
 Serious Systemic Defense Theory of Self-Deprecation

Part 1


The dreaded house was located just a ten-minute walk from the train station.

With a history that included a family tragedy, home invasion robbery, a cult group suicide, and even a gathering place for double suicides, the impressive record boasted an exact count of forty incidents. Despite attempts by multiple demolition companies to tear down the fifty-year-old 4LDK two-story building, they were met with disastrous failures. Some mysterious force seemed to protect it, causing various malfunctions and injuries among the workers involved in the construction, leading to an outbreak of accidents and illnesses.

In desperation, they even requested support from a monk, but that too ended in a disaster. During the exorcism, the monk suffered a heart attack and was carried away in an ambulance, which turned into a hearse.

Eventually, they gave up on the demolition of the cannibalistic house. The nearby residents were terrified just to be near it, as if they were being cursed.

Over the years, no one dared to take over the property. That was until five years ago when an audacious fool, eager to be the protagonist of a horror house story, decided to move in.

Indeed, that person was none other than an adult man with no prospects for the future.

He had been stubbornly negotiating for an accident-damaged property with a real estate agent, and the unreasonable condition he demanded led to him being offered this cannibal house.

For a mere 40,000 yen, he acquired this exquisite property known for its spiritual experiences. Fearless and oblivious to the supernatural, this man didn't waver in his decision even after hearing the notorious history of the cannibal house.

From the landlord's perspective, just having someone willing to move in was a relief. They gladly agreed to no guarantor, no deposit, and no key money for immediate occupancy. However, in return, he had to sign a written agreement stating that the landlord wouldn't be responsible for any problems he might encounter.

He didn't join the neighborhood association. Why? Because no one wanted to have any contact with someone living in the cannibal house. Though they were allowed to use shared facilities like the garbage disposal area, they kept their distance, as if making eye contact would lead to a curse.

For the man, this was an ideal living situation. There were no actual supernatural occurrences, and he had no need to interact with the neighbors. The landlord even sent him regular seasonal gifts and contributions, a truly win-win situation.

Finally, the day came when he brought a woman into the horror house.

Rena Falt, a perfect Ten-Realms Exalted. The epitome of perfection.

Yes, he had made the extraordinary decision to invite a busty high school girl into his home, a decision that seemed too far-fetched to be true.

At first, he thought Rena was playing a prank on him.

They had met through an online game. Their five-year-long interaction culminated in an offline meetup, where Rena approached him for support during her escape from home. Who would easily believe that such a person would turn out to be a busty high school girl?

His first thought was that Rena was her sister.

Perhaps she hadn't actually run away but was visiting relatives or on a trip. Maybe she thought it was a good opportunity to meet him. And perhaps, she forcibly dragged her sister along, planning to impress him with the presence of a busty high school girl.

The fact that he had been lured in by such a trap, and even managed to catch a busty high school girl, made him feel as if someone was observing and gloating at him from the shadows.

Ignoring her, he scanned the area to find a college student-like figure.

"U-u-um, it's not... I'm... Rena Falt."

Once again, with a voice barely louder than a mosquito's buzz, she asserted that she was Rena Falt.

A busty high school girl who looked up at him with teary eyes.

From an outsider's perspective, it looked as if he was bullying her.

Dousing his head with cold water to clear his mind and take a deep breath, he spoke his mind.



The self-proclaimed "Lena," a well-endowed high school girl with a sorrowful expression, lowered her face.

If we were to treat her as "Temporary Lena," there are certain things that need to be taken into consideration first.

"Can you put the hood on?"

"Uh, um... yes."

Despite her slow speech, Lena quickly and flusteredly put on the hood.

The sight of a busty high school girl and what appeared to be an adult man, who could not possibly look like siblings, sitting face-to-face would undoubtedly raise suspicions.

She was petite, making it dangerous to be seated too close, but it would be better than having people see her tearful expression. As long as people didn't see her face, they would probably believe that she was the younger sister visiting her adult brother.


"Yes, y-yes..."


"I-I'm... sorry."

The second confirmation was accompanied by an apologetic and remorseful tone.

Though I hesitated on what to do, I couldn't just stand here indefinitely. That would only increase the distrust from those around us.

"For now... will you come with me?"

Lena nodded silently in response.

If the real Lena was still around and laughing at this scene, I solemnly swore that I would definitely put her in an armlock. Even if the younger sister, Lena, tried to stop me, I would absolutely not back down.

However, after walking in silence for five minutes, the supposed male university student never approached us.

I also trust Lena. Even if this was a prank, she wouldn't stretch it out so maliciously. There was no reason for her to make me uncomfortable like this.

Therefore, I had to accept this reality.

"Lena... Seriously?"


The third confirmation made Lena shrink in fear.

Originally, I planned to take Lena to the bar, but realistically, treating her as an adult was impossible. I couldn't trouble the bar with this situation.

"I encountered some trouble and can't go back to the bar right now. I'll explain later."

I sent a message and received an immediate reply.

"Something interesting?"

"At the very least, it's your type."

"I'm looking forward to it."

As expected from Gami, replying with something funny to "trouble occurred."

But enough about Gami. Let's focus on Lena.

From behind, as if embodying the saying "Women should walk three steps behind men," Lena, like a puppy that doesn't want to be abandoned, made a rattling sound as she followed.

I wondered if it would be okay to take her home like this, but at the same time, I couldn't just enter any random store. The image of an adult man with a busty high school girl only looked like a monetary transaction between a man and a woman.

As they continued to hesitate and waver in their decision, their feet led them towards the horror house.

"Speaking of which, did I mention my house before?"

"Y-yes, with four... no, forty people, right?"

Struggling to get the words out, Rena spoke about her home situation.

Aside from the real estate agent, Rena and Gami were the only ones familiar with the accident-prone nature of her house.

The mention of forty people made it all the more certain that this well-endowed high school girl was indeed Rena.

"Is it really alright around here?"

Looking back over her shoulder,

"Um, um, um, it's... better to be inside the house."

Her small face nodded slightly from within the hood.

Which is worse, living near a notorious accident-prone property, or being  in a complicated family situation.

It was at that moment when I stopped trying to make a decision and just went with the flow.

Without realizing it, I had arrived at my house.

Though one couldn't call it beautiful, it wasn't a complete wreck either; one wouldn't feel any creepiness without knowing its splendid history and illustrious achievements.

In that sense, Rena might be someone of importance.

She seemed like a timid little animal, but without any hesitation or pause, she jumped into the mouth of the man-eating house.

"At any rate, welcome, Rena."

"I-I-I-I'll be intruding... Senpai."


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