Ch 2 Part 1

 Volume 1: Chapter 2: From Blonde Bombshell to Black-Haired Innocent Beauty (1)

On the following Saturday...

Aoi and I went to a shopping center not far from home.

This area housed two large commercial facilities in the city.

Within this area, there were various facilities such as a movie theater and hot springs, making it a perfect place for families and students to spend their holidays. Consequently, on weekends, it was always crowded with many people, and today was no exception, with families and students seen everywhere.

After all, the countryside doesn't offer many other recreational options.

"Let's start with clothes. You've been wearing your school uniform all the time, so you probably want something different."


Aoi and I first went to a nearby clothing store.

Since it was a store primarily catering to female customers, there were no other men besides me.

I thought to myself, I should have gone to a store like ZU or UNIQLO, where they sell both men's and women's clothing. Roaming around the store with Aoi made me feel completely out of place.

Aoi seemed indecisive about what to choose.

"Haven't you found any styles you like?"

"No, it's not that. I'm just a bit overwhelmed."

"I see. Take your time to choose."

"What kind of clothes do you think would suit me, Akira?"

"No, don't worry about my preferences. Just pick the styles you like."

"But... since you're the one paying, I hope you can help me choose."

Really? Unexpectedly, this heavy responsibility fell on my shoulders.

To be honest, I'm not very knowledgeable about women's clothing.

I guess it's safe to say that most men are in the same boat.

However, I also use my phone to browse the internet and imagine what my ideal date outfit would be if I had a girlfriend. I think, "It would be amazing if my girlfriend dressed like this for our date~"

By the way, personally, I prefer a more innocent style of dressing.

Wearing a long skirt that looks more mature than a mini-skirt on the lower half, and matching it with a top that complements the skirt's color. For the current season, pairing it with a bright blouse or cardigan would probably look nice.

Especially pleated skirts, they are just perfect for me. Every time I see a girl wearing a pleated skirt, I have an urge to touch the folds forever.

Is there anyone who can understand my feelings?

Setting aside my peculiarities, I don't know what kind of clothes a "blonde girl" like Aoi would like...

"Wouldn't it be better to wear something fancier?"

"Huh? Fancier clothes? Why?"

I was instead met with a counter-question.

When you think of a "blonde girl," you imagine cropped tops and mini-skirts. Has that trend gone out of style?

Although they're both considered "blonde girls," their appearances differ greatly based on the era.

In the past, the term "blonde girl" typically referred to the tanned "tanning salon blonde," but as aesthetics evolved, the pursuit of fair skin led to the emergence of the "fair-skinned blonde."

Whether they're tanned or fair-skinned, let's leave that topic aside for now. Want to know why I know so much about "blonde girls"?

That's because I didn't know how to handle "blonde girls," so I looked it up on my phone before going to sleep.

"I prefer clothes that are more composed and mature."

"Can it be the innocent style?"


Ah, I see. It seems she belongs to the third-party, the innocent type of "blonde girl." That's nice.

In that case, I scanned the store again, looking for styles that resembled the impression I had in mind.

At that moment, my eyes were drawn to a mannequin display in the store.

"Aoi, what about this combination?"

The mannequin was wearing a light pink cardigan paired with a white long skirt. The simple yet not too extravagant color coordination gave off a pure and innocent feeling.

Some might wonder why I'm picking clothes based on what a mannequin is wearing, but rather than having someone like me, who has little taste, make the choice, it's safer to trust the store clerk's taste.

"Then let's go with this one. I'll try it on."

"Okay, I'll wait for you near the store entrance."

"Sure, wait for me."

I watched Aoi walk towards the fitting room, and then I took a seat on a bench in front of the store.

Looking back, why did Aoi and I end up coming to the shopping center together today?

The reason goes back to last night...


"Today is really cold..."

The rain had been pouring since the afternoon, and by the time we finished school, it had intensified. Throughout the night, the sound of rain hitting the windows echoed throughout the entire house.

Early June, almost the beginning of summer according to the calendar, but when it rained, it still felt chilly.

It made me want to put on thicker loungewear.

"Aoi must be feeling cold in that outfit..."

I had given Aoi a long-sleeved, thin summer garment to wear.

As I organized the thick loungewear I planned to give her from my wardrobe, I thought to myself.

Aoi mentioned that when she left home, she only took the essentials, so it seems she really brought only the bare minimum personal items. With nowhere to go, she could only take what she could carry.

Whenever she was at my house, she always wore my loungewear, so I guessed she probably didn't bring her casual clothes.

Considering what might come in the future, I should prepare some casual clothes for her.

Not only casual clothes, but girls also need some essential everyday items.

My mind continued pondering over these matters as I returned to the living room with the replacement clothes.

"Aoi, it's quite cold today. Change into this outfit after your shower."

"Is that okay? Thank you."

"Can I? Thank you."

I handed the clothes to Aoi, and she placed them on her lap, thanking me.

Her expression remained the same, saying thank you but with an apologetic look on her face.

"Oh, by the way, Aoi."

"What's up?"

"Do you have time tomorrow?"

"I don't have any plans tomorrow. Originally, I had to work on Saturdays and Sundays, but now I only work after school on weekdays. I made a promise with you that I must focus on studying."

"I see. How about going shopping together tomorrow?"


After hearing my proposal, Aoi looked surprised and couldn't find the words to respond.

Her face turned red, seemingly shy, and she lowered her head.

"I'm not forcing you..."

Did I say something strange?

"No, it's alright. I just... It's my first time going out alone with a boy."


At that moment, I finally realized why Aoi was so shy.

Could it be that Aoi misunderstood my invitation as a date!?

"No, no! It's not like that! I just want to buy some essential daily necessities for you. Things like daily supplies, clothes, and other necessities. It would be more convenient to have everything prepared. If you go shopping alone, you'll have to carry a lot of stuff. I just thought I could help!"

I hurriedly explained, waving my hands to clarify. Then, something crossed my mind.

People usually call this a shopping date.

"I see. I was taken aback for a moment."

"No, I didn't explain it properly... It's my fault."

"No, the one who misunderstood was me. I'm sorry."

An indescribable subtle atmosphere filled the air.


It's still awkward!

Even I felt a rush of heat on my face!

"Thank you for inviting me, but I don't have much money with me. I'll only receive my salary from work at the end of this month, so I can't spend money recklessly before that."

"Don't worry, I'll cover the expenses."

"How can I let you pay? I feel so sorry..."

"I have a habit of saving money for emergencies, and I haven't had a chance to use it, so it has been sitting there untouched. In order to make our lives more comfortable, please don't hesitate to use it."

"Thank you."

Every time Aoi expresses gratitude, she looks troubled.

Given her situation, maybe it can't be helped.

However, seeing her expression every time makes me feel uneasy.

That's the reason why Aoi and I are shopping together...

I looked around again, and there were so many people today.

If I'm not careful, I might bump into a classmate unexpectedly.

With so many people coming to the shopping center, it wouldn't be strange even if I ran into one or two acquaintances. If someone were to see us shopping together, it might be mistaken as secretly dating. Because who is dating whom is the most interesting gossip topic for high school students.

No... Being suspected of a romantic relationship is not the only issue.

There's a possibility that I might be the subject of negative rumors, too.

I don't mind if others talk about me, but I must do everything I can to prevent Aoi's situation and the fact that we are living together from being exposed.

It's better to finish things early and go home.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

While I was lost in thought, Aoi approached me after trying on the clothes.

"Oh, you're quite fast—"

"Do you... do you like it?"

As I looked up upon hearing her voice, I couldn't help but inhale sharply.

Seeing Aoi in casual clothes for the first time, she looked even more beautiful than I imagined.

Although I picked them out, it seems to be a perfect match.

Well, I only chose the outfits based on a mannequin, so the real credit should go to the store clerk who paired them up. Nevertheless, I deserve a pat on the back for choosing this set.

I didn't realize how much of a difference there would be in the impression of a girl between wearing a uniform and casual clothes.

In any case, it already looks great, with just one thing catching my attention...

"Do you not like it?"

Perhaps I got too absorbed in my thoughts, as Aoi asked anxiously.

"No, it looks really good."

"Really? That's a relief."

"Then let's buy this one, and a few more as well."

"How can I accept that and buy so many..."

"Don't worry about it."


Even if I say that, Aoi still seems uneasy.

In the future, whenever I pay for something, Aoi will probably always show such an expression.

Rather than feeling thankful, Aoi seems to believe that she's causing me trouble. That's why she never smiles when she thanks me, always wearing a troubled expression.

Because of this, I want to propose a suggestion to make her worry less.

"How about this? You can pay me back whenever you have the money from work, or you can wait until you start working after graduation. Until then, I'll cover for you, and when you're able to repay, just give it back to me."

"Can I really do that?"

"Of course."

"Thank you. Then I won't hold back."

Even when she says this, Aoi's expression still seems somewhat stiff.

"Let's see what else is there."


Despite that, I'm still happy to see her smile for the first time in front of me.

Afterward, we looked around the store again, bought a few more clothes, and then left.

We went to a drugstore and grocery store to buy daily necessities that Aoi needed. After finishing the shopping for all the necessary items, we realized that an hour and a half had passed.

"Is there anything else you want to buy, Aoi?"

"I should have everything now... Oh."

Aoi seemed surprised, as if she remembered something.

"Hmm? Is there something else you need to buy?"

"No, it's nothing."

Although she said there was nothing, she clearly had the look of someone who forgot something to buy.

"It's okay; since we came all the way here, I can accompany you."

"You really don't need to."

For some reason, Aoi appeared a bit restless or shy.

 While I don't know why Aoi would be so shy, since she said she didn't need it, I won't force her.

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go, Aoi?"

"In the end, there's one place I'd like to visit. Can you accompany me?"

"Sure, no problem."

I guided Aoi through the shopping center until we reached our destination.

"Is this... a hair salon?"

When I saw Aoi in casual clothes, I paid special attention to her long blonde hair. It was evident that it had been damaged, probably since the last time she dyed it, and her natural black hair had grown out at the roots.

I wanted to tell her that with the pure and innocent style of clothing she chose, black hair might suit her better. But how she wanted to maintain her hair color was her freedom. However, if she wanted to keep the blonde, it would be better to make the color more even to enhance her beauty.

She just looked at the salon and wanted to return, but I held her back.

"It's rare to buy new clothes, so let's make your hair look a bit more beautiful."

"No need, it costs quite a bit."

"Don't worry about it; let's go in quickly."

Aoi kept declining, so I gently pushed her from behind, half-forcing her into the salon.


As it was lunchtime, the salon was quite empty, and a good-looking hairstylist, whom I wondered why male hairstylists are so handsome, came out to greet us when he saw us enter the shop.

I couldn't help but think that they hired handsome stylists, or is it that men become hairstylists to become handsome? If it's the former, then I suppose looks are one of the qualifications for the job.

"Sorry, is it okay without a reservation?"

"It's fine; don't worry. Is it for the two of you?"

"I'm not getting anything done; it's this young lady here."

"Understood. This way, miss."


As the hairstylist was about to lead Aoi to her seat, she suddenly stopped and looked perplexed.

"Aoi, what's wrong?"

"Uh, well..."

Aoi seemed to want to say something but couldn't find the words.

After a moment, she seemed to gather her courage and spoke up:

"I'm sorry, I'm not his girlfriend..."


Aoi lowered her head apologetically.

Both the hairstylist and I were puzzled, not understanding what she meant.

"Uh, Aoi... I think what he meant was that you're a female companion, not my@s girlfriend."

"Huh!? Is that so? Ugh... I misunderstood."

Aoi seemed genuinely embarrassed, covering her face with both hands, but her ears turned bright red, impossible to conceal.

"Even if he meant that, I don't think you need to correct it."

"I thought I had to answer his question... because it's my first time in a place like this."

Why are you taking this so seriously? I mentally sighed.

This natural airhead feeling, or should I say, naiveté, wasn't something I just noticed. I had a sense of it ever since I invited her to my home for the first time.

Despite her appearance and behavior, which would make anyone think she's a cool or rebellious girl, when you actually talk to her, you find a stark contrast to her looks.

I was surprised by the fact that she worked to support her family; is this the real Aoi?

By the way, did she really never visit a hair salon before?

"How did you used to cut your hair before?"

"My mom used to cut it for me. Dyeing it blonde wasn't my choice; my mom just dragged me along when she dyed her hair. I never thought the color would turn out so bright..."

Having a high school student have their mom cut their hair; how does that feel?

Thinking this, I finally understood the previous sense of incongruity.

"I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Aoi, you're not a 'cool girl' or 'rebellious girl,' right?"

"I'm a 'cool girl'? Why?"

Aoi tilted her head in confusion, looking puzzled.

Confirmed. In other words, Aoi isn't a 'cool girl' or 'rebellious girl.'

Considering Aoi's family situation, I can understand why she chose to work and not attend school.

Perhaps her mother cutting her hair was due to financial considerations, and dyeing it blonde was her mother's interest, not Aoi's choice.

If we remove this colored perception, isn't Aoi just an ordinary girl who cares for her family?

"I understand. I'm honored to be your hairstylist for your first visit to a hair salon. Please have a seat."

The hairstylist noticed that Aoi felt out of place and didn't mind, instead smiling kindly and guiding her to the seat. Not just looks but even his personality is attractive; is this a deception?

"What would you like to do?"

"Uh, what should I do..."

As it was Aoi's first time at a hair salon, she seemed unsure.

Now that I know she's neither a 'cool girl' nor a 'rebellious girl,' her reactions make me feel warm.

Aoi looked at me through the mirror, asking with her eyes, 'What should I do...?'

"As long as it looks beautiful, lets leave it to you."

"I understand. Then I'll have to show my true skills."

I answered on behalf of Aoi, and the hairstylist immediately started preparing.

Sitting in the waiting area, I watched the haircutting process and started thinking.

I... No, we must have misunderstood Aoi.

Everyone always thought she was a 'cool girl' or 'rebellious girl,' but in reality, she's neither, but rather a kind girl who thinks of her family.

We judged Aoi based on her glamorous appearance and truancy behavior, keeping our distance from her, but that was only because of Aoi's shy personality, which prevented us from clearing up misunderstandings.

...Although it's an unfortunate situation, I still find it regrettable.

If Aoi had grown up in a normal environment, things would probably be different.

But assumptions cannot change the past.

"However, we can change the future, right...?"

I organized my thoughts in my mind and whispered to myself.

I seem to know what I can do for her now.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting."

"Ah, yes!"

It seems like I took quite a long time to think.

Hearing the hairstylist's voice, I snapped out of it and walked over to where Aoi was.

 "Wow... wow..."

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