Chapter 1

 Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

That day began with lighting my mother's cigarette with a lighter.

"As expected, using the flame from Mizuki's hand to light my premium cigarette in the morning is the best."

"Am I different from others?"

"Mizuki, as an underage kid, you wouldn't understand yet, but smoking a cigarette lit by an old hag over the age of twenty is not something you should do. If you ever decide to smoke in the future, use an underage oil lighter. This is a parental order."

"Don't worry, I don't plan to smoke in my lifetime."

My mother has always had peculiar preferences, and as her son, I often end up helping her.

In this case, it seems pointless to light the oil lighter with my own hand.

It has become a comical spectacle in our family where my father, when lighting the lighter, starts talking about how I don't understand.

My mother's profession, nowadays called a "flower artist."

There are other names like "ikebana artist," "flower designer," "florist," but we usually just refer to her as a flower arranger at home, as she gets angry if we use other names.

By the way, when I tell my friends about my mother, everyone is always surprised.

 Because of the way my mother is... Many people seem to imagine she's some kind of secretary or something.

"Mizuki, has that man left?"

"You mean Dad? Yeah, he left early in the morning."

"That's good. If he was still at home, we'd be in the middle of a divorce."

"Don't say worrisome things."

"Don't worry. I'll be taking custody of you, Mizuki."

"That's not what I meant..."

My father's occupation is a florist.

Apparently, he has loved flowers since he was a child, and our house is filled with various flowers both indoors and outdoors.

Every morning, my father goes to the flower market to purchase flowers without fail.

I don't know all the details yet, but I think he really loves it, as sometimes he's even out at night.

My mother unexpectedly made the first move in their relationship.

"He's not cut out for being a florist. Watch, Mizuki. In ten years, he'll become a flower farmer, not a florist. I'll buy all his flowers. He won't have financial problems."

"Expenses and income are settled within the family."

That's how my mother fell in love with the flowers my father cultivated.

My father seems to get along well with my mother, who is knowledgeable about flower arranging... at least I think so.

"I'm heading to school now."

"Ah, make sure you learn enough at that prestigious school I'm paying for with my hard-earned money."

"...I find the way you put it a bit uncomfortable."

Though it's a daily routine, I don't protest too much; my mother is always like this.

After checking the contents of my bag by putting my arm through the sleeves of my school uniform jacket, I put in the homemade packed lunch, two canned coffee with condensed milk from the refrigerator, and my homemade shortbread with a custom blend of supplements. At that moment, my mother peeked in to see what I was doing.

"Mizuki, are you still feeding that sugar pig? There's no benefit in trying to tame such a thing."

"Mother, please stop calling my best friend a pig."

Sure, he might have a slightly sweeter tooth than others, but calling him a sugar pig is going too far.

He just likes sweet things a little more than others.

He drinks canned coffee with condensed milk and maple syrup, and that's it.

...Oh well.

"Mizuki, you have a strange taste in friends, calling someone like that your best friend."

It's sad that I can't deny it due to the sugar content.

By the way, he's not overweight or anything.

"...I'm off, Mom."

"Alright, be back by 10 p.m."

"Got it."

"I'll make your favorite meat dish."

This is my everyday life.

People often say it's different from a typical family, but my relationship with my parents is good, and I have a best friend for ten years. I've never had any real problems in my life.

Well, that was true until now.

As I walked my usual route to school, something strange happened.

--Sound vanished from the world.

To be precise, the sound didn't disappear completely.

Sounds like leaves rustling in the wind, familiar to anyone, were still audible.

But the breath of life, so to speak, such things suddenly disappeared.


When I turned around, the road I was walking on had changed, and when I looked ahead again, even the scenery in front of me had changed.

The town I live in is abundant with nature, partly due to my parents' work. However, the scene before my eyes now transcended the level of being rich in nature; it was nature itself.

To put it in words, it was a forest.

To describe it in terms of terrain, it was a mountain.

 Describing the situation is... challenging considering my worldview.

In any case, the vast wilderness I encountered here surpassed the nature retreat mountain I visited during elementary school events.

The air carried the scent of moist vegetation.

There were no paved roads, and the vegetation appeared untouched by human hands.

The overgrown weeds and disorganized trees were quite different from the well-maintained mountains I've seen before.

Come to think of it, all the flowers and plants I know from my everyday life were tended by someone's hands.

"Where could this be?"

Strange things were happening.

Unless I was half-asleep, I should have been heading to school.

It's a prestigious school, but it's within an hour's walking distance, so I always walk.

As proof, I'm currently wearing the school's designated uniform.

The contents of my bag are as I confirmed earlier, prepared for today's classes, so I don't think this is a dream.

But perhaps it is a dream after all.

Dreams can be disjointed and irrational, so the situation seems to match.

Yes, this must be a dream. It can't be anything else.

So, in this dream, what should I do?

Perhaps the purpose of the dream, stranded in an unfamiliar mountain, is to survive?

With that thought in mind, I feel like I should descend the mountain.

Fortunately, there is a slope, so I'll slowly make my way down and eventually find my way out of the mountain.

That's why I started walking, carefully descending.

The ground around me is moist, and the mud sticks to the soles of my normal sports shoes, but there's probably not much I can do about it.

I should ask my mother and father about their hiking shoes; those should be more sturdy and able to withstand mud and dirt. They have extensive knowledge about plants and such, so I'm sure they'll kindly teach me.

Suddenly, I realize and reach into my left pocket.

I glance at my smartphone's screen, but there are no signal bars.

Even in dreams, it seems mobile phones don't work in the mountains.

It's quite chilly here...

The sunlight filtering through the trees is warm, but the mountain's unique temperature and humidity make me feel cold.

School uniforms should be warmer than regular clothes since the fabric is thicker, but I'm still feeling cold.

It's a little strange.

However, such thoughts gradually fade away as I continue descending the mountain.

Although I was chilly at first, the physical activity must be warming my body because little by little, I start feeling warmer and the chill dissipates.

I guess it's because this is a large mountain, and even after walking for a long time, I still can't see the foot of it.

Perhaps the coldness was due to the high altitude.

Normally, my respiratory system might be in danger, but since this is a dream, I'm sure it's adjusted accordingly.

After a few hours of descending the mountain, I start feeling hungry.

I find a suitable place to sit down and open my packed lunch.

The contents were carefully prepared by myself, considering taste and nutrition.

Compared to my best friend, I have a smaller appetite... well, he just eats a bit more than most people, so I start eating the average amount of food in my bento box with chopsticks.

"Mmm... it's delicious."

Even in this dream, eating rice surrounded by nature tastes delicious.

Except for the fact that the liquid to quench my thirst is canned coffee with condensed milk, today's lunch also makes me feel happy.

I hope I don't get diabetes...

As I finished my lunch, I worried about my best friend, who always smiles in the real world.

"Now, then..."

It's so peaceful here.

 As I descended Oita Mountain, the number of trees increased, and it became warmer, yet I could only hear the murmuring of the trees.

Though factors like seasons and altitude may have an impact, the dream world is generally calm.

But even in this calm environment, I couldn't hear the sounds of insects or birds.

- It's almost as if everything here is dead... No, that's disrespectful to the mountain god. I should correct that.

I clasped my hands together and apologized to the mountain god for my thoughtlessness and thanked them for providing a place for me to eat.

With that, I finished my lunch and continued my descent.

After about ten minutes of walking down the mountain, I could hear the sound of flowing water.

Following the sound, I reached a river.

The water was crystal clear and seemed so pure that I felt like I could drink it. Of course, I wouldn't drink it carelessly without knowing if it's safe, but when I touched it with my hand, the cool sensation was pleasant.

"Thank goodness..."

The river was flowing downstream, so if I follow it, I should eventually reach a populated area.

- I wonder if it's just my imagination that I can't see any fish or insects?

With the water so clear, I would expect to see at least one fish.

Perhaps they're hiding behind rocks, or maybe there are just fewer insects at this high altitude.

After about an hour of walking downstream, the slope began to level off.

Passing through the thick trees, I was greeted by a vast blue sky.

Higher than the clear December sky, this sky was far away and pure, with no trace of artificial impurities in the air. It tasted so refreshing.

Eventually, I came across a gravel road, which was a relief, so I continued walking on it.

And then, I saw it – an abandoned village.

Unfamiliar houses, not found in history textbooks. They certainly weren't ancient Japanese buildings.

I wonder how to describe them...

It's like log houses but downgraded several levels, with these houses scattered around.

Wooden houses that would be valued even in modern Japan. I thought they were abandoned because of the overgrown weeds and lack of maintenance.

However, these wooden houses seemed quite new, and it hadn't been that long since they were built.

I'm not a carpenter, so I'm not familiar with the details, but wouldn't building such flimsy houses violate the building regulations in modern Japan?

Of course, it's possible that I'm just unaware of this kind of construction. Moreover, since this is my dream, my brain might be filling in the images based on my memories.

"Is anyone here?"

I called out loudly, as I expected no answer.

So, I would have to keep walking for a while.

As I walked along the overgrown path, I saw fields.

Though crops were growing in the fields, they seemed to have been left unattended for a long time. There were withered vegetables, overripe vegetables, and black rot spreading throughout the field.

I wonder if they were left unharvested.

The fields were also being invaded by weeds, so it must have been longer than just a day or two.

Maybe a month or two.

At least, I don't think it would look this desolate after just a week.

Mother would be angry if she saw this... Even though she's usually laid-back, she's serious when it comes to plants.

Both Dad and I admire that part of her.

Of course, there must be some reason for this situation.

But would people suddenly disappear from a place within a few months?

The only thing that comes to mind is maybe due to dam construction or something?

Though it probably didn't happen immediately, I'll need to find someone and ask about the reason behind this abandoned village.

As I walked, a strange sense of loneliness welled up from deep within my chest.

- Familiar sounds.

Cars and motorcycles. The chirping of birds and insects.

That sound doesn't exist at all.

There are only the sounds of my footsteps and the wind passing by... It's a very quiet, cold place.

I might sound arrogant for someone with little life experience to say this, but...

"I might dislike this place... maybe."

The words trail off.

It's cruel to say something bad without knowing anything about it.

But at least for now, I can't bring myself to like this place.

...Let's go. Let's search for someone.

At times like this, I think I'm a lonely person.

When I feel scared, I can't help but wonder if the other person is genuinely scary or not.

My best friend likes watching supernatural shows and hearing ghost stories... In fact, every summer, we always watch them, but when I was younger, I found them so terrifying.

My mom and dad taught me this when I was scared.

"Mizuki, ghosts were originally humans, so it's not that they are scary. They also have scary parts."

My dad said that.

"Mizuki, there are no such things as ghosts. If they existed, not only humans, but also the billions of insects and animals that die every year would be wandering around. And even if it were only humans, wouldn't this world become a very convenient place for humans? Look, if you think about it that way, it won't be scary, right?"

My mom said that.

Both stories are good memories that reveal their personalities, and I was happy.

So, even though people might have scary parts, I believe they also have many kind parts.

Surely, this place must have many good aspects as well.

As I think like that, the rice fields gradually transform into houses.

It's quite a large village.

Even in narrow Japan, there are limited areas where people gather, so it must be a really rural place.


Among the houses lined up, I found one relatively well-maintained house.

Its roof is painted with red dye, and while it's slightly weathered, it looks like a gentle house.

The surroundings have low weeds, and compared to the dense vegetation, there's a noticeable difference, and I can smell the presence of people. Furthermore, there's a pleasant aroma of spices used for cooking coming from inside the house, so someone is definitely living there.

"Excuse me! Is anyone there?"

A loud voice rings out, and a metallic sound resonates from inside the house.

I hope I didn't startle anyone...

They probably got surprised and accidentally dropped some kitchen utensils while cooking.

I hope they didn't get hurt by a knife or anything.

"Chimmi chimya me?! Rome sono genbiu?"

A transparent voice of a girl.

As I make a fuss with my footsteps, a foreigner appears from the house.

I thought it was a hinged door since it's a house like a log cabin, but it's a sliding door after all.

Traditional attire? I guess that's what I should call it.

The girl is wearing a silver-colored coat that covers her entire body like a hooded raincoat, and from the hood, beautiful silver hair sways.

She looks very flustered.

It's often said that it's difficult to read the expressions of foreigners, but the girl's young face gives off a different vibe from the image of foreigners I had in my mind.

It's more delicate or distant, like an ethereal presence, that kind of aura surrounds the girl.

Eventually, the girl slowly looks me up and down with her golden eyes.

Then, with her eyes still holding me, she covers her mouth with both hands.

In her eyes, tears gather... large droplets of tears.

"I-I'm sorry!"

I involuntarily apologize.

It's not normal for a girl to suddenly burst into tears. Maybe I did something wrong... Perhaps I startled her by raising my voice.

I don't know if she'll forgive me, but if I've done something wrong, I have to apologize.

"Homerayamihimoyuse? Romesonogenbiu?"

"Um... I'm sorry. I don't understand your words... even if you speak in Japanese... What should I do..."

From the language, I don't think it's English. But even if I know that, I have no idea which country it is, and even if I do, I've never left Japan since I was born.

Moreover, I only understand Japanese, so it seems like I won't be able to communicate with her through words.

Wha-what should I do?

"Rome de no kuchi. Mahamiza hoho kichitemu me yomiakezo..."

The silver-haired girl approaches me step by step, with tears on her smiling face.

Her reaction is like meeting something joyful, though the comparison might not be appropriate. It's an expression I've never seen in my life, as if I've reunited with someone dear whom I've bid farewell to in death.

She gently embraces my confused self and repeats the same words over and over again.

"Fukamete nitemu temete ma wo za sofu... Chinite chitemu temete ma wo za sofu..."

The only thing I can somehow understand is that these words carry a feeling of gratitude towards me.


As she embraces me, I notice her hair brushing against my face.

Her hair is not silver; it's transparent, as if it absorbs light.

I noticed it because her hair was reflecting the scenery.

My consciousness awakens, and my heart beats stronger than usual.

I may be inexperienced, but I'm not good with relationships with girls. My body temperature rises.

However, the warmth and the heartbeat I feel from her are strangely vivid.

"Could it be... this isn't a dream...?"

My heart, throbbing, mocks me with a strong pain, saying that this is reality.

Thinking it over, there has been no instance where time or place has jumped from morning until now, and even the taste of the lunch I make every day hasn't changed. The condensed milk coffee is even sweeter and almost stimulating.

The body temperature that was rising due to exercise and embarrassment now drops rapidly.

If this is not a dream, then this must not be Japan.

My thoughts stopped there.

Not Japan... If it's not Japan, then where is this place?

My thoughts are tangled up, and I can't even grasp the current situation.

"Mahamira hansonu chifu hakareha mo?"

Although she speaks with a questioning tone in a foreign language, I don't understand what she is saying. But her expression is bright, and she seems very happy. For some reason, I also find myself smiling along with her. The cold feeling I had just before disappears, and my heart feels warmer.

...It's probably because this girl has such a genuinely wonderful smile.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand your words."

"Hosoraaza yasa ha chimu?"

"How can I convey my thoughts... I've heard about non-verbal communication, but should I use gestures and signs?"

My dad, who runs a flower shop, knows a lot about flowers from different countries.

He told me that it's because he traveled to many foreign countries when he was young. Of course, there were many times when he couldn't communicate with people due to the language barrier, but he said that non-verbal communication often helps in such situations. So, he probably used it in moments like this.

To be honest, I have never respected my father more than now.

I never imagined that communicating with someone who doesn't understand my language would be so difficult.

"Yamihirashereiria, mahamira?"

"Ya, yami hirashere?"

When I let go of her hug, the girl is complaining to me about something. I don't think she's trying to attack me because her expression is gentle, but I'm not sure how to respond.

"Holoraaza yasana chimu?"

"Eh, ehm... well..."

The girl asks seriously. Maybe my attitude isn't good, but if she can understand that we can't communicate through words, I'm glad.

Then, the girl closes her eyes, as if deep in thought... and opens her eyes with a sparkle, pointing both hands at herself.


"Shereiria? Is that your name?"

When I call her Shereiria, the girl breaks into a bright smile, like the sun.

"Loff! Yamihira Shereiria. Mahamira?"

 And with a happy expression, she called herself Shereria and turned both hands toward me.

Mahamira... probably refers to me, like the word 'you,' right? If that's the case, it's my turn to tell my name.

"Mizuki. Shereria, my name is Mizuki Kagariya."


"Yeah, I'm Mi-zu-ki."

"Lof, Mahamira, Mizuki, Sochifumohe."

"That's right. I'm Mizuki. You are Shereria, right?"

"Lof, Yamihira, Shereria, Mahamira, Mizuki."

For a while, Shereria and I called each other by our names.

I wonder why. Just knowing each other's names makes me incredibly happy.

It felt like when my father used to happily tell me stories from the time he traveled abroad to study flowers.

"Mizuki, Ryoufuzono Iyobonanhamo, Mizuki, Omineete."

Eventually, Shereria took my hand and invited me into her house.

Even though it's an invitation from the homeowner, I hesitated to enter a stranger's house, but Shereria seemed so delighted that I couldn't refuse.

The inside of the house was clean.

However, the layout was quite different from what I'd imagine for a typical dwelling.

First, it had the scent of wood. It smelled like hinoki... I think. Similar to the scent of a wooden bath that you can find in hot spring towns, it gave a sense of peace.

Perhaps this was because my parents were cultivating flowers in the house, I know about this.

Next, compared to modern residences, it had a somewhat aged appearance.

It gave the impression of a delicate house that could collapse with a slight disturbance.

"Mizuki, Homera Yamihimosouumuwo, Mineetemumme yo?"

Perhaps influenced by her tears from earlier, Shereria's eyes were a bit red and swollen, but she smiled at me and laid out food on the table inside the room.

The table was made of weathered wood, giving it a sense of dignity, and the dishes were made of silver-colored metal... not stainless steel, but a familiar thin metal.

The meal consisted of a dough kneaded and baked from flour, similar to pizza crust or Indian naan, accompanied by softened dried meat, vegetables, and a sauce with spices.

This type of cuisine resembled the culture of the Middle East or Asia.

However, Shereria was wearing a warm, white, and expensive-looking coat.

I'm not familiar with brands, but compared to the clothes I usually wear, it looked like a very expensive garment with sturdy construction and beautiful decorations. It didn't resemble typical Asian clothing; although, if I were to tell someone from the Middle East or Asia, they might get upset. Still, I couldn't help but find it mismatched.

Of course, there's a possibility that Shereria is from a different country and is now living here, but even with that thought, my mind comes to a halt, just like before.

Because I live in Japan, I was walking through ordinary Japanese streets, and then suddenly, I was on that mountain.

From this strong awareness, it doesn't feel like a dream anymore. That's why I'm left with questions about why I am here and about Shereria and her surroundings.

The climate is not like Japan, the old house, unfamiliar metal dishes, cuisine resembling the Asian region, and clothing.

No matter how I think about it, all of this seems incongruent.

If I consider Shereria's appearance alone, it's also intriguing.

When asked whether she's from America, England, Russia, or Germany, she'd be at a loss, but her facial features give off the impression of a foreigner imagined by Japanese people, with a hint of a European aura.

That part is fine. But what about the next two things?

Her hair cascading down, absorbing light, and shining... transparent.

I might think that it's a wig made of transparent polyester fibers, but it looks like healthy hair with a glossy sheen, connected to her scalp as if it were real.

And her golden eyes.

I've heard of amber, a color resembling amber, but it's not mixed with yellow or adzuki bean colors; it's a beautiful, deep, and captivating eye color that seems to be made of high-quality, pure gold.

"Zofuhimi mo? Yamihimo kihakiuchitechyo?"

Seemingly curious about me staring at her, Shereria asked something.

I don't understand her words, perhaps it's about the food.

"Uh, yeah. I'll try it."

Even though I already had lunch, I couldn't refuse the meal since I was invited to her house. Also, I didn't know how to communicate that I'm already full.

 I watched Shereria put dried meat, vegetables, and sauce in a manner similar to naan and nibbled on it the same way.

"It's delicious..."

The aroma of wheat and the savory flavor of the sauce danced on my tongue.

The vegetables were crunchy and had a unique taste I had never experienced before, but they were rich and fresh, probably organic.

The dried meat was much tenderer than it looked, offering a good bite and a juicy taste. It was impressive that such rich flavors could come from dried meat.

I have confidence in my cooking, but Shereria's dish was far more delicious than the bento I usually make.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Shereria, it's really tasty."

I conveyed my message with a smile that naturally appeared while taking another bite of the dish.

Shereria seemed to understand as she smiled happily in return.

"Oishii? Iihyomu?"

"Iihyomu? Does it mean 'delicious'?"

As I pronounced the word "iihyomu," Shereria smiled with joy.

It must be a word to compliment the food.

"Yeah, ii-hyo-mu."

"Mizuki, maozasofu..."

Shereria said with a gentle, beautiful smile, her eyes slightly filled with tears.

"Maozasofu," the word she kept whispering while hugging me earlier.

I don't know its meaning, but it somehow makes my heart feel warm... that's how it felt.

In the end, even though I was full after eating my lunch, I finished Shereria's dish.

It was genuinely delicious. I may have eaten a bit too much, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable.

After finishing the meal, Shereria tidied up the dishes, and I asked her.

"Um, which country is this?"

I opened one of the social studies textbooks in my bag, showing her the world map drawn on its pages. Luckily, we had a social studies class today.

Surely, she knows where she lives.

Shereria looked at the unfolded world map with a question mark expression.

I think she might be from Europe based on her surroundings, so I pointed to that region with my finger.


Apparently, she didn't understand.

If the language used is English, I could understand a bit from the English textbook, but it seems Shereria doesn't understand English either, as she showed the same reaction to the English textbook and the world map.

Maybe she's from an Asian region.

I remember my father mentioning Arabic, Hindi, and Persian when talking about languages in the Asian region. I'm not sure, but I think Chinese and Russian are also languages belonging to Asia.

Of course, I don't know any of those languages, so I can't provide an answer.

"Rubochinii-byuuhu, Mizuki, mahamira zohasana nimi mo?"

Shereria, who had been looking at the textbook with curiosity, called my name and asked, but she seemed troubled by the fact that we couldn't communicate.

She then closed the textbook like it was a fragile item and looked me up and down. Just like how I was gazing at her earlier, I felt a bit rude and regretful.

I reflected while looking at my own appearance.

From Shereria's perspective, my Japanese school uniform might look strange. Conversely, from my perspective, Shereria's clothes might look like traditional ethnic attire, so it's a mutual feeling.

Even so, when Shereria smiled, I couldn't help but smile naturally.

For some reason, I think Shereria is a kind person.


Shereria overlapped her hands with mine, delighted.

Why is she so happy?

I'm really curious about that.

However, I have to go back; I have a place to return to.

I appreciate her kindness, but I need to express my gratitude and find my way back.

"Um... Thank you for everything. The food was delicious."

I bow, conveying my gratitude through actions since our words don't seem to be understood.

Shereylia may not understand my words either, but I want to believe she understands my feelings from her smile.

"Well then, I'll be leaving. Thank you very much."

As I tried to leave, Shereiria clung to me.

"Zohokichimu mo, Mizuki? Rosokinahakiohachimoku."


I was perplexed. Shereiria looked up at me, seeming very sad.

It appeared she was trying to convey something, but I couldn't understand a thing.

My father went through this too. Anyway, I'll use gestures to communicate my intentions.

"I have to go back; I need to find my way."

I pointed towards the exit, mimicking walking.

"Azahikichihofu? Yasammichihyokichimu!"

Seems like my nonverbal communication got through; Shereiria nodded vigorously.

She quickly hurried back inside her house, communicating through gestures to wait a little while longer. I noticed she was packing her things.

Could it be that she's coming along with me?

Perhaps she's offering to lead me to where people are.

If that's the case, I couldn't ask for anything better.

After all, even if I were to encounter someone else like Shereiria, they might not be as kind. Shereiria treated me kindly, but the next person might not. If Shereiria comes with me, I'll be safer.

If she can guide me, that would be perfect.

Shereiria packed various items into a sturdy backpack, just like the clothing.

Starting from spare clothes and thin blankets, to food that could last a long time like dried meat and sweet potatoes.

There were also some small cooking utensils, a few pieces of tableware, and a bundle of papers.

The papers were crisp and dry... they seemed to be parchment paper.

Compared to the paper I used for my notebook, the quality was far from good, and each piece had hand-drawn geometric patterns, making it a bundle of handmade papers.

The burn marks on each piece had different colors - red, blue, yellow, green - a rich variety.

I wonder if these are precious items or perhaps something religious.

Shereiria wore clothing I hadn't seen before, which made me think that way.

"Mizuki, kamie miyahe."

After she finished preparing, Shereiria shouldered the bulging backpack and said cheerfully.

She must have used words like "let's go" or "sorry for the wait."

"Yeah, let's go."

I nodded, pointing towards the road with nonverbal communication.

Shereylia also nods in response and starts walking.

Along the way, I try to ask if she wants me to carry the bags, but she shakes them up and down as if to say, "It's light; I can handle it." I'm surprised.

Shereylia seems to have much more physical stamina than me, and I'm impressed.

I should probably work on building my own stamina.

Not that it mattered; we couldn't reach a place with people even as evening approached.

As the evening approached, we still couldn't reach a place where people lived.

Despite my legs being swollen and sore from the muscle pain, Shereylia remained energetic, which somehow challenged my pride as a man... No, it was more about watching Shereylia.

I felt motivated to do my best as well.

Before I knew it, that feeling had taken over me.

As the sun began to set, casting a beautiful red hue around us, Shereylia spread out the bag she had been carrying and started preparing something.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Minuki, maoozasofu, rofuhe..."

My words seemed to have been conveyed through gestures, and Shereiria nodded once with a smile. She looked around the area near the tree and picked up some fallen twigs, showing them to me.

Seeing her placing the twigs together on the ground, I nodded in understanding.

"I see, you want to make a campfire. I'll gather some more twigs."


Once I ventured slightly off the path, there were plenty of trees, and under them, I found many dry twigs suitable for a campfire.

I have experience with camping thanks to my parents, who love mountains. They used to take me on camping trips a lot when I was younger. While I haven't experienced outdoor sleeping, I've had plenty of camping experiences.

Whenever I felt down, my mother, who was not very skilled in dealing with emotions, would always take me camping. That's why I love sleeping in places like this.

Despite feeling a bit uncomfortable with the bugs, the excitement of camping makes those minor inconveniences fade away.

Oh right, I promised my mother I'd cook a meat dish for her today.

Considering how things are going, it might be challenging to make it back home today...

I'm sorry, Mom, for breaking our promise. I'll definitely make it up to you later, so please forgive me.

While mentally apologizing to my mother, who isn't here, I searched for dry twigs.

"Is this enough?"

By the time I finished collecting enough twigs, it was just before the sun set, and the sky had turned a faint purple color, signaling twilight.

When I returned to where Shereiria was preparing, I noticed something unusual.

Using small stones, she had formed a circle and attached three red-colored charms along the center of the circle. Around the edge, she had affixed a green charm. She had a small pot nearby with a blue charm stuck to its bottom.

The red and green charms seemed to be for religious reasons, but I wondered about the blue one.

As I was about to ask Shereiria what they were for, she took the branch and placed it on top of the circle.

"Oh, I forgot to bring a lighter from home, but maybe we can use—"

Before I could finish speaking, I witnessed something unbelievable.

The red charm ignited, and the fire quickly spread to the twigs, creating a much stronger fire than any lighter could produce. But what surprised me even more was that the green charm seemed to be blowing air into the fire, making it burn more vigorously. It was as if the charm was controlling the wind to fuel the fire.

I was in awe, and no words came out of my mouth.

Did she use oil or some other substance on the charms? I doubted it since all the charms appeared to be dry, and they didn't look capable of producing such a powerful flame.

Also, using oil wouldn't explain the control over the wind.

Then I noticed the blue charm stuck to the bottom of the pot. When I looked inside the pot, it was filled with clean water, and water was overflowing from the charm.

Unable to contain my astonishment, I forgot that we couldn't communicate through language and asked Shereiria.

"Um... what exactly is all this?"

It's possible that I'm simply unaware of the kind of technology that allows paper to create fire, wind, and water.

Of course, it might be just my lack of knowledge, and such technologies might exist. But regardless, I was still struggling to accept what I was witnessing.

To put it simply, it felt like magic.

Yes, magic.

I came up with the word myself, but it fit perfectly with the current situation.

It was like witnessing the magic that appears in fairy tales.

Is Shereiria a magician?

Shereiria seemed like a young sorceress with her attire, which resembled the robes worn by magical characters. In the fairy tales I've read, the magic users were often witches in black outfits, but by changing the colors, it wouldn't be hard to believe that Shereiria was saying, "I'm a sorceress."

"Serunahiti? Osahimiamihasanrehamehachiyakuhe"

Shereylia speaks to me warmly as I stare at the paper with wide eyes.

I don't fully understand, but it must be something ordinary for Shereylia.

Now that I think about it, there is a significant discrepancy between what is considered ordinary for me and what is ordinary for Shereylia.

Of course, that includes our living places and languages, but it feels like something fundamental is different.

Unfortunately, I have no way to confirm this.

Swallowing the words that were about to come out of my throat, I resumed helping Shereiria.

For dinner, we had leftovers from lunch, like naan with some toppings, and a soup made by dissolving some powder in hot water, similar to a consomme soup.

Both of them were already delicious, and eating them in nature made them even more enjoyable.

By the time the rice was ready, the sun had completely set, and the surroundings were engulfed in darkness.

With no artificial light sources around, it was true darkness.

The only lights were the warm campfire and the vast expanse of stars in the sky.

I felt like a child as I spotted the first star and got excited.

However, it became clear that this place was not the familiar town I knew.

The night sky, adorned with countless stars that one could see in the countryside on a clear day, was breathtaking. It was dark and a bit frightening, but the beautiful starry sky made up for the lack of electric lights.

... It's so quiet here.

The crackling of the twigs in the campfire is the only sound, accompanied by the gentle rustling of the wind.


Perhaps because I was lost in the beauty of the night sky, Shereiria asked me something.

The steam from the soup was still rising, freezing in the cold air and dissipating with the wind.

Her question was probably related to the meal.

"Iihyomu, I guess."


I see, what Shereiria said just now means "thank you".

Let's express our gratitude to the stars. Maybe I should say "Ma'ozasof" in this country.

"Nyofuna, mimumayochimisara, ofuhekahyofu."

After finishing our meal, Shereiria took out a warm, large blanket from her bag. Is she suggesting that we wrap ourselves in it or use it to sleep?


Sitting beside me, Shereiria put on the blanket, leaving only our heads exposed.

It seemed to be an expensive blanket, as it was incredibly warm.

However, what made me feel even warmer was the blush of embarrassment creeping up on me.

The surroundings were incredibly quiet, which made me even more aware of Shereiria's heartbeat and even her breathing. Conversely, my own pounding heart was probably audible to Shereiria.

Yes... sounds...

I could hear her slightly quickened breaths, moist with emotion.

I shifted my gaze towards Shereiria.

There, I saw her silently shedding tears.

"What's wrong?"

Did she see through the strange thoughts I had and get hurt?

If it's my fault, I want to apologize.

However, Shereylia smiles faintly, with tears in her eyes, just like before.

I wish I could understand the reason behind her tears and offer comforting words.

I've only known Shereylia for a few hours, yet I can't help but feel that way.

But there was a big barrier between us - language.

Why was she looking at me like that?

That was the only thing I regretted in my heart.

This novel will only be updated on Saturday. Every Saturday, 1 whole chapter will be released.

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