Site down

 All the novels are dropped and this site will be down.


  1. Just when I found something to read on your site. Can we ask if there's any problems causing this drop to happen?

    1. Due to overwhelming work, mismatch schedule and lack of proper readers in this site.

    2. Sorry to hear that. I appreciate the fact that you even did these translations and am disappointed that it's going away just as I found it(I started reading Princess Harem). I do shift work myself so I do understand the lack of time away from work and schedule issues so I can't blame you there. Only thing I can say is I hope you rest well and things get better for you. Regarding the lack of readers I can't say much since I'm only one of them. I've seen a number of sites come and go but all I can say is that I assume it's tough the first couple of months to build up the reader base. Maybe if, and this is a big IF, you do decide to continue with this casually or when you have time even 1 chapter a week is appreciated. If you want to gauge the interest of people then maybe you could also setup a Ko-Fi account for us to donate towards certain novels being translated.
      I know this rant is long but I say this cause I recently saw a translator on NU, who I used to donate, what little I could, for a short while back in 2021, who kept translating one novel but now has a bunch different LN on their site with even paid access for advanced chapters now. If anything they kept translating since we showed interest.
      If you are still either going to take a break from translating or stop entirely then I as a reader will respect your decision.
      Thank you for your hard work that you've done so far. I for one appreciate it.

    3. I feel this would of never worked out if you were translating for personal gratification for view counts. As a translator myself I think your motives are too lofty for free web novels. Releasing chapters slowly or inconsistently is not an excuse to stop all togeather, somehow people will survive.

  2. Sorry to see you go. I also only just found the site recently (because of Princess Harem). I'd love to see it continue, especially since your work feels fairly cleanly translated and edited. It is among the better translation work I have read so far, but if you feel like the traffic just isn't justifying costs involved, then I suppose that's that. Thanks for the work you did!

  3. Not being able to continue reading Friend's Older Sister sucks!

    However, I must thank you for translating as many chapters as you have! Best of luck!


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