Demon Lord and His Life


The overly serious villainess wants to marry the Demon King and learn villainous moves

Author: Irori Amamiya

A refreshing spring morning arrives equally to all places.

Yes, even to the forbidding Lotus Castle, surrounded by steep rocky mountains and known as the Demon King's Castle.

In a certain room, within a cold stone bedroom, a spirited girl swung open the door energetically.

"Good morning, Demon King! It's slightly warmer today. Perhaps spring is drawing near."

The girl's name is Liliana Norfolk.

Her presence is as enchanting as a large camellia flower, and her slender figure captivates anyone who sees her.

Her hair, as silvery as threads of silver, flows down to her waist in gentle curves, swaying beautifully with every movement.

Liliana opened the window. Though the refreshing morning sunlight didn't reach the Demon King's Castle, and only overcast skies spread out, a faintly refreshing breeze still drifted in.

Approaching a bed situated in a secluded corner of the room, Liliana shook the sleeping man.

"Come on, Demon King, please wake up. You mentioned you were going to raid the livestock in the western village today, didn't you?"

"Mmm... It's cold..."

Wrapped in blankets, a young man with black hair squirmed and moved closer to the edge of the bed. His long hair flowed carelessly over the sheets.

"Demon King, you slept without drying your hair again, didn't you? Your hair will get damaged like that."

"Nnn... Huh? What is it, morning...?"

"Yes, good morning, Demon King. It's already 8 o'clock."

"Yeah, good morn... wait, Liliana!?"

The startled young man jumped up and his face turned beet red.

His body swayed like a mirage, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a dragon.

With smooth velvety jet-black scales and red scars resembling lightning bolts, his long, beautiful tail and two spiral horns were fitting for a fearsome dragon.

Currently keeping his power in check, he was only about twice the size of a draft horse, but if he were to unleash his full power, he could grow to the size of a small castle.

"I told you not to... cough! I said to ask for permission before entering my sleeping quarters! I am the mighty Demon King!"

"I apologize! But you did mention that you need to raid the livestock early today, otherwise there wouldn't be enough time, right?"

"Oh, right... not, no, that's right! Just so you know, this isn't oversleeping. I was considering which route would be most efficient for raiding livestock last night, hence I planned to delay our departure a bit this morning."

Liliana nodded understandingly at the stammering Demon King. Her deep red eyes, reminiscent of camellias, sparkled brightly.

"I see...! In order to commit villainous acts efficiently, proper preparation is essential! I find that quite useful."

"Y-yes. So, Liliana..."


"Are you seriously willing to follow me?"

"Of course! After all, I hold the important role of being the 'Villainess,' you know!"

Liliana clenched her fist. She began to passionately explain the magnificence of being a "Villainess," seemingly carried away by her enthusiasm.

"To be a 'Villainess,' Demon King, is to berate, kick, and overpower the heroine using wicked and unscrupulous methods—yet ultimately be defeated by her kindness. It's a platform to showcase the heroine, a stepping stone to enhance the climax, a stooge, and a thoroughgoing jester!"

"Uh, I see."

"However! Unfortunately, I lack the aptitude for wicked deeds required for being a 'Villainess.'"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, you see, I have this aspect where I seem to be walking around with good intentions."

"Truly kind individuals usually don't proclaim themselves as such..."

Ignoring the Demon King's interjection, Liliana smiled.

"That being said, Demon King, please allow me to fulfill my role as your wife and disciple today as well."


The Demon King seemed to shrink slightly on the bed, cautiously nodding to the words of his newly-wed bride.


Liliana realized that she was a "Villainess" on a night of heavy rain. It wasn't as if it came to her like a divine revelation, but rather like remembering something forgotten.

"A 'Villainess'?"

Liliana was greatly bewildered. It was her first time encountering the term "Villainess," yet she understood exactly what it meant.

It was like being a "human." As an unchangeable attribute, Liliana had come to accept that she was a "Villainess." She knew that it was something like that.

A presence meant to elevate an unknown or possibly non-existent "Heroine"—that's what a "Villainess" was.

Although she was confused, Liliana had no intention of resisting or opposing that role.

Fortunately, the "Heroine" had not yet appeared.

"However, I've never done anything villainous before."

As a nobleman's daughter, Liliana had lived her days modestly and earnestly.

Indeed, she had lived her life with such seriousness that it bordered on being overly dutiful.

And so...

"Perhaps I truly need a role model... When it comes to the pinnacle of evil, that would be the Demon King imprisoned in the Lotus Castle to the north."

She veered off into an odd direction.

Once she began to run wild, Liliana came up with an exceptional idea.

"If I become an apprentice to that Demon King, I might acquire the finest villainous moves!"

Diligent and serious, Liliana wasted no time and took action.

She prepared her horse, donned attire suitable for the northern region, and with a determination that involved tearing through her opposing parents and servants, she made her way to the Lotus Castle.

Now, the problem lay with the Demon King.

First and foremost, the Demon King had been sealed in the northern castle after being defeated by the prince 150 years ago. As a result, the Lotus Castle had the appearance of an almost abandoned fortress, with only a handful of demons tending to the Demon King's needs.

And then suddenly, a noblewoman burst in, saying, "I've come to learn villainous moves! Please take me as your disciple!"

It could be considered lenient that he didn't unleash a fire breath on her the moment they met.

 Moreover, this young lady shows no sign of being afraid of the dragon-form Demon Lord.

"I am the villainess, you see. I must confront the heroine as a villain, but embarrassingly, I lack the power to do so... Therefore, please teach me those wicked and heinous behaviors, if you would!"

"Well... I don't really want to... No, I mean, I am the Demon Lord. I don't have time to deal with a young girl."

"I will, of course, take care of your needs, and I can use some magic, so I can assist you with your tasks."

"That's the idea,"

"Right, since you're a Demon Lord, do you eat people or something? In that case, I offer myself. But that'll have to wait until after my 'villainess' duties are done."

"I don't eat people. It's bad... Well, not exactly that. Besides, you're an important young lady before marriage, aren't you? It's cold here, and if it got out that you've been coming in and out of the Demon Lord's castle, it might lead to scandal."

Scandal. Liliana had never considered such a thing.

After all, her only focus was on mastering the path of evil.

And also—

"I don't care about scandal. I am the villainess, after all. Generally, the ending is more or less unhappy."


"In order to enhance the heroine's happiness, it's either exile if I'm good, or execution if I'm bad, right? I don't seek a happy ending."

For a young girl, that sounded quite despairing when spoken aloud.

But Liliana's eyes were shining brightly.

"That's how it is, Demon Lord. The card I've been dealt is 'villainess.' So instead of complaining, I should play that card effectively."

"Play the card effectively..."

"In life, we must play the hand we're dealt. To make that game the best it can be, I won't spare any effort."

"Even if there's no happy ending at the end?"

Liliana nodded firmly.

"Yes. A happy ending is just an extra. The real challenge is the process. I want to embrace the moment of destruction, knowing I've given my all. Even if my fate is already set, struggling won't change much—whether I fall forward or backward."

Liliana smiled enchantingly.

The Demon Lord's golden eyes narrowed slightly, a gesture almost human-like.

"I see. It's about pride, isn't it?"


"I appreciate your determination. I'll allow you to become my apprentice."

"Thank you!"

"But there's one problem."

"Well, what is it?"

The Demon Lord seemed somewhat troubled.

"In the battle a hundred and fifty years ago, I was cursed by the prince. Humans who are exposed to the miasma emanating from me will die before long."


"However, the prince showed me mercy... Well, whether you can call it mercy is debatable. After all, I've never, not once, with a woman, you know..."

The Demon Lord mumbled something. Liliana lowered her beautiful eyebrows discreetly.

"I'm sorry, the story seems a bit hard to hear."

"W-well, in short, to ensure I never feel eternal loneliness, the prince made one exception. Those unaffected by the miasma that emanates from me..."

"Who are they?"

"...My, bride."

"Then let's get on with it. I shall be your bride!"


The Demon Lord jumped back in surprise. It looked like a massive cat.

"A-are you an idiot!? C-casually, without a second thought, calling yourself a bride..."

"Ah... Yes, you're right. Of course, being your bride is probably not something you'd like, Demon Lord. I apologize for presumptuously introducing myself like that."

Liliana's shoulders slumped dejectedly. Her silver hair cascaded down, catching the faint light and twinkling.

"N-no, wait, that's not what I meant."


"Ugh, so, well, it's not that I dislike the idea of you being a bride, it's more like I'm actually quite pleased... No, that's not it, I mean, you should also take care of yourself."

"So, Demon Lord, you don't particularly object to me becoming your bride?"

The Demon Lord furrowed his face and growled, using his well-defined facial muscles that you wouldn't expect to find on someone covered in scales.

"N-no objection..."

"Then it's settled! I shall be the Demon Lord's bride and apprentice, learning all about villainy from you."

Liliana beamed and gently touched the scales around the Demon Lord's arm.

Beneath the cool and smooth sensation, she could feel the warmth of flames burning within the belly of the dragon.

"From now on, I look forward to working with you. ...My husband."


The Demon Lord fought back the urge to breathe fire through sheer force of will.

The sky was much colder than on the ground. Wrapped in warm clothing, Liliana sat astride the Demon Lord's back as he flew through the air alone.

Listening to the satisfying sound of wind slicing through scales, she let her silver-threaded hair play in the breeze. Her cheeks were tinged with excitement.

"Wow, look at that! The villagers are scattering in panic!"

"Yes, my very presence is malevolent."

The Demon Lord, looking somewhat proud, descended slowly upon spotting an enclosure filled with sheep. The villagers hurriedly retreated.

The Demon Lord landed gently, patiently waiting until Liliana slid down from his back.

He finally straightened up when he saw Liliana touch the ground, then turned his attention to the sheep enclosure.

"We shall claim sheep from within this enclosure!"

"Yes, Demon Lord, thank you as always... I've marked the sick sheep."

"I see. Good work."

Inside the enclosure indicated by the shepherd, there were several sheep with red markings, indicating they were diseased. Liliana tilted her head in confusion.

"Demon Lord? If you're going to eat them, shouldn't you avoid the sick ones?"

"I'm not eating them. It's just... well, in the local folklore, there's a belief that sick sheep bring happiness."

"I see! So, by taking away the symbol of happiness, you're essentially taking away their hopes for the future! It's a type of misdeed that creeps up on you, very thought-provoking."

The Demon Lord seemed to struggle uncomfortably.

Villagers observed this exchange with stifled laughter on their faces.

"Um, Demon Lord? Who is that beautiful woman over there?"

"My... she is, my bride."

"Bride?! Wait, when did that happen?"

What followed was quite impressive.

The villagers began presenting offerings one after another: celebratory food, crafts, and even healthy sheep. The hands of the Demon Lord and Liliana were gradually filled with these gifts.

"We must depart now! Once you've settled the sheep matter, let me know!"

"Yes, thank you as always."


An exchange that didn't quite match their misdeeds. As Liliana tilted her head in confusion, the Demon Lord forcibly carried her and took to the sky.

"Oh, what about the sheep?"

"I used teleportation magic to send them back to the castle. See, they've vanished."

"Amazing! The fact that you can use teleportation magic means you're skilled in other forms of magic too, Demon Lord."

"Of course, this is a given. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to shift between dragon and human forms."

The Demon Lord seemed somewhat proud.

Throughout the day, the two of them traveled through small villages, plundering the diseased sheep. Villagers, upon learning of Liliana's presence, happily offered their celebratory items.

"This is the last village. Are you all right? Not too cold?"

"Yes, thanks to the Demon Lord's scales and this warm clothing, I'm comfortable. Thank you."

The last village was already being painted by the setting sun. While the Demon Lord was busy plundering the sick sheep, Liliana gently blew on her hands, trying to warm them.

Spring might be approaching, but the grip of winter was still felt. A bone-chilling cold penetrated to her core.

"...Perhaps because it's in the north. Even though they don't appear to have easy lives, do they?"

A life of frugality. Simple clothing. Meager livestock.

The villagers seemed to be living patiently within these conditions. And from this modest existence, they offered their celebratory items.

"It seems the Demon Lord's influence is quite extensive. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so joyfully celebrating like this."

Liliana concluded that everything is built upon daily accumulation, then clenched her fist determinedly.

"I must also continuously engage in misdeeds without faltering!"

"Liliana? What are you doing? We should be going soon."


Liliana hopped onto the Demon Lord's back, and together they returned to the castle.

The Demon Lord, after a moderate dinner, headed toward the barn where the gathered sheep were.

"Oh my, Demon Lord, you're in human form."

"Yes. This form allows me better dexterity."

With his long black hair loosely tied back, dressed similarly to when he went hunting, the Demon Lord entered the barn and conjured light with magic.

Dozens of sheep with the ailment were crowded together. Even amid the rather unpleasant stench of livestock, the Demon Lord's expression remained unchanged.

"Now then. The villagers mentioned it's a contagious skin disease... Ah, as I suspected, it appears to be Hadelta disease, the same one that's been spreading since last month."

The Demon Lord carefully examined a sheep placed on a workstation, studying the affected area. An array of well-maintained tools lined the table.

Observing this, Liliana tilted her head.

"Demon Lord? What's the purpose of examining these diseased sheep?"

"If left unchecked, this disease could render their wool unsellable, disrupting the villagers' livelihoods. Isolation is the only option to contain the illness, but that would place an extra burden on the shepherds and be inefficient..."

He stopped short of finishing his sentence.

"Oh... Well, since this disease... I mean, since it's a disease, I've been researching whether it could be adapted for use on humans. If I introduce this disease to farms near the city, the villagers will be greatly affected!"

"I see! So, without even lifting a finger, the sheep become sick, causing villagers' workload to increase and their lives to become harsher! ...But, weren't diseased sheep considered symbols of good luck?"

"That's only a regional belief... In urban areas, diseased sheep would indeed be a nuisance."

Liliana listened with interest as the Demon Lord struggled to explain.

Indeed, the Demon Lord was remarkable. Not just breathing fire or causing destruction, but he also understood long-term methods to inflict suffering upon others.

"I shouldn't impose upon you any longer. Can I bring you a snack or something?"

"No need. Make sure to keep warm and get some rest."

"Thank you. Good night, Demon Lord."

The Demon Lord appeared somewhat puzzled. However, a faint smile crept onto his lips as he responded gently.

"Yes, good night."

Liliana returned to her room and recorded the Demon Lord's misdeeds in her diary.

The idea of studying the diseased sheep and spreading the disease to other locations was a fresh perspective for Liliana. It could provide quite useful insights for her role as a villainess.

"Three days ago, your misdeed was particularly memorable. Rampaging through that abandoned village deep in the mountains, breathing fire everywhere, it truly felt like the Demon Lord," Liliana exclaimed.

The image of the Demon Lord, covered in jet-black scales, standing resolute amidst the flames he himself spewed, horns looming ominously, golden eyes gleaming - all these aspects seemed to radiate the essence of evil.

Lying in bed, Liliana drifted off to sleep while dreaming about the Demon Lord, much like a child.

**Next Morning:**

Morning arrived, but the Demon Lord was nowhere to be seen during breakfast. Since he wasn't known for adhering to set meal times, Liliana didn't pay much attention initially.

However, as noon approached and there was still no sign of the Demon Lord, Liliana tilted her head and decided to check his room.

"Demon Lord? ...Oh, he's not here."

Suspecting the situation, Liliana headed towards the barn.

Her hunch was correct.

There stood the Demon Lord, disheveled hair framing his face, his eyes shining with intensity. He hadn't moved from the spot where she had seen him the previous night.

"Well, Demon Lord, have you been here all night?"

"Huh? Oh, Liliana. Yeah, I'm almost done. Just a few more experiments, maybe three or four, and I should be able to figure it out..."

"Wouldn't it be better to take a short rest?"

"I'll rest after I'm done with this."

Liliana observed the Demon Lord carefully. It seemed he hadn't slept at all. His normally fluid movements appeared a bit awkward, with unnecessary motions. His speech had become more casual.

"...Demon Lord, would you mind looking at a villainous move I've come up with?"

"A villainous move...? Huh?"

Liliana impolitely sat on the edge of a worktable, using her finger to lift the Demon Lord's chin, making him meet her gaze. There were faint dark circles under his eyes.

He had a refined face. His elegant nose, golden eyes, and petite lips all came together harmoniously. Rather than appearing as the Demon Lord, he exuded an air of nobility.

"Why would you let your bride be alone? I spent the night alone, despite being a newlywed. Please consider my situation."

"Huh? But, we've been sleeping together..."

"No excuses. I had breakfast by myself too. Forget about the sheep for a moment, and decide whether you want to sleep with me or have lunch."

The Demon Lord blinked repeatedly, seemingly at a loss, as he stared at Liliana.

Usually, he would shy away or make excuses when she touched him, but it appeared that his thoughts weren't working as efficiently as usual.

Liliana added a sweet smile as a final push.

"You'll listen to my selfish request, right?"

Finally, Liliana thought, she had succeeded.

Being self-centered without considering the other person's feelings, stubbornly pushing one's opinions – all traits befitting a villainess. Yet, the Demon Lord's response was unexpected.

"...Is that your villainous move?"

"Uh, yes. I thought I'd try to embody the image of a self-centered villainess who asserts her own whims. But..."

"That's not really villainous. It's rather endearing. In the end, you're just trying to make sure I rest. Admirable."

"Huh? Admira...ble?"

Liliana was taken aback. She had wanted to act more like a villainess, not to be labeled as endearing. This was the last evaluation she expected.

She hastily questioned the Demon Lord, who had an oddly composed expression.

"What part didn't work? Should I have made a mess of my research results on the floor to ruin them? Would that have made me more villainous?"

"No, it's not about that."

The Demon Lord let out a heavy sigh and took hold of Liliana's hands. The touch of his large, bony hands caused a faint flutter in her heart.

On the other hand, after an exhausting night, the Demon Lord's brain wasn't functioning quite normally.

As he gazed into her sparkling camellia-colored eyes, he spoke,

"This is my problem. Since you came here, things have been strange. I used to be able to act like a proper Demon Lord, but lately, I find myself forgetting how to talk properly, and at night, I can't help but think about you."

"Demon Lord?"

"You often claim to be virtuous. It's likely true that you are. You're diligent, hardworking, and dedicated, which is why you've been learning about villainous moves. ...So, it's probably decided that you'll learn quickly what it means to be a villain and leave this place."

This time, it was Liliana's turn to blink.

Speaking haltingly, the Demon Lord looked up at Liliana with a somewhat melancholic expression.

"Even though it's been just a week since you arrived, I find myself always searching for your presence. It makes me happy when you say I'm amazing, and it worries me when you seem cold. It's not because you're my bride; it's because you're you."


"You're going to leave to become a villainess, yet you've managed to find your way into my heart like this. In that sense, you're already a splendid villain. At the very least, you're capable of causing me unhappiness."

With that, the Demon Lord released Liliana's hand weakly, only to find his own hand held firmly.

"In that case, it means I have the potential to be a villain, particularly to the Demon Lord!"

"Huh? Oh, well, I guess you could put it that way."

"But, pardon my skepticism. I can't fully trust your words. You're such a kind person, so there's a possibility you might be giving me compliments."

"I am the Demon Lord. I'm not kind enough to give compliments."

Liliana chuckled.

"No, you are kind. After all, you gathered these sheep to find a cure for their illness, right? And three days ago, you burned down the abandoned village to prevent it from becoming a haven for wild dogs and bandits, which would worsen the security."

The Demon Lord's expression turned dumbfounded.

"You... you noticed that?"

"Yes. And you also claimed that to be a wicked deed, all for the sake of an intruder like me. You wouldn't be able to do such things if you weren't a good person."

The hardened gaze of the Demon Lord softened. He let out a long exhale.

"I must've been acting quite foolishly..."

"No, you haven't. I've been thinking you're such a kind person all along."

"That's why it's embarrassing."

While still holding onto Liliana's hand, the Demon Lord leaned back against the chair's backrest. Unintentionally, Liliana's body followed, and she ended up sitting on his knee.

"I'm an evil Demon Lord. To prove that, what if I said I won't let you leave this castle?"

"But you're already checking with me before executing your decision. It seems your goodness is showing. 'Villainess' and 'bride' can coexist without issues."

Liliana laughed with delight.

The Demon Lord's lips also curved upward, and he let out a massive yawn.

"Good wickedness comes from good sleep. It's about time you get some rest."

"A true villain would be working without sleep! Isn't that the way it goes?"

"If you work without sleep, you might come closer to finding a way to cure the sheep's disease. Indulging in sloth is a fine wicked deed as well."

The Demon Lord's face twisted into a wry smile. It was a smile rarely seen from the Demon Lord, who had spent over 150 years in solitude.

And so, the generation's villainess, while meddling in matters that couldn't even be called misdeeds, together with her husband, the dragon, helped the heroine save the country from calamities.

But that's a different story altogether.


  1. thanks! aww, haha that's cute! i would love more scenes of them being lovey-dovey

  2. This was adorable. Thanks for the translation!


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