Ch 2 part 3

 Volume 1: Chapter 2: From Blonde Bombshell to Black-Haired Innocent Beauty (3)

For some reason, Izumi suddenly volunteered to accompany her.

She had just been crying loudly, but now she stood up with full enthusiasm as if she were fooling around.

I thought, well, she'll probably be rejected anyway.

"...Are you sure it's okay?"

"Of course!♪"

Is she serious or just kidding?

 "So, gentlemen, today's date ends here! Eishi, I'll go ahead! Love you, mwah♪"

"I love you too. Take care on your way."

Izumi held Aoi's hand and left the café with light steps.

The two boys left behind in the café felt that something was a bit off with the atmosphere.

"What's going on..."

"Probably a place not suitable for boys to go together with them."

"Where is it?"

"We shouldn't pry any further."

...Well, fine.

I would worry if Aoi went alone, but with Izumi accompanying her, I felt more at ease.

By the way...

"You two really talk about love so openly in public."

"Yes. Isn't expressing affection between couples unrelated to the place?"

"No, I think it's better to choose the place a bit more carefully..."

Although I've gotten used to it, other people hearing these things might find it a bit embarrassing.

Even the lady at the next table was startled and sprayed her tea.

"Besides, even if you don't express it in words, can't you understand each other's feelings?"

"Perhaps there are couples like that. But I believe it's impossible for people, especially between men and women, to truly understand each other. That's why I think it's essential to express thoughts through words."

"Yeah... I guess I understand what you mean. You said it quite directly..."

I intended to retort playfully, but Eishi continued seriously:

"What I mean is that it's impossible to understand each other without expressing it through words. Even family members have things they don't understand about each other, let alone strangers. For partners of the opposite sex, it's even more challenging. "

"Uh... I guess you're right, though."

"That's right. In fact, Akira, you have no idea what Aoi wants to buy, right? But that doesn't mean you don't want to know; it's just that you don't understand. This shows the importance of voicing your thoughts."

Eishi added, "However, whether the other person wants to say it or not is another matter."

"It sounds quite philosophical..."

But what he said might be true.

I proposed living together with Aoi for her sake.

However, I had no idea what Aoi was thinking.

Maybe she was happy, or perhaps she was grateful.

On the other hand, she might have a thousand reasons to refuse and was only accepting it reluctantly.

Even if it's with good intentions, I couldn't rule out the possibility that I was forcing her to accept.

Eishi was right; I didn't understand Aoi's feelings at all.

"Of course, not everything requires discussion together. While it's essential to try to understand each other's feelings, sometimes it's also important to silently care without deliberately asking. But don't mix consideration and politeness. If you want to be with someone you cherish, you must express what needs to be said and discuss it properly."

"I see..."

I felt like I sort of understood the meaning behind his words.

Men with girlfriends really talk differently.

"I don't think Akira should assume that he understands Aoi's feelings. Don't forget that. Especially since Aoi is the type of person who doesn't express her true feelings, you need to pay more attention to this aspect."

"I guess you're right."

"Especially considering that Aoi is someone you've only recently started talking to after not exchanging a word until now, conversing with her is crucial."

"That's true."

"Especially since Aoi is the type who won't speak her true feelings. So, you have to be more attentive in this regard."

"Listening to you talk, it's as if you know everything about Aoi."

"At least I know more than Akira, who hasn't been in this city all this time."

Well, he's not wrong about that.

Eishi finished the remaining coffee in his cup in one gulp, then stood up.

"Let's go back."


I followed Eishi out of the café.

 No matter how you look at it, having two more people to help is a good thing. I must improve Aoi's living environment before transferring schools. I made a silent promise to myself once again.

That evening──

I returned home ahead of Aoi and since there was nothing else to do, I started preparing dinner. I glanced at the clock on the living room wall, and it was exactly 7 PM.

"I wonder what time Aoi will be back."

It's not like I left her alone at the mall, and there's still plenty of time before bedtime, so there's no need to worry... But because I hadn't heard from her yet, I couldn't help feeling uneasy.

I wanted to message her to ask what time she would be back. However, if Aoi and Izumi were having a great time together, it wouldn't be good to disturb them. I hesitated several times to send her a message, but in the end, I decided not to.

"Is this how boyfriends feel, worrying about when their live-in girlfriend will come back..."

I suddenly realized and came back to my senses. I'm not Aoi's boyfriend, so I have no right to be nosy about her comings and goings, right?

Although we're living together, isn't this being overly protective...?

"Oh no! The hamburger meat is burning!"

I only briefly took my eyes off the frying pan, and a slight burnt smell started to fill the kitchen. I hurriedly flipped the hamburger meat, and just then──

"I'm back."

Accompanied by the sound of the front door opening, her familiar voice reached the kitchen. I put on indoor slippers and walked to the living room, where I saw Aoi looking flustered.

"Welcome back."

"I'm sorry for coming back so late..."

As soon as Aoi saw me, she immediately lowered her head and apologized.

Seeing her so out of breath, she must have run back home.

"Don't worry about it."

"I had lunch with Izumi after shopping, and we ended up chatting for longer than I realized... I intended to come back earlier, so I'm really sorry."

"It's really okay."

No matter how much I tried to reassure her, Aoi just kept apologizing.

She seemed like she was afraid of something.

"Because every time I come home late, my mom gets very angry..."

Hearing her words, an ominous imagination flashed through my mind.

Could it be that it's normal for Aoi's mother to be angry whenever she comes home late or doesn't contact her?

In such an environment, getting scolded once she gets home if she's late or hasn't been in touch might be a given.

Although it's similar in many families, could Aoi's mother have a negative emotion beyond just being worried?

It makes me think that way because she's the mother who abandoned her daughter.

"I'm really sorry..."


I looked at Aoi, who had curled up, and she looked just like a child being scolded for no reason.

Suddenly, what Eishi said in the café came to my mind.

"Don't mix consideration and politeness..."

"If you want to be with someone you cherish, you must express what needs to be said and discuss it properly..."

If that's the case, maybe I shouldn't just say it's okay with my mouth.

Now, I need to voice my own thoughts and sincerely listen to Aoi's thoughts.

"Aoi, can we talk a little?"


I turned off the gas stove and asked Aoi to sit on the living room sofa.

I sat beside Aoi and asked as calmly as possible:

"Aoi, did you have fun with Izumi today?"


Aoi seemed surprised that I asked her that question. She was taken aback and couldn't say anything for a while before responding hesitantly.

"Yeah, I had a great time."

"If you can, could you tell me just how happy you were?"

Aoi nodded slightly and said anxiously:

"I hardly ever go out with others because my mom is very strict, so I spend most of my days off at home. Today, Akira and Izumi took me to various places and chatted with me. It made me really happy, and I lost track of time..."

"In that case, you don't need to worry so much about coming home late."


Despite that, Aoi still stammered as if feeling guilty.

To not deny her feelings, I accepted her reason and said:

"I can understand how sorry you feel towards me. But when I heard that you had a happy day, I wasn't angry at all; instead, I felt really happy."


I nodded gently towards her.

"I've had experiences like that too, where happy times pass by in the blink of an eye. Especially when hanging out with good friends, time always flies. When I was young, I knew I had to go back home early, but I still accidentally stayed out late, so I often got scolded by my parents."

I told Aoi that everyone has had experiences like this and hoped to ease her worries.

"But looking back now, I realized that rather than being angry, my parents were just worried. When someone important to you doesn't get in touch or come home, it's natural to worry."

Of course, back then, I hadn't thought about all this.

It was only after I started living on my own and rethought about my family that I understood these things.

"Even though I was worried because I didn't know when you would come back, I wasn't angry. Despite that, I was concerned, so next time, at least let me know, and then I can wait for you with peace of mind."

I wasn't confident in conveying my thoughts properly to her.

While my emotions were in turmoil, Aoi nodded slightly.

"I understand. Next time, I'll let you know."

"Good, and when I come back late, I'll also let you know."

I wasn't sure if I managed to convey my thoughts well, but Aoi's expression seemed a bit calmer now.

"Anyway, it's great that you and Izumi have become good friends."

"Is that... really a good friend? I feel happy, but I'm not good at talking to others. Izumi might find it boring to be with me."

"That's not true. If you feel happy with Izumi, I'm sure Izumi is also very happy."

"If that's the case, then I'd be happy. I'm a bit envious of Izumi, Eishi, and you having such great relationships."

It seemed like this was the first time Aoi had expressed her true feelings.

I felt that I shouldn't just take these words lightly.

"Why are you so reserved? Izumi and you are already friends, right?"

"How can... she consider me a friend..."

"After spending a whole day together and having fun, what else would that be if not friends? At least, Izumi probably feels that way. I guess starting tomorrow, Izumi will probably cling to you even more. Be prepared for that."

I teased her a little, but I could only see that future.

However, I'm sure that the future is a good thing for Aoi.

"Friends... if she really thinks that way, I'd be very happy."

Aoi said softly with a slightly shy expression.

It was the best smile I had ever seen her wear.

"Alright, let's end this topic here!"

I clapped my hands as if to sweep away the heavy atmosphere.


"Dinner will be ready in a little while."

"Ah, I'll help too."

I got up from the sofa, and Aoi followed closely behind me.

I wanted to say, "You should go rest first," but I swallowed those words back.

Aoi must be carefully trying to avoid prolonging an unpleasant atmosphere. In that case, I should accept her goodwill. It's better for both of us that way.

"Thanks. Can you help set the table? We're having hamburger meat for dinner, so it's better to get a larger plate."

"I got it. No wonder I smelled the aroma of grilled meat. But... I think there's a slightly burnt smell."


After she mentioned it, I suddenly realized.

I did turn off the gas stove, but the hamburger meat was still in the frying pan.

Although the flame was off, the frying pan still retained some residual heat... I hurriedly flipped the hamburger meat, and although it wasn't burnt black, it was obviously overcooked.

"Oh no..."

Both sides of the hamburger meat were slightly burnt.

How could I make such a simple mistake?


"Huh? Why are you laughing?"

"I apologize. I initially believed Akira wouldn't encounter any difficulties, but the adorable mistake took me by surprise, and I couldn't help but laugh. I am unable to cook even a single dish, so I feel it's quite impolite.

Looking at Aoi-san, who had a faint smile, I found it amusing too.

Aoi-san replied, assuring me, 'I'm not troubled by anything. Making mistakes like this is alright. When I first started living alone, it was quite tough. Every time I cooked, I would either get the taste wrong or mix up the salt and sugar. Sometimes, my miso soup turned out so salty that it was hard to eat. But each time I failed, I would look up information on the Internet and work hard to improve my cooking skills.'"


"Yes. Apart from cooking, there's also the time I forgot to put fabric softener when doing laundry or not knowing how to take out the paper box from the vacuum cleaner, ending up scattering dust everywhere when trying to be too forceful. I don't know how many times I've sulked in my futon because of these things."

In any case, I could only make fun of myself.

I spilled all my embarrassing stories and saw Aoi covering her mouth, laughing softly.

"Let's not talk about my failure stories. Let's eat this hamburger meat. It might not taste good, but it will surely become a beautiful memory."

"A beautiful memory?"

To one person, it was a frustrating failure, but to two people, it might become a funny anecdote in the future.

Thinking about it, I felt that having someone accompany you is a kind of happiness.

"I can't guarantee the taste though."

 And just like that, the burnt hamburger meat became our side dish for dinner. Although it wasn't as tasty as expected, we laughed and enjoyed the failed dinner, feeling even more satisfied than usual.

After dinner, we took baths one after another and rested in the living room. It seemed that Aoi truly enjoyed her time with Izumi, as she enthusiastically recounted all the fun moments from today.

They had lunch together and later went to a café because they wanted dessert. They only ordered tea and cake, but ended up sitting there for three hours, feeling apologetic to the staff. Aoi described it with a wry smile.

I listened attentively as Aoi happily talked about the amusing events of the day.

As we chatted, the clock's hands approached twelve o'clock.

As they say, time flies when you're having fun.

"Although tomorrow is a day off, it's about time to go to bed," I said.

"Yeah, that's true. Ah..."

Aoi let out a soft exclamation, seemingly remembering something.

"What's wrong?"

"Um... can I wash my clothes before going to sleep?"

"You can, but it's already quite late. How about washing them tomorrow?"

"That's true..."

She seemed hesitant and nervous.

She's so cute in her own way, darn it.

"If you want to wash them, then go ahead. I'll go to sleep first."

"Really? Then I'll wash them. You can go ahead and rest, Akira."

"Okay, goodnight."


I left the living room and went to my room, lying down on the bed.

I closed my eyes, and suddenly a feeling of happiness overwhelmed me.

We've been living together for several days, but this was the first time I heard Aoi talk so much.

Aoi, who always kept her distance from others, actually said that she had a great time with a friend. I guess it's because the person was Izumi, who is so good at communication.

I truly felt that this was something to be happy about.

At the beginning, when Izumi and Eishi found out, I fell into despair as if it were the end of the world. Although the truth eventually came out, I'm glad that it was only Izumi and Eishi who discovered it. Is this what they call a blessing in disguise?

Perhaps because my emotions were so high, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, and my mind kept thinking for thirty minutes.

The washing machine made a sharp buzzing sound, indicating that the clothes were done washing...

"What's wrong with Aoi?"

After waiting for a while, there was no sign of Aoi taking out the clothes.

I felt a bit worried, so I got up and walked to the living room, only to find Aoi sound asleep on the couch.

"Maybe she's just tired from today's activities."

I looked at her relievedly and then went to the bathroom to prepare to move her washed clothes into the dryer.

I opened the lid of the washing machine and found the clothes she had just bought inside.

I see, Aoi is the type who washes new clothes before wearing them.

I didn't know if it was her personal habit or her family's environment.

I thought to myself as I moved the washed clothes into the laundry basket.

"This, this is...!"

Something unexpected caught my eye, causing me to freeze in place.

Inside the laundry bag, among the clothes, there was women's underwear.

I inadvertently took it out from the bag and finally understood one thing.

When I asked Aoi if she wanted to buy anything, and she said, "I'll buy it next time," that was her reason.

She refused to go shopping with me, but when Izumi offered to accompany her, she readily agreed. When I said I would help her wash the clothes, she told me to go to bed first. That was the reason behind all of it.

A single glance revealed that it was brand new, with pink and yellow colored fabric—definitely solid evidence.

"...I should just go back to my room and pretend I didn't see anything."

I couldn't let Aoi see this scene.

If she saw it, she would surely think I was a pervert trying to find girls' underwear in the house. There will be no retribution if you don't provoke God and underwear.

Just as I was thinking this, it was already too late.


Feeling her presence, I turned around after hearing my name being called.

Blushing bright red, Aoi stood there shyly.

Her face showed an indescribable expression, and her shoulders trembled non-stop.

"No, this is a misunderstanding! I definitely didn't have any weird intentions. I just noticed you were sleeping, so I wanted to help with the drying! Ah, that's right, when you first came, you only brought simple luggage, and it's normal to buy a few sets of underwear for changing! Yeah, I think your taste is quite nice!"

What do you mean by "your taste is quite nice"!

When a person is nervous, all the wrong things come out accidentally.

Because I showed excessive understanding, Aoi's ears turned red, and she shyly covered her face with her hands.

"Well, um... please take care of it from now on."

It seemed that no matter what explanations I gave, it was useless.

I smiled wryly and went back to my room, lying down on the bed and covering my head with the blanket.

A mix of embarrassment, excitement, and guilt made it even harder for me to fall asleep than before.

After this incident, Aoi and I established several rules and agreements for our cohabitation.

1. We should use separate laundry baskets, and each person should wash their own clothes.

2. When coming home late, we must inform the other person.

3. Aoi, who doesn't know how to cook, voluntarily took up the responsibility for cleaning.

Besides these, if there are any inconveniences in our living together, we should discuss them openly in the future.

Being able to reach this consensus, I think it's worth having seen her underwear.

...Should I consider this worth it? This is really an eye-opener.

I once again realized that cohabitation is truly difficult.


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