Ch 7

Episode 1-7: Blessing

①This "slave mark" is a small magic circle, used for individual identification and location tracking of "third-class slaves," and it is rumored to contain a magic spell that would cause the third-class slave to die if someone attempts to deactivate this "slave mark" by any means. However, the details are classified as state secrets. → ...for location tracking...

Episode 1-7: Blessing

"Alicia, it will only be possible for you to leave this Raymond Company again after being purchased by your master," Gasper declared to Alicia as they disembarked from the two-wheeled box-shaped carriage at the entrance of the Raymond Company.

"Harl-sama, I will now explain the mindset of a 'second-class slave' to Alicia and guide her through the Raymond Company. How would you like to proceed?" Gasper inquired about my actions.

"Well then, I'll accompany you," I replied. Due to the fact that I myself had only entered the Raymond Company a few times, I decided to join them.

Honestly, the majority of my emotions were occupied by the difficulty of parting with Alicia...

"Understood. This building is the 'headquarters' of the Raymond Company, composed of one basement floor and four above-ground floors," Gasper explained as Alicia and I entered the headquarters of the Raymond Company while listening to his explanation.

The first room we entered was the reception and office, where the employees were busy working.

"The first floor consists of the 'office' and 'general reception room'," Gasper said, leading us through the Hallway next to the office and into the 'general reception room'.

In the center of the 'general reception room' was a large, sturdy desk and a sofa, and there was a stage-like structure at the back.

"Other than the employees, there are currently over 50 'second-class slaves' employed in this building," Gasper said. Alicia stood upright against the wall, her gaze directed towards the stage at the back.

When a customer makes a request, she must stand on that stage and undress to show her own quality. It is not a matter unrelated to her.

"By the way, the 'third-class slaves' are housed in buildings in the suburbs," Gasper explained, revealing that there are no 'third-class slaves' here.

In this room, while the valued guests comfortably relax on the sofa, they can engage in negotiations with up to five "class 2 slaves" arranged on the stage over there.

In this manner, Gaspar explained the "general reception room".

Then, the explanation about the slaves was given.

According to the "Slave Law," there are defined categories of slaves, such as "class 1 slaves," "class 2 slaves," "class 3 slaves," and "special slaves."

"Class 1 slaves" referred to as quasi-citizens, are individuals who have been accepted from defeated nations and are particularly outstanding, with a high likelihood of being promoted to general citizens in the near future. This also includes servants who have made mistakes in noble households, and they are subject to restricted citizenship for a certain period.

Therefore, it was explained that "class 1 slaves" are not handled by the slave trade association.

Next, the "class 2 slaves" that Alicia had been assigned to are the commonly known slaves. They do not possess citizenship and always require the protection of their masters. They have a mark indicating ownership.

There are various types of ownership marks such as "branding," "tattooing," and "curse marks." Masters are even permitted to dispose of unnecessary slaves, but in case of disposal, it is necessary to report to the country within a week.

However, the reason for reporting is for taxation purposes regarding slave ownership, specifically an annual head tax of one gold coin. This is to manage the head tax.

Furthermore, a distinctive feature of class 2 slaves is that if desired by their masters, they can be granted freedom. Indeed, Harl's father had utilized this system to free his mother from slavery.

"Class 3 slaves" are the lowest level of status, assigned to criminals and the like, and are never released from slavery in their lifetime.

Additionally, once they become "class 3 slaves," they receive a special tattoo called the "slave mark" on their forehead.

This "slave mark" is a small magic square that incorporates a magic spell that would cause the death of a "class 3 slave" if anyone tries to nullify it by any means. The details are classified as a national secret.

And they are transferred through slave merchants at regular intervals.

They are sold for a certain price and forced to engage in harsh labor such as mining. Most of them die within a year.

Finally, the "special slaves" are those who have been assigned as punishment for royal family members and high-ranking nobles. They are strictly managed by the country and never appear in regular slave markets.

Of course, cases include enemy royalty who have been subjugated. However, most of them end up being executed, so there are rarely any applications for this category.

After leaving the "general reception room," we descended to the basement.

The basement had very little lighting, creating a somewhat frightening atmosphere.

However, in my previous life, as the Cardinal of the Earth Gaia Church, I supervised the Inquisition department, so it somehow felt nostalgic.

"The basement consists of the 'training room' and the 'disciplinary room'," Gaspar explained.

Through Gaspar's explanation, it was confirmed that this was indeed a place that matched the atmosphere, and Alicia listened with a pale face.

In the "training room" that we were first shown, restraints, suspicious tools, and various chemicals were neatly arranged, ready to handle any slave who entered the room immediately.

The same could be said for the "disciplinary room" that we were shown next. By examining the facilities in the "disciplinary room," it was evident that it was also equipped to handle the "execution" of slaves.

For Alicia, the stimulation was too strong, and she trembled while listening to Gaspar's explanation.

However, upon later confirmation with Gaspar, he revealed that these facilities are rarely used and are primarily meant to suppress any rebelliousness in the slaves they accept.

There were some elements of the production that made me laugh, such as deliberately dimmed lighting and a dirty wall to create a sense of realism.

For each gender, the Raymond Company has one "slave trainer" who is in charge. However, due to the company's policy, they are currently not engaged in their main duty of training slaves. They only provide training when specifically requested by the slave's owner.

However, the training fee is set at a high price, so it seems that there are very few requests for it in reality.

Their daily tasks involve managing the slaves' health, including providing treatment for minor illnesses.

Then, we went up to the second floor.

The second floor houses the male "second-class slaves." In the structure of the centrally-located "common rooms," they can relax and be assessed. There are also shared facilities such as a dining Harll and toilets.

The third floor houses the female "second-class slaves," and the basic layout is the same as the second floor.

I had assumed that Alicia and I would be accommodated in the "common rooms" on the third floor, but I was told that expensive "second-class slaves" are accommodated in the "special rooms" on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor consists of several "special rooms," "special reception rooms," and my father's "office."

I was guided to the largest room within the "special rooms" since Alicia is the most valuable among the currently enlisted "second-class slaves." The outside of the "special rooms" is the same as the other "common rooms," but there are luxurious furnishings such as a four-poster bed with a canopy, creating a special atmosphere.

"Harl-sama, thank you for your exceptional consideration."

When Alicia entered the "special room," she took off the coat I had lent her and bowed her head.

"There is one more request I have."

When I asked about her request, she asked for my chest as her final wish.


Granting Alicia's wish, I let her borrow my chest, and she started crying, suppressing her voice.

"Harl-sama, after reporting to master, I will return to my regular duties."

Gasper, who entered the room with us, seemed to understand the atmosphere and left.

After that, Alicia stood upright, crying, and I couldn't help but want to embrace her tightly with both arms.

Nevertheless, Alicia is currently wearing a thin "slave outfit" as a "second-class slave," and when we are close, I can feel her heartbeat and warmth – it makes my heart race. This is the first time I have had such an experience, even including my past life.

"....Harl-sama....thank you....very much."

Alicia has calmed down, so I should leave as well.

In the midst of a feeling of loneliness, where I may never see Alicia again, an idea came to mind.

"Alicia, I have one more request from me."

I proposed something while wishing for Alicia's happiness.

"What is it, Lord Harl?"

"Can you pray to the god you believe in for Alicia's sake?"

I urged Alicia to do so and asked her to take a posture of folding her knees and offering prayers to the god.

Alicia closed her eyes and prayed with all her heart.

"Oh great one who sits in heaven, please bestow your blessing upon this individual!"

I chanted the "holy verse" while making the "holy seal" with familiarity and infused it with magical power.

Then, with a feeling of something leaving me, Alicia's entire body was enveloped in a faint green phosphorescence, and the sacred rite of God's blessing, called "protection," was bestowed upon her.

This was a skill and ability as a priest that I remembered from my previous life, but such a significant effect had only occurred a few times in my previous life.

Likely, my feelings of affection and love towards Alicia pushed the effect further.

"Huh... no way...!?"

Alicia was frozen in surprise.

"Alicia! I am praying for a kind master to appear for you."

I suppressed the feeling of being pulled back and left the "special confinement room."

I would confirm the effectiveness of the "protection" I bestowed upon Alicia six months later.

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  1. Thank you for the series. Quite unexpected turn of event.


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