
Volume 1 Afterword

 Our First Meeting, I Am Hanamiya Takuya.

I am deeply grateful to all of you for holding this work, 'The Transformation of the Melancholic Girl into a Beloved Wife Apron'. If this work could become something memorable to everyone, I would be truly honored.

Also, I apologize to those who purchased this work with expectations of a sweet romantic comedy. As the title suggests, the theme of this work is 'neurotic tendencies (melancholic)'. This includes some subtle content, so it might be a bit different from your typical love comedy light novel.

However, precisely because of this, I poured my heart and soul into writing while facing the characters. For readers who started with this epilogue or plan to read it again, be sure to read the main story while keeping an eye on the 'internal changes' of the characters.

So, originally, I wanted to neatly wrap things up after a few words of gratitude, but it seems this epilogue has a few more pages to go. It looks like there's plenty of space, and the person in charge asked me, 'Could you please write an interesting eight-page afterword?' Let me tell you, this is quite challenging. It's even more laborious than writing a novel.

Right now, I'm reading the afterwords of veteran writers to learn how to write one. Still, it's quite difficult. Writers who can produce interesting afterwords are truly monsters (meant as a compliment).

Before receiving any awards, writing an afterword was a small dream of mine. But now that I find myself in this position, I don't really know what to write...

Having said that, since it's a rare opportunity, even though I can't promise it will be very interesting, I'll write it with gusto.

With that in mind, let me share a bit of my story to fill these pages. Since I was young, I've always loved anime. In kindergarten, my dream was to become a magical girl of light.

Thinking back on it, I might have decided my future direction even in kindergarten.

In elementary school, I aimed to become a manga artist, and in middle school, I began to admire light novel authors.

In my third year of middle school, I started writing novels seriously. After several years, I finally achieved my long-cherished dream of making my debut.

I'm deeply grateful to my parents for allowing me to watch anime, buy manga and light novels, and providing me with an education to become an excellent otaku.

Though it's a bit off-topic, I'm just a 20-year-old young man. However, lately, I've been subjected to more people around me saying, 'You must be into lolis.'

I don't think being into lolis is a bad thing at all. Moreover, true loli enthusiasts would never do anything untoward. I could even say they are pure gentlemen.

But there's just one thing I want to make clear - I'm really, absolutely not into lolis.

Indeed, most of the characters I like are younger than me, but they were older than me a few years ago.

Even though I've loved them for so many years, just because I'm now older than the characters, being labeled a 'loli enthusiast' is something I can't accept. It's disrespectful to real loli enthusiasts as well.

As time goes on, I deeply feel the irrationality of society.

If possible, I'd like to go back to being an elementary school student in my memories.

Now then, let's pick up the pace and share a little insider story.

This work received the Silver Award in the 27th Sneaker Awards, which gratefully allowed it to proceed to publication.

Honestly, I never thought I would win an award.

Not only is the theme unlike light novels, but the content is also not easily accepted.

I feel like I'll never be able to hold my head high in front of the Sneaker Bunko series that published this work. I'll remain bowing down. I love you guys so much. I adore you.

By the way, my reason for applying to the Sneaker Awards is quite simple. It's just because there are many works I love among the publications by Sneaker Bunko."

 "Submission for this work took place on the eve of the millennium. Although it's been over a year and a half since then, looking back, I feel like the time up until today has passed in the blink of an eye.

After all, when I submitted my work during the preliminary selection phase, I spent about nine months during the period from the results of the third selection to the final selection announcement in a state of constant nervousness, unable to sleep properly.

Back then, I felt completely caught between winning and losing, and I couldn't even feel alive. But now, I feel like it's a moment of happiness.

After winning the award, I had an online meeting with my editor and started discussing the plot. I finally began writing officially... However, I've really been a bother to my editor the entire time.

Though it's an excuse, it's quite different from the time when I wrote freely on my own as an applicant. The first draft I wrote with great effort was difficult to read.

After that, I received various suggestions from my editor, learned in my own way, and finally managed to produce the second draft.

When my editor, who had read the second draft, praised me with, 'I didn't expect you to improve this much in such a short time,' I was so happy that tears welled up in my eyes.

After meticulously refining it through the fourth draft, a significant amount of work was finally completed. It's been the most fulfilling achievement in my life up until now.

Well, although it's been published this way with much effort, honestly, I've only written about half of the content I want to write for now.

The reason for this is that, in order to publish this work, I delved deeply into the content of the original 'Melancholic Girl's Trial Marriage Contract' that serves as the foundation for this work. As a result, I pushed back the ending I originally wanted to write.

In other words, I need to publish two volumes to complete the 'one volume' content I want to write.

While I'm not sure if there will be a second installment, I really want to continue writing.

...So, please, everyone, continue to support me (trembling voice).

When writing this work, I also constantly thought about how I would overcome neurotic tendencies if I were to become neurotic.

From this point on, there might be some slight spoilers, so readers who are starting from this afterword, please be mindful.

In a pressure-filled society where various problems spread, I have no idea who might be suffering inwardly and for what reasons at any given time.

Worries are difficult to completely exhaust, and people can be tormented by vague anxiety and loneliness.

How composed one's heart is can vary greatly depending on the situation. Even something that might seem like a minor 'is that it?' to others can deepen the inner turmoil.

I can't say anything extraordinary, but when you truly feel a lot of pain, please don't force yourself and take good care of yourself. Please cherish yourself.

After much contemplation, I believe that when you start feeling neurotic, the most important thing is to allow your inner self to rest.

Then, please go and seek your own 'support.' That will undoubtedly become your escape route when you start feeling neurotic.

Although it's difficult to immediately resolve current worries and symptoms of depression, life can turn around with just one opportunity. Even though I'm still young, I think that's the case.

In this work, Kotosaka Shizune managed to recover her mental state little by little thanks to her encounter with Aigaki Shinsuke. However, in reality, opportunities are not limited to just chance encounters.

Fascinating interests, dreams to fulfill, meaningful work - there are possibilities everywhere. When you encounter them, they will undoubtedly become significant titles in your life.

I often find myself slipping into a neurotic state over trivial matters, but I also frequently recover unconsciously.

When I think about the reasons why, I believe it's the few friends I met in my hometown and my dream of 'becoming a novelist' that have been constantly supporting my spirit.

Conversations with friends and writing novels have become my escape routes when I fall into a neurotic state.

The more support you have, the fewer obstacles you'll encounter. When you feel neurotic, please don't force yourself. While resting, also try to increase the 'things' that can support you.

Well then, I suppose it's about time to wrap up.

First and foremost, I want to thank my editor, Nakada-san.

It was thanks to Nakada-san's practical advice that I was able to further bring out the charm of this work.

I'm very grateful for guiding someone as lost as me to publication. Please continue to take care of me in the future.

Next is Nardack-san, who illustrated my work.

When my editor first showed me the character design for Kotosaka Shizune, I excitedly shouted, 'It's Shizune, the real Shizune!'

I'm truly delighted that you were able to draw the characters so well. Thank you very much.

Following that, I collaborated with Terada Tera-san for the limited edition of this work.

The illustration of Shizune's transformation is really adorable. Thank you very much for accepting the collaboration.

Subsequently, to the editors who selected this work for the 'Silver Award,' the selection committee members Kasukabe Takeru-sensei, Hase Toshiro-sensei, and everyone involved in the publishing process, as well as my parents, grandparents, and hometown friends who supported my dream, I also want to express my gratitude. Thank you so much.

Lastly, to all those who have read this work.

Although I've already expressed my gratitude at the beginning, please allow me to say it again. Thank you very much for holding and reading this work.

I will continue to give it my all in the future. I would be incredibly grateful if you could support me.

If there's another chance, let's meet again somewhere.

Hanamiya Takuya"

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