Ch 5

Episode 1-5: Appraisal Part 3 △

①Most women have clitoral hoods, and when they become sexually aroused and have an erection, the tip of the clitoris appears. 


"Now, I will check the presence of Hymen."

Gaspar laid Alicia on the coffee table facing upwards, and spread her legs wide as if preparing for childbirth.

And Alicia's intimate area was wet...

Gaspar casually reached towards her genitals and pressed and expanded the soft labia, exposing the vaginal opening. He then expanded the vaginal opening with his fingertips to confirm the presence of the hymen.

"With this, it is confirmed that Alicia is indeed a virgin."

And Gaspar allowed me to observe Alicia's female genitalia as well.

"Young master Harl, have you ever seen a female genitalia before?"

"No, this is my first time."

"These swollen lips are called the labia majora," Gaspar explained while pointing at Alicia's labia.

"Oh, I see!"

Alicia's labia majora looked very soft and had an alluring appearance.

"And here we have the clitoris," Gaspar pointed to the starting point of the crevice, but it was only slightly swollen. I wonder if the clitoris is inside the swelling?

"But, I can only see the skin?"

"Alicia's clitoris is covered by the clitoral hood. Most women have a clitoral hood, and when they become sexually aroused and have an erection, the tip of the clitoral glans appears."

"The clitoral hood looks very soft."

"Yes, young master. This clitoris is the most sensitive part for many women, but when they engage in sexual intercourse, the clitoral hood quickly retracts."

Then, Gaspar deftly opened Alicia's "labia majora" with his index and middle fingers, revealing the hidden garden of her secrets to me.

"These folds that extend from the 'clitoral hood' are called 'labia minora', and this small opening is the 'urethral opening' where one urinates."

"Nevertheless, it is a beautiful shade of pink..."

I stared intently, swallowing my saliva.

"Miss Alicia's 'external genitalia' is of premium quality. And this opening is the 'vaginal opening'."

"So, you insert a 'penis' here? It seems smaller than I had imagined."

"Young sir, as long as it is properly lubricated, it will be fine."

Then, Gaspar further widened and exposed the inside of the 'vaginal opening' so I could peer inside.

The 'vaginal walls' within the 'vaginal opening' were not smooth and flat, but had a delicate and intricate structure of numerous soft protrusions overlapping each other.

Furthermore, they seemed to be trying to tighten against Gaspar's rough fingers that forcibly stretched the 'vaginal opening'.

I fantasized about inserting my own 'penis' into Alicia's 'vaginal opening'.

"Do you understand? This whitish thing is the 'hymen'."

"Oh... so it's not completely closed."

"That's right..."

Gaspar pointed out the surrounding regions of the female genitalia and explained in great detail the names and functions of each part, completing the appraisal of Alicia.

During this time, Viscount Rendle, just like me, was fixated on Alicia's 'female genitalia', which was enough to make anyone uncomfortable.

That gaze was not one that looked at a daughter, but rather a sexual offender or a rampant male itself.

Now, Miss Alicia's hair was disheveled, her breasts were swollen and her nipples were erect due to Gaspar's caresses, and her crotch was exposed in an open position, presenting a scene that resembled that of a victim who had been raped and killed, abandoned on the reception desk.

"Lord Rendle, the appraisal process has now been completed."

"Alright, how much will you offer to buy it for?"

The two of them shifted their focus to price negotiations, and Alicia's presence was no longer in their minds.

"As Raymond Trading Company, we would like to purchase Miss Alicia for 150 platinum coins. Additionally, within the final offer, we have included 5 platinum coins as a gesture of appreciation, accompanied by Harl Raymond, the successor of Raymond Trading Company."

At this point, Gaspar paused his assessment report and stared at Viscount Rendle again.

"I can assert with confidence that no other slave dealer will offer such a price. Although there is a possibility of surpassing it in a 'Slave Auction' with competing bidders, the next 'Slave Auction' will not be held for another 2 months."

And then Gaspar raised an objection.

Viscount Rendle seemed to be troubled as the desired selling price of 200 platinum coins wasn't reached, but ultimately agreed to the sale for 150 platinum coins.

Probably, he judged that it would not be possible to maintain the appearance of a noble family at the upcoming 'Slave Auction' where everyone would be watching.

He might have thought that there was no two-month grace period for repaying the debt.

"Gaspar, do you intend to just leave Miss Alicia like this?"

The two were about to move to the study to finalize the sales contract, still leaving Miss Alicia unconscious, and I rebuked them.

"Yes, that is the intention."

Gaspar turned around, looking somewhat surprised.

"At first glance, it may seem cruel, but when Miss Alicia wakes up, she will have become a 'Grade 2 Slave' of Raymond Trading Company."

Gaspar's tone was the same as before, conveying guidance and admonishment.

"This is a measure taken so that Miss Alicia can have the mindset of a slave."

And Gaspar said that it was for the sake of Miss Alicia.

"By doing this, it will leave a deep psychological trauma in Miss Alicia's heart!"

I said, and I carried Miss Alicia in a princess carry onto the sofa, straightened her disheveled hair with a hair comb, and covered her exposed naked body with a nearby cloth.

The lifted Miss Alicia was much lighter than I had imagined, with delicate and gentle features, and she was very warm and soft.

And a faint sweet scent tickled my nostrils, her heartbeat synchronized with mine, and as her heart sounded with a thump, an even greater sense of love surged within me. It would require a great effort to remind myself that she was a 'commodity' of Raymond Trading Company.

Afterwards, we left Miss Alicia in the reception room and moved to the study to finalize the sales contract.

At the stage where all the documents were prepared, Gaspar paid 150 platinum coins with a platinum plate and five gold plates as immediate payment.

"Lord Rendle, thank you for using Raymond Trading Company this time. If you need any slaves in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us."

With Gaspar's final sales talk, the negotiation for purchasing Miss Alicia was successfully completed.

Approval Currency:

1 Platinum Plate - 100 million yen (approx. $680,000)

1 Gold Plate - 10 million yen (approx. $68,000)

1 Platinum Coin - 1 million yen (approx. $6,800)

1 Silver Plate - 1 million yen (approx. $6,800)

Normal Circulating Currency:

1 Gold Coin - 100,000 yen (approx. $680)

1 Silver Coin - 10,000 yen (approx. $68)

1 Bronze Plate - 1,000 yen (approx. $6.80)

1 Iron Plate - 100 yen (approx. $0.68)

1 Copper Coin - 10 yen (approx. $0.068)

1 Iron Coin - 1 yen (approx. $0.0068)

In the end, Alicia's purchase price was 150 platinum coins (150 million yen or $1,035,000), and Gaspar paid immediately with 1 platinum plate and 5 gold plates (equivalent to 150 platinum coins).

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