
Volume One, Epilogue

After 6 p.m. on Saturday, the sky's color was dyed a warm orange.

I opened the entrance door and saw two familiar figures.

"Both of you are quite late."

"Sorry, sorry. We spent more time than we realized sticking discount stickers at the supermarket to save money."

"But today, we'll be enjoying a meal worthy of Fei's efforts. After all, it's high-quality Wagyu beef."

"Even with the discount, I'm a bit afraid to see the total amount on the receipt..."

I leaned against the door and gestured for them to come inside.

"Don't mind me."

Chitose Kujou, with both hands holding a small plastic bag, happily skipped into the living room as if returning to her hometown.

On the other hand, Hirofumi Yagiyu held plastic bags filled with products. After entering the entrance, he put the bags on the floor to take a rest.

"You don't seem like yourself. Weren't you confident in your physical strength?"

"I didn't realize how heavy all the alcohol would be. And the distance from the supermarket to the apartment is quite long..."

"If it's that heavy, couldn't you have asked Chitose for help?"

"As a man, my pride won't allow me to do that."

What a meaningless pride.

"Anyway, Hirofumi, after you're rested, remember to put the things you bought in the fridge. I'll go prepare the stove and tableware. Oh, and remember to give me the receipt later."

"Hehe... Oops, sorry about that. You're treating us to this expensive meat and even arranging for me to eat with the two campus beauties."

"Well, don't be so polite. You're paying for the alcohol, so drink as much as you want."

"Why!? Didn't you say Jinzuke was covering the whole bill!?"

"I'll cover the meat cost, but I'm not paying for any extras."

"You rascal, calculating like that..."

"The one who miscalculated is the one who bought all this stuff."

I glanced sideways at the plastic bags filled with one-liter bottles and bottles of red wine, then easily left Hirofumi, who was despairingly on all fours in the corridor.

Seeing how Hirofumi and Chitose, who thought it was someone else's money, had gone on a shopping spree, I couldn't help but feel helpless.

However, at least this time, I can tolerate them getting carried away without realizing it.

"...Well, I'll let it slide this time."

Later, in my room, the long-awaited barbecue would take place.

 Saturday is the only day of the week when I don't have to attend university or work, a complete day of rest. Not only that, Chitose and Hirofumi's schedules also happened to align on this day. So, I chose today as the day to hold the barbecue.

I picked up one of the plastic bags and quickly returned to the living room, starting to prepare for the barbecue.

"Why are you playing that trick as soon as you arrive..."

"Huh? Just physical contact."

"She clearly has 'annoyed' written all over her face."

On the other side of the door, Chitose was hugging Shizune from behind, who was sitting at the low table, and annoyingly rubbing her cheek against hers.

Shizune didn't say anything, but her eyes were pleading for help.

"Really, why no reaction at all?"

"Don't seek a reaction from a person who's studying. It's annoying."

"...It really is."

After my warning, she awkwardly spoke the truth.

She was wearing a predominantly black outfit with a touch of landmine fashion, and her white hair was tied into a half-ponytail—a strikingly quiet and enigmatic girl, Kotosaka Shizune.

Shizune endured Chitose's teasing, her gaze returning to the reference book and notebook on the table, ready to resume studying.

"Everyone's here now, Shizune. Aren't you about done as well?"

"Well... just a bit longer... let me answer one more question, the timing is just right."

Before Chitose and Hirofumi arrived at the apartment, today's Shizune—wait, upon closer thought, since this Tuesday, she had spent most of her time in my room studying.

This Tuesday, the day when Shizune, Chitose, and I gathered in an empty classroom.

Initially, I thought Chitose didn't approve of the relationship between Shizune and me. But after we opened up to each other, we eventually got Chitose to accept this relationship.

And from that day on, Shizune started actively studying.

Currently, she's pursuing her dream of becoming an elementary school teacher, setting the goal of leaving her hometown when she graduates from university.

Compared to a few weeks ago when she had given up on her dream and passively attended only necessary classes, Shizune's mental state seems to have made a leap in a short period.



"Yes. I've completed today's study quota for now."

Shizune tidied up her study materials on the table and then forcefully pulled Chitose, who had moved her hand from her back to her stomach, to stand up.

"I'll go prepare the barbecue."

"You're tired from studying too, right? I can handle this level of work. You just sit down and wait for me."

"It's fine. I'm doing it because I want to."

Following the content of the "Temporary Marriage Contract," Shizune, during her spare time from studying, takes the lead in helping with household chores and practicing illustrations.

Although I mentioned "no need to fulfill all contract conditions," she stubbornly hasn't skipped a single daily task.

By the way, the additional conditions of "No daddy activities," "No self-harm behaviors," and "Come rely on me whenever something happens" are also being strictly adhered to without any violations.

Shizune headed towards the kitchen, passing by me.

"...Shizune, could you wait a moment before you start preparing?"

She withdrew her arm reaching for the door and turned back to look at me.

"...What's going on?"

"I have something I want to give you, Shizune."

I moved over to the coat rack set against the wall and took out a gift that was packaged like a present from the backpack hanging there.

"Though I was a bit unsure when would be the right time to give this to you, I thought a day like today would be fitting... at least, that's what I thought."

This unexpected turn of events left Shizune momentarily stunned.

Even as I approached her and handed her the gift directly, she wore an expression that showed she couldn't quite grasp the situation, repeatedly exchanging glances between the gift and me.

"...This, you really want to give it to me? To someone like me?"

After a brief pause, Shizune finally understood the situation and confirmed with an astonished expression.

"Yeah. Although I'm not entirely sure if you'll like it..."

My answer made Shizune's expression become more positive.

"Can I... open it?"

"Of course."

Shizune carefully unwrapped the package.

"This is..."

The unwrapped gift packaging revealed a white apron.

The shoulder straps, sleeves, and front pocket all had frills. While its shape was simple, it had an overall cute design.

"Though Shizune and I have already entered into a 'Temporary Marriage Contract,' isn't it still just a verbal agreement? So, I thought of using something as a 'physical' representation."

"So, you're giving me an apron as a gift?"

"You see... Shizune, haven't you always been wearing landmine-style outfits while doing household chores? To prevent you from getting dirty while cooking or cleaning... I bought it."

Shizune looked at the apron in her hands again.

"Can I try it on right now...?"

I nodded. Shizune unfolded the neatly stacked apron and put her hands through the shoulder straps. She tightly tied the waist string behind her and turned around in place to check the fit.

The image of Shizune in an apron that I had briefly imagined flashed through my mind.

I had been a little worried about whether the combination of her landmine-style fashion and the apron would work, but it seemed I was unnecessarily concerned.

Adding a homely prop to her stylish outfit made her overall atmosphere become even more refined than before.

"How is it... does it look good?"

"Well, it looks really fitting... I think it's quite fitting, right?"

As the person who chose the apron, it seemed suitable to me, though I'm not exactly a fashion expert.

To get the opinions of the other two, I looked in turn at Hirofumi, who had just entered the living room, and Chitose, who was still seated on the floor.

"Well, I think it looks adorable. Truly befitting of my sister."

"But she's not your sister."

"You really don't understand, do you? Once she marry Shin, she'll become my sister-in-law."

Even if we were to get married, she wouldn't be that. There's no blood relation.

"Yeah, super cute! By the way, Shin, you're quite the closet pervert, giving your beloved wife an apron at this timing?"

"Calling me a closet pervert is unnecessary. Also, we're not even in a relationship, let alone married, so it's not exactly a 'beloved wife's apron.'"

"But Shin and Little Shizune did enter into a 'Temporary Marriage Contract,' right? In that case, it's not wrong to call it a 'beloved wife's apron,' is it?"

Said like that, it actually does make sense.

Considering the contract's name, calling it a "beloved wife's apron" wouldn't be wrong.

 "...Well, I guess it's fine. In any case, I feel relieved."

Originally nervous about whether it would suit her or not, but looking at their reactions, this genuinely appropriate assessment didn't seem like mere politeness.

I sighed with relief and turned my gaze back to Shizune.


Her sudden change in expression momentarily threw me off balance. But in a few seconds, I understood that this wasn't a change caused by negative emotions.

"I'm sorry... I'm just too happy..."

Shizune struggled to suppress the tears of joy that welled up.

She lowered her head, using her right hand to wipe her eyes, her left hand clutching the bottom of the apron tightly.

"It's okay, you don't have to hold back your tears if you're happy."

"Because... isn't it quite troublesome when a girl starts crying?"

"That's not the case at all."

Shizune's shoulders trembled slightly.

I gently reached out and tenderly touched her head.

Soon after, Shizune's trembling gradually subsided.

"...Thank you... for needing me, truly... thank you..."

Shizune lifted her head slowly, her eyes tinged with a hint of red where she had wiped them, large teardrops sliding down her flushed face.

Kotosaka Shizune - a friend, a dependent partner, and a presence akin to a temporary wife.

Initially, due to my preconceived notions, I interacted with Shizune with a sense of unease. But now, that feeling had faded away.

After recognizing the mutual dependence between us, an interdependence blossomed between Shizune and me.

Because of this, the tearful smile she gave me, I had to respond in the same way.

With a smile that wasn't forced but genuine from the depths of my heart, I replied:

"I'm the one... who's thankful to have someone like you needing me. Thank you."

With this heartfelt smile, I responded to the landmine-dressed girl standing before me, wearing the apron of a beloved wife.

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