Ch 2

 Episode 1-2: The Viscount's Mansion

In the afternoon, Gaspar and I boarded a sturdy and inconspicuous two-horse carriage, heading towards our destination for sourcing, despite its unremarkable appearance.

"Master Harl, today we are heading to Viscount Rendle's mansion. The Viscount's family is facing considerable financial difficulties, and yesterday they inquired if it would be possible to discreetly sell their eldest daughter, Alicia Milia von Rendle, in exchange for a sum of money."

"Is this something that happens often?"

I asked Gaspar to confirm.

"This type of case, where the head of a noble family sells their daughter in order to maintain their noble status, occurs only a few times a year."

Gaspar explained politely.

"After being sold, the daughter loses her noble status and lives a harsh life as a 'second-class slave' (referred to simply as a 'slave' in general). Externally, it is often handled as if the daughter has died from a disease or an accident, to maintain appearances."

"Could the buyers include other noble families or brothels?"

I inquired about the destination of the daughter's sale.

"Directly selling to other nobles is out of the question. Selling to a brothel poses a high risk of her true identity being exposed when she interacts with clients. However, in the case of a slave, the information is cut off after the slave trade, so it is more convenient."

In addition to that, Gaspar informed me about the inside story of the Von Rendle family, which he had obtained through an informant. The previous Viscount Rendle, despite being somewhat nervous, had a serious personality.

He had a beloved wife, Sonia Maria von Rendle, whom he had married passionately, but she passed away from an illness three years ago.

Viscount Rendle's grief was profound, and he drowned himself in drinking, gambling, and spending, which quickly depleted the family's assets.

Truly a classic tale of downfall.

By the way, the eldest daughter, Alicia, strongly resembled her late mother Sonia, and Viscount Rendle couldn't help but be reminded of his deceased wife whenever he looked at her, rumors said.

Furthermore, their second daughter also passed away when she was an infant, so it seemed that Alicia was effectively the only daughter of the Viscount Rendle's family.

Impressive information gathering skills, considering it was just yesterday.

While I was listening to information about the slave purchase and potential buyers, our carriage passed through the residential area, going past the commercial district where Raymond Trading Company's main store was located, and arrived at the Von Rendle mansion in the noble district.

Naturally, the carriage stopped not at the front entrance, but at the service gate located at the back of the mansion.

As we disembarked from the carriage, a slender and nervous middle-aged man dressed in expensive attire greeted us with an arrogant attitude.

"I've been waiting for you, slave merchant!! I want to get started with the negotiations immediately, so follow me."

That man, with his insolent demeanor, welcomed us.

"This, this is a personal welcome from Viscount Rendle himself. Thank you very much," Gaspar graciously bowed his head, so I quickly imitated him.

Presumably, even the servants had been dismissed by the Rendle family.

The mansion had a grand and magnificent architecture, and the vast grounds enclosed by high walls made it appear no different from the surrounding mansions in the noble district when viewed from the outside. However, as we entered the mansion, we could see a faint layer of dust and dim lighting in the corridor, revealing the extent of the Rendle family's decline.

We waited for a while in the reception room we were guided to, and from beyond the door, we could hear the footsteps of several people approaching, accompanied by the voice of a young woman.

Then, the door was forcefully opened, and Viscount Rendle, holding the arm of a young girl who seemed to be the young lady, entered.

"Father, please do not sell me... how... ugh..."

The young lady pleaded while crying, but Viscount Rendle only furrowed his brow.

"This girl here is Alicia Milia von Rendle, the eldest daughter we are considering selling this time. She is fourteen years old and should have already made her debut in society, but... due to various circumstances, it hasn't happened."

Ignoring the sobbing young daughter, Viscount Rendle began explaining her situation.

"In such circumstances, I desperately needed a large sum of money. As you can see, this young lady possesses exceptional beauty and a good personality. Naturally, she is a virgin, so I hope for a sale of over 200 platinum coins (equivalent to over 200 million yen) as requested yesterday."

Viscount Rendle forcefully insisted.

By that time, Miss Alicia had stopped crying and was glaring at me and Gaspar as if we were snakes and scorpions.

She was about 155 centimeters tall, somewhat petite, but age-appropriate.

Her hair was a glossy, pale blonde, straight and shining, reaching halfway down her back.

Her facial features seemed like a manifestation of my preferences, combining the dignified traits of a viscountess-to-be with the delicate transparency unique to a girl transitioning from childhood to adolescence. It created a kind of ethereal, unapproachable sanctity that was difficult to ignore.

While her body was somewhat slender, her waist was defined, and her chest had a notable curve. My overall assessment was that she was an exceedingly beautiful girl, a sight rarely seen.

The attire draping her body was likely fitting for a viscountess-to-be, with minimal skin exposure. It featured bright blue hues and cute frills, forming a contrast with her pale blonde hair. However, the dress style itself seemed somewhat outdated.

At the first glance of Alicia, I felt a pang in my chest accompanied by a bittersweet sensation. I secretly marveled if this was what falling in love felt like—a sense of destiny even, if you will.

I eagerly awaited Gaspar's judgment, curious about his decision.

"Viscount Rendle, we sincerely appreciate your selection of Raymond Trading Company and the opportunity to serve you. I am Gaspar Darrow, responsible for procurement at Raymond Trading Company. And today, joining us is the heir of the Raymond Trading Company, Hal Raymond."

Gaspar introduced me again, and I bowed respectfully.

Approval Currency

1 Platinum Plate - 100 million yen (approx. $680,000)

1 Gold Plate - 10 million yen (approx. $68,000)

1 Platinum Coin - 1 million yen (approx. $6,800)

1 Silver Plate - 1 million yen (approx. $6,800)

Conventional Circulating Currency:

1 Gold Coin - 100,000 yen (approx. $680)

1 Silver Coin - 10,000 yen (approx. $68)

1 Copper Plate - 1,000 yen (approx. $6.80)

1 Iron Plate - 100 yen (approx. $0.68)

1 Copper Coin - 10 yen (approx. $0.068)

1 Iron Coin - 1 yen (approx. $0.0068)

Therefore, Viscount Rendoru mentioned that Alicia's desired selling price is more than 200 platinum coins, which means she hopes for over 20 billion yen (approximately $136 million).

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