't see him, Hirofumi's bloodshot eyes were brimming with tears, and he stared at me with a frightening expression.

While I have become accustomed to Hirofumi's jealousy, I had experienced numerous instances of being treated with open hatred by complete strangers due to our association. The fear from those times still lingers in my memory.

Though I don't dislike Chitose, I tried to avoid any connection with her on campus.

"You should leave now; Hirofumi's aura is getting even more intense."

"I can't believe you're acting like his boyfriend..."

"Well, once he gets involved with a girl, it becomes troublesome!!"

"Even if I'm not concerned, I doubt you'll become Hirofumi's boyfriend. After all, you just said you like my type of girl."

Black hat, shorts, oversized hoodie, shoulder-length black hair with blue-green striped underwear, and an air of maturity – those are the characteristics she described, which exactly fit Chitose.

"I said, if we're talking about liking or disliking, then it's liking. It's just that."

"You're being pretty assertive about it. Ah well, I was getting my hopes up for a moment there."

"What are you hoping for..."

"Forbidden love?"

"How is that forbidden? We're just childhood friends; we're not really brother and sister."

Kujou Chitose seemed to be enjoying herself, as if teasing a child, and she smiled cheerfully.

"If you have nothing to do, you should probably leave now. Hirofumi's hostility is getting stronger and stronger."

"Ah, wait a moment. I actually had something to talk to you about."

"Can't you just tell me on LINE?"

"When I was about to contact you, I saw you in person, so I thought I'd talk to you directly."

"...Is it about swapping shifts?"

"Oh, you guessed it right."

Just as I suspected. I leaned back in my chair.

"There's a new employee who started working, right? That kid has had a high fever since yesterday, so I wanted to ask if you could replace their shift today."

Kujou Chitose and I are not only seniors and juniors in university - it's the same at our workplace.

When I was looking for a part-time job in an unfamiliar place, I heard that Kujou Chitose's convenience store was understaffed, so I ended up working there too.

Our shifts are fixed every week. I work from 5 PM to 10 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, while Kujou Chitose works on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays during the same time frame. We work together on two days each week.

The manager at the convenience store is also very kind, and the work atmosphere is quite pleasant. Although I find working at the convenience store "troublesome" in itself, I've never thought about "quitting" at this point.

"I got it, I can take the shift today."

"Oh, thank you. Having an adorable younger brother is great!"

Kujo Chitose patted her chest, and her face relaxed.

"That's nice... Shinsuke, after school, you're going on a date with Kujo-senpai, right?"

Hirofumi buried his face in the table, looking dejected.

"Working together doesn't count as a date."

"You two are sharing the same time anyway, isn't that practically a date?"

While it might not be entirely wrong, I couldn't bring myself to accept it.

"Then Hirofumi-kun, why don't you come for an interview? The Saturday shifts aren't fixed yet, and I'd love to have you."

"I'll consider the interview."

"Don't just consider it without thinking. Besides, Hirofumi, you live quite far away."

"Well... how about I stay over at your place on Saturdays?"

"I absolutely won't allow that..."

"If you're feeling lonely, I could come over and keep you company."

"If you feel lonely, I'll come over as your big sister."

"I'm not lonely at all, so neither of you should come."

With both of them coming over every Saturday, I'd lose my precious time for practicing drawing.

Moreover, Chitose doesn't have Saturday shifts.

"That's settled then. I should be leaving soon."

After discussing the important matter, Chitose checked her watch.

"Sorry for intruding on your lunchtime."

"It's fine. See you later."

Chitose bid us farewell with a "looking forward to it" and skipped away toward the cafeteria's exit.

"By the way, Shinsuke, didn't you say that besides your mom and sister, no other females have been in your room? But isn't Chitose your childhood friend? Hasn't she been in your room?"

"Not even once. Neither of us has the time."

Chitose and I were both leading busy lives, juggling housework, university, and part-time jobs. Recently, she started preparing for job hunting, so she has even less free time than before.

Furthermore, Chitose didn't really intend to come to my room. She is one of the few people who support my dream of becoming an illustrator. She knows that I'm already trying my best to find time to practice.

Though I didn't hear it directly from her, she seems very mindful not to disturb me while I'm practicing drawing. She's quite considerate in strange ways.

"Why don't you think about dating kujo-senpai, who is a perfect sister combining both the beautiful and cute styles? If it were me, I'd immediately take her home and create some romantic scenes."

"If you had a sister, would you consider her as a romantic interest?"

"No, never."

"Same here."

"After this, I have to work for another five hours..."

After the third class, I went back to the apartment, changed my bag from textbooks to my uniform, and headed to the convenience store where I work.

The walking distance from the apartment to the store was about fifteen minutes, just right. However, because it was close to the university, there were quite a few college students coming to the store during this time. Well, for me, who didn't have many acquaintances anyway, it wasn't something to be particularly concerned about.



I entered the office behind the cash register, and Chitose, who had arrived earlier, greeted me with a smile. I responded to the greeting as required.

Wearing the uniform in the office, Chitose and I exchanged work with the previous shift's staff as usual and went to the cash register.

"You've been a great help. That new guy doesn't have anyone's contact except for me and the store manager. Today the store manager is not here, so I really didn't know what to do."

"What would you do if I couldn't come to work?"

"I'd call every colleague's number then."

"You're really taking care of people. It's only been a few days since we started working together."

"When facing difficulties, we should help each other, right?"

That's probably why Chitose is popular with both men and women.

I often hear that people may become jealous of someone good-looking. In the past, there were a few occasions when Chitose naturally made enemies despite not doing anything wrong. However, after spending some time with her, one could understand that she treats everyone equally gently.

With Chitose's level of perfection, it's hard to believe she doesn't have a boyfriend. Even though she's so popular now, she doesn't seem to be interested in dating. It's surprising.

If I weren't childhood friends with Chitose, I might have thought about dating her, just like Hirofumi said. But in this situation, I probably wouldn't have any relationship with her from the beginning.

"Although Shinsuke often praises me for being good at taking care of people, you're also good at it."

"I can't refuse if someone asks me for help."

"If you were in the same situation as me today, you would take the same action, wouldn't you?"

"Well, maybe."

"That means you're good at taking care of people just like me. As a thank-you for covering my shift, how about I buy you a bottle of Japanese sake?"

"Don't persuade someone under twenty to drink alcohol."

My helpful nature that reaches out to others in trouble is something I learned from watching Chitose grow up since childhood. Because of that, she knows my character very well.

"Forget about that. Is all the merchandise in?"

I straightened my back and looked out the window.

"The delivery truck has already left, so we can start checking the items."

"Then I'll do the inspection today. If the cash register gets too crowded, call me."

I walked through the cash register and moved to the back of the store.

I opened the door and peeked inside. Numerous cardboard boxes were stacked on several hand trucks. Compared to other days, the number of goods received on Tuesday seemed quite high.

"This will take more time than usual."

I walked into the back and first scanned the incoming goods, then immediately started the inspection, standing in front of the boxes stacked in the back.

After a while, I silently continued the work. As it was about to end, a buzzing sound suddenly filled the store.

"I was so close..."

The buzzing sound came from Chitose at the cash register, conveying the message that customers were already lining up to check out.

I temporarily paused my work and hurried to the storefront.

Upon seeing the cash register, I couldn't help but say, "Uh..."

When did so many customers come in...?

Perhaps because I was too focused on checking the goods, I didn't hear the sound of customers entering the store.

As I ran to the cash register, there was already a long line. Most of them were groups of construction workers wearing paint-stained uniforms and students returning from school.

Chitose was doing her best to handle the cash register. It seemed that many customers were requesting heated bentos, causing a backlog of customers.

I went through the line of customers and opened the cash register door, standing on the other side of the cash register.

After dealing with the business together with Chitose, the line was smoothly cleared.

I didn't have the leisure to witness each customer's face.

Both Chitose and I were only focused on the customers' movements and the items on the counter.

Bento, onigiri, cup noodles, bread. There were also alcoholic beverages, snacks, and cigarettes.

- Perhaps that's why.

When the only thing in front of me was "that item," my concentration was momentarily interrupted.


Even I felt that this reaction was akin to a high school student in the peak of adolescence.

I looked up, and the customer who had placed the box of condoms on the counter came into view.


Standing before me was a high school girl in a sailor uniform.

Though I couldn't clearly see her face due to embarrassment, she didn't hesitate to place a box of condoms on the counter.

There wasn't anyone else behind the high school girl. I suddenly realized that she was the last customer in the long queue.


 "Um...I say."

After a few seconds of freezing up, the high school girl in front of me initiated the conversation.

"Hurry up and check me out."

Her voice was inexplicably calm, almost unlike that of a high school student... no, it was a bit different. Rather than "calm," it was closer to a lifeless, cold tone.

"I-I'm terribly sorry..."

Nervously, I lowered my head and started scanning the barcode of the items.

"Um, do you need a paper bag...?"

"I don't need a paper bag, just a plastic one."

"Uh... alright. The total is 600 yen..."

While the high school girl fished out the coins from her wallet, I handed her the plastic bag and placed the box of condoms inside.

"These... are your items."

I hung the handle of the plastic bag on her extended index and middle fingers.

At this moment, I felt a strong sense of dissonance from her hand.

Her fingertips were wrapped in a circle of band-aids.

It wasn't the level of cooking mishap.

Her fingertips were almost entirely covered with band-aids, as if trying to hide her nails.


My inner turmoil began, and something in my mind seemed to be speaking.

With trepidation, I lifted my head and peered at the high school girl's face.


A voice slipped out.

I remembered this girl in the uniform.

It wasn't a friend or an acquaintance; our relationship was even shallower than those words could describe. It might be better to say that we had no relationship at all. We hadn't even spoken once.

Nevertheless, she was firmly etched in my memory.

"Kotosaka... classmate?"

Her surname flashed in my mind, making me blurt it out unintentionally.

The person with hair close to a dull grayish-white, sitting in the front row with Haowen during the second class today.

With an almost artificial-looking white skin and red eyeshadow accentuating her eyes.

...I didn't make a mistake. It's her.

A female student dressed entirely in the "landmine" style of clothing and makeup.

She seemed to have heard my voice, and her eyes stared at me as if asking, "How do you know my name?"

I felt confused in front of her like this.

Why is Kotosaka wearing a high school girl's uniform? I pondered.

My brain rapidly worked, retracing memories one by one.

Soon, I found the answer.

The events of yesterday and today flashed back before my eyes - a part of the conversation with Haowen.

The sailor uniform Kotosaka is currently wearing, I saw it a few hours ago too.

Although the girl in the photo had black hair, no matter how many times I recall, their appearances overlap.

"...'Kotone'... is looking... Dad--"

I covered my mouth before finishing the sentence.

The well-known university girl in the same year as me, and the girl looking for a "dad" on Twitter were the same person. But that had nothing to do with me. Nothing more than that.

Then why did I slip and say it?

"S-Sorry...! I didn't mean to say anything—uhh!?"

She grabbed my collar and pulled me towards her. The distance between our faces shortened to a few centimeters, and a faint fragrance entered my nostrils.

In this sudden turn of events, my head felt a bit panicky, but I quickly realized that I was in a critical situation.

Suppressing the nervousness released by Kotone, I closed my eyes with all my strength, clenched my teeth, and tried to escape from reality.

"How do you know that name?"

"Uh... Ah, no..."

Slowly opening my eyes, I met her gaze once again.

Although I had prepared for a barrage of scolding, to my surprise, Kotone's voice hasn't changed much from before.

However, I was completely engulfed in confusion, unable to say a word. Perhaps noticing this, she changed the question.

"What time do you finish work?"

"It's... at 10 o'clock..."

I answered hesitantly. My voice trembled, and it was barely loud enough for Kotone to hear.

"After work, come to the parking lot."

Her hand suddenly released my uniform's collar.

Though surprised that I knew about the "dad" situation, Kotone seemed composed. She seemed to be confirming my face one more time before looking away with a faint smile.


With a slight upward curve on her lips, as if deliberately showing a smile, Kotone left the convenience store.

Feeling relieved from the tension, I plopped down onto the floor.

"Shinsuke, are you okay!? Did you have a dispute with the customer just now...!?"

Seemingly having witnessed part of our exchange, Chitose hurried over to me after Kotone left. However, at this moment, I couldn't even respond, let alone stand up straight.

I buried my head in my hands and covered my entire face with both palms.

It seems like I am in big trouble today.

After Kotone left the convenience store, the previous crowd magically disappeared, leaving the store less crowded.

Leaning against the cigarette rack, I adjusted my breathing, trying to calm my heart. Eventually, my emotions settled down, and within a few minutes, I returned to my normal state.

Chitose suggested I rest in the office, but I insisted I was "fine" and continued with the receiving work in the back.

After that, nothing much happened, and time slowly passed.

When it was nearing closing time, I had no sense of myself whatsoever.

The immense pressure weighed heavily on my mind, and my stomach churned.

As time went on, I grew more and more nervous. By the time the clock struck 10, I was mentally and physically exhausted.

Before heading back to the office, I checked the parking lot again from the theft-prevention camera.

"...So she's not here even though it's the agreed time."

"Huh? Shinsuke, did you say something just now?"

"No, it's nothing..."

"Since the line split into two and you started handling customers, you've been unusually uneasy."

"...I guess."

"You had some issue with that last customer, right? I didn't see her face clearly, but I think she was a high school girl."

Chitose looked at me with concern. To avoid making her worry too much, I forced a smile and reassured her that "I'm really fine."

After clocking out, I pretended to head back to the apartment to deceive Chitose's eyes. Then, I decided to wait for Kotone in the parking lot.

Although I had the option to go home directly, I wanted to avoid any close encounters in case Kotone was late. Now that she knew where I worked, there was no point in running away.

Moreover, I had endured such pressure during work hours. I didn't want to leave the issue for the next day. Since it had come to this, I wanted to resolve it today.

I waited in the parking lot, my thoughts a mixture of "come quickly" and "never come."

Although we were in Tokyo, this area wasn't particularly bustling. Despite abundant streetlights and building lights, it was just the glow of fireflies compared to the glamorous streets.

There was an atmosphere similar to the countryside. I sat in the parking lot, gazing blankly at the surroundings. Strangely, my mind calmed down.

Suddenly, my vision was engulfed in pure white.

It wasn't the light from the convenience store, streetlights, or buildings. It was the LED light of a bicycle, and it was intentionally shining toward me.

Squinting, I stared straight at the source of light.


 A girl stood there, straddling the bicycle seat - Kotone had arrived at the parking lot more than ten minutes later than our agreed time.

With neither apologetic nor amused expression, she raised her right hand and greeted me straightforwardly.


Though I was annoyed by Kotone's attitude, I raised my right hand in return.

She was wearing the same dark, eccentric fashion I had seen her in during our university days, seated on a practical women's bicycle with a front basket. The combination of eccentric style and a bicycle just didn't match, creating a jarring impression from any angle.

"What's with your uniform?" I asked.

In her presence, I was somewhat worried about having a proper conversation. But I seemed to be surprisingly composed and answered fluently, as I had prepared myself mentally.

"I went home and changed before coming here."

"Did you change just because you were meeting me?"

"Of course not. It's just that it would be dangerous to go back so late wearing a uniform."

"Dangerous... are you worried about encountering criminals?"

"I don't want the police to approach me. It's troublesome."

Kotone dismounted her bicycle and walked towards me, holding the bike.

"By the way, what's your name?"

I realized that I hadn't introduced myself yet...

"Lying won't do any good, so I might as well be honest. I do remember your name."

"That's creepy to say so suddenly. When did you memorize it...?"

"The store's name tag had your surname on it. Besides, I already knew your name."

"My name...?"

This additional statement made me tilt my head.

I had never directly told Kotone my name before. After all, we had never even had a conversation, let alone any relationship between us.

How did she know my name? I felt a slight sense of distrust toward her.

"Because you're the person who attends the ethics lecture every Tuesday, right?"

"Well, that's true..."

I never expected her to notice that we were attending the same class. Nevertheless, ethics was a course for students from all departments, and there were quite a few attendees. I was impressed that she could remember me, an unremarkable student.

However, even with this, it was not enough of a reason for Kotone to know my name. Even if she remembered my face, there should have been no occasion for her to know my name.

"Because of what a guy named Hirofumi said, I learned your name."

...Ah, that guy.

I covered my eyes with my hand, recalling our casual chat before the lecture.

Today, Kotone sat closer to us, so we lowered our voices a bit from usual. However, Hirofumi's voice was quite loud, and it had a lot of penetration.

I never imagined my name would be memorized in this way.

"Now that you know, there's no need for me to reintroduce myself, right?"

"Just as a precaution."

She was cautious in strange places.

"...suke Shinsuke Aigaki. Satisfied now?"

"The faculty, year, and age, tell me."

"Why do you need all this...?"

"Just tell me."

Kotone's expression didn't change as she urged me to answer.

I wasn't obligated to answer, but seeing her attitude, I knew that if I tried to deceive her, it would only prolong the situation and cause more trouble.

"Second-year literature department, 19 years old."

"Hmm, I know."

"How do you know!?"

"For the same reason as before."

It was all Hirofumi's fault with his excessively loud voice. My personal information leaked without me realizing it. I should seriously warn that guy as soon as possible.

"Now, the next question."

"Are you going to keep going...? Isn't the purpose just for me to say information you already know, just in case?"


Kotone interjected and firmly denied my statement.

"From this point on, I don't know anything. I hope you can tell me because I don't know."

So this is where we get to the main topic.

"What do you want me to tell you?"

Kotone lowered her head, remained silent for a moment, then looked back at me.

 I swallowed my saliva, waiting for her to speak again.

"Please tell me your interests, background, and whether you live alone."

"Huh? Uh... what?"

Her question was different from what I had expected, and I furrowed my brow in confusion.

Kotone seemed to take a moment before speaking, and I thought she must be asking something important. But it seemed that wasn't the case. Still, come to think of it...

"Wait, wait, stop! The questions about my name and university were to confirm, so I'll leave those aside for now. But I really don't understand the point of answering this question!"

"Well, you know, there's a possibility of developing a long-term relationship in the future."

"What are you even talking about?"

If possible, I hoped to completely sever ties with Kotone today.

Why on earth was she asking me these questions? Moreover, from her current position, there should be more important questions she should ask, ones that should take precedence over my identity.

"Aren't you meeting me just to keep me from talking? I mean, aren't you relying on your father's money for your daily life? Wouldn't you want to make sure I keep quiet about that?"

"I never had that intention from the beginning."

She asserted calmly.

"There's no difference between doing chores for fathers and you working at a convenience store. I don't have friends, and I don't care about others' opinions. Why would I need to keep someone quiet?"

"But if rumors spread, it could cause trouble in your university life, right?"

"If that happens, I'll deal with it then. I'm just going to school now because I don't want to stay at home for that reason."

"You're pretty fearless..."

"If threats were effective, are you planning to give me some unpleasant orders? Like, 'If you don't want to be exposed, take off your clothes and kneel before me,' as seen in adult manga?"

"I would never come up with such a perverse condition!"

"You're quite conscientious, huh?"

"That's pretty normal, right?"

"No, I think it's very kind... very kind."

As if she was comparing me to someone specific, she muttered quietly.

"Then let me ask you, if you were to 'threaten' me, what exchange condition would you propose?"

"What is your intention to ask this question..."

I looked up at the night sky, where only a few stars were visible, and pondered for a moment.

"'If you don't want to be exposed, don't do any more daddy work... probably."

Kotosaka was stunned by my answer.

"Is it that shocking to hear such an answer?"

"...I thought men would only make more shameless demands."

 "You're too biased!"

But from Kotosaka's perspective, it's probably understandable.

If she's frequently approached by men with ulterior motives while doing 'fatherly activities,' it's natural for her to have bias towards men and their intentions.

"I got it. At least, I won't make such sadistic demands."

"You... have a conscience to the power of two, huh?"

Your way of expressing things is quite unique.

"But this has nothing to do with that kind of stuff. Now, tell me about your interests, background, and whether you live alone."

Kotosaka forcibly redirected the conversation that had gone off track.

It seems as long as I don't answer the question, the topic won't progress.

"My interest is drawing... Illustrations."

"Ah, illustrations, huh?"

"You got a problem with that?"

"No, I just think it's a good hobby."

When I mentioned my interest in drawing illustrations, I sometimes got teased. However, Kotone seemed to view my hobby kindly, nodding gently a few times.

"...And my background is from Saitama. And yes, I am currently living alone."

"Is it close to here?"

"Well, it's not too far."

Kotone put her finger to her lips, tilted her head, and had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Then, in that case..."

Kotone straddled her bicycle again and lightly patted the back seat.

"It's not appropriate to stand here and talk, so let's go over there quickly."

"Go over there? To a nearby izakaya?"

"If we go to a restaurant, it will be too expensive. So, I want to go to your place."

"My place...? So, where exactly are we going?"

"Of course, to your place."

"That's definitely not happening!"

I don't want to easily bring a woman I just met today into my own apartment. However, I also don't want to go to Kotosaka's (place).

"Would you like to take me there?"

"That's a stupid question."

"That's not a problem. I see you come to work on foot, so even if you run, you won't escape. I'll be able to keep following you."

"Why do I have to run away from you even after work?!"

"Well, there's no other way, you started talking to me."

Judging by Kotosaka's words and actions until now, if I don't take her there, she will indeed follow me all the way to my apartment.

"So, why don't you sit on the back seat? I'm still waiting for you."

It's a choice between trying to shake her off by walking or going home with Kotosaka. After thinking for a few seconds, I chose the option that would lead to a better outcome for me.

"...Aren't you worried about getting stopped by the police? They'll definitely question us if they see two people riding together, you know?"

"When that happens, I'll pedal as hard as I can to shake them off."

"That's a thought process typical of a street racer..."

Since it seems like she's determined to follow me to the apartment anyway, it might be better to go together.

I take a step towards Kotosaka's bicycle and look at the back seat and her back in turn.

Allowing myself to sit behind a girl with a bombshell appearance is something I have resistance to.

"...I say, I'll help you adjust the handlebars. Can you please sit on the back seat?"

"Please allow me to politely decline. It'll wrinkle my skirt... Or, do you have some subtle desire to experience what it's like to be hugged from behind and enjoy the pressure from my chest while driving sensually?"

"Don't come up with weird terms! What on earth is 'sensual driving'?"

I scratch my head forcefully. "Ah, forget it!" I shout brusquely, half giving up, and sit on the back seat of the bicycle.

"Then, please guide me. It's also dangerous, so could you get closer? It's fine if you hold me tightly from behind."

"Oh, uh..."

My arms wrap around Kotosaka's slender waist and hold her tightly.

"I feel a dirty sensation and a strange warmth near my coccyx."

"That's just your imagination. Hurry up... we might get spotted by someone working the night shift."

With the pedal pressed down, the bicycle travels along the quiet countryside roads of Tokyo.

"...By the way."

Not long after the bicycle starts moving, I remember something important.

"I still don't know your name."


"You're using your real name for this dad act...?"

"Just kidding. It's something like a nickname."

"Stop kidding around and just tell me."

Even though it's somewhat forced, she is the first girl to come to my room.

Though I don't know her background, I should at least know her name.

Kotosaka pedals and quietly answers me.

Although her voice is almost drowned out by the wind, I eventually hear her name.

—Shizune Kotosaka.

That seems to be her real name.

With no accidents or encounters with the police during our ride, Kotosaka and I safely arrived at the apartment. After parking the bicycle in the designated area, I led her into my room.

"It only took five minutes, so it's quite close."

"That's because we rode the bicycle. If we walked, it would have taken fifteen minutes."

"It's also close to the university and the station, and the interior is nice. Your parents pay the rent, right?"


"They're really good parents."

"I guess... Oh, we're here. Let me unlock the door; wait a moment."

We walk down the second-floor corridor of the apartment, and I stop in front of my room's door. After unlocking the door and confirming the surroundings, I quickly brought Kotosaka inside.

According to Hirofumi, there are a few other students from Joto University living in this apartment besides me. Although I don't know where their rooms are located, considering Kotosaka's celebrity status at the school, the thought of being seen by others increases my vigilance.

Almost as soon as Kotosaka enters the room, I close the door, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"After all, I live alone as a single male, so even if it's a bit messy, don't mind it."

"But looking at the entrance, you've tidied it up quite well."

 "It's just at an average level. If it's too messy, I can't even let my friends into the room."

"Are these friends female?"

"I've never let any females, except for my mom and sister, into my room... except for you, Kotosaka."

"Meaning, I took away your 'room virginity.' Thanks for the hospitality."

"Don't make it sound so lewd."

"Virginity is not a lewd term. Even a book that's published for the first time is called a 'debut'."

"Well, you do have a point..."

"Also, don't call me Kotosaka, call me 'Shizune.' I don't like being referred to by my surname."

"...Shizune, huh?"

Addressing females other than Chitose and my sister by their first names seemed like something I hadn't done since my first year of high school. Even though it's just calling them by their first names, it still feels uncomfortable.

"Well, anyway, come in."

The moment I started addressing her as such, I felt embarrassed, and my face began to heat up. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I quickly took off my shoes, turned my face away from Kotosaka—or rather, from Shizune—and hurriedly walked into the hallway of the apartment.

Naturally, Shizune couldn't understand my feelings and simply said, "Sorry for bothering you," as she entered the hallway.

There are doors leading to the bathroom and toilet in the hallway, as well as a closet. Shizune stuck close to me as we walked towards the room.

The door facing the entrance was the entrance to this room's living room. Once Shizune and I made eye contact, we reluctantly opened the door.

"...It's quite spacious."

Shizune scanned the entire living room and spoke softly after a moment.

"There are quite a few seasonings and tableware in the kitchen. Do you cook for yourself?"

"If I were to eat convenience store bento or eat out all the time, I'd spend a lot of money just on food expenses. Besides, cooking for yourself is healthier."

"You're really amazing. Looking at you, I wouldn't think you're a college student living alone."

"That's not true. Although I do intend to cook for myself, there are times when I don't have the time and end up eating frozen food or cup noodles."

"Housework must be tiring."

"It really is. I even thought about borrowing a cat's paw to help."

"How about trying to actually keep a cat?"

"That might not be a bad idea."

"But it would only add to your housework."

"Even though I went along with what you said, you still gave a serious reply!"

Don't waste my rare moments of gentleness.

"Well, anyway, feel free to sit. I can get you a drink. Would you like barley tea or canned coffee? If you can accept instant coffee, I can prepare hot coffee for you."

"Two cups of hot coffee."

"There's no need for two cups."

"It's for both you and me."

"I'll pick the coffee I want for myself."

"It feels like quite an effort to prepare two different things."

"Why are you so considerate? It's not a problem for me to have hot coffee."

I headed to the kitchen to prepare hot water.

"Why did you specifically come to my apartment?"

"Because I knew you live alone."

"What's the problem with me living alone?"

"This way, you won't care about what others say. Just like now."

"...That's true."

Shizune's words seemed to carry some deeper meaning. But for now, I decided to put this matter aside and ask while sipping my coffee.

I poured the boiling water into the mugs and used a spoon to dissolve the coffee granules completely. After finishing, I put the mugs on a tray and returned to the center of the living room.

"You... what are you sneaking around for?"

"I wasn't sneaking around, just looking around the room."

"Don't just randomly look around a guy's room!"

On the office desk placed in the corner of the room, there was a desktop computer and a LCD monitor, as well as various data and illustration collections, and a sketchbook with some unfinished sketches.

"These are your illustrations? They're really good; I'm impressed."

Shizune looked down at the sketchbook and seemed somewhat admiring as she expressed her thoughts.

"They still have a long way to go."

I placed the tray on the low table and disagreed with her remark.

"Then let me ask you the other way around, what do you think needs improvement?"

"Even in that character drawing, the composition is quite subtle... I think you can tell just by looking at that sketchbook that I'm terrible at drawing landscapes."

"Can I take a look?"

 I nodded in response to Shizune's question. She picked up the sketchbook and carefully flipped through the pages to avoid creases.

"Do you want to try paying more attention to the relationship between three-dimensional objects and light before starting to draw? Shadows can vary in depth depending on the lighting. Also, try changing the angles when drawing buildings; it will improve the composition. You can refer to landscape photos or background catalogs used in comics to learn about composition."

Then, she asked me, "Can I use a page?" I gave her permission, and she picked up the mechanical pencil on the table and started drawing, as if she was explaining to me.

"Like this. Although it seems you usually draw digitally, using a pencil for sketches would be better. Mechanical pencils are not ideal for creating lines."

"...You're really good at this. Can it be that Shizune can also draw?"

"I dabble in it occasionally, you could say I have some interest in it."

I don't think her level could be called just a dabble.

"What type of drawings do you usually do?"

"The same type as you."

Shizune took out her phone from her pocket and showed me the screen.

It displayed a digital illustration depicting a black-haired handsome boy with glasses walking side by side with a blond delinquent-looking high school boy, both looking friendly and moving forward.

The background was a road during sunset, and the buildings and traffic lights were carefully depicted. The composition, character design, color, and shading were all well done, conveying her strong dedication to illustration.

"Where did you learn to draw...?"

"I haven't learned. But, it's probably influenced by my parents."

"Do your parents work in the art field?"

"My dad was a manga artist. Although I don't know if that falls under the art category."

"Are you serious...!?"

Shizune's unexpected answer made me let out an excited sound.

"Until a few years ago, he was indeed a manga artist. But he retired because he couldn't become successful, and now he's a high school art teacher."

"Ah... I see..."

Thinking about my own future, my shoulders drooped slightly.

Illustrators and manga artists are completely different professions, but they share the common goal of making money through art. The harsh reality made me realize how difficult it is to earn a living through drawing.

"Do you want to become an illustrator?"


"That's nice, having a dream. I've already given up... I'm really envious of you."

"I remember you're in the Faculty of Education, right? So, your dream is to become a teacher?"

"It's impressive that you guessed that. My goal is to become an elementary school teacher."

"An elementary school teacher... But you worked so hard to get into university, what made you give up on your dream? ...Didn't you have enough credits?"

"I got enough credits. But it was a predetermined decision."

"...I see."

"But you should do your best... I support you."

Shizune's mouth suddenly curled into a small smile.

Her sudden expression made my heart skip a beat.

"The coffee is getting cold; we should drink it now."

"Ah, right... You're right."

We sat face to face across the low table. Shizune picked up her mug.

"You work late, but don't you eat dinner?"

"I'll eat after you go back home. I don't have early classes tomorrow, so I have a flexible schedule, and it's okay to sleep a little later."

"I don't really mind if you eat before I get back."

With each sip of her coffee, Shizune let out a gentle sigh. She swirled her cup like drawing a circle and made eye contact with me.

"Where did you find out about my 'daddy' activities?"

So, she wanted to talk about this topic.

"Instead of me finding out, it was a friend... actually, it was Hirofumi. He found you on Twitter. At first, he thought you were just a 'high school girl who looks like Shizune,' but who would have thought you were the real thing... well, it's all just a coincidence."

Until yesterday, I couldn't have dreamed of such a situation. Even now, I find it hard to believe. If this is a dream, please let me wake up soon.

I gazed at Shizune's outfit, recalling our first conversation at the convenience store.

"I've been wondering, Shizune, are you doing 'daddy' activities pretending to be a high school girl? Do you need to disguise your age, even wearing a sailor uniform... Is there a special reason for that?"

"Ah, that question. It's simply because daddies like it that way. There's a significant difference in their obsession between girls in their teens and twenties, high school students, and college students who are only a few years apart."

"Is the black hair also for the same reason?"

"Exactly. I only dye it black on the days I do daddy activities, to play the role of a pure girl. Because if I look more plain, the demand is higher."

Shizune said in a somewhat resigned tone, "When adults feel exhausted, they are more likely to be healed by young, innocent girls, right?" as she gently touched the maid outfit she was wearing.

 "But... you were wearing the sailor uniform when I saw you at the convenience store today, so you were planning on doing 'daddy' activities today, right? In that case, why did you keep your hair white?"

"It was just a coincidence. I couldn't spray it black this morning, so I had to go to school with white hair. As a result, I decided to give up on doing 'daddy' activities today."

"Because you didn't dye your hair black?"

"How could that be? I would never skip it just for that reason."

"Then I'm even more curious..."

"Maybe it's because I got to know you."

Shizune's face blushed, and a gentle smile appeared. For some reason, I felt my own face turning red too, so I quickly averted my gaze and covered my mouth with my right hand.

"...I don't understand what you mean."

"If it's you, you might accept me... maybe."

"What kind of intuition is that?"

"But you still let me into your room."

"Well, that's true..."

I didn't really accept Shizune's intentions. However, considering the timing of this situation, it could be said that her feelings weren't completely off.

"Because you were obviously worried about me, like when you saw my fingers."

"I didn't mean to worry..."

"It's written all over your face. Just now, and even now."

Shizune seemed pleased and intertwined the tips of two fingers.

"...When did you start doing 'daddy' activities?"

"It was during the spring break before I entered the second year."

So, she has been doing this for about four to five months now.

She seemed quite accustomed to it, and I had mistakenly assumed she had been doing it for a longer time. Surprisingly, it hadn't been that long.

"Until now, how many people have you met?"

"I never counted. During spring break, I had plenty of time, so I met quite a few. Since the start of the semester, I've been doing it on Tuesdays or Saturdays and Sundays when my classes end earlier. I see two people each week."

Recalling my chat with Hirofumi, I finally understood. The reason why Shizune went to school with black hair until the last ethics class was because she had a daddy job every Tuesday.

But that's not important now.

Meeting two people each week... I don't know about others who do 'daddy' activities, but from my perspective, this frequency seemed quite high.

"Why do you do 'daddy' activities?"

"Because I want to earn money."

"If that's the case, you don't have to do 'daddy' activities specifically... Although the payment might be lower, there are safer ways to earn money. In the future, if you look back on this decision—"

"I know about those options!"

Shizune suddenly shouted loudly, making my body jump.

"If I were to take the slow route to save up money... it would take too much time until I could leave that home."

Shizune lowered her head to hide her distorted expression and slowly adjusted her breathing.

I closed my mouth and listened to her words.

"I don't want to stay in that house... I don't want to go back there. Even if it's just for a day, half a day, or a minute, I want to be freed from that place as soon as possible."

After she had adjusted her breathing, it gradually became erratic again.

Shizune clenched her fists, as if squeezing out her words.

"...Even on days when I'm not doing 'daddy' activities, I stay at the university. To avoid going home and because I have no friends, I spend all my time in the university library... even on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I always tell that person, 'I'm studying at the university.'"

That person... is it someone in Shizune's family? Although the details are not clear, based on what she's saying, there's definitely something wrong with her family situation.

"...Isn't 'daddy' activities difficult?"

"How could it not be difficult... when I'm with them, they only see me as a sexual object, not someone to be loved from the heart. But even so, I have to do it... I feel happy only when I receive the money."

Choosing 'daddy' activities as a way to earn money was probably Shizune's final decision after considering various options. It's the most efficient way to save up money for her to live independently.

However, not only does she not expect anything from 'daddy' activities, but she can't even accept herself for doing it.

Although earning money for her goal is admirable, if it has a negative impact on her mental state, it may not be worth it. At least, I'm against her continuing to force herself to sell her body like this.

"From your expression, it seems like you misunderstand something. I've never had sexual experiences with any of my 'daddies'."

"Eh, is that so...?"

Her unexpected statement made me let out a surprised sound.

"But you bought... condoms at the convenience store, right?"

"Condoms are my amulet."

"Condoms are an amulet...?"

I didn't understand what Shizune meant and furrowed my brows as I asked back.

"I don't want to be with anyone other than the person I like. But if... If I were to encounter danger and be in a situation where I might be forced, I can plead with them to wear a condom. It's like the last resort I can rely on when things get critical. So, whenever I go for 'daddy' activities, I always carry it with me."

"If you always carry it and never use it, why did you come to the convenience store today to buy it?"

"Because it's close to the expiration date."

"What do you mean?"

"Though I vaguely noticed, you're a virgin, right?"

"Coming out with that so suddenly is so rude!"

"But I'm not wrong, am I?"

Though she hit the mark, I didn't want to admit it.

"Do I give off such a strong virgin vibe?"

"Well, kinda. Your reaction when you saw that box at the cashier was a dead giveaway that you have no experience."

True, my wavering reaction at that time made me feel embarrassed even thinking about it now.

In retrospect, that embarrassment made my ears slightly heat up.

"Anyway, let's get back to the point. Condoms have an expiration date. After it expires, it's more likely to break. You might not understand this, being a virgin and all."

"Don't treat me like a fool just because I'm a virgin."

However, it was my first time hearing that condoms have an expiration date.

"The one I have on hand is something I got from an acquaintance a few years ago, and it's almost expired. So, I came to the convenience store today to buy a new box."

"And as a result, the store clerk happened to be someone who knows 'Kotone.'"

And that's how it led to the current situation. Coincidences can be terrifying.

"As I said, I never hid the fact that I do 'daddy' activities. I don't care what impression people around me have, and even if it gets exposed, it doesn't matter... However, I want to talk to you a little bit."

Shizune looked into my eyes once again.

"If you think of this place as a hideout for when you run away from home, I refuse."

"I never intended to shamelessly ask for that."

After finishing her coffee, Shizune placed the mug at the corner of the low table. Then, she suddenly leaned forward, bringing her face close to mine, and tightly held my hand.

"At most, I want to build a mutually beneficial relationship with you. So, don't worry."

Shizune had a mischievous and fearless smile on her face.

"To put it straightforwardly, although I don't want to 'live' in this home... I want to 'come and go' from this home."

"What do you mean by 'come and go'?"

She indirectly expressed her desire to regularly visit my room and spend time here until she reaches her curfew at home.

"The thing is... if I do that, it would only be beneficial for me and have no advantages for you. So, I thought of a good condition... it's the best contract that will bring happiness to both of us."

"A contract...?"

"Yes. The contract is called—"

—The Walking Marriage Contract.

Shizune proposed a contract that was brimming with originality.

"I'll come and go from this room, just like a wife, and help you with household chores. Cooking, laundry, cleaning, and any other miscellaneous tasks will be taken care of. So, I hope you'll allow me to continue coming to this room."

"What are you saying..."

"With this, you can have even more free time to manage. You'll have plenty of time to draw illustrations... time to chase after your dreams. And if it's me, I can also be the one you practice with."

After hearing the details of the contract, I gently released Shizune's hand.

"The 'Walking Marriage Contract' sounds like a name that would lead to strange misunderstandings if someone else hears it."

"How about calling it the 'Meow-Meow Contract'? After all, you said you even want to borrow a cat's paw."

"That will probably lead to even more misunderstandings."


Shizune made a serious expression and mimicked a cat's pose with her hands.

Honestly, my current life revolves around university and work, and I have to do all the housework myself, leaving me with very little time for practicing illustration, which is my goal.

The condition of someone accepting all my household chores is very attractive. If she can also accompany me in practicing illustration, it's undoubtedly the best condition.

"...This condition is indeed too good to pass up."

"That's right, isn't it? So, the contract is—"

"But I have to reject it."

Shizune is indeed an eccentric person, but she's not a bad person. At least that much is clear to me.

But when I look at her... a piercing pain stabs at my heart.

Memories left by my ex-girlfriend tell me, "You shouldn't get involved with Shizune."

Shizune's proposal of the "Walking Marriage Contract" is undeniably a great offer, but having a girl with a trigger-happy personality who can come into my room at any time, which I'm already not good at handling, made me feel conflicted.

And she's not just like that on the surface.

"Seeing the emotions displayed just now - a moment of intense turbulence in her feelings - I believe there is probably, no, definitely some 'issue' hidden in Sizuku's silent heart.

Without a doubt, she is the 'Muffle Black Girl'.

My heart rate gradually increased, and I started sweating profusely under my clothes.

For someone like me, who considers Muffle Black to be a psychological trauma, Sizuku is someone I should avoid at all costs.

Even if the conditions she proposed are favorable, I cannot accept the contract she offered.

"...I won't sign a contract with you. However, I won't say you can't come here again."

But even so, I still want to extend a helping hand to her.

I pressed my hand against my chest, desperately trying to calm myself down.

"That means..."

"Occasionally, I can let you into my room. When you really have nowhere else to go, you can come here."

Sizuku always gives me a feeling similar to that of my first love. Although that's the case, for some reason, I feel a bit stubborn and want to support her a little.

As Sizuku appeared more confused, she asked about the conditions once again.

"Even if I don't do any housework or accompany you during illustration practice, you will still let me in your room...?"

"Just occasionally."

"Why would you..."

"Isn't it nice to have a 'friend' from the same university with whom you can talk to? That's good enough, isn't it?"

Then, I added, "You seem to be in danger, and I'm worried about you."

"...If that's the case, I understand."

Upon hearing my words, Sizuku nodded lightly.

"'Temporary Spouse Contract' is like it never happened... Instead, we will make a contract to become friends."

"Isn't it unnecessary to have a contract to become friends?"

"Is that so? But... um, maybe not."

Sizuku's gaze lowered, but her voice became gradually more cheerful, accepting the arrangement.

"I will do my best to be a friend you can rely on."

"Don't make an effort for something like that."

"As a friend, what should I call you from now on?"

"Anything is fine. Call me whatever you like."

"In that case, Shinsuke."

She made a cute "Ehehe..." sound and smiled.

Since Sizuku rarely shows her emotions, the expression she unconsciously revealed directly conveyed her own feelings.

So, she can smile like this too. I couldn't help but be fascinated for a moment.

...Really, I must be mentally ill.

And like that, I got involved with Sizuku, the 'Muffle Black Girl' I had thought of avoiding any relationship with in the future."


This novel will only be updated on Tuesday. Every Tuesday, 1 whole chapter, no part will be released at once.

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